Disease X Revisited

Disease X Revisited

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/23/2024

I have written about Disease X before. I wrote about it at the beginning of last year almost to the day as a matter of fact. Disease X doesn’t change. It is a placeholder for unknown pathogens which have yet to cause disease in humanity. When Covid-19 was released upon the world it fit the bill for Disease X at the time. In the aftermath of that biological attack, a new Disease X is being contemplated to be released. Disease X may sound like a cinematic science fiction psychological drama but, I assure you, it is more real than you can imagine.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor and father of Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC, stated “Today it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people,” at Chattam House, London in 2008. He was referring to military operations; however, biological warfare has always had a place in war. Brzezinski’s quote reveals what those in charge really think about the rest of us. From his words we learn people like Brzezinski don’t value human life, don’t really have a desire to merely enslave us, and would prefer scorched earth policies featuring massive death tolls. We are supposed to think that we, as civilians, are safe from these types of ideas because this is only referring to war-time situations.

So these types of people have declared war on society in general subjecting all of us to this war.

Wars can be fought along several lines. They can be fought traditionally with clubs, swords, bullets, and bombs. Just about everyone understands what that war looks like because this form of war is not covert. Tanks, battleships, and battalion movements are difficult to conceal. Behind the visible manifestations of wars there is always a psychological component. This component of war is prevalent in society all of the time; however, during war it is used to motivate soldiers, solidify public support for the war effort, and used to greater and lesser effects to demoralize the declared enemy. The consequences of war – the body bags, the famines, the pestilences, the reduced economic means – reinforce these psychological effects.

A war on society declared by those in charge of securing the peace within society will not feature tanks and battleships and bullets although they do serve as a backstop to the war effort. We won’t be invaded physically at least not at first. Wars on societies are conducted almost exclusively through psychological means of warfare. It is a battle for our minds. Those engaged in waging psychological warfare demand that we trust in their judgment and advice for us. They encourage us to incrementally take steps towards the end goal their war planners have predetermined will suit their interests and their goal is to get us to agree with them.

What Brzezinski’s quote reveals that these ‘elites’ ruining our world have noted that their psychological tactics have become ineffective because too many people have heard too many lies from the mouths of the ‘elites’ and their ‘experts.’ In other words, social cohesion cannot be ensured in a form beneficial to the desires of the ‘elites.’ And, as these ‘elites’ control the levers of power, they have seen it fit to reconfigure who the enemy is and the ways they must combat them (us) relying on psychological warfare tactics as much as possible. Their intention is to create a society of cowards who are compliant and too scared to act against injustice.

As traditional mechanisms fostering social cohesion have been discarded, psychological warfare has been the go to replacement. The United States was founded on, at a minimum, the 10 Commandments but over time those have been chipped away. Economic prosperity began to take hold in people’s minds as the replacement to G-d’s teachings to Moshe. The luster of shiny things still persists in the United States and a premium is still placed on the accumulation of wealth by any means possible, legal or illegal. But, as more and more of us have found free-market economic mechanisms for social mobility demolished by Marxist intrusions and barriers to entering the market, many have dropped out from even trying to achieve economic success. Economic success, having replaced the 10 Commandments as the glue holding society together, becoming increasingly hard to come by, is what necessitated the all out war being waged through psychological means.

There are too many people with too many different ideas about what right and wrong is. The fruits of those types of situations are what drive societal changes both positive and negative. Slavery was abolished in the Western world, for instance which was a positive development. Moving society away from G-d – an ongoing effort – is an example of an extremely negative development. Destroying the economy purposefully, as has been done around the globe, is another example of a negative development.

The psychological warfare being waged against us represents the end of development. Fear is the most potent weapon in the psychological warfare specialist’s arsenal. And this is where the battlefront of the war against humanity exists. For example, these ‘elites’ have demanded that all of humanity cower in fear because of man-made climate change. To promote their man-made climate change fears anything involving weather (whether natural or unnatural like HAARP or SAI/SRM campaigns), human migration, or ancient pathogens have been attributed to it.

