Argentina Is Still Dealing With Nazi’s

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/10/2024

Argentina Is Still Dealing With Nazi’s

Javier Milei is the recently elected president of Argentina. The nation, once one of the richest on earth, has endured over 100 years of Marxist ideas. December 2023 marked the ascension of Milei to the Argentine presidency which represents a historic change in the nation – one which offers an anti-Marxist approach to governance. The powers that be in other nations and, especially, at international organizations fear movements which seek to empower the people through increased freedom, particularly in the economic realm, and have the potential to actually alleviate poverty, reduce disparities, and lift up the nation as a whole. For these reasons Milei is being blasted from all segments of society.

One of the segments of society attacking Milei is the scientific community in Argentina. The publication Nature has taken to disparaging Milei because of his need to reign in government spending which is having an effect on the sciences. While over 40% of the nation is living in poverty, these self-congratulating scientists – bloviated idiots in lab coats with a penchant for arrogance, greed, and anti-human endeavors – are demanding that their budgets should be immune from government-wide spending freezes. Nature offered their article in support of these ‘scientists’.

The problem Nature and the contingent of Marxist scientists in Argentina have is that the budget for 2024 will remain unchanged from 2023. Nature and the scientists they are agitating for are literally stating that inflation has caused their operating costs to rise and that keeping their budget at 2023 levels is dangerous. In addition to the dangers presented by these fear-mongers in lab coats, they are declaring themselves as some kind of self-appointed messiahs who deserve special treatment as if they do not have to deal with the rest of society, live in that society, or do things beneficial for that society. Both of these elements are present in Nature’s opening paragraph in “‘Despair’: Argentinian researchers protest as president begins dismantling science”:

“Three months after Javier Milei took office as the new president of Argentina, scientists there say that their profession is in crisis. As Milei cuts government spending to bring down the country’s deficit and to lower inflation — now more than 250% annually — academics say that some areas of research are at risk. And they say that institutes supported by Argentina’s main science agency, the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), might have to shut down. Researchers have been expressing their anger and discontent on social media and protesting in the streets.”

CONICET is easily rendered, through anagram, into the word CONCEIT which is a far more accurate label for this council – at least for the way it has operated until December 2023. These ‘scientists’ are really nothing more than Marxist agitators more concerned with making sure they are able to procure their slice of the national economic pie than doing science, the welfare of their nation, or the people their efforts are supposed to assist. Agitating is an action undertaken by Marxists trying to blur the line between terrorism and protest and that is exactly what these scientists are doing. They are demanding special favors because they see themselves as ‘elites’ of a society absolutely falling apart around them. Now that a real leader is in place which sees these scientists for what they really are, members of a society on the brink of collapse due to economic devastation, they are freaking out.

CONICET had a budget of over $80 billion (Argentine pesos) in 2022 – about 9.5 million USD today; however, at the time the budget would have equated to around $571 million in USD. That should give an indication of the effects inflation has had on Argentina over the course of the last year and a half. It should also put into context how absurd these ‘scientists’ are behaving and the audacity that Nature would attempt to divert funds away from a nation on the verge of starving to death. So here is Milei saying Argentina needs to get inflation under control so that the people can get their lives under control and the scientists saying let them eat cake….

As CONICET is a sprawling government program which has for far too long enjoyed a special status under the Marxist rule of past Argentine presidents it is too large to go piece by piece to expose the rampant corruption which has existed which is now prompting the Marxists who have grown fat from the largess into the streets. Nonetheless it exists. Marxism always seeks to throw G-d out of any consideration both publicly and privately and to replace it with science and so-called rational thinking. This is why the corruption in CONICET is so deep. It is also what attracted these ‘scientists’ to CONICET in the first place. Argentina’s government needed the scientific community to create a semblance of a cohesive society without G-d. In return, these scientists were largely immune from the repercussions of the Marxist policies the nation.

One area of CONICET which could be gotten rid of entirely is, “The National Program for Science and Justice [which] aims at strengthening the bonds between the scientific community of CONICET,  the judiciary, the Public Prosecutor and Defense, and advocates from all the country in order to bind the sciences to society.” That, in a nutshell, is a Marxist ploy to replace G-d with science. Imagine the cost saved not having to pay the nine members of the advisory board, the four consultants, nor fund their experiments. Some of these experiments include delving into transhumanism (turning carbon-based life into silicon-based life), human genomes based on Darwin’s debunked evolutionary theories to predetermine diseases in individuals (pre-crime for health), and socially engineering a progressively ‘woke’ Argentina.

The astounding thing about the Nature article is that it included a reference to a letter signed by 68 Nobel prize winners. Nature quoted the letter, which basically says that if Argentina is not increasing the budget for science it is doing a disservice to the people of Argentina and the world at large. The letter contains an insulated and nonsensical view of Argentina’s contributions to what passes for science these days and demands that these efforts continue to have money thrown at them. Specifics include GMO-wheat, radio telescopes to pretend the Big Bang (not G-d) created the universe, and more gene mutilating ‘therapies’ labeled as vaccines.

