Hey, Europe, How Is That Union Thing Working Out For You?

Hey, Europe, How Is That Union Thing Working Out For You?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/18/2023

The concept of the nation-state was recognized in the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. As the nation state grew, the feudal lords lost their labor and, thus, their power. No longer would serfs be called upon to settle the disputes between feudal masters, the affairs would be handled by the state’s legal systems. The fealty pledged to the lords by the peons was invalidated as both master and slave pledged allegiance to the state.

Fast forward 300 years to 1948. Three years prior, in 1945, the United Nations was established, immediately following the conclusion of World War II. The creation of the UN was the seed sown in order to usurp the nation state. World War II, in this regard, was fought to determine the direction the global political, social, cultural, economic, and health consolidation would take. The United Nations supposedly represented the West’s ‘democratic’ nation-states as opposed to those systems the defeated foes operated under – totalitarian fascism. This is a fabrication which has contributed massively to the destruction of the nation-state in order to allow the UN more and more autonomy and power.

Several other things happened in 1948 which were integral to establishing the global government we have in 2023. One was the creation of Israel. The Arabs hate it and have waged multiple wars against this nation. The UN loves the conflict; however, because it gives them cause to promote their mission of peace by waging war. The World Health Organization was established. It is the WHO which is doing everything in it’s power to cobble together a treaty giving them sole authority of the health care of over 8 billion people. They are doing this immediately following their own participation in the murder of tens of millions of people under the scam of a man-made pandemic. Also in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations. This ethical framework enshrines Marxism and despotism and paved the road for the UN to determine who has the ‘rights’ in the document and when, how, and where those ‘rights’ are to be exercised. The UN UDHR was and still is a frontal assault on the morals laid down by God.

All kinds of treaties have been signed by any number of various parties. International bodies dealing with all sorts of international issues including trade, finance, peacekeeping directives, laws of the sea, and nuclear proliferation have been addressed at the UN. Under trade, for instance, the UN is able to determine what is permissible to be eaten. Under finance the World Bank, IMF, and Bank if International Settlements have bankrupted, destroyed, and subsequently looted countless nations on this planet. The Peacekeeping forces operated by the UN features foreign soldiers under commands they don’t respect and the soldiers often commit war crimes including rape and murder. Laws of the sea are intended to create huge no-go zones on the oceans unless in international waters and then it is dependent on what flags the vessels fly. Nuclear proliferation efforts have permitted North Korea and Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

The UN though mainly focuses on two things. The first of these is undermining the United States and bashing the existence of Israel. It does not seem to make one bit of difference what the issue is, whether or not the issue is even real, or who the culprit was – the US should be held accountable, should be forced to pay in money and resources, and should be consistently forced to continue paying forever. When it comes to Israel, any action the nation takes to preserve their national security is demonized. Dozens of nations band together to demand that Israel be forced to cease all efforts to sustain their nation through taking out terrorists who wear suicide vests and fire missiles and rockets into Israeli cities. The nations which vote to have Israel do such things are really demanding that Israel allow itself to be overrun.

The other major thing the UN does is to make environmental decrees based on an always growing mountain of fabricated science, propagandized fear, Darwinian evolution, Malthusian architecture, and Marxism. The reason that dozens of major treaties and hundreds of thousands of pages of associated documents exist just at the UN about climate change is an effort to make people believe in their versions of climate change – that it is all man’s fault. The fear is meant to push people into that belief. The solutions are all rooted in satanism whether it be the way the UN regards culture, social issues, or economics. Through these mechanisms the UN has wrested a lot of national sovereignty away from the nations of earth. Those in the upper echelons of national governments and countless CEO’s of multinational businesses, banks, and non-governmental institutions have jumped on the bandwagon with the belief that they will be rewarded by the UN after the global government sufficiently terrorizes and murders the rest of humanity into compliance with UN dictates. They are wrong in believing this as the traitors who assist the masterminds are always in the first wave of execution, imprisonment, and subjugation of the masterminds because the low-level instigators of these types of schemes cannot be trusted. History bears this out.

