

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/21/2023

Maybe I see the world differently than almost everyone else on earth. In the 1996 movie, Mars Attacks!, aliens land on earth, humans try to welcome them, and the aliens start exterminating everyone while saying “we come in peace.” They certainly did NOT come in peace. Neither did the things which arrived on earth in the 1996 film Independence Day. In that film, people amass on skyscraper roofs under hovering alien craft to welcome the aliens. They all die because the aliens targeted human population centers (cities) and annihilated them. The Steven King novel Tommyknockers is about aliens. The alien presence ends up stealing the lives of anyone affected by their spell. In my view of the world, billions of people are attending the alien welcoming ceremony, standing on the roof of a building hoping to get beamed up, and clamoring to be murdered by the emanations of an alien craft….

While aliens are not otherworldly creatures (they are inter-dimentional spirits manifesting their presence on earth, created and directed by the fallen angels of the Bible), their fruits are flowering because there is certainly an alien presence on this earth. It has infested the hearts and minds of men, women, and children. And it seeks the life of every living thing on earth.

There is a curious phrase in the Bible in several places which is coming to be repeated more frequently and for good cause. The first instance of what happens to humans when they are deceived occurs in Genesis 3 and continues on throughout the Old Testament as well as the New. It is a major theme of the entire Bible – God will not deceive us, He will not lie to us, thus, we should seek His teachings and follow them. We find those teachings in the Torah. We find the way that looks in the flesh in the life of Jesus Christ. So, what are aliens? They are demons meant to deceive. The idea of aliens is from the same agent that the original lie came from. Those speaking of aliens as our friends, as our companions, and as even as our saviors, are telling the same lie the plumed serpent told Havah in the Garden of Eden for the same reasons.

That reason is two fold. One is to cut off access to God. Adam and Havah walked and conversed with God in the Garden of Eden. After they gained knowledge of evil and were removed from the Garden, they could no longer walk and talk with God as they had. The land was difficult to grow food from and childbirth was made painful for human beings. This was just the beginning though. Mankind was continuously deceived to the point where God looked upon His creation and saw only wickedness and evil. Genesis 6 through Genesis 8 describes these events. One man and his family found grace in God’s eyes though, Noah, who did not spend his time working evil continuously and was not corrupted as the rest of the earth was. And, by corrupted, I mean on a genetic level as well as the purpose He had for His life – to seek God, trust God, and follow God’s directions. And, from there, the Bible tells the story over and over again. When God is forsaken,

History is indeed circular. Thinking in linear historical patterns is easy to do because we view our lives in linear terms. History in the grand scheme of things is very circular; however. The Bible shows this clearly. Secular history even shows this clearly. A book titled The Fourth Turning is illustrative of the cyclical nature of history. Even the major personality traits of the people from different generations repeat. I am a member of Gen X, the lock-key kids. We are built different from the baby boomers. We have almost nothing in common with the zealotry of Gen Y; Gen Z is alien to us. Gen X, eerily, shares the same traits as the Lost Generation, Gilded Generation, Liberty Generation, and Cavalier Generation. All of these generations watched the world changed and decided that if the rest of the world wants to go to Hell, fine, we won’t stand on your way but don’t you dare decide to get your mess into our business.

The other generations have sent millions of the members of this second generation to die in their wars. We fight, they ignore us, and we tell everyone from the other generations they can go to Hell because they just refuse to listen to anything but their own stupid nonsense. Understanding the cyclical nature of the history is important. Why was the Vietnam war so destructive to the general welfare of the United States? The wrong generation was sent to fight it. The forerunners of Gen X fought the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and World War I. These generations returned from the wars they fought and were ignored in general. Vietnam was fought by the Boomers, and their generation was split, as is typical of their cycle, into ideological camps. War isn’t ideal for any generation; however, it was particularly hard to get the Marxist idealists to do anything but crap on the society which they lived while those who held the ideals of freedom went and died for it. The War of Terror was foisted upon the Gen X’ers with the point of disrupting the cycle – we are the primary terrorist targets of that war. It’s not being waged with bullets and missiles as much as it is being waged with information; however.

It started in 2001 when our generation was between 20 and 40 years old. We were brought up different – our parents loved us and cared for us but to the absolute minimum requirements. The generations described as reactive typically raised themselves. Our parents made sure we were fed and had a bed but they didn’t really pay all that much attention to us. It is no surprise that members of the current reactive generation are the ones who are poking holes in all of the deceptions we are being told because, if we had not learned that skill early on, many of us wouldn’t be here. The issue arises because, while many Gen X’ers are not deceived, the boomers are self-absorbed, the Gen-Y crowd is ideologically split between Marxist totalitarianism and freedom, and the Gen-Z crowd, well, I have nothing positive to say about that entitled and wholly delusional generation.

The point is that history is cyclical in nature. It is certainly cyclical in the Bible and in the Hebrew way of thinking about time. I want you to understand that time is actually circular and human activities are circular as well – if you take nothing else away from this article, remember that. And remember the Bible as well because Jesus told us all to discern the times in Luke 12. He also states in Matthew 24 that the days of Noah will return and people will again pay no heed to God. They will again work evil into every action, have their hearts polluted, and their genetics destroyed, mutilated, and perverted. At least that is one way I interpret it. I also see that it means the ways of the world will carry on right up until the final moment before the shofar sounds and He returns to this earth at the behest of His Father.