‘Experts’ who have won Nobel prizes, including one in economics, fail to see that the science budget in Argentina has directly contributed to the massive inflation issues and the poverty wrecking the lives of over 40% of the Argentine population. What matters to these prize winners in chemistry, medicine, and physics (and the one ‘economist’) is not making sure people in Argentina have access to work, food, shelter, or an education which will make obtaining those things more likely – they are worried about increasing their share of the national budget.

The lone economist who signed the letter is a 2004 recipient of a Nobel prize named Finn F. Kydland. He won the prize along with another degenerate after, “working separately and together, influenced the monetary and fiscal policies of governments and laid the basis for the increased independence of many central banks.” In other words, Kyland’s ideas, particularly as they relate to ‘increased independence of central banks’ is why there are huge problems for normal people. Central bankers are a species of degeneracy which deserves a special entry in pathological maladies and psychiatric disorders – increased independence of central banks has a direct correlation with individual strife due to lack of available resources (that is a hypothesis which all of us are showing the veracity of) and those who advocate for central bank independence are the architects of the economic maladies befalling the people. Kydland won a prize (nearly a million USD) for his dedication to evil.

Of the rest of the winners of the Nobel winners who signed the letter to Milei telling him to increase the budget for ‘science’, one is a guy always trying to sniff out billions of dollars as he is trying to secure funding for a linear particle accelerator. These atom smashing machines have been accredited with potentially creating a black hole on earth and have also opened portals into other worlds or dimensions where communication has taken place through the portal. Barry Clark Barish won the Nobel prize for his work observing gravitational waves and now wants to observe them on earth. Mind you, he observed these waves through two black holes colliding in outer space. Now he wants to observe these waves on earth….

Sir Michael Houghton won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2020 for having discovered the hepatitis C virus. He works to promote the very failed theories that all disease is caused by germs and has doubled down on creating a vaccine to combat the disease he claims to have discovered. Houghton seeks to bypass vaccine safety measures as well as have them rewritten so that he can get this useless but potentially highly profitable product to market as quickly as possible, he fails to mention that he is not developing a vaccine at all. He is creating another mRNA chimera which will maim and mutilate human DNA on the road to creating humans in the image of man….

Roald Hoffmann came up with a way to predict chemical reaction results based on the symmetry of electron orbitals. He won the Nobel prize for this work in 1981. Some of his recent work involves chemically binding metals to carbon and, particularly, carbon that exists in life forms. Thus, he is, knowingly or unknowingly, making huge strides in furthering the creation of making cyborgs out of G-d’s creations.

It is no surprise that Argentina has a lot of scientific endeavors into the obscene and profane. At the risk of being perversely offensive to some of the individuals mentioned in this article due to their backgrounds, it must be stated that thousands of Nazi’s, including some of the most notorious criminals of the enterprise, fled to Argentina after World War II. Just like in Nazi-infested Ukraine today, the progeny of the Nazi’s in Argentina constitute a great many of the scientists who are demanding increased budgets while the people starve to death.

The scientists in Argentina who are involved with CONICET are involved in a Nazi-inspired recreation of eugenics. Their basis and rationale are drawn from Hitler’s own – that Darwin’s theories are absolutely correct, humanity is not capable of deciding it’s own future, and that the dictates of an ideological scientific-technological elite is the highest order of public good there is – and it shows.

These scientists are completely given over to conducting research in areas intended to destroy the individual to serve the ends of the collective. An example exists when examining the desire to mitigate man-made climate change through collective versions of justice with the full intention of destroying any individual or sub-group which strays from the new normal. Medicine and chemistry are dedicated to creating silicon-based life forms, also known as transhumanism. Biotechnologists continuously create chimeric devices which they call food, medicine, and vaccines. Physics has devolved into an organized cult seeking to disprove the existence of G-d altogether by making claims ‘proving’ Darwinian evolution and the big-bang theory fathered by Georges Lemaître.

Argentina's science program is not unique in it’s endeavors to continue on in the same vein as the monsters of the Third Reich. Most of the science we have these days come from concepts developed by Nazi scientists. Nazi scientists took the concepts they worked with to their logical conclusions which included denying the existence of G-d, demanding that human life is not special because we are merely highly evolved and mutated versions of pond scum, and that average human beings should not to be allowed to continue existing with even an iota of free will. These scientists have abandoned any intention to explain how G-d created the universe we live in and everything in it – they do science to try to disprove G-d so they can make claims that they are gods themselves and that the rest of humanity must obey their every whim.

Argentina is different than the United States, the former USSR (now the Russian Federation), and European States. Argentina was led by an overt Nazi-sympathizer who welcomed the criminals of World War II into the nation. Other nations like the United States, Great Britain, and the USSR had Operation Paperclip, T-Force, and Operation Osoaviakhim, respectively, which brought the scientific prowess of the Nazi regime under the control of the Allies. Argentina’s Juan Domingo Peron brought any Nazi into his nation. While Peron normalized relations with Israel for political reasons, the Jews which had emigrated from Europe and Russia to flee persecution and pogroms were treated to new rounds of oppression in Argentina. Peron’s legacy, to my sensibilities, is one of a lasting antisemitic bent which was seized on by the Nazi elements he invited in when he was deposed in 1955.