When humans are terrified and fearful, we cannot think straight. We end up in a fight or flight mentality. When these attacks are piped into our homes through mainstream media, content creators on social media, governmental sources, academic institutions, non-governmental sources, and reinforced in public through corporate, educational, and labor entities it is easy to succumb to the demands of those who are calling upon us to be fearful. Even if we, ourselves, are not fearful it is far easier to go along to get along than to try to cut through the fear of others to break their fear.

When we cannot see, taste, touch, hear, or smell what we are supposed to be afraid of, the effects are compounded. We cannot see carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We can sense it through touch and taste in beverages but not in the atmosphere. It makes no sound. It doesn’t have a distinctive odor. We cannot detect it unless we have specialized highly calibrated sensors. Plants need it, humans and animals breathe it out. Yet we have been instructed to fear this earth-cycle gas needed for life on earth. That fear has resulted in all kinds of stupid human endeavors from banning wood-fire stoves to demands that trees should be cut down and cattle exterminated. The architects of the psychological war against humanity in the name of Gaia have managed to create a level of fear in large potions of humanity that they can no longer realize that the war on carbon is really a war on all life on planet Earth….

A major component of the psychological war against carbon is the potential these exterminists cite related to ancient pathogens being reintroduced to the world. At the same time disease experts seek out remote locations around the globe to hunt for pathogens so they can be studied. Additionally, there is a major emphasis on pathogens arising from zoonotic sources. We are told to be absolutely terrified of these pathogens. All of these sources are readily attributed to man-made climate change for the purpose of demanding further action to combat it.

While pathogens originating from these sources could pose a major problem to humanity, this is not the most lethal source. The most lethal potential for severe pandemics comes from any one of the thousands of biological research laboratories around the world.

Wafting out of the backwater which primarily hosted the laboratory-created SARS-CoV-2, China, news reports have again began to circulate regarding new gain-of-function pathogens. Whether it is merely a scare tactic or a real disease threat in humans the, headlines portend the eradication of billions. “'Humanized' Mice Suffer 100% Death Rate From Mutant Covid-19 Strain Created by Chinese Scientists” – Nature World News; “Chinese lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill rate in ‘humanized’ mice: ‘Surprisingly’ rapid death” – New York Post; and the authors of the study making headlines around the world is titled, “Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)” – Lai Wei, et al are some examples.

It may strike the reader to inquire, what exactly is a humanized mouse? These particular mice were created with human brain receptors in them. They are human-mouse chimeras. They are not mice in reality and they are certainly not human either. They were given specific human brain receptors for precisely this type of experimentation. The experiment was to determine the effects of a genetically engineered strain of a coronavirus. The result was that the humanized brain receptors in these mice were destroyed by it.

The chimeric pathogen was created in a Chinese lab. It is being stored in a Chinese lab. It is highly likely that this Chinese ‘research team’ has distributed samples of this genetic abomination to other ‘experts’ in other labs around the world to have their results peer reviewed and verified. At the very least, there are other ‘research teams’ which have began to procure the precursors needed to recreate this chimeric strain of a pathogen with a 100% death rate. The pathogen may not have escaped the lab yet; however, it is proliferating.

There are three huge problems with this development. The first lies in the abominable ethics of mankind creating chimeras. The response to the suggestion of splicing DNA from different species of virus, bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals would have been a resounding hell no if the public had been asked about it in the first place. These neo-Mengelean eugenicists in biotechnology in general and biological engineering specifically knew that so they just didn’t ask any of us. The public would have prevented them from playing G-d.

Another major issue arises when we are presented with a pathogen which kills everything having been created in a lab. ‘Researchers’ love to point out that this could happen in nature and in order to be prepared they need to create those mutations in a lab to be prepared. This is the rationale for conducting gain of function research. Coincidentally, it’s the same flawed science which has given us the climate change alarmism and demands for austerity. These ‘scientists’ have no clue what variables cause which mutations in pathogens. If they did, they would be able to create influenza vaccines which work, an elusive accomplishment which has never once been achieved.

