Something Very Wrong is Heading This Way

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/18/2024

Something Very Wrong is Heading This Way

Predictive programming can be done in any number of ways. Hollywood has proven to be prolific in creating audio-visual entertainment options detailing the near future. Books, once thought to be purely fiction because at the time they were written the concepts and technologies were purely fiction, have also given us glimpses into the future certain segments of humanity seek to have the rest of humanity adopt. News outlets; however, are not really supposed to cover these types of things. They are supposed to deal with factual events which have occurred and allow the readers to determine whether those are good are bad things.

The forum which I have created, coincidentally the only place which my articles appear, is under the heading news and opinion. I will look at the news, explain it as I see appropriate, and make arguments supporting or rejecting the ideas in the news story. Oftentimes I do this to provide push-back against the narratives being promoted in news stories. Overwhelmingly harmful aspects of what appears in the news are the same ideas which are most often given glowing endorsements by the writers of the articles. Demands for abortion access, gun confiscation, Jewish extermination, legalizing corruption, persecuting law-abiding individuals, accepting the tenets and mitigation actions of man-made climate change, undergoing lethal medical procedures, entertaining the arrival of extraterrestrial life, and realizing the sovereignty of a global government are all examples which certainly deserve push back.

Over the course of the last week; however, the media seems to have entered a phase of predictive programming reporting which may be unparalleled. Far too many news articles dove head first into the idea of leading people to reach a conclusion about a wide array of topics. This isn’t new. But it was awe-inspiring – and not in a good way – to watch it unfold in real time.

It all started on Sunday, February 11. As the Super Bowl was being played and hundreds of millions around the world watched the demonic spectacle unfold, Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas was attacked by Israeli forces. While Ice Spice belligerently denigrated G-d on live worldwide television, Hamas was having it’s ranks reduced. While commercials during the Super Bowl painting an anti-Biblical debauched image of Jesus Christ, promoted satanism by a different name, and demanded all free speech be censored because of acts of vandalism (which are suspiciously already illegal acts!) Israel opened what many hope to be Hamas’ final act of war against what is good in this world.

The Moslem world, the same group of people who have avowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and have a desire to exterminate every Jew in the world, jumped all over the Super Bowl for detracting from their genocidal aims. Oh, poor Rafah, they lamented as Israel righteously began taking out makeshift Hamas facilities. These Moslems still refuse to demand that Hamas lays their arms down and surrender yet at the same time they demand that Israel leave them alone which belies their true intentions to exterminate the People of the Book. Because the Super Bowl hindered their ability to reach people in the West about Rafah’s ‘plight’ and the lies they build their narrative around, these same Moslems chastised the West for having watched the Super Bowl instead of paying attention to the find out part of an increasingly widespread equation.

The way I see it though is that this manifestation of evil – the Super Bowl – overshadowed the righteousness of the Israeli military operations in Rafah. What I gathered from all of this is that the West and the Moslems, players on the same team called Neo-Babylon, were infighting. What really happened with Rafah and the Super Bowl is that Rafah was being cleansed of evil and the Super Bowl was promoting it. The media of the Western world dedicated itself to ignoring righteousness, lawfulness, and creating a sustainable peace here on earth in favor of promoting wickedness, lawlessness, and spreading the acceptance of violence as broadly as possible. It’s not that Western media didn’t cover Rafah, they just didn’t do it fast enough for the Moslem crybabies who are in the find out phase.

Media outlets chose to use predictive programming to show the wickedness of the world to come on Super Bowl Sunday. On Monday these outlets returned to carrying the poor Rafah narrative – not the righteousness of Israel. CNN, for instance, produced dozens of stories intended to garner support for Israel to cease all operations in Gaza, downplay any spillover into the broader Middle East by trying to claim that Iran’s investments into militia’s who have attacked Israeli and US forces are not that big of a deal, and attack a president they no longer wish to be in power by suggesting that he is out of touch with the rest of the world due to his administration’s tepid-at-best approach to Israel.

By tepid-at-best, most of this administrations efforts have been geared at destroying Israel but not being seen as destroying Israel. The United States has demanded Israel cease operations against Hamas for all kinds of reasons. The administration has grown so frustrated with the Israeli prime minister’s disregard for the desires of the US administration that the US president has issued an executive order targeting Israeli citizens for their speech and a memorandum to not continue the deportation process if an illegal alien happens to be from the next door neighbor of Narnia, also known as Palestine.

Meanwhile deceptions of aliens arriving on earth to save us from ourselves proliferated. States in the United States are trying to boast about having the most UFO sightings. People in Connecticut, and around the world, are coming together in numbers through groups like MUFON and their belief in UFO’s and the idea that these ‘alien’ crafts are carrying ‘extraterrestrial’ life forms. The neo-Nazi space program NASA appeared in a Time Magazine article about an endeavor to Europa, a moon of Jupiter, which will launch in 2024 in order to search for extraterrestrial life. The UK Independent has began to ask questions about the ‘smart’ people in the United States who have come to believe in UFO’s.

