Living Documents Equal Enslavement and Death

Living Documents Equal Enslavement and Death

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/26/2023

When it comes to law, what they state shouldn’t be able to be changed unless there is a revision dedicated to changing it. When laws begin to change all sorts of nefarious consequences ensue. Alterations to laws can be done properly through amendment processes and legislative efforts. A fatally flawed way to alter laws; however, arises when certain entities choose to reject the intent of a law in order to reinterpret the law’s meanings with the purpose of serving their own ends. The term living document being used in relation to the law should strike fear in the hearts of all who are subject to the law. While the law doesn’t change, the interpretation does, and even written documents become an instrument of repression for tyrants.

In order to have a living document mentality in the first place, an individual or entity must abandon any form of objectivity. Refusing to accept objective reality is an embrace of subjective reality. Those with subjective world views will find a way to justify any action they wish to commit. In it’s purest form, those with a subjective reality have abandoned any pretext of truth as they delude themselves with their own justifications for their actions.

For example, many religious institutions have embraced the Alphabet Mafia under the ruse of love thy neighbor. Who is their neighbor and who is their brother? Sinners should be encouraged to stop sinning through repentance. So, while these mafia members demand acceptance, some houses of worship have decided that these creatures should be loved, accepted, and never told to repent of their subjective ways. For those who are in Christ and those who are in God, the subjective reality of the Alphabet Mafia has replaced the objective reality of the Word of God – for those who never suggest the mafia repent, what exactly are you doing except for replacing the love of God with the love of abomination; replacing the truth of the Word with a subjective reality dedicated to cutting people off from God under the world’s determination of what inclusion, acceptance, and tolerance looks like.

The Bible is not, and was never intended to be, a living document. It is the unalterable Word of the Living God, The Creator of the Universe. There are two unchanging, overarching, lessons being taught throughout the Word. One of them is how to worship God. The other is how to relate to the world around us. The way God wants us to relate to the world around us and the people in that world have not changed, man’s pathetic interpretation of it has. That’s why there are congregations flying BLM and gay-pride flags. It’s why the Vatican has ecumenical movements and has incorporated Gaia worship into it’s masses. Historically, many evil groups have hijacked God’s Word, edited it, turned it into a living document, and justified all sorts of ungodly actions.

The Bible, while being the most important document, isn’t the only source of law which mankind has assailed. The US Constitution has also been subjected to the same perversions. Look at the way presidential elections take place in the United States and then read the way the Constitution prescribes. In no way are they similar. Likewise, the idea of a living document allowed for Amendments 16 and 17 to be ratified despite the Constitution’s diametric opposition to either. Amendment 16 is the one which allows the US government to directly and progressively tax the labor of it’s citizens which is an unconstitutional shredding of Article I Sections 2 and 9. Amendment 17 destroyed the representation of the several State’s interests at the federal level which is noted in Article I Section 3. Together these two seemingly trivial (albeit unconstitutional) alterations gave way too much power to the federal government of the United States. It has also allowed those living under the delusion that the Constitution is a living document to commit all sorts of assaults against it and the people who live under it.

The Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Departments of Energy, Education, Health and Human Services and dozens of other should not exist. The Constitution provides for no means by which they can be established. The several States handed over their representative power to a people who are routinely subjected to federal propaganda, federal education curricula, and federal subsidies and welfare programs. The states don’t buck this system because tax money flows from the people to the federal government and back to the states.

Looking at the bastardization of the Commerce Clause is a prime example of the fruits of looking at the Constitution as a living document. Raw milk is not allowed to be sold between states for consumption. One can travel to an out of state farm, purchase raw milk, and take it back to their state; however, it must be deemed to be for personal consumption and cannot be resold or otherwise distributed. The CDC (another entity which should not exist and should probably see anyone who has ever worked there brought up on charges of mass murder, genetic destruction, and medical rape and the building burnt to the ground) justifies their stance on raw milk by claiming that processed foods are superior to unprocessed foods. This same CDC is still telling people that the mRNA shots are safe and effective despite the voluminous mountain of real-world evidence detailing the maiming, injuring, and murdering of millions around the globe. There are no CDC demands that the Commerce Clause be used to reduce this very real damage.