Thus, doing gain-of-function research is, actually, another arm of the psychological war our ‘elites’ are waging against humanity. The DNA sequences being created in labs under the ruse of gain-of-function necessity; however, actually cause irreparable damage to humanity. If these pathogens find their way into the public real people – mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, children – will get sick and die. It is the classic Problem, Action, Solution scenario that authoritarians desire to come about so they can tyrannize what they view as their slaves.

In this case, the problem is never identified as gain-of-function research. It is identified when people begin getting sick and dying from chimeric pathogens, the problem. The actions taken include locking everything down and treating everyone and their pets as a potential biological disaster waiting to happen. The result is a public which is enslaved and burdened with all sorts of heinous mandates. Throughout the entire thing, fear is used to command compliance to these decrees despite overwhelming evidence that the measures have no impact or, worse, contribute negatively to the situation.

A third issue here is the fact that these labs leak. Even with all of the precautions and ‘safety’ measures and regulations and compliance checks, these labs find ways to leak these pathogens into the public. The fact that a pathogen with a high rate of death associated with it are in these labs only means one thing to me, sooner or later these pathogens will end up in the public via lab leak. Rarely do these leaks rise to the level of public scrutiny as authorities routinely hide them when they happen. Several books including The Coming Plague and Pandora’s Gamble instill the reader with assurances that it is only a matter of time before one of these leaks becomes a human extermination event.

Every once in a while some of these potential lab leaks grab headlines though. In 2014 uncontrolled boxes containing vials of smallpox were discovered in an NIH storage room. The Washington Post wrote of the incident in 2014 and indicated that smallpox as well as a variety of vials of other highly infectious pathogens such as dengue and spotted fever were found. A popular novel, The Hot Zone, is based on real-life events of Ebola spreading around a research lab in Reston, Virginia in 1989. A more recent Ebola-related event occurred in 2014 which featured Ebola-sickened patients flippantly wandering around huge cities while supposedly self-isolating. Reston Ebola seems to have been introduced to aerosilization in 1989 yet, during the 2014 US outbreak, no mention of airborne Ebola was made.

These are not isolated incidents (Each of these links is to a different reported incident from Tulane University, Taiwan, US, China, and France, respectively). The pathogens these labs create and work with are highly contagious and either untreatable or result in diseases which are difficult to treat and often cause death.

The issue is never honestly addressed; however. The laboratories are almost always given a pass and permitted to continue creating their patented Frankenstein pathogens. All that ever happens are calls for increased safety protocols, enhanced regulations, and cries that this type of research needs to continue so that humans can eradicate disease. While the exterminators in white lab coats and pressurized containment suits in negative pressure rooms dink around with G-d’s creation to make super-death pathogens with higher transmissibility and infection rates they demand they are only doing so for our own safety. In reality, they have already created thousands of strains of Disease X….

Conveniently, these same exterminators have the framework of their psychological warfare peers to resort to. They create these things which kill us. These things get out of the lab. The psychos in the lab coats blame a warming earth and human activity for increasing the potential of infection from zoonosis. Because these diseases are now circulating in the public additional ‘research’ must be conducted. Cycle, rinse, repeat. What the world ends up with are highly lethal pathogens created in labs sickening and killing people while ecological terrorists (climate activists) direct the narrative of how these pathogens came to be to climate change and human contact with animals.

What these syndicates are doing is Nazi propaganda. Disease X is actually a rehash of the same quote routinely attributed to Hitler’s chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

To get humanity to cooperate in exterminating itself via The Great Reset and The Great Narrative to get to The Fourth Industrial Revolution and beyond (Brave New World, The Artilect War, The Singularity is Near), Disease X was created to maximize our fear of unseen pathogens to push forward the objectives of the man-made climate change hoax. Humans are not scared of carbon because we ARE carbon but we tend to be easily frightened when presented with contagious pathogenic disease. The lie here is that these pathogens are naturally occurring. It is coupled with another lie being told since the formation of modern medical science and its reliance on medicine derived from petrochemical bases and vaccination about how people get sick in the first place. The result has been a human species which doesn’t take care of itself, eats, drinks, and uses chemical concoctions deemed safe by authorities with dubious intentions, and ignores what our bodies tell us because an ‘expert’ told us otherwise.