UFO’s are a well documented holdover from World War II. They were called Haunebu’s by the Nazi regime which made them. Instead of traditional propulsion systems, these craft move due to gravitational and electromagnetic fluctuations by ‘pulling’ themselves towards their target location. It is highly probable that they were developed by the United States and other technologically-inclined nations following the second world war in clandestine programs. Undoubtedly, the Nazi’s gained the technology through demonic channels. The things that are inside of them are demonic science experiments. UFO’s are not beneficial, the things inside of them are not benevolent, and they should rightly be considered incredibly concentrated manifestations of evil.

The ‘smart’ people in the United States and around the world know they can’t explain these things without facing severe repercussions to their life, liberty, and prosperity, so they have taking to the tactic of believing in them. They know they are real. Some of these ‘smart’ people know how they work. Some of them even know what they are going to be used for. Like the Nazi’s of old, these ‘smart’ people have decided to stay mum about the demonic intentions the elites of this world have for us. Their intention is to portray the things inside of these mysterious crafts as humanity’s savior. Their intent is to lead people away from G-d, pure and simple.

The entire program has been labeled a conspiracy theory because the elites were not yet ready to launch something like Project Blue Beam. They are much closer today. Thus, a portion of this plan has been revealed. The predictive programming element is intended to make human beings comfortable with the absolute evil which will emanate as declarations of salvation from the things in the UFO’s. These elites, running the deception, want us to be complacent and unquestioning about the deception as well as our doom.

Unfortunately, it is working. On Wednesday Feb 14, 2024 a dim bulb in Congress heading up the laughable House Intelligence Committee issued a statement which should have been far more direct. The Chairman referenced a ‘serious national security threat’ while not mentioning what, exactly, the threat is. The intent of the press relief is to raise fear in general so that intelligence agencies can piss away more money to convince us we are safe because of their actions which always seem to erode a freedom here and a right there.

The UFO's-are-carrying-extraterrestrial-saviors crowd jumped at the opportunity to equate the threat with the existence of UFO’s though. And maybe that is what the House Intelligence Chair was speaking about but it seems unlikely at the current time. It seems more like the ‘I-love-demonic-UFO’s’ crowd are suffering from their own predictive programming featured in an episode of He-Man titled “The Arena” from the 1980’s. They seem to want to say to the governments of the world that the problems we face are too big for all of us, that the governments of the world are hiding the redeemer of the earth from them, and that seeing the redeemer of the planet as a security threat is ridiculous. The redeemer is, of course, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ), who will come from the heavens without the assistance of human or extraterrestrial technology.

The security threat the Chairman was most likely talking about is no less ridiculous than the UFO narrative developing around it. The United States security advisor to the creature in the White House attempted to pacify concerns about this security threat by pointing a finger at Russia and the US administration’s declaration that Russia is seeking to launch a space-based nuclear weapon capable of targeting and destroying satellites. There is nothing to see here, the administration as well as some members of Congress promised the public, as Russia doesn’t yet have the weapon in space.

But, Russia certainly does have weapons in space. So does the United States and several other nations. Some of these weapons systems are capable of decimating satellites whether they are nuclear powered of not. Anything which is capable of disrupting satellite communications poses a grave risk. Really ‘smart’ people around the world have decided to run entire segments of national economies based on satellite communications and, if they fail, there goes that segment of the economy.

There was a treaty signed by 110 nations barring them from sending weapons of mass destruction into space. The United States, Russia, India, and China have all signed the treaty. For as much as I dislike multilateral treaties, this one actually contains elements which promotes human survival. Things like space-based microwave beams cannot be used to conduct warfare and the celestial bodies in Earth’s neighborhood are not to be used for radiation experiments.

The problem is that a treaty is merely paper and must be enforced by responsible men. There seems to be a lack of responsible men. Nuclear-powered lasers are a technology which have existed for decades. To think that Russia nor the United States has put one in space is a showcase of naivety. The power of these types of lasers cause matter to ablate which means to completely destroy. Weapons of mass destruction already exist in space.

These types of lasers are needed, according to the really ‘smart’ people in the world, to fix the space junk crisis. There is a space-pollution problem in near-Earth space and what better way to fix it than to use lasers capable of destroying worlds? The Japanese have come up with precisely that solution to address the problem albeit from Earth-based platforms. To think that these types of lasers are not already in space is asinine. And, of course, they could be pointed at targets on Earth to cause all sorts of problems.

