The New ‘Morality’ Will Be Just Like The Old Debaucheries

The New ‘Morality’ Will Be Just Like The Old Debaucheries

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/24/2023

There are declarations being made which portend a great deal of evil upon humanity. In my view, there is no greater travesty which can be committed in this vein than purposefully altering the Bible. Noah Yuval Harari has stated recently that there will be a new AI-’written’ bible. All types of man-made ethical values exist to pervert God’s word. Words themselves have been perverted with grave implications for free speech. Terms such as discrimination, free speech, and informed consent have been replaced with connotations of hate, lies, and a desire to injure the collective. This new moral age, an age featuring the rejection of God’s morals in favor of whatever feels good and can be ethically justified has dawned upon the earth. It has existed for millennia but it has now been adopted by just about everyone on the planet. It is increased distance from Torah and that distance is being used to permanently sever God’s decrees from the minds of men.

About a two weeks ago I wrote about Noah Yuval Harari’s hopes for artificial intelligence writing it’s own version of the way men are supposed to live – an AI bible if you will. I won’t rehash it save to note that whatever the AI ‘writes’ represents an alien intelligence created by man expounding on the ethics of mankind. I’ve written several articles about the UN deciding the Bible should have no influence over the minds of men. They seek to replace anything about God or Yeshua with some form or another of their ethics based on humanism or Gaia theory or, in theological terms, Babylonian rituals and culture. Thus, the UN has a major push to destroy God in the minds of men, to pervert the teachings from the churches and synagogues, and to destroy the possibilities of an individual being able to read, comprehend, and apply the teaching of the Bible. The UN’s version of the Bible, I claim, will only be 7 verses long and appears in Romans 13:1-7. All of the references to God will be changed to ‘AI’ or the ‘UN’ or whatever they design to be worshiped under the rules of the new normal.

I think it would be prudent to deepen our understanding of these verses in Romans because if they are not understood in context, they will be used to force believers to submit to the evil these entities have in store for all of us. So, let’s first visit what Romans 13 says in verses 1-7 (I used the Complete Jewish Bible for these examples – feel free to use whatever version you are comfortable with):

Everyone is to obey the governing authorities. For there is no authority that is not from God, and the existing authorities have been placed where they are by God. 2 Therefore, whoever resists the authorities is resisting what God has instituted; and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are no terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to be unafraid of the person in authority? Then simply do what is good, and you will win his approval; 4 for he is God’s servant, there for your benefit. But if you do what is wrong, be afraid! Because it is not for nothing that he holds the power of the sword; for he is God’s servant, there as an avenger to punish wrongdoers. 5 Another reason to obey, besides fear of punishment, is for the sake of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes; for the authorities are God’s public officials, constantly attending to these duties. 7 Pay everyone what he is owed: if you owe the tax-collector, pay your taxes; if you owe the revenue-collector, pay revenue; if you owe someone respect, pay him respect; if you owe someone honor, pay him honor.

Reading the above passages seems pretty straight forward, and they are. For a ruler who seeks to do great evil those verses seem to legitimize their reign. They do nothing of the sort. It is imperative that we realize that when God pronounces judgment upon nations of men it is the leaders who serve God’s purpose by working acts of lawlessness. It is a reflection of the people. The lesson is taught over and over again throughout the Old Testament. The statements of Jesus in the New Testament point to exactly the same lesson.

Whole societies will work to serve God. Some of the members of that society, seeking wealth, power, fame, and glory through lawless means such as murder, slander, lying, and theft, decide their way is superior to the ways of God, which forbids all of those actions. It represents the callousness and cruelty which exists in men’s hearts. Those men following this path are beguiled by the rebellious angels, the same angels who were cast from heaven because of the insurrection Lucifer attempted against God. Righteousness could stop these men, but instead, others see these men getting ahead through iniquity and decide to join them for earthly rewards, casting aside their fear of God. Left unchecked for long enough, the entire society, with very few exceptions, are led astray in this manner. When it seems as all hope is lost and this entire people – once aligned with God – is about to be lost to this sort of iniquity, God has sent his messages into the world through the prophets and messengers he has chosen to deliver His word.

