The Never Ending Story of Demanding Dystopia

The Never Ending Story of Demanding Dystopia

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/17/2023

Since 1970 (it’s actually older than this) globalists have united in Davos, Switzerland to discuss the direction they want to take the world. The invitees to the meeting have been the movers and shakers in the world which really makes the meeting a problem. The added secrecy the meetings used to operate under only added to the problem. Today, though, the meeting is advertised. Now we can know exactly how dystopic this group actually is. For the last 19 years, just before the meetings commence, the World Economic Forum has released its global risks report.

The Global Risks Report 2024 was released in the first two weeks of 2024. The meeting starts on January 14, 2024. This document includes most of the overarching themes these globalists want to decide upon so they can dictate how the rest of us will live. Between early September to early October 1,490 ‘experts’ returned WEF questionnaires identifying what they are most concerned about in the next year, the next two years, and the next 10 years. Over the next 2 years, 84% of the respondents see the future as one likely to produce global catastrophes. Over 10 years the percentage rises to 91%. The ‘experts’ who responded are ensuring that the anrgier world Klaus Schwab has demanded be created is actually created.

The most important front-lines of the war to create the WEF’s angrier world through the Great Reset are laid out in the responses given by the experts. Over the next two years, the number one battle will be over disinformation and misinformation followed by extreme weather events, societal polarization, cyber insecurity, and interstate armed conflict. Because these are the most immediate and highest ranked, these five will dominate the news cycles over the course of the next year and longer.

We can be assured that efforts to censor speech will continue and expand. In a video supporting the risk report’s findings the viewer is told, “As AI grows more sophisticated, so does its potential for misuse Malicious actors could use AI to flood information systems with false narratives… Potentially leading to civil unrest. And curbs on the free flow of information… Just as close to 3 billion people are set to head to the polls across several economies In 2024-2025.”

The video promises that only the WEF narrative will be permitted to exist. Anything falling outside of that narrative will need to be curbed. According to this video there are no longer nations with sovereignty but merely economic areas. And those economies will hold elections as to who their new CEO will be. The WEF is outright laughing at everyone in any of these nations because they are telling us they will set the narrative and then put their fingers all over the scales in favor of the CEO most useful to the WEF’s purposes. They are going to silence dissent and then install WEF puppets into the highest echelons of political power whether the votes reflect the WEF’s choice or not.

“These are 5 times more likely today than 50 years ago Experts say climate-related damage costs the world $16 million per hour,” reads the video’s text pertaining to extreme weather events. The $16 million number they used is likely inflated to begin with; however, for the sake of brevity, $16 million an hour is 0.00138% of the worlds GDP an hour from 2022. They only used that number the way they did to try to prove that it is an enormous amount of money, which it is; however, in the grand scheme of global economics, it is nothing and they know that. The costs the WEF is relating with extreme weather events was paid off on January 1, 2024 at about 12:06 pm.

The video continues with societal polarization, “Perceptions of declining social mobility and increasing inequality are fueling frustration This could present an existential threat to political systems around the world.” The WEF isn’t interested in stopping this existential threat to political systems being as it thrives on it. The WEF is like a vulture waiting until the carrion they eat dies from some other cause. The difference is that standing behind the cause of death of the political systems of the world is the WEF and their policies with the sole purpose of hastening the decline of the nation state. Once a nation state falls, the WEF swoops in and turns it into a vassal state which no longer exists as a nation, merely an economy under their control.

The WEF loves robotics because of the jobs mechanical creations replace. They love AI because the only reason it exists is to replace humanity’s endeavors in intellect. While the WEF seems to be grasping at why there are declines in social mobility and increases between the haves and the have-nots they are the ones pulling the ladder up behind themselves. They are intentionally causing both of these phenomena. Like the political systems they want to destroy so they can act as scavengers, so too is the WEF interested in obliterating social norms so that they can recreate them in a manner far more agreeable with their objectives.

Cyber instability is where the WEF would really like to throttle the flow of information. They would love nothing more than to have the ISP’s you’re using block this website altogether. In their ideal world, cyber security will be used to create a one-way communication system where no one but the WEF is able to say anything. What they will use it for is to demand compliance to whatever anti-human tripe it is they have deemed appropriate for the rest of us to abide by. The video fails to mention this; however, and only tries to claim it is very widespread and to put a price tag on it, “In 2022, 83% of organizations suffered at least one data breach… Each of which cost and average of $4.35 million.”