Weapons of mass destruction are already in space and have been for quite a while. The United States trying to raise fears domestically and in European NATO nations is being done to provoke the populaces of those nations into giving Ukraine billions of additional dollars and expand ‘defense’ capabilities in space. Ukraine is already kaput, they probably shouldn’t be getting more money to wage a war they have already lost. The greater danger is any nation, whether we find them favorable or not, having space-based weapons of mass-destruction circling the earth. It is an invitation to disaster. Sooner or later a completely deranged figure will gain control of such weapons and use them against human populations, particularly civilians.

Predictive programming in these revelations about Russia’s intent to launch another weapon of mass destruction into space lends itself to the idea that Russia is nothing but evil and will kill everyone on earth. Thus, when power grids are turned off Russia can be blamed. When food is no longer in grocery stores Russia will be blamed. When communications are interrupted Russia will blamed. Everything will be Russia’s fault whether Russia had anything to do with it or not.

An example of the phenomena is when Russia was blamed for blowing up Nordstream I and II when it was clearly an operation conducted by Western powers. The impetus was to justify the West’s use of preemptive nuclear strikes against Russia. The ploy fell apart and the nukes were not launched; however, the same ‘smart’ people who concocted that narrative are concocting this one as well. It’s a complete fabrication to deny that space-based weapons of mass destruction are already in orbit but it’s Russia who is the bad guy for wanting to put such a weapon in space in the future while the accuser has dozens of similar weapons.

Technologies are always described as a double-edged sword. Jet propulsion can transport people to business meetings and vacations and back home rapidly but they can also be placed in aircraft armed with nuclear bombs. It’s all about how we use these technologies. Justice, too, can be turned into a double-edged sword. The institutions intended to righteously mete out judgments based on valid laws can be corrupted to promote evil and subdue righteousness.

After the Super Bowl was won, the winners held a parade. After the parade 23 people were shot, many of them children, and one 43-year-old woman died. The culprits who did the shooting are being called juveniles and are being charged as such. The world has been informed about the deceased woman, some of those who were shot, and heroic tales of those in the vicinity detaining those doing the shooting. But, there are some really weird details about that shooting.

The first is that absolutely no details have been given about the culprits – not even their ages. A second is that this shooting is being blamed on a dispute the perpetrators had with an unidentified person or persons. Detectives have not charged them with shooting anyone, the charges are fleeing arrest and weapons possession. A third huge problem is how quickly the motive of terrorism was ruled out. Another problem with the story is how did these two manage to carry what has been described as a ‘big gun’ through a crowded parade without being noticed. What is not confusing is the predictive programming wafting from this decidedly incoherent story.

This story is being used to demand that no justice will be done and, moreover, no effective deterrent will be permitted in the hands of the law abiding. The narrative goes that if you, law-abiding citizen, refuse to allow your guns to be confiscated it was you who committed this shooting. It was you who committed all of history’s shootings, lynchings, stabbings, etc, etc, ad naseum. Your desire to legally possess firearms isn’t about self-defense according to those making these types of arguments – it makes you a criminal. And, while they claim that gun-owners (or Christians, Jews, white people, the United States, Constitutionalists, Israel, or those in heterosexual monogamous familial arrangements) have no valid right to defend themselves, these same entities are plotting the violence and criminal acts they intend to render to those who fall outside of their evil inclinations.

This Kansas City shooting is a promise of more violence being perpetrated against those who are law abiding. At the same time those committing the violence are being given sanctions which severely neglect and even completely ignore the seriousness of the crimes they commit. There was another news story in the last week which showed the desire to exclusively absolve those who committed criminal acts to persecute those who committed no crime whatsoever.

Is this the United States in 2024 or the USSR in 1937? It really is a fair question. In my assessment the 2024 version of the United States is really a rehash of the USSR’s Great Purge which began in 1937. The time we live in also parallels a time very early in the history of the USSR where the last Czar was harried by the Communists who overthrew the government which ultimately chose a course of action featuring murdering the final Czar, his entire family including his children (whom were stabbed repeatedly with bayonets until they were finally shot in the head), and several attendants to the family.

Using names this time, Joe Biden is a blend of Lenin and Stalin. The United States he has spent 40 years destroying is being built back not better, but Marxist. The only obstacles Biden sees standing in his way are Donald Trump the man and those who have a desire for America to continue existing under it’s current Constitution and made better by once more recognizing the sovereignty of G-d, people’s rights, state’s rights, and the needs for sound economic policy, sensible international declarations of US interests and what will be done to protect those interests, an actual border, and an emphasis on a unified culture and language based on righteousness. Biden’s ‘Justice’ Department is attempting to employ the legal injustice tactic once considered to be applied to Russia’s last Czar as a better alternative to execution.

