The Nicaea Council – 1,698 Years of Blasphemy. It’s Past Time to Read the Bible for Ourselves.

The Nicaea Council – 1,698 Years of Blasphemy. It’s Past Time to Read the Bible for Ourselves.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/6/2023

There is a story in The Atlantic, The Misunderstood Reason Millions of Americans Stopped Going to Church which was written by Jack Meador. Surprisingly the article did note some of the reasons people have stopped going to church. Work, being too busy, being too tired, sexual abuse, and the church’s responses to allegations and convictions for sexual abuse are noted. Also noted is that churches are no longer preaching salvation but are engaged in being a social club. Meador describes it, “American churches have too often been content to function as a kind of vaguely spiritual NGO, an organization of detached individuals who meet together for religious services that inspire them, provide practical life advice, or offer positive emotional experiences.” Another main reason is that churches are not thriving due to finances drying up and demographics change.

Yet, the churches Meador targets are all non-Catholic. He never mentions the travesties the Catholic church has perpetrated against humanity in the past nor today. Instead, Meador included two paragraphs of particular interest to The Atlantic’s ecitors which suit their purposes. Meador wrote that he visited a commune with pooled resources which claims they are practicing Christianity as Jesus commanded us to do. Meador and this commune is wrong – Jesus was never a socialist, communist, nor a fascist and never once commanded His followers to be one. The Atlantic is wrong too – they are Marxists who are seeking to infuse a meaning to life component into Marxism. Believers should learn Marxist history – the churches are used to promote Marxism, the clergy is arrested for not being orthodox Marxists, and the believers are commanded to worship the state, not God. Meador and the Atlantic have teamed up in the article to promote a racidal new world – a new normal.

The radical new normal Meador, the Atlantic, and the ‘elite’ of the world are all onboard and gun-ho for is called the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution it relies on. Meador’s words are not in line with the Bible – they are in line with the World Economic Forum. They are not in line with the teachings of Jesus, they are in line with the whispering of Satan in the ears of the ‘elites’ lusting after humanity’s subservience, submission, and serum.

To promote and facilitate this plan Meador’s article is a call to create a global cult which features universal basic income and all of the enslavement which comes with it. At least, that is what I gathered from it. “Their way of living frees them from the treadmill of workism. Work, in this community, is judged not by the money it generates but by the people it serves. In a workist culture that believes dignity is grounded in accomplishment, simply reclaiming this alternative form of dignity becomes a radical act.” That idea is in the ESG metrics and the dystopian stakeholder capitalism of the World Economic Forum’s economic vision for everyone on earth – it is not in the Bible.

This is why I am constantly telling people to go read the Bible on their own. Without guidance the reader is forced to figure out what is going on in the book on their own. Difficult questions present themselves throughout the book. Trying to figure out what is being talked about on one’s own is a great way to hone one’s intellectual capabilities. Being able to discuss the topics in the Bible competently to reach a conclusion is also a good way to figure out what is going on with the added benefit of community. Agreements will not necessarily flow forth but the questions present opportunities for deeper understanding. Of course, some of these questions are also capable of fomenting disbelief as well as inspiring the more ambitious and zealous to add on to the 40,000 sects of Christianity.

(An example of one of these difficult questions is why did Jesus choose Judas Iscariot especially since Jesus knew Judas would betray Him? Jesus was sent to earth by His Father to fulfill many of the Old Testament prophecies is the short answer. A longer, more robust answer includes other facets – it was God’s purpose and Judas loved money above all are two of them. Zechariah 11, Exodus 21, Jeremiah 32, and Psalm 41 all prophecy Judas and his treacherous behavior toward Jesus.)