Another thing human beings have little to no ability to do is to see the future. Thus we fear it as well. Couple our trepidation of the future with our fear of disease and it is easy to lead humanity into creating a mass-formation-psychosis event. In other words, the architects of the world they want us to live in knew that no rationally thinking person would accept the terms of this new world so they intentionally crippled as many of us as they could with fear. While there was a pandemic which did make people sick, the architects of the new world demanded that ineffective and damaging measures worked to prevent the spread, killed millions in hospitals with deadly treatment protocols, and ensured multinational corporations would continue to exist with far fewer competitors by shifting what it means to be in their reality. They were far too successful in redefining reality for us because far too many bought into all of their lies and succumbed to their demands we be afraid.

Disease X is merely a reservoir of fear for this shift in reality to take place.

Several entities with storied histories outlining how little they actually care about the humanity they pretend to be protecting have sold the fear of Disease X to billions of us. The NIH regurgitated the promise of more pandemics in July 2020 in The Next Pandemic: Prepare for “Disease X.” CEPI, a conglomeration of fear mongers and exterminists formed at Davos, Switzerland between the governments of Norway and India, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and the World Economic Forum in 2017, has undertaken efforts in the Disease X realm:

“Disease X is the name given by scientists and the World Health Organization to an unknown pathogen that could emerge in future and cause a serious international epidemic or pandemic. In February 2018, Disease X was included in the WHO’s updated Blueprint list of diseases for which investing in research and development should be an international priority. It is also a priority for CEPI’s research and development investments.”

CEPI seems to be investing heavily in the creation of new pathogens which have never existed on earth and would never mutate themselves into existence. In addition to the original members of CEPI, multiple nations, public entities, as well as private entities have given sums of money and resources to it. What CEPI exists for is really to serve as a shell organization to facilitate the goals of the World Health Organization. They exist to create real diseases with real consequences and build a narrative rooted in fear around them to give more power and resources to the WHO.

It is no surprise that it was the WHO which added Disease X as a placeholder in their list of pandemic preparedness responses. The WHO stands poised to alleviate all of us – individuals, doctors, public health departments, local governments, and national governments – from having to evaluate different courses of action to take during any pandemic. They have helped to create thousands of disease X’s. They are trying to give themselves the sole responsibility to declare pandemics, what the treatments for the disease are, and when it ends. And they are debating which of these Disease X’s should be unleashed on the public to foster the greatest amount of fear through sickness and death.

All of this comes on the heels of an event that overshadows anything else going on in the world. An agreed to version of the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty is expected by no later than March 29, 2024. Between May 27, 2024 and June 1, 2024 the WHO will hold it’s seventy-seventh annual World Health Assembly where this document will be presented and voted on. The authors of the treaty will be voting on the treaty to give themselves unimaginable power to destroy the lives of those who follow their dictates as well as those who do not. When it is presented it will be passed. When it is passed, one of these Disease X’s will be declared a pandemic shortly afterwards. Whether or not the declaration ever expires will be completely up to the WHO and their partners. The only certainty is that millions, perhaps billions, will die and no one will be left unharmed after the WHO gets involved. This is true whether their ‘pandemic’ declaration involves disease prevention, providing ‘humanitarian aid,’ or mitigating man-made climate change.

It is simple to recognize that these research labs need to be eradicated. It is easy to point out that the WHO poses an existential threat to the sovereignty of nations and the well-being of 8 billion people. It is easy to identify the fear-based psychological war footing those demanding that our austerity is the only way to fight man-made climate change and that preparedness for pathogens can only be accomplished by creating increasingly dangerous pathogens. What is hard is to break free from the fear these monsters peddle in the midst of those who have succumbed to it.

