The Truth of Science

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/11/2024

The Truth of Science

I was thinking about G-d the other day. I was thinking about His place in heaven and wondering what it means to be outside of time and outside of space. I can’t comprehend it because, frankly, G-d doesn’t intended to have mankind understand His abode. While we cannot comprehend it, it doesn’t mean we can’t posit suggestions about it as our minds will allow.

I’ve never studied physics. I don’t even know calculus. But I have been studying the Torah for several years. That study is what got me to thinking about G-d’s realm, his throne, and what it means to be outside of space and time. And my thoughts were drawn to the basis and origin of physics – trying to determine what G-d did in Genesis 1:1-5:

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So there was evening, and there was morning, one day.

All of the sciences we have are based on similar entries in Genesis 1 and 2. The basis for biology, for example, is revealed in Genesis 2:7-9. Psychology is mentioned in Genesis 2:20-25. Political science can be traced back to Genesis 1:28-30. Genesis 1:6-8 is the basis for the natural sciences. When studying the Torah there is a suggestion that there is information in between the letters written on the parchment. These sciences, all sciences, are the study of these spaces.

What is written on the page is what all humans need to concern ourselves with when reading Torah. The many spaces between the characters is what was not revealed to man because it is not concerning to us. Torah is the first attempt by G-d to reveal His nature to mankind. The oral tradition, prior to writing, encoded the spaces between the characters using pauses between syllables and words. Today we have a combination of these spaces – the contrasts between silence and sounds and the emptiness of a page broken only by the ink which was smeared on it. In these spaces lay the answers to the question of how G-d created everything we know. The ink reveals the who, what, and why. The when question is only relevant to mankind – G-d lives outside of time, outside of when – and it is honestly irrelevant for men to know the answer to the questions of when earth was created, when the moon was created, when man was created…. Still, even this answer lies in the most minute spaces embedded throughout the Torah. Even more deeply embedded are the answers to questions of where – of course the answer is here but what is here?

Human science, in its essence, is about explaining only how G-d did what He did to create the universe and everything in it. Even other universes and/or dimensions, the human psyche, and the soul are included in this everything. Everything humans can detect through our senses, our instruments, or our mathematics is something G-d created. And all of this everything is in the Torah – the who, what, where, why, when, and how.

Where? – here. Where is here? It is the culmination of all of the answers to all of the other questions, scientifically speaking. Here is the intersection between space and time. So what is time? Like I said, I’ve never taken a physics class, where this concept is explored more fully than I could hope to do in this piece, but humans experience time through motion. Different people may experience time differently, but time is motion as we perceive it and time doesn’t stop for us because motion doesn’t stop around us. Even if we manage to be perfectly motionless and the life around us is also perfectly motionless, our bodies are filled with nuclei that have electrons zipping around them. The moon will still be moving through the heavens around the earth, the earth around the sun, the sun around the center of the galaxy, and the galaxy around the universe. When time is finished, motion will be finished.

Chances are that you are reading this somewhere on the earth. Even if you are reading this at the international space station, your position is still relative to where the space station is above the earth. Around you is space. Space is measured in time it takes to get from one point to another. Time is based upon the distance the earth needs to travel to get around the sun (a year) and the distance the earth travels in a revolution to again face the sun at nearly the same angle (a day). Hours, minutes, seconds and even smaller fragments of time are based upon earth’s movements. How long does it take the sun to move through the space around it to travel around the center of the Milky Way galaxy? Suggestions are in the hundreds of millions of years. We have conceptualized light years to measure how long light takes to get from one point in our galaxy to another or from stars in other galaxy’s to earth – 13.5 billion light years is the furthest away we have detected so far meaning 13.5 billion years ago this is what it looked like. What it looks like now will take 13.5 billion more years to determine.

So, time can be relative depending on the space it needs to travel. Typically we use the time it takes earth to make a full rotation on it’s poles and to travel around the sun. The cycles of the moon traversing space around earth also informs some of us about what month we are in. The earth’s movements can be sped up, slowed down, and even stopped. The rate of speed light travels varies. The rate of speed sound waves travel depends on the medium through which they are passing.

At their core light and sound are frequencies human beings are equipped to detect. All of our senses are designed to detect frequency. All of existence is frequency. We see the frequency described by color, communicate through words by the frequency of one’s voice, detect aroma through frequency, taste by frequency, and determine touch through frequency. Rocks have a frequency, humans generate their own frequencies and so does everything else in our universe. Everything we know is a description of frequency. And frequency is what light is.