It is worth noting that Jack Meador is the editor of Mere Orthodoxy. This group apparently exists to establish a reformed Catholic Church and seeks to gain adherents by destroying evangelical institutions. There are several articles about the organization’s stance on LGBTQIA+ issues which all lack definitive answers found in the Bible – it’s abomination. But what immediately caught my attention is that, despite their insistence that they follow the Bible, they are committed to Nicean orthodoxy (at least for sex and gender issues). This leads straight back to their application of the Nicaea Council’s decrees in importance over the Bible. There are positive, Biblical, articles which are hosted on Mere Orthodoxy; however there are just as many which are not.

I come from an Irish-Catholic background and a huge family full of adherents. At the risk of upsetting my family; however, Catholicism, to me, has always smacked of shamanism. Shamans are famous for their ability to act as a witch doctor, open interdimensional portals, and sanctioning human sacrifices. Looking at the history of the Catholic church, the term vicar was applied to the Pope which dispelled any arguments against the Catholic Church being a shamanistic institution since about 1200. These Popes have deceived the world and are still deceiving the world. Truth issues from the Word of God, not the Pope’s mouth.

The reason for this deception is the original deception which created Christianity in the first place – the Nicaea Council. The Council allowed for a creeping phenomena I dub a Biblicalish faith without God. The full ramifications of this phenomena are on display for those of us looking at the events in the world. The real reason that people are no longer attending church is because they don’t see it is as important for them to go. They have increased their distance from Torah and the churches themselves have done the same. Many churches have decided to cater to the ways of the world and the people they produce in order to get donations at the expense of the Word of God, increasing distance from Torah. They recognize the importance of God’s blessing but do not realize that God is also wrathful. God’s wrath is particularly viscous towards those who go against His ways in His name….

Mere Orthodoxy recognizes this as Marcionism. Marcion was labeled a heretic by the Catholic church because he sought to decouple the God of the Old Testament from Jesus Christ of the New Testament entirely. This is what a lot of ‘Christians’ do today and it is completely repulsive. In a different article on Mere Orthodoxy, Meador writes of the ‘correct’ way Christians should observe this - “For centuries many Christians have said that the Mosaic law can be divided into three portions--the ceremonial law, the civil law, and the moral law. The civil law and ceremonial law are specific laws given to the people of Israel that were fulfilled and done away with by Christ. They are no longer in force--which is why I can have shrimp for dinner tonight if I feel like it. The moral law, however, is the set of moral norms that stands behind the civil and ceremonial law.”

What did Jesus Himself do and say? First, Jesus has always been and will always be Jewish. So he did Jewish things. He intimately knows the author of the Torah (His Father), lived by the Torah, preached the Torah, and fulfilled many of the prophecies of the Old Testament. The rest He will come back to finish. He made no distinction about the law in the King James Version in Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. In the Complete Jewish Bible this is rendered more bluntly, many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. NIV offers Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Wickedness and iniquity arise when a code is broken and denote an environment of lawlessness (in this case the lawlessness is the social acceptance and celebration of it – a society of reprobates). The law is found in the Torah. It is not parsed by civil, ceremonial, and moral in the words of Jesus.

So why can this be tied to the Nicaea Council? Well, let’s look. In 325 the council invented the Trinity. They elevated Jesus Christ, the Son, to the status of God, the Father. They also elevated the Holy Spirit to the level of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. Where is the Biblical justification for this? It doesn’t exist. This council created a concept which is not able to be understood by mankind. God, of course, has very different ways than the moral men He created; however, the verses of the Bible used to create this illegitimate concept do not lend themselves to it. The only reason I can fathom for the Council to make such a declaration is to separate Jesus Christ from His Jewishness in order to create an unneeded new religion. But, because men cannot fathom the trinity it requires those willing to beguile others to explain it as they understand it. This is the bedrock lie which the Catholic Church (and all of Christianity) have opened themselves to.

In 381 the Council again met. The set out to destroy all non-Trinity forms of Christianity. They tried to set up barriers between church leaders and political leaders. Rome was still regarded as first in importance in Christianity but Constantinople was declared second. Cynic philosophers were made enemies of Christianity. Bishops were placed above the law and warned those accusing them that their own lives would be thoroughly sifted through. The heretics from the faiths the Trinitarians sought to destroy were given methods of joining Christianity.

