The Population War

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/28/2024

The Population War

In war, opposing forces seek to achieve three objectives. When these objectives are accomplished and sustained, the war is over and the enemies surrender is imminent. When an enemy’s ability to shoot back, access transportation corridors, and/or communicate are hampered or made impossible the war is over. History is littered with the tales of armies being defeated on the battlefield with this goal in mind – the triumphant forces having accomplished these objectives. The losers of wars have written this into our history books whether the victors intended to convey that thought or not.

Wars; however, are most easily conceived as soldiers shooting rifles, tanks seeking out bunkers, planes dropping bombs on high value buildings which serve as military posts. The ultimate goals of these wars are as described above. War planning revolves around dismantling the ability of an enemy to continue shooting, transporting, and communicating to support their aims. With that in mind, nothing man can do should make us pay more attention than when a government declares a war on a state of being.

War is never fought to benefit who or what it is declared against. LBJ’s war on poverty sounds like a great idea by it’s title. Poverty, the title implies, would be aggressively counteracted to erase it. The devil with these programs are always in the details. LBJ, a Marxist who respected nothing which wasn’t collectivized, decided the federal government should have the discretion to define poverty and to take any action, Constitutional or otherwise, to combat it. As he created more and more federally funded government programs, more and more money was needed to support those programs. What he did is take jobs out of the private sector due to increased tax burdens which meant that the poverty he was waging war against would prevail.

A similar approach was taken by the Nixon administration in it’s war on drugs. After it’s launch the United States has borne witness to multiple rounds of explosions in drug proliferation and the violence that goes along with it. The war on terror was a response to the events of September 11, 2001. The abject failures of LBJ’s and Nixon’s social wars did not give George W. Bush pause and it, too, has failed – terror proliferates. What Bush accomplished; however, was in manifesting an overtly hostile, weaponized, federal government against it’s own citizens.

Even without kinetic wars going on outside of our homes or policies with the word war in them, these wars against society have raged for over 100 years in the United States. Instances of this war’s less unified skirmishes include the Trail of Tears, Jim Crow, the Bonus Army, FDR’s confiscation of gold, Planned Parenthood, and eugenics. The implementation of this larger war requires governmental and corporate partnerships to bring about social changes the elite of this world desire for the rest of us.

It is nothing short of a Population War. The goal of the war is to depopulate human beings to an ‘acceptable’ level of existence and to maintain it at that level. The ‘elites’ – the globalists who pull the levers of government, economic, industrial, academic, and financial power behind the scenes, have determined that there are far too many of us and that we need to be gotten rid of to facilitate their version of Utopia.

In 2020 the entire world declared a war on disease. This should have been a warning to the world that everyone was going to be made sick on purpose. Those who waged this absolute war against humanity ordered the rest of us to do all sorts of things under the idea of eliminating disease. Far from eliminating diseases, every human being was viewed as a disease threat and the protocols and edicts we were forced to abide by actually harms our health. The man-made pathogen sickened many and killed some. The treatment protocol sickened many and killed many. The prophylactics – masks, social distancing, dividing society into essential and non-essential blocs, DNA collecting ‘tests,’ isolation protocols, etc… – crippled economies and created health complications needlessly. The ‘cure’ is a ticking time bomb that kills some immediately while others will succumb to it as time goes on and cancers, heart issues, and cognitive decline rates rise to unimaginable levels.

Covid-19 was truly the first whole of global-government effort fully reinforced by nearly all of the national governments of the world. In unison, governments went to war against disease in general and the hosts of disease in general. The bullets in the war were not crafted of brass but came from the pointed end of a needle. Transportation – in the sense of ensuring one seeking treatments that work and prophylactics which prevent contracting illnesses – was shut down. Information and the channels needed to disperse that information was hijacked by a regime of censorship and military designations of classifications of speech (mis- and dis- information) were affixed to individuals in society.

The front-lines of the war against us is progressing. Misinformation is being applied to all manner of topics. For example, thinking that G-d is real, believing in an inherent right to self-defense, expounding on informed consent in medical decisions, rejecting grants of extra rights to so-called ‘marginalized’ classes of people like trans-gendered people or same-sex couples, asking questions about election integrity, wanting a secured controlled border, refusing to comply with reverse-racism narratives, or merely denouncing the existing forms of global government and their documented plans for our futures have all been labeled misinformation and censored.

