The Absurdity of International Courts

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/5/2024

The Absurdity of International Courts

Of all of the international agencies, international courts represent the most insidious and overt attack on sovereignty. Courts, properly understood, exist to exercise the sovereignty of a nation. The mere existence of a court outside the bounds of national sovereign states represents the end of the nation state. There are dozens of such arrangements in the world. Many of them are European and many of them serve to rule on treaty disputes to serve the interests of creating economic blocs out of the world’s nations. Others exist based on the concept of human rights and seek to place the entire world, from national affairs to individual actions, under their jurisdiction.

The Nuremberg trial is probably the most famous example of one of these courts. In reality it did not operate as a permanent court, it operated as a military tribunal intended to hold Nazi’s accountable for the war crimes they committed as well as crimes against humanity. Several other military tribunals have convened since then including a similar effort to hold Imperial Japanese members accountable for war crimes.

While military tribunals have their place, generally respect the sovereignty of nations, and are able to promote interests of justice, other courts are far more malicious. Whenever one of these courts is established as a permanent fixture they pose grave threats to the continued existence of sovereign nation states. One such court is the International Court of Justice and another is the International Criminal Court.

The International Court of Justice was established in 1945 to serve the interests of the United Nations. The ICJ’s charter notes that only states may be parties in the court. Matters under the jurisdiction of the court include, “the interpretation of a treaty; any question of international law; the existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute a breach of an international obligation; the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an international obligation.”

Since 1945, their jurisdiction has grown over 200 times. Their latest expansion came in the form of a brand new convention titled The Ljubljana – The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and other International Crimes. While the convention is not yet signed, the ICJ is given the ability to decide disputes arising under the convention.

One of those decisions already exists in the same context. The new convention defines some crimes which have previously existed as gray areas. The crime of genocide; however, has been defined since 1951 and is recreated in the new convention. In Article 5, the term genocide is defined:

“For the purposes of this Convention, “crime of genocide” means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

The ICJ has been in the news a lot recently. A rogue nation endorsing overt racism including murdering those with different skin color which has also adopted Marxism as it’s cause for existing filed a lawsuit against the nation of Israel for defending itself against animals who slaughtered their people. Israel has clearly defined that it is targeting a group called Hamas and Hezbollah – both internationally recognized terrorist groups. South Africa; however, has viewed Gaza and the West Bank as only Hamas and Hezbollah, the representative terrorist groups enslaving Gazans and those of the West Bank, respectively. Thus, they have taken all of Gaza to be only Hamas to make the argument that Israel is targeting a ‘nation’ with shared ethnicity (which is a fallacy), a racial bloc (another fallacy), which shares a religion – which it does. Hamas are uniformly Moslem – meaning they are antithetical to all life. Because of South Africa’s inability to view anyone with white skin (Hamas is typically brown) as capable of committing anything good they ignored all of these disqualifying characteristics to try to claim Israel is committing genocide by killing, wounding, and laying siege to Gaza.

What South Africa did, apart from vocally demanding all white people be viewed as inherently evil, is demand that all Jews be eradicated from the earth in an actual act of genocide. Anyone supporting Hamas is doing the same. Their original 1988 charter contained, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).” The 2017 update uses language which recasts Jews as Zionists which represents an expansion of their targets – all of Israel and everyone living in the nation as well as anyone outside of Israel who believes it should exist need to be murdered according to Hamas.

In effect, the ICJ makes it impossible for tyrants to be taken out of power or even warred against as long as the tyrannizing power manages to be of one nation, ethnicity, race, or religion. A bunch of Satan worshipers could, under the provisions of this international law, wage a terror campaign and be noted as liberators who cannot be defended against due to their shared religion. This is precisely what South Africa has claimed at the ICJ. If the Boer’s the ANC has yet to murder get together to resist the government of South Africa, would the same would apply to the Boer? Hardly. It isn’t about justice. It’s about waging a race war condoning the genocide of anything white and the genocide of Jews in particular.

The nations of the world abhor the existence of the nation. They hate the chosen people because they hate the ‘laws’ (teachings) G-d gave them to live by. The nations we have today hated these laws and the people charged with keeping them long before the creation of nation states. It’s not a new thing. The empires of old have become nation states and war against G-d through international lawfare. The lawfare seeks to extinguish the teachings of G-d completely. The new treaty with it’s definitions is the same as the empires of old upgrading their swords and tactics.