It was Constantine, the Roman emperor, who convened the first of these councils. Having no compulsion whatsoever to acknowledge Jesus Christ’s Jewishness, Constantine made the persecution of Christians illegal while committing atrocities against everyone else. He originated Christmas which is why the origination of Christmas has no references in the Bible. He decided that Biblical references to Passover should be replaced with pagan celebrations, re-named Easter. Constantine made the Sabbath Sunday. The Councils hijacked the Bible, contorted it to fit Constantine’s decrees, and created a religion which rejected the God of the Bible and has been used to replace God altogether by replacing God the Father with the Jesus, His Son. Like the debauchery and abomination committed by Islam’s prophet, the progenitor of modern Christianity, Constantine, was always a pagan who corrupted God’s word and Jesus Christ’s life to meet his own ends.

So here is where I will give my testimony. I started listening to Alex Jones in 2013. An uncle of mine kept posting environmental articles from and I discovered that there was a radio show connected to it. I was very entertained and listened for a few months as Alex Jones tried to warn everyone about what was coming our way. Jones was screaming (literally) about Agenda 21 for the tenth time in those several months and I decided there is no way this thing is as bad as he says it is. I went and looked it up. I read Agenda 21. It was even worse than what Jones let on. AS time went on I started reading other materials Jones mentioned.

When I finished reading the Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil I said nope. I said God will stop that. By this time Alex Jones was starting to talk openly about God, Jesus, faith, and how humanity is being marched off a cliff. I decided to read the Bible on my own. One of Jones’ guests was (and still is from time to time) Steve Quayle. I started listening to Quayle and was introduced to Doug Hagmann, Tom Horn, and attended several conferences called True Legends. I was waking up to the truth of God and what God actually said in the Bible as I had begun reading it. Coincidentally, a King James version of the Bible with an apocrypha was being offered by Tom Horn, if I recall correctly, and that was the Bible I was reading.

I went book by book. I still have the order written down. I read all of it by reading one book in the New Testament, one book in the Old Testament, and one book in the apocrypha until there were no more books to read. The first of the Gospels of Jesus Christ I read was the Book of Matthew and I sat there and read all of it in one sitting. I cried even though I already knew the ending. I understood; however, that Jesus never stated to reject His Father. He stated the opposite. When I reached Matthew 5:17-20 my jaw literally hung open.

After reading the Bible I had a lot of questions. I started attending a Baptist church because it was the church which most closely associated it’s teachings with the Bible’s truth. Some of those questions I had were answered at that church. Yet, still, something seemed to be missing. I wanted to worship as Jesus’ original followers had. I came upon a name used for these people, Nazarene. Nazarene’s were Jews who accepted the Messianic claims of Jesus Christ. They were brutally hunted by Jews and Romans alike. They rejected paganism drawing the ire of Rome. They were not accepted by the Jews who put the Messiah to death.

The faith of the Nazarene people exists to this day both in Christianity and in Judaism. Instead of rejecting the Jewishness of Christ and His teachings and His apostles and His followers, they embrace it. Their rewards from both the Jewish and Christian worlds is persecution. If you would like to experiment with this phenomena, I encourage you to go to any church and openly state that you are a Torah compliant Christian and note the reaction. Go to a synagogue and state that you adhere to Messianic Judaism. While Torah-compliant Christianity and Messianic Judaism are not quite the same, they both promote the importance of the Torah and a proper reconciliation of the Laws of the Torah and what Jesus Christ did to change them.

I was recently baptized by a rabbi. I started attending a Messianic Jewish congregation several years ago. Almost all of my questions have been answered. New ones arise continuously. I have gained at least a cursory knowledge of the Torah, and a far deeper understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. This worship is a commitment I have made to God. I fully understand the purpose of Jesus now and have an even greater appreciation for His sacrifices and love for His teachings.

