Alchemists (Once Known as Scientists): Drink Your Hydrocarbons, Eat Fake Meat With Nanoparticles, and Take Your Shots, Transhuman
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Alchemists (Once Known as Scientists): Drink Your Hydrocarbons, Eat Fake Meat With Nanoparticles, and Take Your Shots, Transhuman

The FDA and USDA are supposed to be staffed with experts about what is harmful to the human body and to make efforts to prevent those substances from entering the body. Now, I’ll give it to these institutions – they are experts – but their special field is propaganda. Their propaganda is caused by the fact that these institutions have suffered from irreparable regulatory capture by the industries they are supposed to be regulating. Because they have not been reigned in by having their budgets slashed, their leadership dismissed, nor investigations into the relationships between the industry’s and the institution’s regulating them, the US citizen should have no trust in any of them.

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Accounts of Backlash Against Righteousness
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Accounts of Backlash Against Righteousness

Child sex trafficking is, indeed, a huge problem. There is a movie about it in theaters which is doing extraordinarily well. It is also enraging people, bringing them to tears, and alerting the general public to the huge problem of child sex trafficking. And, what is telling, is that it is being demonized by a completely reprobate army of child abusers. I haven’t seen The Sound of Freedom yet (I plan on going tomorrow) but, I have read more than a few reviews and, honestly, many of them are demonically inspired. Not only are the reviews of the movie inspired by evil, the attitudes of legislatures and policing agencies reflect the low priority status these crimes receive. The Sound of Freedom hopes to awaken the populace of the United States, and the world at large, to the evil existence of child-sex trafficking and demand legal and legislative actions be taken to fight it head-on instead of trying to pretend it doesn’t exist and sweeping the issue under the rug when it does present itself. Those who would rather not combat the issue; however, have a different idea.

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Election Interference
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Election Interference

Stalin didn’t care about what votes were cast or who for - he only cared about who counted them…..

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NYT’s Devotion to and Manipulation of Replacement Migration
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

NYT’s Devotion to and Manipulation of Replacement Migration

The New York Times almost never writes an article from a position that is correct. And even when it does attempt to be correct, it still falls short because of the amount of lying the paper engages in to get it’s way. Even when they are in a vein of truth the Times finds away to shape the truth to bend to their narrative. And that narrative is to objectively destroy the social, governmental, economic, and religious mores which used to be the pillars of The United States of America. One of the articles the paper published today is a prime example of that.

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Islam is Not a Religion of Abraham
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Islam is Not a Religion of Abraham

The Biblical proof is plain. It is stated in Genesis 16 that Abram slept with his wife’s slavegirl and the slave girl bore a son, Ishmael. Once Hagar, the slave girl, learned she was pregnant she began treating her master, Sarai, Abram’s wife, with contempt. Sarai had none of it and treated Hagar so poorly that Hagar ran away. While she was in the desert fleeing from her master, the angel of God approached and told her to return to Sarai and that her son would have many, many descendants. The description of this people was also offered by the angel at Genesis 16:12, “Look, you are pregnant, and you will give birth to a son. You are to call him Yishma‘el [God pays attention] because Adonai has paid attention to your misery. 12 He will be a wild donkey of a man, with his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, living his life at odds with all his kinsmen.” Abram was 86 years old when Yishma’el (Ishmael) was born.

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The World is Already IN Hell
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The World is Already IN Hell

The people, and I use the term loosely, running around and demanding that all of human history be discarded and all human industry be immediately halted are doing one thing. They are demanding that everyone kill themselves because of an expert’s decree. Actual experts who are not seeking to inspire us to commit suicide with the alternative being murder are targeted for severe censorship while absolutely disgusting ambassadors of Satan never stop operating the ‘let us convince you to kill yourself or we will do it for you’ narratives. We have seen plenty of this recently. It is most clearly present in the man-made climate change hoax.

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Why Does the Worst Version of Evil Always Seem To Be the UN’s Version?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Why Does the Worst Version of Evil Always Seem To Be the UN’s Version?

The United Nations has long been the primary suspect for the embodiment of a new world order one world government. For those who are still merely suspicious, those ‘conspiracy theories’ related to the UN’s intentions should have been laid to rest decades ago as they were turned into realities. Here we are though and still, billions of people absolutely refuse to acknowledge the fact that the UN is that one world government. And they just slapped everyone in the face with it.

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Attack the One to Destroy the Rest
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Attack the One to Destroy the Rest

Human beings are composed of three things. We are sentient intellectual/spiritual beings with emotions and physical needs. Everything about human beings; however, is rendered to the physical state of being. There are several primary reasons for this. Human beings needs several things to survive, nutritious food, clean water, clean air, and shelter. To thrive in the modern world humans also need to be educated in a physical trade or be able to produce something physical whether it be words on a page or a space shuttle. Our emotions are not supposed to ever get in the way of production. If we are sufficiently productive we are given paychecks and other material wealth in order to buy real assets like cars, houses, food, and even vacations, trips to the movies, and nights out at a fancy steakhouse with a couple drinks at a bar.

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Independence Day 2023
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Independence Day 2023

I was ignorant of the folding of the flag because I have not had to bury anyone who was killed in action and sent back home in a casket. To those of you who are aware because of that circumstance, may God bring you comfort and strength. Military, law enforcement, and fire department funerals are the primary reason the flag is folded in this way. To anyone who has a flag upon a mantle because of such an event all I can offer is my thanks.

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