Oh, the Ways They Murder Us

Oh, the Ways They Murder Us

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/27/2023

If you don’t think there is a concerted effort to murder 90-97% of the people on earth being conducted right now, that’s fine. Maybe the Russian/Ukraine war and the US and NATO’s response to it doesn’t convince you. It’s just nuclear war. Maybe the Covid-19 protocols of creating open air prisons with restrictions far more hazardous to our health that the disease didn’t convince you. Maybe the jabs and the tens of millions of injuries and deaths didn’t clue you in. Maybe the huge increases in all cause mortality is something you were unaware of. Maybe the increases in suicide, mental health disorders, and domestic abuse cases passed you by. Is the weather weird because of soccer moms driving their kids around town in SUV’s and developed nations having cheap and affordable electricity options like gas and coal or is it because of a continued, concerted, and somewhat covert operation involving geoengineering; i.e. Doppler radars, microwave beams, stratospheric infusions of metals, blood spores, and chemical and pathogenic agents, and high-frequency active auroral research programs? The politicians who want to rid the halls of governmental institutions of the creeps doing these types of things are under indictment….

I know that it is a lot easier to just sit back and flip on a sitcom or an old Western or whatever sports are on the television. Maybe you’ll even sit and watch the news. Sometimes you may even take the time to read a book or watch a documentary. Maybe you take a little bit to try to parse out some truth in the world by talking to your neighbors about more than the weather or visit those scary alternative news websites on a regular basis. It’s time to really grasp that there are evil maniacs who really are trying to murder everyone else on the planet. They have only been writing, giving speeches, and meeting with politicians, educational leaders, CEO’s, and NGO’s for 50 years or longer in order to get their ducks in a row. The only way these maniacs can pull this on is if you are as stupid, thoughtless, forgetful, and incapable of rational thought as the maniac class thinks you are.

Remember back on the first of July when 5G power boosts were expected to interfere with air traffic? Apparently the airlines found a way around the interference. The important part is that the power was boosted to 5G signals. Too many seem to have forgotten that. Two days ago, on July 27, T-Mobile issued a press release about boosting the speeds of 5G by combining four different 5G frequency bands. Two of the channels operate at 2.5 gigahertz, one at 1900 megahertz, and another at 600 megahertz. So far it has only been introduced to select unnamed areas and markets. Usually this means in major cities – LA, San Francisco, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, Washington DC, New York City, Houston, and Atlanta sound like pretty good bets.

Remember that conspiracy theory based on questions about what are in the proprietary ‘vaccines’ which far too many of us took? One of those ‘theories’ targeted for destruction by those wielding the misinformation label was the fact that there is graphene oxide as well as any number of conductive metals in the jabs. Why? Well it’s a crime to ask the question these days.

In my opinion (I consider it to be informed) the jabs are capable of turning people into antennas at the right frequencies. Maybe those frequencies are somewhere around 2.5 GHz, maybe it’s a combination, or maybe the German owned T-Mobile has been allocated, and are using, bandwidths far above what they are stating.

Either way, it seems that it is highly possible that the boosted frequencies in the 5G spectrum may have at least contributed to Mitch McConnell being whisked away after ‘going blank’ – the hate in his eyes reflecting the hate in his heart on full display to the world – or the 18 year-old now former basketball-legend hopeful Bronny James, son of Sinophile and anti-American runner up to Michael Jordan in all ways Lebron James, having a heart attack at a basketball practice. I would imagine that hospital beds are again being filled at higher rates. Admission of that would mean even more evidence existing that the shots are murder and 5G exacerbates the effects. I don’t have the data to support that claim, I’d love for someone with access to it to get a hold of me or to start screaming it from the rooftops themselves.

I took a set of really bizarre pictures of the sky yesterday (They are the cover photo of this article). I don’t know what was going on up there but holy cow, nothing in the sky appeared normal. It seems like the real cause of what demonic entities keep calling climate change (scams formerly known as global warming and global cooling) were obvious in these photos. The climate change that the evil entities keep blaming on you and me and the rest of humanity (we are the carbon they are targeting for decarbonization under zero-carbon pledges and initiatives) was on full display over Sioux Falls, SD yesterday evening. I’ve seen a lot of examples of geoengineering in the past all over the midwest with my own eyeballs, but never anything like that. If someone could explain to me what was going on there, that would be great.

