Who Let These Dogs Out? How Are They Being Reigned Back In?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/14/2024

Who Let These Dogs Out? How Are They Being Reigned Back In?

On October 6, 2023 there was a music festival. Early the following morning, bulldozers started rolling over fences, rifles reported, women were being raped, and those sleeping were woken up to be kidnapped. As they slept, residents in Israel woke up to being shot, raped, or the news that their brothers and sisters were being attacked. Hamas decided to attack civilians in Israel to try to make good on their promise to destroy Israel.

Hamas is an internationally recognized terrorist group with a wide reaching ‘public’ relations department including Al-Jazeera and the United Nations. These two institutions along with thousands of misguided rioters – murderers among their ranks – have taken up the mantle promoted by Hamas’ PR firms. That PR is intended to do one thing, justify the murder of 16 million Jews. Hamas has tried to change the terminology they use to target Jews from the term Jewish to the term Zionist. Zionists include anyone who believes Israel has a right to exist meaning Hamas has declared war against about a billion people.

In 2017, after being in charge of the Gaza Strip since 2006, Hamas updated their ‘constitution.’ In their terrorist manifesto, Hamas demands Israel no longer be recognized as a nation by other nations, refuses to recognize the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate Document, the UN Palestine Partition Resolution, and the Oslo Accords, and actually vows to push every ‘Zionist’ into the sea or the river. They demand that there be a Palestinian state upon the entirety of Israel with it’s capitol in Jerusalem.

After making declarations suggesting that any violence from areas infested with Palestinians is justified they doubled down of using violence to effect their aims. Read it for yourself:

“24. The liberation of Palestine is the duty of the Palestinian people in particular and the duty of the Arab and Islamic Ummah in general. It is also a humanitarian obligation as necessitated by the dictates of truth and justice. The agencies working for Palestine, whether national, Arab, Islamic or humanitarian, complement each other and are harmonious and not in conflict with each other.

“25. Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people.

“26. Hamas rejects any attempt to undermine the resistance and its arms. It also affirms the right of our people to develop the means and mechanisms of resistance. Managing resistance, in terms of escalation or de-escalation, or in terms of diversifying the means and methods, is an integral part of the process of managing the conflict and should not be at the expense of the principle of resistance.”

Hamas makes it clear that they refuse to see Israel as anything but an occupying force. They call for any Israeli citizen to be murdered, raped, tortured, brutalized, and subjugated. They note that all Palestinians have a duty to do these things to those living in Israel. The divine laws Hamas notes are the teachings of the blood-thirsty false prophet named Mohammad. And after demanding the blood of those in Israel and ‘Zionists’ in general they demand that any interruptions in their supply-chain of arms and munitions to butcher Israeli’s, specifically Jewish Israeli’s, is also a crime against them. In other words, the Hamas ‘constitution’ is a blueprint to commit the genocide of the Jewish people.

Genocide was what Hamas had in mind on October 7, 2023. By October 15 Israel had made up it’s mind to put an end to these genocidal dogs. First Israel demanded the hostages taken by Hamas be handed over and Hamas lay down their arms. Hamas refused. Israel ordered the evacuation of cities in northern Gaza. Many fled south as Israeli bombs began taking out militarily significant targets in the north. Behind the bombs followed Israeli ground forces. Hamas still refused to surrender their arms. Israel pushed on, searching for hostages, neutralizing Hamas agents, and destroying portions of the 370 miles of tunnels Hamas built with the money they were supposed to feed their people with.

A temporary ceasefire was eventually attempted near the end of November 2023. Fifteen minutes into the ceasefire, Hamas began launching missiles into Israel. Soon after Israel decided the ceasefire was untenable as Hamas continued in its demonic mission to exterminate Jews and resumed their operations. During the ceasefire Hamas rearmed themselves because Israel allowed ‘humanitarian aid’ into Gaza but over 50 hostages were returned to Israel while nearly 200 prisoners were returned to Hamas.