Light has odd characteristics. It exists as a particle as well as a wave. Particles are objects, mass. Waves are transfers of energy through space. Energy is the measurement for work. Work is a force placed on matter causing it to move. And movement is our experience of time. So, referring back to the beginning of this article which describes the beginning of everything, G-d created light. In other words He created space and time. And He created space and time by speaking. G-d obviously has a different voice than any of us – I have never encountered the idea of a human being able to speak universes into existence….

All we are capable of doing is manipulating what G-d set in motion. How G-d set it in motion is the study of physics. The study of physics is the study of G-d’s voice. It is also the study of the blank spaces in between the characters, וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יְהִי אוֹר; וַיְהִי-אוֹר. Being as though we don’t have any indication of what G-d’s voice is apart from our own understanding of voice and what is described here we are forced to only recognize that G-d’s voice is not any of our voices and we only have what He created with His voice to study to try to figure out the nature of His voice. This is all that physics is. This is all that science is.

Einstein knew this. He knew what he was searching for. He was seeking the information in the Torah left blank because G-d didn’t and doesn’t think we need to know this information. Einstein sought it anyway and came to remarkable conclusions. His efforts resulted in the creation of the atomic bomb as well as nuclear power. What Einstein was trying to get at was the nature of G-d whether he or anyone else wants to admit it.

Another notable figure in science is Nikola Tesla. This man was no friend of humanity, embraced eugenics, and was no friend of Jews but we use his inventions throughout the world today. His technologies enable our cell phones. While he spoke of a bleak future to be realized by humanity no later than the year 2100, he also noted that his mother had taught him that all truth is in the Bible. He was certainly not a religious man but he is quoted:

“The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible; therefore I devoted the next few months to the study of this work.”

There is a reason all of this was hidden in the aleph-bet’s arrangement in the Torah. G-d knew that evil men and women would no longer desire to simply learn about what He did to create this universe and everything in it. He knew that men would seek to become like G-d themselves by manipulating what He created as soon as they determined how he created it. G-d knew that the evil which resides in men’s hearts would cause men to foolishly believe their scientific capabilities could usurp the dominion and sovereignty of G-d. Instead of trying to determine how G-d did what he did so we might understand the power and glory of G-d, people like Richard Dawkins, Richard Feynman, and many others have used humanity’s gained scientific knowledge to claim that there is no G-d. More, they claim that they, themselves will be G-d. This isn’t reserved for atheists – it is a charge against any and all scientists, even those proclaiming faith in G-d, who have decided scientific discoveries – answering the questions of how G-d made all of this – are greater than G-d.

These scientists reject G-d because they know that what they are doing is entirely evil. Creating chimeric forms of life is evil. Creating silicon-based life is evil. Arguing against the existence of G-d is evil. Indiscriminately murdering people with bullets, swords, and knives is just as evil as using gas, medical interventions, and chemtrails. Yet all of this is justified by science. In a very real sense, science is the study and justification for evil. Thus, humanity as a whole has a choice to make which should have been made ages ago.

The choice is between a humanity which seeks to uncover what G-d hid in the Torah so that we may more fully hold Him in awe and reverence or total evil. What is good and evil is what is laid out in the ink of the Torah. Are we going to obey G-d or are we going to war against His instruction?

So, while we should have had these conversations long, long ago, today is a great day to start having them as well. Where do you want to see humanity go, away from G-d or towards Him? And are the technologies we are creating based on the science we conduct bringing us closer to G-d or imperiling our ability to seek Him? Will AI bring G-d closer to us or force Him away from us? Will digital currency be used to ensure we obey G-d or obey an AI – not to mention whether or not it will violate our G-d-given free will? Will ‘advances’ in medical technology, construction materials, transportation options, communication techniques, city planning, geoengineering, governance, and food production comply with G-d’s instructions for us or cause us to find a status of completely reprobate in His eyes?