“This risk is driven by an increasingly competitive global environment A growing number of powerful actors and weakened international governance.” The risk being addressed in the video is interstate armed conflict. Fentanyl, illegal immigration, and acts of violence on a societal scale are not concerning to the WEF. It’s the armed conflicts between armed powers which are the problem. Their solution is to have the arms taken away so there will never be a chance to stop the Chinese from flooding western markets with fentanyl, close the borders of the EU and US, and stem the wave of racially motivated violence against the paler-skinned in society perpetrated by the darker-skinned as advocated for by the drive-by media. They want lawlessness.

They want this lawlessness badly. From the chaos they are creating, order can be established. What they are demanding under the guise of peace is an end to competition, the removal of powerful actors in leadership roles on the world stage, and complete international control over all matters regarding all peoples. The WEF is demanding nothing but the complete and total enslavement of every person on earth so they can keep us ‘safe’…. The difference between their version of safety and what most people consider safe is the WEF has decided the best way to ensure our safety is to first enslave us and then exterminate us.

The video finishes up:

“This year’s Global Risk Report also looked at the most severe longer-term risks Environmental concerns dominate the top 5 risks over the next 10 years Including critical changes to Earth systems Biodiversity loss And natural resource shortages The World Economic Forum produced The Global Risks Report 2024 in partnership with Marsh McLennan and Zurich Insurance Group Which do you think are the biggest risks facing the world year?”

The biggest threat to the world is the global cabal wresting power and sovereignty away from the nation states. In other words, the WEF/UN cabal, and their partners in the media, corporate, industrial, and academic spheres, represent the biggest threat to the people living on earth.

The report explores the dystopia the WEF champions in more detail. Over the next year we should expect more severe weather events so they can waggle their finger at soccer moms driving their kids around in SUV’s while ignoring the weather warfare being waged against humanity. We should expect the WEF to demand all out censorship of anything challenging their intentions. Anyone politically to the right of Brandon Johnson, an unmitigated racist who is finding new ways to make Chicago even worse after 93 years of democrat rule, will be targeted for economic ruin in order to fix the polarization problem. Cost-of-living is exorbitant and completely man-made yet we will be blamed for having ‘unsustainable consumption patterns’ that we will be forced to alter due to artificial scarcity created by these same entities. Increased actions to enforce cybersecurity will grab more headlines as corporate, government, and academic entities increasingly demand censorship in the form of denial of access at the Internet Service Provider level.

The first major section of the report is about information deemed false by the WEF. The WEF isn’t concerned about the blatant lies they peddle like you will eat bugs, you will own nothing and be happy, you are nothing but a numbered guinea pig in a medical experiment they have decided is safe, or the way of the future is a humanity chipped and tracked and living in a smart city. They are concerned with opinions that don’t align with theirs. Those opinions include such misinformation as telling Klaus Schwab and the rest of the anti-human WEF goons that they aren’t G-d, they aren’t our leaders, and that we are capable of saying no to their designs and meaning it. For their deceit and hubris to win the day, they need those of us who disagree with them silenced.

The report attempts to keep censorship in the realm of AI but fail miserably. It promises that content providers and the hosts of that content will be targeted. It even suggests that AI will be need to be used to effect that censorship. At the same time the WEF wants to regulate AI to prevent it from being used by anyone to combat the false narratives the WEF and others are spreading using their own AI. A big concern for the WEF are upcoming elections in the United States, India, Mexico, the UK, and Indonesia. They aren’t so concerned with AI being used to sway voters, as they are more concerned with people who have questions about election integrity and evidence of fraud meddling with the results the WEF and others helped to engineer.

The way the report puts it, if they don’t censor free speech heavily along the narrative-lines drawn by the WEF, we will watch societies and governments collapse. These collapses are all but imminent because the WEF has decided that those with questions or differing opinions or alternative solutions will usher in a world with multiple realities. Mental health is something the WEF is also pointing at – to them, asking questions about 2020 election results, for example, makes one mentally ill. The only sources of information which should exist, according to the report, are the ones which are in line with the ‘stabilizing,’ ‘hive-mind,’ and ‘sane’ narratives the WEF creates.

The report pivots to defining truth. After the report afforded the WEF the duty to define truth it discusses the potential for individual governments to do the same. This is bad, the WEF claims, because governments may use this as a pretext to authoritarian measures. Yet, at the same time, repeated warnings are given to the reader of the report about governments who try to respect free speech at all while trying to eliminate what they have dubbed mis- and dis- information. Apparently the WEF is demanding we possess some form of prior approval to exercise freedom including that of the press.