The war rages on. The so-called innocents in Gaza have fled to the southernmost city in the Strip. Rafah. Hamas has surrounded itself by ‘civilians’ and still refuses to relinquish it’s desires to realize a Jewish extermination campaign. Hamas is getting really close to being nothing but a blip in the history books as they cling to their final stronghold. The Egyptian border is immediately to the south. Egypt, has rolled tanks to it’s border to prevent Gazans from slipping over the border. Israel began to bomb Rafah in earnest yesterday evening (US time) and the howls of Hamas and it’s genocidal supporters is now at a fever pitch.

While the Superbowl was taking place, a fireworks show befell Rafah. Hamas knows it will soon cease to exist. Palestine is about to be free once more – free of Hamas using the people as shields and charging them with duties to murder Jews. Because the Superbowl was taking place, social media erupted with increased vitriol and demands of violence directed against Jews and Zionists from the most genocidal people on the planet. Clips of the Israeli fireworks show in Rafah featured prominently on TikToc. Jewish slurs, demands for dead Jews, demands for Israel to stop its efforts to eradicate those who seek to eradicate them, and doubling down on the boycott, divestment, and sanction actions against Israel and anyone who supports Israel were everywhere on the social media site.

Two days ago I went on TikToc and found a live about the idea that Israel should be destroyed. I requested to go into the live box with five or six of these Jew-murdering scum. I was accepted. After listening to the host try to sell a pro-Palestinian book written to evoke emotional responses, cast Palestinians as victims, and advocate for the violent destruction of Israel in particular and Jews and Zionists in general for five minutes, I finally opened my mouth and asked a question.

“Do you advocate for Hamas to put their arms down and end the war?” I was immediately shouted at by every member on the panel telling me that I was some kind of degenerate for making the suggestion. I followed up, “Or do you just really want to murder Jews?” The host was a way for a moment. When the host of the live returned, I was muted as I was assailed by her guests for several minutes. Meanwhile, the host warned me that my employer would be firing me in the near future for asking those questions. These demonic scumbags have no interest in peace if there is a single person left on earth who follows the Torah, advocates for the teachings of G-d, or even has access to the teachings of HaShem.

As soon as these jackasses get rid of the Jews their next target will be getting rid of any Christian sect which even acknowledges or loosely adheres to the teachings of the Old Testament. Why?

Israel is an aberration in the Middle East. From Senegal to Yemen to Pakistan to Kazakhstan to Morocco and everywhere in between, with the exceptions of Israel, Islam is the rule of law. Additionally, several other Islamic nations outside of this continuous caliphate exist most notably Somalia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In total there are about 50 Moslem-majority countries. All of them hate Israel, a thorn in their side right in the middle of their disgusting collection of lawless Islamic shithole nations. From these nations come the demands to exterminate the Jews. Over a quarter of the world is lawless, blood thirsty, and routinely votes in the UN to destroy the state of Israel.

It is odd that there are 50-some nations in the world which are Moslem and that Hamas undeniably operates under the murderous delusions of the tenets of Islam. Yet it is Hamas which has decided they are not at war with Judaism or Jews but the ‘Zionist.’ Meanwhile, none of these nations seem capable of suggesting to Hamas that they cease using children as human shields, lay their arms down, and seek peaceful relationships with Israel.

Moslem nations are to blame for all of this because they want a caliphate and they want to establish it through extermination of anyone who isn’t deluded in the same particular way they are. They use propaganda extensively to promote their positions which all serve to justify murder. The protesters around the world support this. The people of Gaza don’t want to be killed but they don’t want there to be an Israel either and they have no qualms about murdering any who oppose them. Hamas wants to be the chapter of Islam which murders every non- Moslem so that Moslems can get back to murdering themselves.

Protester’s demands are not being met. They have decided they cannot vote, boycott, or lobby effectively enough to get their way so they are adopting the tactics of wholesale violence. The violence these people are planning and perpetrating against ‘Zionists’ is intended to destroy Israel which, in itself, is a type of lie – they want to destroy every Jew. And even that isn’t the full truth of what these protesters and their beloved terrorist organization are going after. They want to banish the worship of HaShem and the ability for anyone to follow the Torah by making it impossible for anyone to study the Torah.

