Remember When Hockey Sticks Got a Bad Name?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/7/2024

Remember When Hockey Sticks Got a Bad Name?

In 2006 Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth, one of the most fraudulent and alarmist documentaries ever made. Humanity is going to go extinct because of our use of so-called fossil fuels according to the one hour and 36 minute propaganda piece. Sea levels were already supposed to have devastated coastal areas, storms were supposed to have already erase entire nations, and the world was supposed to be a blazing inferno. The cause Al Gore pointed at in the documentary was anything which produces carbon dioxide – anything which is powered by combustion, energized by ‘fossil fuels’, or exhales carbon dioxide. The fix Al Gore demanded was a carbon credit pricing scheme.

The intent was to scare the crap out of the viewer so they would run out and enter themselves into the carbon pricing frauds which existed at the time. The scariest demonstration in the documentary is when Gore presented a graph which has since been dubbed the hockey stick graph. The graph’s creator, a disgraceful liar named Michael Mann, went out of his way to fabricate data to try to show that the earth had warmed uncontrollably over the previous 100 years. When asked to present the data the graph is based on to determine its veracity, Mann refused and basically claimed it was proprietary. And then he took to the courts.

Science is nothing without validation. Instead of acting as a scientist, Mann decided that no one should ever have access to his data and began suing anyone who asked for it. Some scientists who asked for his data found themselves in court with Mann charging them with defamation and slander. One of these scientists, Tim Ball, was a vocal critic of Mann’s hockey stick who found himself charged with libel by Mann. Court cases feature a step called discovery which is characterized by a gathering of evidence to be used to prove a case. What would prove Mann’s case one way or another is precisely what Mann refused to disclose. For eight years Mann hemmed and hawed about the persecution he was suffering from at the hands of Ball; however Mann never did produce the data and the Canadian courts dismissed with prejudice Mann’s libel claims against Ball.

The only reason Mann would conduct himself in such an arrogant manner is because he knows he committed fraud. The fraud he committed is a major piece of the fraudulent foundation of all of the climate change hysteria. The events which occurred after Mann engaged in this fraud hint at the extent of those also engaging in fraud. For instance, Penn State, the university Mann is still employed by, displayed it’s willingness to engage in fraud when it wrapped up an ‘investigation’ clearing their employee of fraud in 2010.

Penn State was embroiled in the Sandusky investigation while they investigated Mann. It’s almost as if Penn State had to make a choice about which of the degenerates they would sacrifice and finally settled on Sandusky. It’s almost as if Penn State used Sandusky to shield others, including Mann, for crimes they committed by concocting a story about how Sandusky acted in complete isolation while he molested children for fifteen years. Football makes Penn State a lot of money but that revenue stream pales in comparison to the importance of protecting the liars promulgating climate-cult aims. Mann’s lies are being used to demand trillions of dollars every year, Penn State football only generates revenues of about a hundred million annually.

Clearly Mann has a motive – he wants a piece of the trillions being robbed from people in Western society. So does Penn State and everyone else in the climate-cult. Some of those in the climate-cult; however, want more. They want blood. After Sandusky was sentenced and Penn State was assured his accomplices at the university would be protected, Mann was called out in the media by Mark Steyn when he quoted Rand Simberg:

“I’m referring to another cover up and whitewash that occurred there two years ago, before we learned how rotten and corrupt the culture at the university was. But now that we know how bad it was, perhaps it’s time that we revisit the Michael Mann affair, particularly given how much we’ve also learned about his and others’ hockey-stick deceptions since. Mann could be said to be the Jerry Sandusky of climate science, except that instead of molesting children, he has molested and tortured data in the service of politicized science that could have dire economic consequences for the nation and planet.”

Mann took offense and is in court presently fighting this ‘hate’ speech. To Mann and the rest of his peers in the climate-cult demanding the blood of billions, it’s not hateful to destroy every national economy, enslave eight billion people, and routinely engage in fraud in order to arrive at their Utopia. It’s only hateful to point out that Mann committed fraud in order to achieve all sorts of agendas under the ruse of protecting the earth. Mann, a perpetrator of absolute evil replete with the required blackened heart and blood lust necessary to continue engaging in fraud with the object of depopulating the earth by 95% (7.5 billion people gone) doesn’t think anyone should be able to question him or any other expert about anything without being charged with hate speech.