The concept is bad enough when it exists in society because it cripples our ability to have honest and frank discussions about the issues that face us. When it finds its way into courtrooms it turns institutions of justice into swamps of iniquity. There is no difference between the ‘trial’ which landed Alexandr Solzhenitsyn in the USSR’s gulag and the ‘trials’ which Donald Trump is facing. In some ways Solzhenitsyn’s trial was more fair than Trump’s. Both systems feature pretrial determinations of guilt but the trials in the USSR were given a veneer of legitimacy by allowing the accused to present a defense. Trump, and others such as Roger Stone and Alex Jones, show up in neo-Stalinist courts with maniacal perpetrators of iniquity sitting as judges and are gagged from even offering a defense. Under the provisions of common law as well as court procedure these types of trials are invalid from the onset and their verdicts illegitimate.

Nonetheless, misinformation is a pervasive demand for legitimizing propaganda. Despite Trump not being able to receive a fair trial because of judicial institutions shifting their focus from seeking to serve the interests of justice to political expediency rooted in misinformation concerns, the illegitimate verdicts are weaponized. Too many people are taking the $80+ million verdict of a recent Trump trial where he was prevented from presenting a defense as not only legitimate but as a pretext to have him deemed invalid as a political candidate altogether.

The same is happening with a so-called research paper which suggests that in states where abortions have been banned since Roe v Wade has been overturned, rapes have caused numbers of pregnancies. The paper was written by two baby-murderers, three die-hard advocates of totally socialized medicine and the death-panels those systems make necessary, and a resident MD. A clear agenda exists among this group of ‘researchers’ which seeks to legalize baby murder without barriers and implement the complete eradication of any rights an individual has regarding medical interventions, treatments, and control of their health in general. The underlying cause for baby murder and universal healthcare is depopulation. To support their desire to depopulate the earth these researches literally made up a wildly inflated number of rapes resulting in pregnancy. The research they pretended to base their numbers on failed to define what rape is and allowed for the inflated numbers because their definition is non-existent. What they produced is misinformation. Yet their report is accepted by those with the same agenda of depopulation in their hearts and minds. Pointing out these concerns with the paper will have one slandered as an advocate of rape.

This is the way misinformation works. It is designed to edify debauchery through holding actual misinformation and even outright propaganda as sacrosanct. At the same time the label of misinformation is applied to any question which challenges the validity of the actual misinformation. Worse yet, those refuting the official narrative promoting such misinformation face jail time and fines. In the Population War the truth is a criminal offense while the deceptive narratives used by those waging it are correctly understood as dis- and mis- information and serve as the basis used to determine one’s criminal activities.

The social engineers who have implemented an information war against the truth and those who seek and speak it have also relegated us to relying on information as our primary method of ‘shooting back.’ Information is gathered from various sources and we analyze it. When we analyze the information we receive we are seeking to see if it fits in with the ethical framework each of us has adopted to live our lives by for that instance in time. In those of us who have adopted morals from which to operate by the information we receive is even more rigorously evaluated for compliance. The difference is summed up by the fact that morals are the teachings of G-d while ethics are man-made. G-d nor His morality change while man and man-made ethics are in constant states of fluctuation depending on the desires of their hearts and minds….

The Population War is dependent upon us being oblivious to the distinction between morality and ethics. As a result, we are targeted and manipulated through psychological war. Thus, while the real goal is to get us to comply with all sorts of massively destructive campaigns, from taking experimental death jabs to complying with Sustainable Development Goals designed to destroy the economies of the world and the people who comprise those economies, the real battle ground is our minds. Before the bullets of Covid-19 and the war against disease could be injected into our arms we had to be convinced, and later coerced, into compliance.

While misinformation is the entire battlefront of the Population War in terms of communication, it is the underwriter for the extermination of humanity the propagators of the war desire. They will have an easier time throwing billions of us off a cliff if we voluntarily line up on the edge for them. Conversely, if billions recognize that there is a cliff and avoid getting near to the edge of it those wishing to throw us off would have to round us up against our will first. This is why the Population War is not be fought with brass bullets bayonets at the present time – one rifle cannot force 50,000 to the edge of a cliff. Weaponized misinformation and psychological warfare tactics employed against a largely unaware and naive population; however, is able to convince 50,000 – even 5 billion – to not only line up at the top of the cliff but to beg to be thrown off of it.