We have several WEF-loving piles of human garbage running for president in the United States. To facilitate the WEF’s ideas of getting rid of free speech several of these candidates have found it necessary to embrace the WEF’s favorite solution to an issue perpetrated overwhelmingly by global government. Their solution is a biometric internet ID system according to the WEF. They want complete control of any information which enters the public sphere and this is exactly how that happens. The WEF’s only real concern is that other actors (leaders of ‘economies’) will be able to use it to their liking.

The next section weaves the narrative the WEF is going to push about wars. Three wars in particular – Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, and Taiwan/China are the conflagration points the WEF points to. The narrative will be the one of these wars expanding into regional conflicts through a term the WEF employed in the report, ‘conflict contagion.’ We can also expect to see the WEF and the sycophants who do the WEF’s bidding demanding elements of martial law be instituted globally for our ‘safety.’ The economic collapses and supply chain disruptions the WEF is causing will be attributed to these wars instead.

Throughout their discussion of armed conflicts being a concern, the WEF employs the language of sheer and utter ignorance and expects the readers of their report to play along. They use the idea of accidental escalation and expect us to buy that. It’s almost as if they are Hamas running around raping and burning Israeli’s to death or Yemen launching ballistic missiles and seizing international vessels and expecting no consequences for their actions. When the consequences come in measured fashion they scream bloody murder. The WEF is apparently no different as the governments engaged in these conflicts have thousands of people planning out actions and counteractions over the course of a conflict. There are no ‘accidental outbreaks of hostilities’ only calculated risks.

The WEF takes the reader to several exhibits showcasing how they intend to start World War Three. They have high hopes to unfreeze conflicts around the world including Korea, the Balkans, and Japan for example. Armed paramilitary groups and international criminal syndicates received an official invitation to engage in hostilities as well. The report actually uses biblical references noting that many of these conflicts may arise from religious or ethnic tensions but then trivializes those factions by claiming that systems of governance will be under attack. This, too, is something the WEF has carefully laid the groundwork for.

In the world of armed conflict, the WEF legitimizes the grievances held by the global south against the global north. It really doesn’t matter to the WEF what grievances the global south clings to whether it be colonialism, food and energy costs, geopolitical alliances, the UN system, the Bretton Woods agreement, or the loss and damage agenda as long as the west can be blamed by the south. According to the WEF the south shoulders undue burdens created by the north regarding supposed man-made climate change, pandemic responses, and geopolitical alterations. The WEF isn’t trying to support the south, they are trying to use the south as a pretext to utterly destroy western civilization.

Situations will be created with the WEF’s full endorsement where containing rogue states will be useless. This will create added pressure for global governance and international peacekeeping forces to step to the fore which, in the WEF’s report, will also prove useless. What they are advocating are increasing the intensity and expanding the scope of wars so that increased destabilization of the existing geopolitical, financial, and economic systems creates vacuums that they can step into while all along the way the WEF can demand increasing restrictions on G-d-given rights in a trade for their version of safety.

Inflation isn’t caused by overprinting money according to the concerns the WEF has with economic uncertainty. No, it’s completely related to fluctuation in demand and the ability for goods to meet those demands according to the WEF. The WEF presents all kinds of reasons to blame for the loss of economic vitality but none of it relates back to the fact that western economies created money like drunken sailors consume alcohol and is the actual cause of our inflation. We can look forward to hearing all about how creating trillions of extra currency units is not the actual cause of our economic woes, El Nino currents, conflicts in the Middle East, and central banks not doing enough to curb inflation are some of the reasons they will cite. At the end of the day all the WEF is demanding is the destruction of consumption patterns they don’t like us parasites using because they think they own the resources we consume and they would rather see us dead than use them.

This section explains exactly how the economic game has been rigged against anyone who isn’t favored by the WEF. Individuals and companies are to be crushed because the loans all went to multinational corporations in league and often partnership with the WEF’s designs. These loans are not subject to the economic disaster the WEF and others are perpetrating against humanity in the name of climate change mitigation until 2030 or later. Partnering with the WEF and having these kinds of debt structures is the incentive that multinationals corporations gained by adopting ESG and DEI and embracing stakeholder capitalism (fascism) with the added benefit of eliminating any competition from small and medium sized businesses owing to the fact they are not immune from the economic hit-job being perpetrated against humanity. This, pure and simple, is fascism. The report shoves it in our faces while gloating about how well they pulled it off without drawing undue attention to their activities.