The books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings are filled with the history of those kings who did evil in the eyes of God. It is filled with the restoration of Israel by those who walked with God as well. The root cause is mentioned in those stories. To sum the story up, a king rises to power, leads the people astray, and their Godlessness brings destruction. Punishment for such transgressions led the nation of Israel into wars which they lost such as the history related in 2 Kings 17. The people of Israel were taken captive. In the very next chapter, 2 Kings 18, king Hizkiyahu (Hezekiah) did what was right in the eyes of God and smashed the idols made which so angered God and even destroyed the snake Moshe (Moses) had placed on a pole to end a previous plague which God unleashed upon the Israeli’s in the desert when they claimed they were brought out of bondage in Egypt to die and were unsatisfied with their diet (Numbers 21).

This snake was eventually made an idol in and of itself. It relates to the present day. It relates through medicine. What Moshe created was idolized by the name N’chushtan meaning either a piece of brass or related to the worship of snakes. Worshiping this thing created to be used as a tool of God as God was not wise however and caused Israel to sin which is why it was destroyed. Today it is not a single serpent which has caused many to sin but a dual one. A widely recognized symbol of two snakes intertwined (oddly like a DNA-helix) with wings above it is associated with medicine. This is called the Caduceus symbol. Another symbol recognized throughout the world which is associated with medicine is a single snake wrapped around a pole is referenced by the Rod of Asclepius. Far, far too many people have turned their backs on God because of medicine and the incorrect assertions of many of these medical practitioners which are all too prevalent today – God made a mistake and these ‘experts’ will fix His shortcomings. It is many of these modern medical practitioners who have decided that it is: a) possible to cure death; and b) imperative that their decrees and mandates be adhered to no matter what.

What is disheartening is that the mythological meanings of these symbols contain a lie about the Bible. It is true that the Rod of Asclepius (a Greco-Roman god of medicine) is likely an image very similar to the snake Moshe crafted in the desert to save the people who were bitten by poisonous snakes. This particular website; however, attributes both the Rod of Asclepius and the Caduceus symbol with, “Salvation – around 1400 B.C., Moses used the bronze serpent on a rod to save his people from snakes sent by God as punishment.” Whenever anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.” Moses was instructed to create the bronze serpent so that those who looked upon it would be spared death by God. Most people would see this explanation and have no issue with the deception presented because they wouldn’t know any better. And it is at their own peril that they do not know any better.

The very next attribute of these two symbols is immortality and transformation. If you happen to still be confused as to what medicine is symbolized by – it is the supplanting of Hashem (God), Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ), and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). What makes this even more apparent is the meanings attributed to medicine’s logo are the same lies the serpent told to Havah (Eve) in the Garden of Eden. This was the original sin and why man knows anything about evil. Prior to Havah and Adam eating the apple they knew only good. They knew only God. In comes the plumed serpent and their eyes were opened to evil….

Okay, I got a little side tracked but I feel that it was important to share that with you. This is how easy it is to fall into the snares of evil and to resist coming out from under it. I am no more immune from these snares than anyone else on this planet either. I can see; however, what the evil entities on this planet seek to get us to do by their use of Romans 13:1-7. It is to get us to believe the lie, reject the God of Creation, hate the salvation offered by Yeshua, and to ignore the Ruach HaKodesh. It is being used to demand that we have blind faith and complete trust in our leaders and the ‘experts’, seek salvation through, particularly, medical interventions, and to speak only with our doctors and to whatever appears in DMT trips (they are monsters and demons, by the way).

Yeshua proclaimed in Matthew 23:37-39, “Yerushalayim! Yerushalayim! You kill the prophets! You stone those who are sent to you! How often I wanted to gather your children, just as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you refused! 38 Look! God is abandoning your house to you, leaving it desolate. 39 For I tell you, from now on, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of Adonai.’” Luke, a companion of Paul’s, is credited with divinely writing Luke and Acts which, at Luke 13:34-35, states exactly the same thing as in Matthew 23:37-39. In Acts 7:51-53 he wrote, “Stiffnecked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You continually oppose the Ruach HaKodesh! You do the same things your fathers did! 52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? They killed those who told in advance about the coming of the Tzaddik, and now you have become his betrayers and murderers! — 53 you! — who receive the Torah as having been delivered by angels — but do not keep it!” Many of these phrases are straight out of the Old Testament.