God knows Torah is impossible to fulfill by men with the evil which resides in our hearts. Even the greatest of the men in the Bible, Moses, King David, Paul, had a blind spot. Jesus came to this earth through the will of God to live the Torah in perfection. But it goes deeper than that. God had always, until the resurrection of Christ, demanded that sin sacrifices be given by those violating the Torah. God grew weary of the sins and the unrepentant spirit in His people; however. In Isaiah 1:11-14 this is made clear and God rejects the sin sacrifices of the unrepentant altogether in Malachi 1:6-14. They are unclean people offering unclean things who don’t understand sacrifice.

Jesus was sent into the world to show these people, as well as the rest of the people on earth, what living a life under Torah actually looks like. Many loved Him and followed Him even during His time on this earth. He was and is a talented, holy, and cherished treasure by those who believe in Him. In God’s eyes, Jesus is the perfection of the Torah, completely Holy and set apart for God. His sacrifice for our sins is even more dramatic in that context. Jesus Christ ended the sacrifices for sin because they were rendered meaningless through the laws placed by men over other men which encouraged the sacrifices yet failed to convince the sinner to repent.

And this is why He is still called the Lamb who will return as a Lion. Jesus is Jewish mind you. The Passover lamb is Jewish too. And the Passover lamb has some interesting characteristics. One of the most interesting is that it is to be taken into the home and treated as a family member. It is to be loved. Then it is to be sacrificed. The idea of sacrifice entails that which is going to be taken away is going to be missed.

Moreover, Passover is a God-commanded celebration meant to stir memories of God granting His People freedom from slavery. There are several very important holidays in the Bible in addition to Passover. Following Passover is a week on eating no leavened bread. The Feast of First Fruits is an offering to God for the produce of the land and to remember the land is theirs, not their former slave tenements in Egypt. 50 days later the Feast of Weeks is celebrated to thank God for the harvest. The Jewish New Year is known as Rosh Hashanah and is dedicated to the end of the growing season and as a reminder to prepare for the next holy day ten days later. The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is the highest holy day and it is celebrated to atone for ones sins and seek to be written into the Book of Life.

The final celebration in the Bible is one which had no reference until Jesus was begotten. It is Sukkot. It is 8 days long. And, if Constantine wasn’t such a demonic derelict, he would have realized the significance of Sukkot because it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. To keep the argument for the first day of Sukkot being the birth of Jesus short (and also incomplete), no one was staying in an inn, they were all spending a week in huts with thatched roofs. Mary and Joseph did the same.

The eighth day of Sukkot is a special day, Shemini Atsereth. This was the day Jesus was circumcised. This is the day that the Torah readings finish up to be restarted as well. There is our celebration of Jesus coming to earth – the fifteenth of Tishri with the eighth day representing the renewal of the Word, the covenant God made with Abraham, Jesus’ physical manifestation of being under the Torah, as well as the promise of salvation that on the eighth day we will step foot into heaven for eternity. This holy festival is completely ignored by Christianity because it confirms Jesus’ identity as a Jew, the covenant God made with Abraham and the fact that it is still relevant even in Christianity, and that God set this feast on that date thousands of years prior to the earthly coming of His Son.

If you would like to celebrate, this feast of tabernacles (Sukkot) starts at sundown on September 29 and goes to nightfall on October 6. Take a tent with a view of the sky into the backyard and sleep in it.

What Constantine really served to do was to create a rift which has only widened between most of the 40,000-plus sects of Christianity and the dozens of Jewish sects. That rift can been seen in the present. Israel recently attempted to ban Christianity and have had issues with Jews harassing Christians. Maybe they forgot that Jesus is Jewish?