Now, I know that a lot of people love to play the sport of politics. This game requires a memory. We should be able to recall that Kamala Harris ran her own presidential campaign on a platform of targeting anyone who voted for Donald Trump. All that needed to get done in order to go after Trump’s supporters is to get Trump out of the way. That is what all of these ‘trials’ featuring Donald Trump and scumbags like Jack Smith and his 60 assistants are trying to do right now. Other indictments are waiting in the wings including the reprobate’s crown jewel star-chamber efforts to indict Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection. There was an insurrection; however, it did not occur on January 6, 2021. It occurred throughout the summer of 2020 when Antifa and BLM teamed up to murder, rape, and burn down, anyone and everything they determined was repressive. One of the most ‘repressive’ sites was apparently St. John’s Cathedral in Washington DC which was attacked at least twice – once on May 31, 2020 when it was set on fire by the insurrectionists and again on December 13, 2020 when a deranged lunatic attempted started firing a gun into the air at a Christmas event.

Even the politicians are starting to admit to what they are really up to. They are in positions of power because they want to officially murder people with the least amount of consequence. It is no surprise that it was Kamala Harris who let the cat out of the bag in what has been attributed to a gaffe. “Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday called on the US to “reduce population” in an effort to combat climate change, but she meant to say “reduce pollution,” according to the White House.” She meant exactly what she said because, to her, people are nothing more than pollution which needs to be targeted and eradicated.

Maybe you think the aliens will save us. Those aliens don’t exist except as they were created by mankind as chimeras. What does exist are demons. Those demons have conscripted willing men and women to engage in what the fallen angels have always engaged in – destroying mankind’s connection to God, their bodies, and creating replacements for humanity. Calling them chimeras, cyborgs, automatons, or ‘biologics’ doesn’t matter because the terms all describe demonic activity perpetrated against what God created including the earth, the creatures and man himself. For over two hours though, the idea of aliens was endorsed by our politicians at a House Oversight Committee meeting. After the meeting many politicians of the Republican and Democrat swamp leapt at the chance to stake their claims in the UFO disclosure movement.

All the disclosures will find is that Operation Paperclip imported a who bunch of brilliant, yet diabolically evil, Nazi scientists to the United States who created a breakaway civilization through rouge scientific experiments under black budgets. The conspiracy’s revolving around ‘theories’ of UFO’s are encouraged by these same people demanding disclosure so that the alien deception can be used to destroy belief in God. Other conspiracy ‘theories’ will also gain prominence such as cures for cancer being suppressed, interstellar and inter-dimensional travel being events of the future, worm holes having been created, the prevalence of quantum computing and a whole raft of other theories which are officially denied today. The disclosures will eventually confirm all of these theories as facts. The purpose behind these developments will never be admitted to; however. The things calling themselves scientists and researchers engaged in this type of thing absolutely hate God and have dedicated their lives to helping settle Lucifer’s illegitimate grievances against God by destroying humanity. The disclosures will occur because the breakaway crowd have already placed the rest of humanity in checkmate so they are not really all that concerned with the truth and extent of their evil being known.

The devil is certainly not going to save anyone and neither will the technological ‘progresses’ his acolytes have developed in his wretched name. God will save us from all of that. But, just in case you are still a little skeptical about the plan to murder billions of people, entertain me for a bit longer.

Nothing gets people’s attention like alterations to their income and the purchasing power that income provides. In return for your time and effort, you are given money. We use that money to pay for whatever it is we need (food, water, electricity, gas, a place to stay) and if we have anything left over we either save it or use it to buy things we want. In my case I like buying supplements with disposable income. Some like to go to concerts, others purchase streaming services, and some buy drugs, alcohol, and spend their time in the shadowy areas of strip clubs. Sporting events are a huge draw as is the merchandise the sport’s franchises sell. I’m not here to say that’s good or bad (the Bible tells us what is good and bad) but I am going to tell you that no matter what it is that you like spending disposable income on, it’s all very close to disappearing.