On the longer term, the WEF looks into what a 3-degree Celsius increase in temperatures would bring. It should be noted that 3-degrees is a departure from the decades-long demands of avoiding a 1.5-degree rise in temperature. To address these concerns the WEF devotes an entire page summed up as we have no idea what the hell we are doing nor how we can identify the effects of breaching supposed tipping points. Despite not knowing what the hell they are doing, the WEF uses the psychology of fear of the unknown (ie the future) to demand everything be collectivized in an effort to stem man-made climate change.

Yet, even this collectivization will not move quickly enough nor prove effective enough to mitigate changes to earth systems. By 2030 the WEF suggests that about 5% of existing homes in Australia will no longer be able to be insured. The cause they cite is extreme weather events – the cause this writer notes is that concentrations of Australian resistance to the WEF murder-by-numbers plan will be targeted by WEF-affiliated insurance companies and be forced out of their homes. They also point out that, no matter what, there are going to be famines and water shortages world wide. The shortages will be intentionally man-made by the likes of the WEF to use food and water as a weapon but the WEF will just keep pointing at soccer moms driving their kids to practice and meat consumption as the reasons for the shortages.

Continuing in their vein of psychological terror, the WEF suggests that ancient pandemics will be released as Antarctica warms and suffers from wildfires. They must know something no one else does because snow and ice do not burn. Nevermind though – the experts involved with the WEF never use misinformation and when wild fires ravage the ice cap on the southern pole, microbes will be released which will cause a global pandemic everyone will die from. To promote the idea and the immediacy of action, the report even suggests that tipping point thresholds have already been surpassed and that this projection is a promise.

Net Zero will no longer be the clarion call of the extinctionists. Net Zero relates to the idea that all human activity should produce no carbon at all. This is why Net Zero advocates are routinely referred to as death cultists – Net Zero necessitates human extermination. The extermination espoused by Net Zero psychopaths will morph into Net Negative and demands to overtly geoengineer the earth will be made. Geoengineering is already extensively reshaping the climate systems and is the contribution man is making to alter Earth systems but more of these interventions will be demanded.

One of the technologies endearing to these exterminists is sucking carbon dioxide out of the air directly. Carbon capture is all the rage right now. The biggest problem with starving the world of carbon dioxide through direct capture, according to the WEF’s report, isn’t crop loss or precipitation patterns being radically altered, it’s that focus will no longer be placed on destroying energy options that work like oil, coal, and gas.

Another method of controlling climate, SRM or Solar Radiation Management or Modification, involves blocking the sun’s rays from reaching earth in the first place. This is already being done extensively around the world with chemtrails, scientifically named SAI or Stratospheric Aerosolized Injections. These injections into our atmosphere include toxic metals such as aluminum, sulfur, and barium, blood spores, bacteria, and anything else the experts who are murdering us have decided will block the sun’s rays. Solar mirrors and shields are other devices which have been suggested under SAI. The result is a dimming of the sun which results in less plant life, radically different climates, and wild weather patterns. The ultimate threat of using these technologies is war and it ought to be – every station similar to HAARP, every DOPPLER system, and every SAI mission needs to be done away with irrevocably. The WEF is, instead, advocating for their proliferation but with caution. Wars are too public to hide the extermination program the WEF has set about achieving – SRM/SAI in response to the SRM/SAI-caused climate crisis is the level of covertness they desire.

Using these projections based on incomplete and fabricated data, the WEF demands that more action take place faster using more powerful technologies with less understanding of the effects those technologies will have. In addition, the WEF is demanding that a global consolidation of science take place where climate ‘scientists’ are collectivized under one roof. This scientific collective won’t exist to perform science, they will exist to dictate what the humanity on earth is permitted to engage in and what is forbidden. In short, the WEF wants this to exert direct and total control over climate ‘science’ with a view that Earth systems are nothing more than a commodity to be allotted to their favorite entities through technocratic means. All the WEF is doing is demanding they be the authors of the Sixth Extinction event on earth while trying to convince the rest of us they are trying to stop the Sixth Extinction event.

Another longer term event the WEF foresees is titled ‘AI in charge,’ suggesting that the WEF wants AI in charge as opposed to seeing it as a risk to humanity. In order to do this, the WEF has seen it appropriate to point out some of the risks AI poses so they can implement a regulatory scheme. The regulatory scheme the WEF desires is the one which will afford them the most control over the technology and, thus, over humanity.