Hamas and their protesting mobs of degenerate idiots are demanding that they be permitted to commit a worldwide genocide. That Israel and several other nations are declining their advances is why there is so much vitriol on behalf these lawless marauders. They want a mandate to commit genocide, plain and simple.

They are rabid dogs who need to be treated or destroyed. They had an opportunity to come around to the treatment they received and they violently opposed their freedom to wage an unholy war. It’s time to shorten their leashes.

Rafah is the last holdout in Gaza for these rabid dogs. Hamas is about to be neutralized. How we treat the rabid strays strewn throughout the world after their champion has been defeated will say a lot about who we really are and whether we will enforce peace or fall into total war. But that is going to be up to the other champions of the rabid dogs, like Iran, Turkey, Hezbollah, and Yemen.

None of this should be taken to mean that Israel, Europe, or the United States is free of any blemish. It is to say that the rabid dogs in the world such as the ones who demand they be given a free pass to murder anyone they declare a ‘Zionist’ needs to be stamped out. Rabid dogs need to be dealt with through force – it is all they understand. That is what Israel is doing – nothing more and nothing less.

Israel will become a theocracy. This war will continue especially if Hezbollah, Syria, or Lebanon seek to be eradicated as Hamas is being eradicated. They won’t accept Israel existing. These groups are especially prone to falling into the delusion that they can militarily defeat Israel. This war may stay hot for these reasons. If these (or other entities) decide they wish to further press war against Israel, a potential ‘accidental’ strike on the rubble sitting on top of the Temple Mount may suddenly disappear. The Moslem world would cry even louder than they are about Hamas being taking out. Things could truly become biblical rapidly.

But that is one of the first steps towards having Israel return to G-d, whether the world at large agrees with it or not. G-d has so stated this will occur in Jeremiah 30 and Jeremiah 31. Yeshua states much the same but in an opposite manner in Matthew 24. Israel will return to G-d. Gentiles will come to G-d and His teachings as well. The entities I have titled as dogs throughout this piece are called chaff by G-d. Psalm 1 reads:

1 How blessed are those who reject the advice of the wicked, don’t stand on the way of sinners or sit where scoffers sit! 2 Their delight is in Adonai’s Torah; on his Torah they meditate day and night. 3 They are like trees planted by streams — they bear their fruit in season, their leaves never wither, everything they do succeeds. 4 Not so the wicked, who are like chaff driven by the wind. 5 For this reason the wicked won’t stand up to the judgment, nor will sinners at the gathering of the righteous. 6 For Adonai watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked is doomed.

The wicked are being made known. G-d has always made known the wicked. This is a major reason HaShem revealed the Torah to us. Deuteronomy 32:3-6 explains:

3 “For I will proclaim the name of Adonai. Come, declare the greatness of our God! 4 The Rock! His work is perfect, for all his ways are just. A trustworthy God who does no wrong, he is righteous and straight. 5 “He is not corrupt; the defect is in his children, a crooked and perverted generation. 6 You foolish people, so lacking in wisdom, is this how you repay Adonai? He is your father, who made you his! It was he who formed and prepared you!

What is to come is a reproving of the chaff. The wicked, what I called dogs and G-d sees as chaff, will be strewn throughout the world, burnt, refined, and left to their fates. It is Yeshua who will administer this judgment with the authority of HaShem. It is described in Matthew 3:11-12:

11 It’s true that I am immersing you in water so that you might turn from sin to God; but the one coming after me is more powerful than I — I’m not worthy even to carry his sandals — and he will immerse you in the Ruach HaKodesh and in fire. 12 He has with him his winnowing fork; and he will clear out his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn but burning up the straw with unquenchable fire!”

This is what the dogs want to avoid. They want to hide their faces from G-d so they can pretend this doesn’t apply to them. They know, and their marauding mobs of degenerate supporters know, that this is all going to come to pass. They just don’t want to keep hearing about it. They want to kick against G-d. They have deluded themselves into thinking that their kicking at G-d will free them from their fates. How wrong, how sad, how dog-like, are these entities….. May G-d bless Israel, the children of Israel, and you.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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