Something Very Wrong is Heading This Way
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Something Very Wrong is Heading This Way

Predictive programming can be done in any number of ways. Hollywood has proven to be prolific in creating audio-visual entertainment options detailing the near future. Books, once thought to be purely fiction because at the time they were written the concepts and technologies were purely fiction, have also given us glimpses into the future certain segments of humanity seek to have the rest of humanity adopt. News outlets; however, are not really supposed to cover these types of things. They are supposed to deal with factual events which have occurred and allow the readers to determine whether those are good are bad things.

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Who Let These Dogs Out? How Are They Being Reigned Back In?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Who Let These Dogs Out? How Are They Being Reigned Back In?

On October 6, 2023 there was a music festival. Early the following morning, bulldozers started rolling over fences, rifles reported, women were being raped, and those sleeping were woken up to be kidnapped. As they slept, residents in Israel woke up to being shot, raped, or the news that their brothers and sisters were being attacked. Hamas decided to attack civilians in Israel to try to make good on their promise to destroy Israel.

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The Truth of Science
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The Truth of Science

I was thinking about G-d the other day. I was thinking about His place in heaven and wondering what it means to be outside of time and outside of space. I can’t comprehend it because, frankly, G-d doesn’t intended to have mankind understand His abode. While we cannot comprehend it, it doesn’t mean we can’t posit suggestions about it as our minds will allow.

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Remember When Hockey Sticks Got a Bad Name?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Remember When Hockey Sticks Got a Bad Name?

In 2006 Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth, one of the most fraudulent and alarmist documentaries ever made. Humanity is going to go extinct because of our use of so-called fossil fuels according to the one hour and 36 minute propaganda piece. Sea levels were already supposed to have devastated coastal areas, storms were supposed to have already erase entire nations, and the world was supposed to be a blazing inferno. The cause Al Gore pointed at in the documentary was anything which produces carbon dioxide – anything which is powered by combustion, energized by ‘fossil fuels’, or exhales carbon dioxide. The fix Al Gore demanded was a carbon credit pricing scheme.

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The Absurdity of International Courts
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The Absurdity of International Courts

Of all of the international agencies, international courts represent the most insidious and overt attack on sovereignty. Courts, properly understood, exist to exercise the sovereignty of a nation. The mere existence of a court outside the bounds of national sovereign states represents the end of the nation state. There are dozens of such arrangements in the world. Many of them are European and many of them serve to rule on treaty disputes to serve the interests of creating economic blocs out of the world’s nations. Others exist based on the concept of human rights and seek to place the entire world, from national affairs to individual actions, under their jurisdiction.

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Shalom 18
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Shalom 18

We live in a hyper-busy world. Stress creeps in and accumulates from virtually everything we do. Nothing seems to be as easy at is should be. Pharmaceutical prescriptions, recreational drug use, exercise, and alcohol all point at the benefits they offer towards relieving stress. They all promote ‘rest’. Through true rest, not the inebriated kind, the kind which truly offers peace – shalom for our bodies and minds by avoiding having to engage in stressful physical and mental activities and the situations which give rise to them – we are able to explore those matters which are truly important.

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The Population War
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The Population War

How can the evil upon the world affect us if we have righteousness in our hearts and minds and use our strength to show that righteousness? Those pursuing the Population War know they cannot defeat righteousness in a one on one battle so they bend over backwards to deceive as many as they can. These people mistakenly think that multitudes of darkness will swallow those of the light. It is light; however, that pierces through the darkness as anyone who has operated a flashlight or driven at night knows. Yet, the world is not full of righteousness. The world is full of wickedness. It’s wickedness which has encouraged the Population War’s warmongers to engage in the extermination of 7.5 billion people in the first place. It is our own wickedness which keeps us separated from the Truth which has allowed these monsters to prosper in their efforts.

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Marcion’s Return
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Marcion’s Return

Progressivism has sown it’s disunity in our societies, governments, and communities – don’t let it into our churches. Don’t let it into your heart. Know the Word – the Torah. Walk in the footsteps of Yeshua who walked and taught the Torah. And look to our Messiah for the salvation we are promised that we may have an abode in His glorious Kingdom.

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Disease X Revisited
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Disease X Revisited

I have written about Disease X before. I wrote about it at the beginning of last year almost to the day as a matter of fact. Disease X doesn’t change. It is a placeholder for unknown pathogens which have yet to cause disease in humanity. When Covid-19 was released upon the world it fit the bill for Disease X at the time. In the aftermath of that biological attack, a new Disease X is being contemplated to be released. Disease X may sound like a cinematic science fiction psychological drama but, I assure you, it is more real than you can imagine.

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