To ensure a quickening of corporate consolidation the WEF notes the potential for AI to cause it. Of course AI will put smaller competitors who lack the resources to employ AI out of business – that’s the intention of creating AI. To ensure a global corporate new world order, the WEF notes the potential (certainty) that large, technologically advanced, corporations and governments will develop AI and use it to dominate other similar entities. Autonomous weapons are mentioned in the report but only in the context of ‘accidentally’ escalating conflict situations. Rouge non-state actors desiring to create their own weapons systems independent of interference from others is used as the pretext to disable the proliferation of AI technologies. The WEF also suggests that AI actually is SkyNet from the Terminator series.

To counter these concerns, the WEF wants to beat us over the head until we accept it. Education, local and national laws, and international treaties are the mechanisms the indicate they will use. The outcome will be a consolidation of those with access to artificial intelligence. They are demanding that those of us without access to AI accept that AI does exist and is valuable to our lives despite our lack of access. The consolidation of AI control in the hands of the WEF and their corporate partners is beneficial for humanity but too powerful and dangerous for any of us to have access to. AI will be used to police every minutiae of our lives but we won’t have any say in what is being policed. That is exactly what the WEF desires.

The WEF indicated it’s desire to end development over the course of the next decade. Despite the WEF’s determination that stakeholder capitalism and it’s social credit score, universal basic income, and destruction of employment opportunities is the course to be taken, the WEF lies that they are concerned about that. They pulled the economic ladder up so that only their friends can reach the bottom rungs in the first place and are now suggesting the solutions to the problems pulling the ladder up has created.

Over the course of the next decade we can expect to see several things to mitigate the problems they created for us. All of their solutions will be regressive as well as tools of enslavement. The WEF assures us issues including unemployment, decreased economic opportunities, economic crashes and downturns, inflation, and the societal and ‘human rights’ impacts those events will have. They will make every one of these issues worse and turn society into one which mandates obedience to the WEF or else we will no longer be eligible for employment, economic opportunities, inclusion in society, nor have the human rights they pretend apply to all.

Through man-made climate change hoaxes and increasingly powerful AI developments we will all have to adjust what we think of as work. In WEF parlance, destroying billions of jobs to create a million is the way to reduce what they call economic inequality. When everyone has nothing but what the WEF gives them, there will be no economic inequality among the masses. There will also be a global tyranny and total enslavement of every organism on earth. The WEF and their partners will have everything and the people nothing – the WEF will tyrannize and enslave us and, in order to keep the peace among the billions of us they have in total bondage we will be permitted to own nothing and to have no possibility of accessing anything which may change the NWO status quo.

CEO’s have advocated their desire to reduce their labor costs (how they see our jobs) by bring in AI to replace us as quickly as possible. Robots and mechanization of labor is also expected to find new applications to replace jobs. To respond to this the WEF absolutely demands that workers be reeducated through government-funded (WEF-approved) ‘reskilling’ curricula. Reeducation efforts will be dedicated to promoting those from ‘disadvantaged’ backgrounds which will better equip no one to meet the new demands of the new jobs in the stakeholder economy the WEF is mandating. Anyone with any kind of work ethic or education will be forced into a menial job far below their qualifications so that those from the so-called ‘disadvantaged’ backgrounds will be satisfied with their unearned station in life.

But wait! There’s more! While our job markets are being dismantled to appease those from societies which value neither honest work nor striving to make the world a better, freer place (many of them have absolutely no respect for human life to put it in perspective) those societies which do value honest work and strive to make the world a better, freer place are ordered to pay them. National welfare programs, like Germany being forced to pay Uganda, the United States being mandated to prop up the economy of Zambia, and Australia being held hostage by the murderers in charge of Yemen is something the WEF is very keen on. The only reasons to be keen on this idea is if the WEF would like to promote one of the most murderous philosophies ever conceived (Islam) and/or to initiate a global Cloward and Piven scheme. The WEF will keep demanding that their intentions are to fix the environment and reduce inequalities. The intention of the WEF is to destroy everything G-d created and to destroy the economy so that no one has anything.

The final topic addressed specifically in the report pertaining to the next decade is crime. The WEF is going to act exactly as Stalin did and ensure that everything is a crime and everyone is subject to the gulag at any time, for any reason, and for any term. The WEF devotion to crimes of conspiracy promise this outcome. The WEF, like Stalin’s USSR, isn’t interested in justice. The WEF is interested in justify locking up anyone who presents even the most remote ability to exist outside of the WEF’s influence.