The psychological war waged through declaring officially narrated misinformation truthful was also waged to suppress knowledge and availability of alternative treatments during Covid-19. These narratives persist. Additionally these narratives are proliferating in the name of combating man-made climate change as well as in support for various kinetic wars.

Misinformation also lends itself as a justification to prevent the flow of goods. The supply chain overall was a major target of the architects of Covid-19. The ecoterrorists ‘fighting’ climate change have also adopted this tactic. We noticed it because it left grocery store shelves bare. It prevented us from being able to obtain ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and vitamin-C even with prescriptions. We are still suffering from the effects of massive inflation and supply chain disruptions from the aftermath of Covid-19 as well as having adopted climate-change initiatives which have made housing, food, energy and anything that relies on them far more expensive.

The Population War being waged against you and me is one which is primarily psychological. The intent is to get us corralled without us bickering to much about it. They want us herded into camps where predictability and conformity are the highest virtues. They want to disarm us and bankrupt us to make us think that there is no other way to survive unless they step in as our saviors. They want us to accept the lies they tell without even being able to question them. Once they achieve this the next step is the wholesale slaughter of 95% of humanity. The 10% or so of us who will never comply no matter what so that we may die on our feet rather than die at their hands will be hunted for once the liquidation process really gets underway.

Covid-19 was just a test to see how psychologically broken humanity was at the time and to try to break the rest of us. Because about 70% of humanity did comply with Covidiocy, the architects of the Population War have proceeded onto their next steps – shifting the war to a footing based on ‘protecting’ the environment and preparing a new more lethal pathogen to release upon the world. In the shadows they are waging battles against our ability to buy and sell, eat, have access to clean water, and heat in the winter or air conditioning in the summer. They have targeted basic foods like rice and beef for elimination from the market while they have poisoned other staples such as corn and soybeans. Anyone trying to find real food, clean water, and non-FED means of payment have been targeted as enemies of the state.

The Population War is being won by those wishing to enslave and exterminate humanity. The table could be flipped on them rather quickly though. We could, as a society, refuse to shop at Walmart, Amazon, and Microsoft. We could stop using Google. We could avoid posting GPS locations on Facebook and allowing our phones to track us. Verizon and Sprint could be ditched. We could stop eating Tyson’s food products, paying the IRS to fund programs against the people’s interests, and watching the NFL and nightly news shows. We could avoid all of the things that are harmful to us. They wouldn’t get our money and they wouldn’t be able to reach us with their propaganda.

But, even in the face of all of these corporations and their angle of attack on society in the Population War, we still have the ability to resist effectively. The Apple’s and Meryl Lynch’s of the world are not going anywhere anytime soon but we can do three things to resist right now. The first is to learn that humanity is in a war being fought along the lines of every other war humanity has ever fought with an intent to destroy 95% of our species. The next step is to pay attention to those pushing this war upon humanity and be ready to tell them no and refuse to comply when they issue their edicts. The third one is the most important one and should probably be listed as first – we need to fill ourselves with Truth. That Truth is the way G-d intended his children to live – per the Bible and, in particular, the Tanack. Additionally, the Truth encourages us to also seek the salvation of Yeshua.

How can the evil upon the world affect us if we have righteousness in our hearts and minds and use our strength to show that righteousness? Those pursuing the Population War know they cannot defeat righteousness in a one on one battle so they bend over backwards to deceive as many as they can. These people mistakenly think that multitudes of darkness will swallow those of the light. It is light; however, that pierces through the darkness as anyone who has operated a flashlight or driven at night knows. Yet, the world is not full of righteousness. The world is full of wickedness. It’s wickedness which has encouraged the Population War’s warmongers to engage in the extermination of 7.5 billion people in the first place. It is our own wickedness which keeps us separated from the Truth which has allowed these monsters to prosper in their efforts.

It is a war which has raged since before the time of Adam and will only be paused when Yeshua is ordered by G-d to return to pause it. In the meantime we fight battles in this long-lasting war daily. Ephesians 6:10-18 is a daily reminder that we are in this war and we are called to fight on the side of righteousness as it will be victorious:

10 Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength! 11 Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. 12 For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. 13 So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. 14 Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist, put on righteousness for a breastplate, 15 and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom. 16 Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. 17 And take the helmet of deliverance; along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God; 18 as you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.

We are the Remnant.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


Shalom 18


Marcion’s Return