The International Criminal Court is even worse than the ICJ. The ICC was created by the Rome Statutes which went into effect in 2002. It is partnered with the United Nations; however, it is supposed to act independently as it targets individuals it dislikes. This court is particularly keen on making war an illegal act. In conjunction with condemning all of the participants in any war legally, the court also seeks to prevent any entity from interfering in any war by an outside entity providing support to any faction engaged.

State parties are supposed to refer suggestions for investigations into criminal activities to the ICC. Despite this, the requirement was waved in the case of Palestine which is not, nor has ever been, a state. An investigation has been ongoing by the ICC since 2015 when the court accepted the requests of the terrorist groups holding the people of Palestine hostage. In reality, the ICC is investigating the perceived crimes Israel is being charged with by groups seeking to exterminate every last resident of Israel.

The ICC and ICJ have called Palestine a state. This is a tacit endorsement of exterminating Jews in Israel and around the world. The ICC has displayed their support for the terrorist organizations targeting Jews and Zionists and seeks to do whatever it can to further the terroristic desires of those groups. Barely a month after Hamas slaughtered over 1,000 Israeli civilians and took hundreds of hostages – three weeks after Israel really started defending itself by removing Hamas terrorists from Gaza five nations – South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, and Djibouti – aligned to prod the ICC to take action against Israel.

The ICC has a history of persecuting Israel and any nation standing with the nation. It has a history of targeting those who dislike globalism, technocracy, transhumanism, and any who promote national sovereignty. A clear cut example of this is Donald Trump’s personal sycophantic Marxist persecutor Jack Smith who is acting not in the interest of justice nor even for any interest of the United States but on the behalf of the sovereignty-thieves at the International Criminal Court. The ICC has no respect for nations, the laws of a nation, not those they claim jurisdiction over – they want the judicial authority to determine the laws of every person on earth and they will destroy anyone standing in their way through lawfare.

Israel – the keepers of the laws of G-d – represent one stumbling block to the ICC’s desires. Trump and other national leaders such as Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Argentina’s Millei, Russia’s Putin, and Israel’s Netanyahu, love them or hate them, stand for their nation, their nation’s borders, and affirm the right to defend themselves from attacks on their sovereignty.

What is incredibly deceptive is what these courts ignore. These courts never seem to go after the real criminals. Hamas’ leaders like, Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, Mahmoud Abbas, Aziz Dweik aren’t the targets of international courts. The Klaus Schwab’s, Bill Gates’, Anthony Fauci’s, Tedros’ and other criminals with massive amounts of blood on their hands seem to never find themselves in the cross-hairs of these courts. Chemtrails, transhuman medical interventions, and massive numbers of deaths through the combination of selling foods and medicines made of poison labeled as safe apparently don’t rise to the level of criminal activities needed to get the attention of international courts. Real crimes like the Covid-19 murder spree we are still experiencing and the anti-human and anti-life implementations of the Sustainable Development Goals are not seen as genocide because these courts support those genocidal efforts.

What these courts seek to do is to gain complete jurisdiction over the lives of all eight billion of us. No longer will people be able to elect representatives who appoint and vet judges. No longer will the people be able to seek a remedy in a court. The international global order – the global government – will be rubber-stamped for approval by these international courts. Defending one’s existence from the global government or from those whom the global government agrees with will be impossible. Hamas is a brutal and violent example of a number of groups waging a war against decent society. These groups deal in justifying iniquity. The LGBTQIA+ movement, legitimizing the tactics and ideologies of terror, destroying trade, forcing economic collapse, promoting toxic food and water, dictating what medical procedures all of us are forced to endure, and mandating educational goals featuring anti-human Darwinism over G-dly creationism, global citizenship over nationally recognized individual rights, and a focus on creating dependents rather than responsible multi-faceted adults capable of critical thinking are all examples of this iniquity.

All permanent international courts want to destroy national allegiances by invalidating national judicial systems. They seek to wage wars once decided by swords and bullets in the arena of law. The only way to do that is to invalidate all of the laws which currently exist which fall outside of their definition of what it means to promote and maintain peace. The law to have things go well with us was given to us by G-d through his revelation of the Torah as lived through the earthly life of Yeshua HaMashiach. International courts, at their core, have rejected the tenets of G-d so as to enslave humanity through their version of peace.