Trump has 91 charges, every one of them baseless, against him. The problem isn’t the baseless charges though. The problem is that the people hearing these cases are allowing known partisan hacks loyal to the Democrat Party’s Marxist playbook to be treated as something akin to a Biblical prophet more honest than a saint. The biggest news story of the week involved one of these apparatchiks named Fani Willis.

Fani Willis admitted to tax evasion, corruption, being a racist and also committed dozens of incidents of perjury while under oath. The judge hearing the trial to determine whether or not this woman and her former boy-toy in charge of prosecuting Donald Trump over allegations of denying the results of the 2020 election results. Fani Willis and Nathan Wade are clearly corrupt, immoral, and unable to state the truth about anything. They also have a conflict of interest in prosecuting Donald Trump. In the middle of one of the meltdowns Fani Willis had while being questioned the judge, who once worked under the supervision of Fani Willis, ordered a five minute recess for Willis’ benefit.

Trump will not be able to get a fair trial in that judges courtroom if Willis or Wade are permitted to act as the prosecutors. We will see if the judge over Willis’ and Wade’s conflict of interest hearing will rule in the interests of justice by ordering new prosecutors or in the interests of political expediency and election interference by permitting this pair to prosecute Donald Trump. The judge’s job is made even more difficult because this wretch, Willis, immediately attempted to present herself as the victim of a racially-motivated attack against her character. Her character is trash, she has no business in any official judicial or law enforcement capacity. She proved it with her own testimony.

What is clear is that we are being ordered to accept any claim of racism if it comes from the mouth of anyone who is not white even when they are obviously corrupt, duplicitous, and lying. The capability of checking off minority boxes means that truth needs to take a backseat to their status as a perceived minority. The intent is to promote and produce factions, disunity, and strife domestically. A two-tiered justice system being installed in the US, a ‘justice’ system akin to that used by the USSR to execute the Czar and his family and to stock the barracks of the gulag archipelago is the predictive programming in this one.

I saw all of these new stories and more. All of them really made me start wondering why? What is the common thread with all of these people? It’s distance from Torah. It’s the acceptance of lawlessness by calling evil, good and good, evil. The Hamas supporters, demonic spectacles of the Super Bowl, alien narratives, love of UFO’s, using Russia as a scapegoat for everything, developing and deploying planet-destroying weapons, refusing to correctly charge murderers, and perverting justice are all sprinting away from G-d and screaming that everyone follow them while they go.

And there was so much more. Taylor Swift is worshiping Satan at her concerts. Another psychopath ineligible for the career she has in law, Leticia James, convinced a New York judge (who needs to be disbarred) to order Donald Trump to pay over $453 million and barred him from conducting any business in the state of New York for three years because the judge found he overvalued his businesses on loan applications. Stockholm syndrome, the disease suffered by Hamas-supporters, has become communicable apparently and continues to grow in volume as it increasingly agitates for violence against those it sees fit to attack – anyone who won’t bow to Marxism and/or Islam and/or their self-styled version of ethical relativism which allows them to justify the extermination of Jews while claiming they are saving Palestinian lives. Alexey Navalny died in a Russian prison as a political prisoner and the entire world is supposed to jump down Russia’s throat while Julian Assange continues to face being moved to the United States where he will likely die – he’s already been rendered obsolete after over a decade languishing in prisons where he was tortured and beaten to the extent he is literally mentally handicapped. The CBDC’s are still coming, AI is still being expanded, wars and rumors of wars are mounting, disasters natural and unnatural proliferate….

It’s all a manifestation of darkness trying to swallow the light. Evil cannot conquer good. Darkness does not pierce light. Through deception, and deception only, is darkness capable of enveloping the hearts, minds, and souls of men, robbing them of morality, rational thinking, and salvation. The last week was a wild ride not because of how crazy the news was but how much it doubled-down in professing darkness to be light. The news seemed unified on all fronts to predicatively program humanity to be deceived into accepting that there is no hope for any of us unless we just give up and submit to the most murderous ideas ever conjured up. It is a united front of evil trying in vain to snuff out the light of G-d Himself.

These people are about to walk lockstep right into doing something horrendous to everyone in an effort to convince us to ignore G-d on our own. The statistical probabilities of having us misplace our faith in the men and women programming the predictions is what they are counting on. Those probabilities are easily broken if we know the truth and stand fast in it. The truth is the Word of G-d. The promise is the salvation made possible by the sacrifice of Yeshua HaMashiach. Our prayers are our most vital defenses as well as our most potent weapons in these affairs.

Ephesians 10 Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength! 11 Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. 12 For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. 13 So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. 14 Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist,[a] put on righteousness for a breastplate,[b] 15 and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom.[c] 16 Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. 17 And take the helmet of deliverance;[d] along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God; 18 as you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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