The Old Testament prophets were sent by God to warn the people of what was coming and they refused to listen. Noach (Noah) was sent to the people and they refused to listen. Moshe was instructed by God to teach the people and they refused to learn. Yeshua was sent to save us from our sins and is the greatest mercy God could have shown to the people on this planet yet he, too, prophesied and was blown off by people who lived by the ways of the world.

There is a circular nature to history. Starting at doing good (as God commands), there follows a breakaway contingent of those who seek to do evil, a growing following of those who do evil, a legitimization by the rulers of that evil, God’s wrath which punishes the evildoers, and a return to God because of the grace he showed those who survived the punishment.

It would seem that we are in one of those cycles, possibly the final cycle, were the works of lawlessness trample those who work for God’s glory. This is the same setting the prophets lived in - they made their Godly prophesies in times of great evil taking place in the land.

Neither the people of the Old Testament nor the New repented, they killed the prophets. They had Yeshua killed because His teachings were not favorable to the places they had obtained in the world, their wealth, and their status. 1 Kings 18 through 19 and Matthew 26 through 28 serve as a powerful reminder of what the way of the world does to those who work on behalf of God. They are put to death. The evil these prophet-murderers commit compels them to commit heinous acts against their fellow humans because of their rejection of God, God’s ways, and their hardened hearts and stiff necks.

The reason that the entities, which many call the globalists, who seek the installation of a global government, single monetary system, unified economic system, and a singular religion, built on the idols of mankind and mankind’s frail and flawed ethics, love Romans 13 is because to them, all the power is given by the God some of us still worship. It’s meant to convince even the elect to submit to these evil entities and forget God. What is written in Roman’s 13 is true – God ordains our leaders for His purposes. What these Bible-perverting entities are seeking to do with the passages; however, is to use it to prevent anyone from being able to do God’s work, to seek God’s face, or to worship the living God – the God which these entities know is outside of their ability to control. He is THE God they know will judge them unfavorably on the Day of Reckoning at the acharit-hayamim (the end of this age and the beginning of the age of the rule of the Messiah over the whole earth).

These liars, thieves, rapists, and murderers we call the globalists are of their father, the devil, and they work only toward increased iniquity, lawlessness, and debauchery. They want us to believe that it is they who are good when in fact they are evil; it is they who are Godly when in fact they are nothing but the instruments of God’s wrath against a Godless people; and that it is they who sets the standards for what is good and what is not when the Books of Genesis to Deuteronomy establish what God has declared righteous and good. They want us to be unable to prophecy on behalf of God, unable to worship God, and unable to communicate with God at all, either through the Holy Spirit or the Bible. They want us to have no idea about what Yeshua taught nor where he taught from….

They want, more than anything else, to convince us to sever our connection with God on our own.

If we won’t do it on our own they want to force us to sever that connection. They want to ban the ‘offensive’ parts of the Bible. They want to throw us in prison. They want to lock us up for believing in God, Yeshua, and/or the Ruach HaKodesh because, to them, it’s a mental illness. Already they are destroying our ability to function in the marketplace. Their surveillance systems track us. They will eventually start to hunt us, torture us, and behead us. This is all prophesied in the Bible. This is all being plotted and carried out by those who work as ambassadors of the Adversary. They exist because of our own distance from Torah. They exist to eradicate being able to return to Torah.

If humanity is not at the end of the age, we had better start learning what Yeshua taught and start practicing Torah. If humanity is at the end of the age, we had better start learning what Yeshua taught and start practicing Torah. Whatever the time is – however close we are to the end of the age – we are all about to be ensnared, enslaved, and exterminated because of our own distance from Torah. It’s time to get back to it. It’s time to have leaders who do right in the eyes of God. In my estimation we are nothing but a petulant child in the eyes of the Lord being beaten over the head by the most lawless and corrupt leaders to have ever existed. If we hope to stop the beating we need to start worshiping God as He desires, bow our heads, and soften our hearts to the Word of God with the hope that we, too, will be able to discern the times and avoid the damages of God’s wrath to befall this earth. With Him, all things are possible. Without Him, we end up with Jezebel’s and Korach’s and Judas Iscariot’s and Joe Biden’s and Klaus Schwab’s and Mike Pence’s. One way or another this world will be restored – we will either return to God’s ways or God will remove all of us and restore those who didn’t refuse God’s ways. The choice is ours to make, choose wisely.

Bless God and God bless.


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