For nearly two decades Peron and the catastrophic mess he created out of the government tolerated the likes of Adolf Eichmann. The only reason Eichmann was prevented from living out the rest of his natural life in Argentina as a free man is described as a kidnapping conducted by Israel. Argentina apparently had absolutely no desire to have Eichmann ever face justice for his role in the Holocaust though, all of the platitudes and political gesturing done by Argentine leaders in overtures to the Israeli government will never absolve them of their crimes aiding and abetting Eichmann.

Overwhelming anti-Semitism still permeates accounts of Eichmann. Despite Eichmann having, “organized the identification, assembly, and transportation of Jews from all over occupied Europe to their final destinations at Auschwitz and other extermination camps in German-occupied Poland,” the same encyclopedic article attempts to paint him as a far more noble and less culpable creature than should be afforded to him.

It is from this base that these scientists are demanding increased budgets in Argentina. These neo-Nazi’s no longer build gas chambers – they develop mRNA vaccines. They no longer have to select who will live and who will die – their devotion to destroying economic and financial well-being ensures that everyone save themselves are slated for destruction. They no longer demand Jews be singled out because they demand equal rights for all members of society while destroying every individual right that exists. They hate not just the Jews, but everyone outside of their Nazi-driven technological-scientific collective. Far from seeing themselves as the parasites they are, they see themselves as the saviors of the human race. The problem is that to save the human race they demand that 95% of the human race no longer exist.

Where the Third Reich left off, the Fourth Reich entrenched itself into the sciences to accomplish the same thing.

What we have here is Nature and a bunch of Nazi-inspired monsters hiding behind advanced scientific degrees demanding the percentage of the economy they should receive to continue their Fourth Reich programs should grow while everyone else starves to death. They don’t need gas chambers because they have weaponized every basic human need against human beings. Food, water, air, and shelter are all under serious attack from this crowd. This Nature article about the ‘despairing’ scientific community of Argentina suddenly being included in the disaster they have greatly helped to create for the rest of humanity to endure is the best way to summarize the article.

The problem with the article is that people who read it will find added justification to rely on science. They will find more reasons to not trust in G-d. They will find cause to unjustly hate Milei and seek his failure.

I’m just a lowly warehouse worker with a love of writing – who am I to speak truth to 68 Nobel laureates, Nature, or CONICET? I’m the same as you are. I am the target of these people. You are the target of these people. We don’t wake up every morning with the intention to utterly destroy everything G-d created in order to create bastardized human imitations of His work. That is why we are the targets – we are not demonic. We are not wholly given over to a reprobate mind seeking to do evil all the time. These Argentinian scientists rioting in the streets are the ones who do that. Sympathy for their cause is nothing but a desire to exterminate humanity to recreate it in the image of man. Intention in supporting these ‘scientists’ is irrelevant. Knowledge of what it is they are actually trying to do is all that really matters because no one in their right mind would support any of the ‘science’ these people are demanding money for….

If Milei deserves criticism it is that the budget cuts are not deep enough to root out the Nazi’s involved with the sciences in Argentina. The real reason why he is hated, even more than Donald Trump, is expressed by the Washington Post. According to the article Milei is actually considering converting to Judaism and has strong opinions about the right Israel has to defend itself. That makes him even more dangerous on the world stage. And Milei showed no hesitation to speak against the worldly powers that be which have set the world stage he railed against them on in January, 2024:

“Therefore, in conclusion, I would like to leave a message for all business people here and those who are not here in person but are following from around the world.

“Do not be intimidated by the political caste or by parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to a political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges. You are social benefactors. You are heroes. You are the creators of the most extraordinary period of prosperity we've ever seen.

“Let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral. If you make money, it's because you offer a better product at a better price, thereby contributing to general wellbeing.

“Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself. You are the true protagonists of this story and rest assured that as from today, Argentina is your staunch and unconditional ally.”

The riotous scientists featured in the Nature article are these parasites. They are not offering wellbeing to the people. They are offering increased misery by demanding decreased access to resources with higher yields. Milei is well aware of what happens under those conditions because they concept is ancient and recorded in Exodus 5 prompting, well…, the Exodus. He’s saying no longer will Argentina whip their people because they are following the orders of a new version of an old dictator called Pharaoh…. This is why Nature wrote their article – they are members of this new Pharaoh's court.

You and I should be actively engaged in dismantling the court. Milei is using his position to do so, but he needs our assistance. Our help starts with becoming aware of what the Nature article is really saying and what Milei is really going after. It all has it’s ultimate roots in the way that G-d wants us to live versus the way the world has decided we should be living against G-d’s ways. A remnant, versed in the ways of G-d, is necessary for the dissolution of this new court and if a few rebellious scientists and their mouthpiece publications want to promote complete evil, we need to stand in the gap to point people to the only good we can know – G-d.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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