The issue comes to the fore in the New York Times piece, The Changing Focus of Climate Denial: From Science to Scientists, published February 6, 2024. The article, written by Delger Erdenesanaa – a long term climate alarmist peddler – starts off with fifteen paragraphs trying to humanize the monsters demanding Gaia be protected from humanity by removing humanity from it. Erdenesanaa uses Mann, a disgraced liar demanding humanity be culled as justified by his lies, to try to cast him as a victim of climate deniers and to demand that climate deniers are able to be held criminally liable for asking questions about the ‘scientists’ who produce the ‘science’ or about the ‘science’ itself.

Erdenesanaa used two sources hostile to human life and staffed by all kinds of anti-human reprobates to try to support her arguments to criminalize questioning an ‘expert.’ The first source she used is a 2021 Nature article which completely disregarded the validity of any claims made which fall outside of the climate-cult narrative and went right to attacking those who make such claims. Nature specifically targeted conservatives who engage in activities they deemed contrarian to the climate-cult agenda: “One important area of climate research on organized climate contrarianism is the influence of conservative interest group funding on the production and dissemination of climate change misinformation by actors within the counter-movement.” Nature continued:

“Nevertheless, our research could help in the effort to develop computer-assisted rebuttals of climate misinformation. There are still many technical challenges towards this goal, requiring the ability to distinguish between contrarian and “mainstream” text on the same topic, and the connection between a framework of claims and refutation content such as the critical thinking-based refutations offered by Cook et al.28. Inoculation has been shown to be effective in neutralizing the influence of climate misinformation3,8. A holistic “technocognition” solution combining automatic detection, critical thinking deconstruction and inoculating refutations could potentially provide timely responses to rapidly disseminating misinformation online.”

Nature – the transhuman pit where the architects of humanity’s extinction congregate to share their ‘scientific’ ‘studies’ about the best way to go about achieving their humanity ending goals – is demanding that all of humanity is no longer capable of having a debate about climate change over any digital device. They are demanding that we be monitored by AI in real time to detect any wrong-think we may engage in. This isn’t science – it’s totalitarianism and the criminalization of speech totalitarians thrive on.

Erdenesanaa noted that 72% of Americans are deluded into thinking that these monsters are telling us the truth about the climate. 28% of the people fighting back against the lies is intolerable for her though so she praised the Nature piece:

“In recent years, research on climate skepticism, denial and campaigns to delay climate action has also advanced. In 2021, an international group of researchers trained a machine-learning model to sort climate-related claims in 255,000 documents scoured from conservative think-tank websites and popular blogs published over the past 20 years. Included in this data set was Mr. Simberg’s post about Dr. Mann.”

After celebrating the Nazi’s writing in Nature, Erdenesanaa then praised another Nazi-inspired speech destroying group. The Center for Countering Digital Hate is actually a hate group all of it’s own. The Center hates free-speech everywhere and anywhere it might exist. The Center doesn’t confine itself to reducing online ‘hate’ speech as it is also interested in combating anything deemed untruthful. Under their targets to combat ‘hate’ they seek to destroy any speech they declare (in the order their website has them listed) anti-LGBTQ+, anti-Muslim, or antisemitic. The alphabet mafia is a Marxist collection of sexuality abomination abhorred by G-d (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13). There are 1.6 billion Moslems who never cease to cry about being stopped from committing genocides.

The 16 million Jews on the planet are included only because of the previous genocides and pogroms against them and the potency of getting things done to combat real and perceived instances of antisemitism. Tokenizing Jews is a particularly vile and pernicious form of antisemitism which the Center seems to have no qualms with as it is fully invested in the endeavor. The Center is only using antisemitism because when no one is able to communicate anything of value online Jews will end up getting blamed for that too. Not only will violence against Jews increase, it will be next to impossible to counter the claims that Jews are the cause because the Center for Countering Digital Hate has decided to destroy the entire public square.

Using those who deny the Holocaust as a token, the Center for Countering Digital Hate then lists it’s disinformation targets. They have seen it fit to exonerate the criminals behind Covid-19 vaccines, climate-change frauds, election-rigging campaigns, systemically murdering babies, and debanking campaigns. For Erdenesanaa the relevant report from the Center is titled, The New Climate Denial. This 56 page bundle of tinder comes right out of the gate lying, “2023 was the hottest year on record.”

From there it only gets more disingenuous. The report exists to note that those who question or deny the claims their cult makes – kill yourself so the earth doesn’t kill you – have taken a different approach towards combating the lies of the climate-cult. The entire report is based on 12,058 youTube videos they claim promote ‘climate denial.’ The term ‘climate denial’ is also defined, “Climate denial consists of attempts to undermine the scientific consensus on climate change based on rhetorical arguments.”