The very topic in this section suggests that a unified global order is no longer as near as the WEF once believed. They see a fragmented world capable of thwarting the decrees of the WEF, especially in relation to what the WEF has deemed global issues.

The third section of the report is how the WEF will account for the fragmentation of the world and still accomplish their goals. From the WEF’s perspective, anything can be a global issue and any mitigation effort a public good. Public good sounds nice but not all of these are public nor are all of them good. Financing, for instance, is a private arrangement between an entity and a lender while sucking carbon out of the atmosphere, genetic engineering, and AI are not good. Nonetheless, under the WEF view of what constitutes a public good, they intend to move forward in the fragmented world they significantly helped to create through local efforts, breakthroughs, collectivism, and regional cooperation.

Locally the WEF fully intends to interfere with building codes, wildfire management, flood resilience measures, heatwave reactions, and demanding that all vaccines be mandatory for everyone. To pull it off, WEF-approved educational measures will be introduced and adopted by those institutions obedient to the WEF and which hate humanity just as much as the WEF does. Financial stipulations will be placed upon loans and those who will not bow down to the wishes of the human exterminists at the WEF will not be permitted to get loans at all. The real prize the WEF is seeking is increased government controls and regulations designed to destroy small businesses and individuals, promote WEF ideals, and ‘protect’ the environment from us. To this end, the WEF even demands that governments nationalize everything so that financial terms will be more favorable.

To facilitate the WEF’s most beloved future technologies, a system of complete fascism is advocated. Massive amounts of funding from taxpayers, philanthropists, and financial institutions should be devoted to research and development to create these technologies according to the report. The report notes the amazingly quick development of the murderous Covid-19 shot as their poster child for these kinds of efforts. In the midst of reporting noting 17 million additional deaths last year and millions of severe and crippling side effects the WEF is still claiming Covid-19 vaccines are a success. Politicians were put on notice that they had better play ball with the WEF’s desire to find breakthroughs to quicken the realization of their demands to enslave all of humanity.

In order to really foster collective ideas, the WEF calls upon governments of the world to codify stakeholder capitalism into law. ESG accounting metrics are mentioned in particular. The WEF will plant one of their agents in an area, gain adherents to the nonsense spewing from their mouth, run educational campaigns in the form of news coverage of these ‘grassroots’ movements, and demand action supposedly from the people. At the same time the WEF will push collectivism through multilateral international treaties. Where the WEF really excels; however, is at the corporate level. There are already strong fascist ties between the WEF and their corporate partners. These corporations are the same ones that have already embraced ESG, destroy economic opportunities within their corporation, destroy local community economic endeavors, and absolutely have no regard for their customers as they gain more and more of our money because they have forced all of their competition out of business. Walmart is a great example of this but it is not the only entity engaged in destroying humanity from the corporate level. Hundreds, if not thousands, of businesses and corporations have adopted the WEF’s stakeholder capitalism across every industry. These entities already act as the de facto technocratic bureaucracy in the WEF/UN global governance scheme.

While regional agreements are positive developments in the WEF’s view they are not enough. Regional developments need to be parlayed into global treaties. The WEF is exceptionally vocal while making it’s demands for a global AI regulatory framework as well as a more expansive, economically crippling, and expedited timeline to get to Net Zero and achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Right now, as I write these words, thousands of these monsters are discussing the best way to enslave humanity by these means. The key to their success requires our ignorance. So, while the WEF is infesting the operations of financial institutions, energy production companies, retail markets, economic regulators, educational institutions, media outlets, governmental institutions, and the fabric of society itself through the policies they demand these entities adopt, we are expected to stay complacent and asleep. We are not expected to revolt en masse and tell the WEF to take their shots, their AI, their smart cities, their reprogrammable digital currencies, their social credit scores, their ideology, and their corporate partners and shove them up their ass. The WEF is expecting humanity to stay asleep and accept the enslavement and death they desire for humanity.

It’s time to wake up.

Humanity has had ample time to do so as well as ample warning. Maybe Isaiah personally knew the satanists at the World Economic Forum when he warned us more than 2,700 years ago:

Isaiah 5: 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter!

21 Woe to those seeing themselves as wise, esteeming themselves as clever.

This is what the WEF is – woe. Following the WEF is death. It’s actually passed the time to wake up. And while it is already too late to wake up to stop them, it’s not too late to take apart what they have already built. If we don’t do so, humanity will simply cease to exist.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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