What is interesting is the fact that while the UN has done thins slowly over the course of the last 80 years, the European Union has mimicked the UN’s developments. The UN, recognizing that there is no way for it to directly control the entire world, especially if the nation-state no longer exists, has long favored the idea of regionalization. Oddly, this is detailed in, of all places, the Bible. It is particularly discussed in Revelation when there are 10 kings who exist to give their power over to the beast who sits waiting to fully exploit the beast system to cause all to worship him or be put to death. The UN wants to create 10 regions of the earth fully aligned to carrying out UN decrees. This map indicates 8 regions around the world, but Russia is not going to join with Europe nor with China and will be it’s own region. Another ‘region’ will be formed which will not be geographic but spread around the world in hidden enclaves because they will reject the UN’s decrees, ethics, and lies in favor of God’s pronouncements, Word, and truth. That’s 10 regions, ladies and gentlemen.

Already there is a union of African nations encompassing the whole of the African continent. This could easily be diminished along religious divisions as Muslim North African nations break away from the African Union, in favor of joining a Middle Eastern Union. ASEAN exists in Southeast Asia. China is not yet incorporated into the region; however, look for China to take over the union and to kick India out. India will turn around and forge an uneasy union with it’s Muslim neighbors to the west and north. This union will feature internal strife due to India’s Hindu population and the rest of the nations involved being Muslim as well as Iran’s inclusion which will seek to dominate the union which exists to leverage India’s interests to protect against Chinese interests. The Middle Eastern region basically already exists under OPEC. Australia will dominate the island nations off of it’s eastern coast in the pacific and will have direct access into Asia through Paupa New Guinea. The Pacific Union, encompassing Oceania, is like the North American Union – stalled out but very much in existence. The Union of South American was created by a Communist to make sure the US had no say on the continent but has largely been dismantled, look for it’s resurrection in the near future. The North American Union has infrastructure built for it and a whole series of regional decrees, yet, US citizen push-back has stalled it out and it is still an idea waiting to be realized – one which waits to expand on NAFTA.

The most successful of the efforts to regionalize an area of the earth; however, exists in the creation of the EU. Developments in the EU, from the way it was conceptualized (the European Coal and Steel Community), to it’s ascent to regional coordination in other industries (the European Economic Commission), to it’s status now as the government which directs all of the national governments which are members. But, even this isn’t enough power for the unelected European Union government. They controls European immigration, currency, economic policy, economic production, security, and other matters, yet their control over the nations the EU tyrannizes isn’t direct enough in some areas for their liking. The EU’s European-nation breaking recipe is to take the existing EU, add in The World Economic Forum’s technological convergence, add in the UN’s SDG’s, and erase the national sovereignty of it’s member states through creating EU citizens. They won’t be German nor Slovakian nor Spanish nor Greeks any longer – those will be mere administrative districts within the EU. There will be EU citizens with EU digital ID’s.

Where Ukraine sought to surpass the technocracies of Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and, to a large extent, China, the EU’s adoption of digital ID’s with goal of a 30% implementation rate by 2030 would leave Ukraine as well as the other nation’s mentioned in the dust. Technocracy would be centralized in Brussels and the decrees will never stop being issued forth from the EU totalitarians about what needs to be done in order to keep an EU subject in good standing per the ID.

A digital ID doesn’t sound like that big of a deal until one realizes what it means to have a digital ID. That is part of the plan – to make sure that as many as possible are unaware of what is wrapped into these things and, for those who figure it out, to sell it as a convenience. The cost is any perception of freedom and that is never addressed by the advocates of digital ID’s. Bio-metrics, bank accounts, real time tracking of purchases, resource allocation, what jobs, education, transportation, and recreational activities, and any other facet of one’s life will be recorded, surveilled, and decided upon in real time by an AI programmed based on the whims of the EU maniacs.

This was everything Napoleon hoped to accomplish and much more. This was everything Adolf Hitler hoped to accomplish and more. The bankers were behind Napoleon. The bankers were behind Hitler. The bankers are behind everything noted above – from the idea of a UN and the concept of regionalization to usurp the sovereign nation state, to the Digital ID and AI. All of these are meant to consolidate humanity into neat blocs able to be far more easily controlled, tracked, and, if the need arises, exterminated.