Consensus is a political concept. It has no place in science as science supposedly relies on data which is replicated to confirm it’s validity. Despite the Center’s attempts to cast this claim (itself one of the targets to be gotten rid of) as mere rhetoric, it is a fact that science doesn’t operate on concepts of consensus. What they are demanding is brainwashing all of humanity into believing their lie – a totalitarian’s objective not the objective of actual scientific endeavors.

The Center particularly hates Jordan Peterson. They repeatedly cite remarks in their report such as:

“In this video Jordan Peterson interviews Canadian politician Danielle Smith. While in conversation he says, “In the terms that the environmentalists themselves hypothetically hold dear, the idea that we can make the planet more habitable on an environmental, on the environmental front by impoverishing poor people, by raising energy prices and food prices, is absolutely, it’s not only absurd logically, but I think it’s tantamount to genocidal.””

If you go read the documents the climate-cult produces, the fact that Peterson is telling the truth is abundantly clear. The climate-cult is demanding that we all agree to our demise on their terms by getting us to think it is a benefit to us. For the Center though this is tantamount to misinformation to be scrubbed off of the internet. Peterson is a thought criminal according to these genocidal monsters.

Thus, what Erdenesanaa (who seems to be a diversity hire with an activist background) is suggesting in her article is a rehash of what the Center demands. The difference is that Erdenesanaa put a human face on her demands – the lying face of Michael Mann. Instead of demanding a court demands his data be released, she praises him, celebrates his contributions to the death-cult she and Mann are proud members of, and paints him as a victim.

Mann, having never been properly prosecuted for the crimes he has already committed against humanity, is right back at it with the help of Erdenesanaa and the Center for Countering Digital Hate. Their demands are to have Google censor all climate change information which is not from an approved authority, demonetizing anyone who falls on the wrong side of the ‘authoritative sources’ they favor, and having climate-cultists verbally (and eventually physically) attack anyone who disagrees with claims like humanity is the overwhelmingly predominant source of climate change.

Mann isn’t worthy of praise, celebration, nor a victim. He is not a scientist. He is a student of Goebbels. And so is Erdenesanaa. So is Nature. So is the Center for Countering Digital Hate. They have more in common with terrorist groups than they have in common with the tenets of science. The only differences between them and terrorist groups is that the reach of terrorist groups is generally small and the victims of their crimes are confined to kinetic attacks. The climate-cult is a global effort to extinguish humanity entirely. The misinformation campaign is intended to imprison anyone that asks questions about the decrees of the self-selected technocratic experts we are to be enslaved by.

Erdenesanaa dispelled any doubt one may have about her intentions in the last two paragraphs she penned in her NYT’s article:

““The case sits at the intersection of some of our hardest questions,” said RonNell Andersen Jones, a law professor at the University of Utah. The courts must balance people’s rights to express their opinions freely, while preventing lies that damage people’s reputations, she said.

“If Dr. Mann wins, his case would show that “there really is some teeth to defamation law,” said Sonja West, a law professor at the University of Georgia. If he loses, the case could “feed into this greater debate on how very strong our First Amendment rights are.””

Erdenesanaa is demanding our blood and demanding our silence while it is spilled to boot. She and the rest of the climate-cult are demanding that it be legally justified to spill the blood of those who ask questions pursuing truth. Jones and West are of the opinion that facts and the truth they reveal should take a backseat to people’s feelings. West most clearly placed the issue in it’s proper context; however, by suggesting that a very loose definition of defamation, but one with grave consequences, be applied to satisfy the feelings of monsters like Mann should be entered into judicial precedent moving forward. Even if the court upholds First Amendment protections in this case, there will be ongoing debates about retaining First Amendment protections. West said it best because West indicates the war on the First Amendment.

The war on the First Amendment is, in actuality, a war on the rights G-d gave to men. As a member of the human race I pray you understand that Mann and the rest of the monsters mentioned above are waging a war against you. They can’t go to heaven to war directly against the angels. They don’t have access to the throne of G-d. They only have access to those rules and rights G-d has given us and those who worship Him. That’s humanity at large, i.e., you. Mann and his climate-cult peers are demanding nothing less than a complete usurpation of G-d and the adoration of and worship from every person on earth.

The truth, knowledge of G-d, will set us free from these types of death-cults. That’s what the death-cultists fear the most. Help their worst fears come true – open a Bible today and start asking others to do so with you.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


The Truth of Science


The Absurdity of International Courts