In January 2020 I was introduced to the existence of what would later become the Covid-19 pandemic. By March, 2020 everything around me was being shut down, people were ordered to wear masks everywhere, and everyone was supposed to take DNA-collecting swabs at regular intervals. Later it became all the rage to demand vaccines be mandated in order to attend sporting events, entertainment venues, schools, or work. Many succumbed to the fear. Many are still needlessly living under that fear. Others, having recognized that this is all kabuki theater, were no longer frightened but, in order to not be hassled with the loss of their job or their children no longer being permitted an education, found themselves and their children participating in Covidiocy. Disease X is merely the representation of the WHO’s desire to repeat this enough times, with each disease being more catastrophic than the last, to get what they want – total dominion over the health of everything living….

I broke the fear I felt in March, 2020 as I watched those around me cave to it. The fear was stronger than my pleas. What is interesting is that I asked myself after a week of watching those around me play Covidiocy if I wanted to follow G-d or the ‘experts’ making money hand over fist as they enslaved us. I chose G-d’s ways. Those around me did not. I refused to be fearful because I chose to hold G-d and His ways higher than the degenerate ways mankind was demanding. G-d will take me when He is ready and not a moment before nor after was what I told people…. Most agreed yet went on to demand that everyone around them put on oxygen-reducing masks, donate their DNA to whoever the test-makers sold it to, and take experimental gene therapies under the deception that it was a cure which turned out to be far more damaging that the disease.

Disease X was Covid-19 in November 2019. What will it be next? It could be another more lethal strain of Covid-19, it could be aerosolized Ebola, it could be anything, literally, anything including kinetic war, grid-scale electrical outages, or geoengineering. It could even be nothing at all. The important part for those wishing to force humanity to conform to their desires is that we be afraid of what they tell us to be fearful of. They want us in a permanent fight or flight mode so they can neutralize those willing to fight and corral those trying to flee.

Like Goebbels is credited with stating, the enemy of the state is the truth. Thus, the remnant – those not deceived through fear of those who can kill the body but instead are those who are geared up to stand fast in the truth – is the enemy of the state. The state in question is global, so there is nowhere to run. Fighting needs to be done but it must be conducted with a keen eye on preserving those few institutions and values which remain which are good. I don’t mean good in the eyes of men. I mean good in the eyes of G-d.

So, what is good in the eyes of G-d? It is certainly not fearing Disease X, allowing biological engineering operations to continue churning out death and pestilence, or having the WHO dictate our values to us. All of these are only possible due to a disease more debilitating and widespread than cancer, Covid-19, and heart disease combined. It is an illness of the heart brought about by spiritual powers fighting for control over our very souls. They are symptoms of a love that grows cold as distance increases between our hearts and our desire to obey G-d’s ways.

We can defund the WHO. We can shut down biological research laboratories engaged in genetic engineering. We can even arrest those engaged in either for crimes against humanity. But, more importantly, these efforts will ultimately fail if we do not allow the truth into our hearts. If we refuse to accept the ways of G-d we are going to end up damning all of humanity to a miserable fate. Whether it is due to Disease X or whatever the next play in the psychological warmongering playbook is people will succumb. Those standing fast in the truth; however, are immune from these attacks.

The best inoculation from deception is a solid foundation based on the ways of G-d just as Yeshua preached. Everyday the decision to base our lives on the ways G-d prescribed is challenged by those seeking our destruction. From this foundation salvation, restoration, and a new mind and heart of flesh is capable of changing the world for the better – to the way G-d intended His children to prosper. The entities conducting their lives to deceive humanity are engaged in manifesting the tactics of wicked warriors in spiritual realms to lead us to destruction. Disease X is, in reality, just another of the devil’s ploys designed to ruin obedience to G-d through fears about what wicked men wish to do.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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The Never Ending Story of Demanding Dystopia