Key to their plan is their desire to have one of the 10 Commandments altered. Far too often the Commandment about murder is conflated with killing. The words do not mean the same things. Murder indicates a criminal activity resulting from a frame of mind disregarding the value of human life and lacking any justification. Killing another human being includes any death of a human being for any reason. Thus, if a murderer enters someones home, a person in the home is justified in killing them if killing them is the necessary level of deterrent to abate the threat. If I invite someone over to murder them that is murder on my behalf – if a potential murderer shows up in my home and I defend myself by lethal means I may have killed them, but I certainly did not murder them. These courts see any act of self defense as murder if it is committed by those they dislike. Conversely, clear acts of murder, genocide even, are acceptable as long as the perpetrators are the actors favored by the interests the courts represent.

Additionally, international courts seek to write their own universal laws – something which can only be done by denying the sovereignty of G-d Himself. They seek to make judgments based on the laws they wrote which is another affront to G-d. Many in the international criminal court systems deny the very existence of any G-d altogether. They purposefully demand children honor global government and not their parents, endorse and even promote alternative sexual lifestyles with disastrous results, codify theft, encourage false testimony, and seek to appease the desires of the most covetous of people and nations.

While they wage war against G-d there are dire consequences for the people. If these courts fully succeed in reversing the 10 Commandments as they apply in contemporary society complete lawlessness will ensue. We will be deprived of worshiping anything but the global state. We will be forced into a society which demands we help kill our parents, participate in rapes and the rapist and the victim, take part in robberies while allowing ourselves to be robbed, tell lies ourselves and believe the lies of others, and create additional reasons for the global government to step in to enforce actions to counteract any continued inequity which exists in their own imaginations. The only way to manage a society such as this is to instill totalitarianism into every aspect of our lives. The deeper under the skin the totalitarian can get the more we will be seen as the proper vessels of the servitude these totalitarians seek to place us into.

Some will call this a fear tactic. Some will claim that this type of argument comes from a fear that will never be realized and is really just a cry for help. Those who do this fail to recognize that 2+2=4 because they have already been drawn into this frame of mind. They are already the slaves the global government wants them to be. The answer to 2+2 is yet to be determined by the system which they pay homage to. Today it may be three and tomorrow it may be five. Whatever the answer is it will relate to stamping out the remnant who hold the sacred truths revealed to us by G-d Himself as inviolable….

No, this is not a fear tactic – this is exactly what is written about in the Bible. The fact that permanent international courts exist is enough proof that the beast system in the Bible is already largely established. The fact that they seek to discard the teachings of G-d and of Yeshua is woven into every decision they make. The difference today is they are not really trying to hide their disgust for righteousness in the eyes of G-d. They openly wage their war on G-d by targeting the people who keep G-d’s teachings in their hearts and in their thoughts. Today the absurdity of the international courts is focused on justifying the elimination of the Jewish people. Tomorrow it will be those who even know of the teachings of G-d. The day after that complete lawlessness will envelop the globe with only a tiny remnant remaining in hiding.

So the question comes – how to reject the kinds of courts as firmly as possible? First, return to the ways G-d gave for all of us to live and hold those teachings above all else. Second, promote, sponsor, and vote for any leader who will represent sovereign national interests. This representation will come with a price – the scorn of those in this world who have already decided to descend into the fallacy of calling that which is good, evil and that which is evil, good. Gird against the continuous attacks and increasingly bizarre persecution which will come against any leader with righteousness and anyone who is righteous who would dare to support such a leader.

Back to the first point, most importantly, do as Yeshua stated in Mark 12:29-31:

29 Yeshua answered, “The most important is, ‘Sh’ma Yisra’el, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad [Hear, O Isra’el, the Lord our God, the Lord is one], 30 and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You are to love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other mitzvah greater than these.”

Thus, the first is to learn, contemplate, apply, and follow the teachings of G-d. Be obedient in G-d’s ways. The second is to love our neighbors as ourselves. If we love our neighbors we will not be able to plot their murders, rape them, lie about them, grow jealous over their assets, steal from them, nor encourage them to dishonor their parents. Loving our neighbors will indicate the desire to protect them from these things occurring as much as we would fight against them occurring to us. We can do this and we can fight against those perverting these concepts but first we need to learn what those concepts are and once more accept them as a society.

In other words, we have a duty to G-d to protect ourselves and everyone else from the evil intended by international courts and we will only succeed if we return to upholding the values G-d instructed us to obey. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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Shalom 18