The answers to these questions should already be settled. These sciences and the technologies they spawn are being used to destroy any connection we can have to G-d. They are being used by evil men and women to achieve a world full of violence directed at G-d whether we care to admit it or not. There are Biblical warnings, too, which we are not heeding. G-d has already destroyed the whole earth save for eight humans and a pair of animals because of this violence as noted in Genesis 6:5-8:

5 Adonai saw that the people on earth were very wicked, that all the imaginings of their hearts were always of evil only. 6 Adonai regretted that he had made humankind on the earth; it grieved his heart. 7 Adonai said, “I will wipe out humankind, whom I have created, from the whole earth; and not only human beings, but animals, creeping things and birds in the air; for I regret that I ever made them.” 8 But Noach found grace in the sight of Adonai.

And it is promised to befall the earth once more. Matthew 24, John 16:1-7, Mark 13, and Luke 21:5-15 each give an account of the result of this violence. In particular, Matthew 24:12 gives the underlying cause of the violence:

12 and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah.

Trying to use the spaces in the Torah to destroy G-d is a foolish endeavor that will only culminate in widespread strife, hatred, famine, pestilence, and violence. We need to use our science and our technology to bring ourselves closer to G-d and more in line with His teachings. Those efforts which do not bring us closer to G-d need to be abandoned immediately. No longer should we speak of the AI future, technocratic or Marxist governments, or central bank digital currency because they should no longer be pursued. They should no longer be pursued because they are all instances of humans playing G-d so certain ‘humans’ can justify enslaving the rest of humanity by demanding that G-d does not exist and forcing us to believe it.

We need our scientists to realize that what they are doing is not good. What they are doing is using the Torah to try to fight against G-d. They need to understand that all of their research is nothing but a deeper look into what the Torah holds. Based on that realization they should comprehend that G-d will not allow the Torah to become corrupted, let alone weaponized against Him. Additionally, what these scientists and technologists are researching needs to be applied to bring us closer to G-d.

… Science should apply itself to lending an understanding of G-d and what it means to live outside of time and space. From my minuscule mental potion in the realm of the universe, this means that there is no motion as there is no time. If there is no time then it is impossible for there to be space because distance is dependent on time. Everything is instantaneous as G-d thinks it. The moment He spoke the world into existence He spoke it out of existence. To G-d the entire history of the universe would be as we see a still photograph. And, yet, that still doesn’t sum it up. I know that as I think, there is movement required; my neurons fire between different synapses in my brain, and that alone firmly roots me in the time and space G-d created for human beings in the flesh to exist in. In a timeless environment, neurons don’t move.

Nothing moves in God’s throne room yet everything moves because of Him. It means G-d is in everything but not in anything in particular. Trying to understand this idea is impossible because I am dependent on motion. Is my soul dependent on motion too? Only G-d knows that. Science cannot measure the soul so it has disregarded it’s existence altogether making the likelihood of coming to a scientific ‘proof’ of the existence of a soul nil. Maybe G-d hid this so deep in the Torah because if humans ever did discover the soul we would immediately have a faction trying to create their own versions. What types of evil would mankind find himself embroiled should one of us start manufacturing souls unauthorized by G-d? I cannot think of a more evil act than that.

So how does all of this work? To answer this question, another needs to be asked first, in an abode with no time and no space what is work? What is energy in this environment? We don’t fully understand it now as it exists on this planet. It’s in the Torah, but it’s not intended for any human to understand. We have a hard enough time following what the ink tells us of G-d. Why would G-d permit us to learn these secrets when we refuse to acknowledge His existence or to follow His instructions? Maybe, just maybe, this knowledge will be revealed to humanity but it will not be because we went to war against G-d it will be because we wanted to learn to better exalt Him.

I leave my thoughts about the dwelling place of G-d for another day. As I do I can see all the more clearly why no one will ever understand what outside of time and space really means. I call upon scientists and technologists in particular and all of us in general to ponder these words from Isaiah 55:8:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways,” says Adonai.

Humanity will never understand without obedience. The lack of obedience in just one one the ranks of scientists can cause huge problems. While Einstein discovered that energy equals mass times the square of the speed of light, it was a truly lecherous, G-d-hating Oppenheimer who gave the world the atomic bomb. Oppenheimer was in a race against Hitler’s Nazi regime which held G-d in equally low esteem. As a result, unfathomable devastation was unleashed on the earth through testing different nuclear weapons including the thermonuclear variety which uses Oppenheimer’s nightmare as a fuse.

Einstein decoded a tiny bit of the whitespace behind Genesis 1:3. Oppenheimer used it to create devices which are capable of destroying the entire planet.

If there is any future for humanity, truly it is only through obedience to G-d, not the science which seeks to weaponize His Word against Him.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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