The EU really is Hitler’s vision being brought into reality. Overall, his plan was to unite Europe under German rule. Brussels is in Germany. It is constantly finding some new reason to make itself more important that the nation-state’s which comprise it and the result has been the erosion of borders, language, and culture throughout the continent. What has not yet disappeared is a minority of God-fearing, Jesus-loving, Bible-believing individuals scattered throughout the various nations in the EU. Much like the United States, this EU minority is being called upon to change their beliefs to accommodate the actions of the government and the preferences of society at large.

If there is no free speech in this digital age, there is no possibility of ever being able to break away from the dictates of the monsters running the system. The EU is one of the pioneers of such infringements on free speech in the Western world. In their 2022 report, the EU brags about having sent 176 people to trial for their speech and notes that the speech deemed hateful is arbitrary. Further, the report states, “In this monitoring exercise, anti-gypsyism, xenophobia (including anti-migrant hatred) and sexual orientation are the most commonly reported ground of hate speech.” Gypsies have a bad rap because they are traditionally a nomadic people who will take what they want without giving it a second thought and lie straight to their victims face at the same time. Their culture is one based on theft and it hasn’t really changed. The immigration into Europe is, indeed, meant to give the lawless Gypsies a run for their money as well as replace them first. These ‘immigrants’ are largely military-aged men from dysfunctional nations with degenerate social values who refuse to assimilate. Chopping the genitalia out of and off of children is only embraced by the most degenerate societies and the EU demands that Europe proper be just such a society. All of this speech is banned by the EU. Eventually it will be seen as hateful to hurt an AI’s ‘feelings’, demand that EU officials be held accountable for the atrocities they have already committed and plan on committing, and recite Bible verses which do not affirm the EU. Imagine the entire Bible being reduced to Romans 13:1-7* stripped of all it’s context and the only allowable Bible passage! If all authority comes from God and the ‘authorities’ in the government are reprobate and demanding evil and practicing lawlessness, then the logic would go that they are not authorities at all. That’s my logic anyway.

But, that’s the point. That’s the big goal. The entire purpose of the UN is to come up with idols to worship while destroying the intent of the Bible altogether. If you don’t think Ursula von der Leyen wants this same adulation from her subjects in the EU or that whoever is president of the US, Chairman of China, or King of the British Commonwealth seek the same, I have a bridge to sell you…. Climate change is an idol. Digital ID is an idol. AI, nanobots, mRNA vaccines, and a whole host of other ‘progressive’ technologies are idols. These lawless ones demand that we idolize something. What they cannot stand is when any of us decide to really follow God and reject all of their idols. “Trust the science” they demand, even to the point of imprisoning us if we refuse. I will keep on replying the same – I will trust in God and God alone.

If Europe wants to throw off the issues it faces from an almost complete overthrow of their national sovereignty they will immediately remove themselves from the EU, kick out any UN or UN-aligned agents, remove UN-affiliated NGO’s, and fine any business complying with the SDG’s out of existence unless they immediately cease in their UN cooperation. Even more importantly than that; however, and far easier and rapid to complete, would be a revival of the importance of God in their lives. The US, Australia, and, frankly, every other person in every other nation on the planet would be wise to do this. Will they? I don’t know, but I doubt it. There seems to me to be a great falling away…. If people do not want to fall at the feet of their totalitarian, technocratic, fascist ‘leaders’ though they should take heed of the concept that God is completely real, all truth is vested in Him and revealed to us through the Law, and salvation is achievable through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It’s either God and his way or the world and it’s way and the way of the world will soon revolve around kissing the hand of the one who wears the ring of Mordor.

Bless God and God bless.

*Romans 13:1-7 Everyone is to obey the governing authorities. For there is no authority that is not from God, and the existing authorities have been placed where they are by God. 2 Therefore, whoever resists the authorities is resisting what God has instituted; and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are no terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to be unafraid of the person in authority? Then simply do what is good, and you will win his approval; 4 for he is God’s servant, there for your benefit. But if you do what is wrong, be afraid! Because it is not for nothing that he holds the power of the sword; for he is God’s servant, there as an avenger to punish wrongdoers. 5 Another reason to obey, besides fear of punishment, is for the sake of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes; for the authorities are God’s public officials, constantly attending to these duties. 7 Pay everyone what he is owed: if you owe the tax-collector, pay your taxes; if you owe the revenue-collector, pay revenue; if you owe someone respect, pay him respect; if you owe someone honor, pay him honor.


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