The living document demons have decided that there is no right to free speech, gun ownership, due process, protections from cruel and unusual punishment, nor even the right to travel freely nor personal possession of any property let alone to be secure in those possessions. We watch videos of criminals robbing stores and nothing is done. If something is done, whatever actions were taken to stop the robbery is the crime. We see news reports about children being perverted as young as age two as they are made subject to state-sponsored kidnappings and genital mutilations. The parents speaking against the grooming and the genocide of future generations and the genital mutilation of their children are the one’s who engaged in criminal acts according to the states which have decided ‘gender-affirming care’ is legal. There are multiple federal bills which have been introduced to destroy free speech, gun rights, and to skip whatever steps under due process are seen as overly burdensome to the prosecution. Look at what happened to Roger Stone and Alex Jones. Look at what is happening to Donald Trump and what is not happening to Hunter Biden.

Degenerates are the proprietors of living document acceptance. A living document is the friend of the tyrants, criminals, and lawless among us – especially those who find themselves in positions of power. As the tyranny over the people has risen at all levels of government, so too has the prevalence of degenerates finding themselves in positions of power. In order to get the camel’s nose under the tent, the living document is used. What will follow should these living documents be permitted to stand and those professing their belief in living documents be permitted to remain in power is enslavement and death.

Living in Sioux Falls, I have a special interest in what the degenerate mayor of this town does. Last month the city decided that a living document should be the law regarding sustainability. This global-government aligned planned enslavement and destruction of the individuals, family units, local businesses, transportation options, energy sources, and the availability of foods, are some of the targets of the plan. They phrase it in Utopian terms and spend no time looking into the evils their plan will bring. The plan is heavy with Utopian language, cherry-picked and highly fake science, and relies entirely on the worldview of constructing a tyranny wed to ‘values’ dreamed up under subjective thought. It is very light on what the plan is actually going to be used to do unless one happens to fully understand what the circular economy is – the economic model of Benito Mussolini coupled with the new eugenics – total enslavement and death.

It is going to be used to create a 15-minute city in Sioux Falls. It is going to be used to make sure that all economic activity in the city will be conducted under a social-credit score scheme. It will mean that we will no longer be able to own cars, guns, houses. It means that the number of articles of clothing we buy, trips we take, ounces of meat we eat will all be tracked in real time. If we are trying to exceed the city’s quotas for these and any other resource – particularly electricity – we will be prevented from being permitted to purchase these items. The plan is very progressive in that it expects Sioux Falls residents to submit to the directions barked at them from robots, drones, and their cell phones which are unified and authored by artificial intelligence.

This isn’t confined to Sioux Falls. It’s not limited to national governments and Constitutions. It’s not only in religious circles. It is literally everywhere. And the reason for it is because there is only one objective truth. God had it written it down. Men call it God’s Word. Jesus called it the law, Torah. It is the increased distance from Torah, from the Word of God, which has permitted the evil of conspiratorial subjective realities, and the tyrants holding those views, to grip the minds of men. Believers have a duty to God to double down on the morals God decreed and reject the subjective reality of the degenerates.

It’s time to get to know God. It’s time to learn His ways. It’s time to sit down and read, kneel down and pray, and ask for Jesus to make us white as wool. Some of us do this. I know I could and should do it more often. I’ll make the effort if you will too. If we don’t we are going to be directed to a guillotine constructed with the faithful and righteous in mind and commanded, for the final time, to reject God and take the mark. If we don’t, the blade will fall. If we do we will forever be cut off from God. There is God’s way and the world’s lies. We are all being forced to recognize the existence of these evils but, at the same time, we need to be concerning ourselves with learning the ways of holiness because only by turning towards God will He lift His hand to assist our efforts.

Bless God and God bless.


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