Inflation is racking the world. Combined with price increases in every area of life sustaining costs – compare grocery receipts, water bills, gas bills, electric bills, rent or mortgages from 2019 to today – life has gotten way too expensive way too fast. Unrest is the result. We aren’t eating each other in the streets yet (well most of us aren’t) but we are getting closer and closer. When food and water get scarce though, people tend to behave in irrational ways. The evil entities on this planet are counting on you not being able to think that far ahead and prepare for any of that. They want you to be eating your neighbors on day one of the grocery store shelves going bare.

But there is a more important piece of the puzzle. They don’t necessarily want that kind of anarchy and debauchery. It is more likely that they will destroy the currencies of the West and any other currencies affiliated with them and introduce the digital currencies. The way it will be rolled out will encourage everyone to go digital by offering favorable exchange rates and other perks to adopting the digital currencies early. After the early adoption period is over, nothing will be offered except for one’s continued participation in the economy. Mandates will take effect forcing people to adopt it. Having non-digitized payment options will be criminalized. Those accepting non-digital payments will be shut down immediately and fined, jailed, or both. More and more stores will start switching over to this new system which relies on biometric tracking of our every move by 5G (and soon, 6G) internet of things and people, all of which is monitored by AI in real time. If little Timmy wants to buy some pew pew rounds he found at the store, it won’t happen unless the AI approves it. The freaks who want everyone dead are the ones who control the AI’s, the surveillance grid, and will set the rules on what is and what is not acceptable for any person to have.

Even the very well off are starting to get the idea. Already there are mechanisms which exist in law which allow these monsters to seize all sorts of our assets including our bank accounts, homes, and automobiles. Knocking down the few remaining due process barriers to these types of proceedings is the name of the game presently. Again, look at what they did to Alex Jones and Donald Trump. But, that’s not even the worst of it. The worst of it is in the concept of reprogrammable digital currency. While the degenerate Communists rail against the existence of an inheritance passed down by family members, the reprogammable digital currency proponents want to end the debate before it can even start by taking any disposable income we may end up with and just deleting it. Making it impossible to store wealth in the first place will kind of end any debate about inheritance because no one will have anything to give to anyone else except the elites and they want 7.5 billion humans to die….

If it still isn’t a concern for you, well, I’m down to one last topic. It is in the same vein as digital currencies. This one doesn’t mess around with your bank account directly – it reflects the technocratic and fascistic mindset of those running this enslavement/death campaign against all of humanity. Here is the link to the UN/WEF/C40/BIS plan to curtail what we even have access to in an effort to enslave and murder us. There are 1.2 million cars registered in South Dakota, about 1.3 cars per resident. The C40 plan, which the idiotic city council of Sioux Falls isn’t a part of but follows anyway, suggests there be 0.19 cars per resident with an ultimate goal of ZERO personal vehicles. Want to eat a hamburger? Not if the C40 and the rest of the murderers get their way – the upper limit is set to be 35 pounds of meat a year with a real target of ZERO pounds. Want to wash that burger down with a glass of milk, or top it with some cheese? The upper bound for milk and derivatives is set at 198 pounds a year with, you guessed it, a real target of ZERO. Women, how about having a cap on three new clothing items a year.

Unless you are willing to wake up, do a little bit of research, a lot of soul searching, determine what is important, and pray over all of it we are all going to be ensnared in this trap. Want to get 15 minutes of research in? Look at this article titled, ‘Crazy Lines Around the World’: Video Shows Dozens Lined Up To Scan Irises for Worldcoin Crypto Program. We either start convincing people to not be in these lines or we will die for not electing to do so ourselves. So, after the research, gain some knowledge of the truth by praying and reading the Bible. We have no time left to prepare – the threat is upon us. They are murdering us. They are going to keep murdering us until the day Jesus Christ returns. But that doesn’t mean that we should go the way of the world, it means we need to be strong in God’s Word, walk with Him, and be not afraid.

Bless God and God bless.


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