The Romans spent centuries meddling and killing Jews who refused to submit to the dictates of the Roman leaders. They really hated the Jews who preached about Jesus. And, it was the Romans who stole the life of Jesus from the Jews, perverted his message, and created an entire religion around a fabrication. They did this because they were what we would today call anti-Semites. Before he became the bishop of Constantinople in 398, likely just a few years after the second meeting of the Council of Nicaea, John Chrysostom demanded that the God of the Jews be completely obliterated from Christian thought:

“…If the enemies of the truth never have enough of blaspheming our Benefactor, we must be all the more tireless in praising the God of all. But what am I to do? Another very serious illness calls for any cure my words can bring, an illness which has become implanted in the body of the Church. We must first root this ailment out and then take thought for matters outside; we must first cure our own and then be concerned for others who are strangers.

“What is this disease? The festivals of the pitiful and miserable Jews are soon to march upon us one after the other and in quick succession: the feast of Trumpets, the feast of Tabernacles, the fasts. There are many in our ranks who say they think as we [Christians] do. Yet some of them are going to watch the festivals and others will join the Jews in keeping their feasts and observing their fasts. I wish to drive this perverse custom from the Church right now. My homilies against the Anomians can be put off to another time, and the postponement would cause no harm. But now that the Jewish festivals are close by and at the very door, if I should fail to cure those who are sick with the Judaizing disease I am afraid that, because of their ill-suited association and deep ignorance, some Christians may partake in the Jews' transgressions; once they have done so, I fear my homilies on these transgressions will be in vain. For if they hear no word from me today, they will then join the Jews in their fasts; once they have committed this sin it will be useless for me to apply the remedy.

“And so it is that I hasten to anticipate this danger and prevent it. This is what physicians do. They first check the diseases which are most urgent and acute. But the danger from this sickness is very closely related to the danger from the other. Since the Anomians' impiety is akin to that of the Jews, my present conflict is akin to my former one. And there is a kinship because the Jews and the Anomians make the same accusation. And what charges do the Jews make? That He [Jesus] called God His own Father and so made Himself equal to God. The Anomians also make this charge - I should not say they make this a charge; they even blot out the phrase "equal to God" and what it connotes, by their resolve to reject it even if they do not physically erase it.”

Maybe this stupid prick drank the blood of babies, raped the ones he didn’t murder, and held orgies in his off time. I wouldn’t put it past him because he rejected any morality set down by the Father. What I can tell you is that this historical figure was completely ignorant of the truth in the Bible. Of particular concern is his flagrant disregard for passages such as Romans 11:11-24 in which Paul states that some of the Jewish branches were broken off and some of the gentile branches grafted in. Yet, Paul sternly warns these newly grafted branches to not become arrogant because not only can God graft the broken branches back in, he can sever those newly grafted branches at any time.

What is actually written doesn’t matter though. That’s was the intent of Constantine, the Councils he commissioned, and the entire Catholic Church for that matter, at least to me – I know I am in the minority, one billion Catholics will hate that I wrote this. So, instead of recognizing that some Christians are grafted into the Tree of Life, they have decided the tree should be cut down and replanted entirely, leaving the stump to die. What folly is in these people’s hearts and what evil they cause. How despicable was Justin Martyr who seems to have first suggested the idea? And yet it persists, as does the hatred of the root by the branches, the trunk by the leaves, and the very essence feeding the roots by the olives. There are many ‘Christians’ who still believe this despite explicit, albeit recent, rejections of this asinine, anti-Biblical, and demonic idea. The damage has already been done.

I want you to read the Bible. I know, you don’t really care about what I want. God wants you to know Him. God wants you to understand what he has set down for mankind to set us apart from those who hate Him. The added benefit of understanding the Old Testament is that the fullness of the importance of Jesus’ life, sacrifice, resurrection, and promise of return can be fully realized. Reading the Bible is not an easy task but those three months I spent reading the whole thing so that I might have understanding are worth it. What is three months compared to eternity? If it takes you ten years to read it entirely, what is ten tears compared to eternity?

Bless God and God bless.


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