That time is getting closer and closer. It always has been. But now, in this age, we should be able to see that there are global human extermination plans, efforts designed to destroy all of the life on earth, and ‘reasonable’ explanations being given to deceive people to go along with all of it. This world is deceived. God tell us to not be deceived. The way to not be deceived is to live as Jesus Christ did, by the Torah, learn what the Torah says about how God wants us to live, and to seek the guidance given through the Holy Spirit.

I can give countless examples of this world and it’s way with may have been given by a spirit which is unholy. The aliens told me to… the AI wrote back and said… the World Economic Forum, United Nations, and the federal government agree that… the WHO/CDC/FDA/NIH/HHS officials said its safe to…. Be deceived by demonic forces. None of these were created by God-fearing people. None of the narratives were conjured up by the Torah-compliant nor the followers of Jesus Christ. They were conjured up by demonic forces and ‘picked-up’ by the entities aligned with them on this planet. Those entities are the men and women who have devoted their lives to worldly success by selling their souls to do evil continuously. They are ambassadors of Satan; their only purpose is to deceive humanity to destroy the truth of God’s very existence. God’s Word – morals- are immutable and everlasting; men’s ethics are changing and malleable. This is how we have come into a reality of calling evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5 isn’t just about Israel, it is about any nation, people, tribe which does this. Romans 1 is not meant to be understood by a select few in the Christian world but received properly by the entire earth. Genesis 1:31 isn’t reserved for only Jews. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good. So there was evening, and there was morning, a sixth day. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday God worked, on Saturday he rested. Saturday, the seventh day, was set apart as holy and was blessed by God. This is a primary reason more and more Christians are asking why the day of rest is on Sunday and also why many of them have decided to reject the 10 Commandments altogether. It represents a deception and delusion followed by a rejection of what God commanded…. That, alone, is highly illustrative of the recalcitrance of men’s hearts towards God. Yet, it is these same people to claim to love and obey Him….

If the believers are so easily deceived and so adamant about ignoring what God’s Word states clearly, those who have never had the opportunity to know God, Jesus, or experience the Holy Spirit are surely lost. I viewed part of a video on last week which was lines of people waiting to have their eyeball scanned to get WorldCoin. That is a biometric ID. That biometric ID is linked to a cryptocurrency called WorldCoin. Want to eat beef, chicken, or pork; drive any form of private transportation; or choose a spouse, home, or job? Don’t get your iris scan. Want to own guns? Skip WorldCoin. If you want to read the Bible or pray to God then reject the decrees of Alex Blania & Sam Altman, the founders of WorldCoin. It will cost you worldly items to reject these things. In five or ten years (and maybe even sooner), we will all have the biometric ID or we will not be able to purchase food, receive medical care, work, live in a house, move about in cars, buses, or airplanes, or access the internet. This life is about our soul. This world is determined to destroy our soul and our connection to God.

Sam Altman is loved by the monsters lusting for our blood in the World Economic Forum. Altman is the CEO of Open AI. About the two links – the WEF link is about consolidating artificial intelligence into the hands of the deceived murderers of humanity. The Open AI link has a statement that says it’s mission is to murder every human being by creating an Artificial General Intelligence. This link denies common sense as well as history by downplaying the human extermination event AGI poses while at the same time denying the fact that artificial intelligence is far more advanced that we are being led to believe. But, it does bring up some of the issues revolving around AGI. Alex Blania is the CEO of WorldCoin. Coincidentally, he will own and control the biometric data Sam Altman’s OpenAI will monitor in real time. It’s death by technology. First they are going to enslave everyone to force them to renounce God and reject God’s ways.

Sam Altman, it is said, is Jewish. Is he? He wants to create an AGI meant to destroy humanity’s monopoly on and supremacy of intelligence on the earth. He is working towards creating aliens. WorldCoin is biometric which is a precursor to forcing people to take a mark in order to buy or sell (see Revelation 13). Altman may not be building the beast system to rule as the Antichrist but he is, nonetheless, building the system. So is WorldCoin who has decided that God’s declaration to Adam in Genesis 3, “You will eat bread by the sweat of your forehead till you return to the ground should be nullified because of Altman and Blania endeavors to play God themselves. Elon Musk, for his part, is also doing everything he can do to build the beast system as world coin won’t work well without internet connectivity. Twitter being renamed X is nothing but the movie Anti Trust and starlink is nothing but the intenet connectivity needed to track everyone in the 3D world and monitor their bank accounts with AI in live-time.

It is time to get back to the truth before even those who partake in the truth are sucked into the black-hole of delusion. When the alien AGI is created, the singularity is crossed, and the entities responsible for it give their power to the global dictator, having WorldCoin will mean the worshiping the beast (Revelation 13). Have you heard of Project Blue Beam? This will delude almost everyone into worshiping the beast, so much so that Jesus Christ warns us in Matthew 24 “For there will appear false Messiahs and false prophets performing great miracles — amazing things! — so as to fool even the chosen, if possible.”

We need help. That help is already here. It’s knocking on the door of many hearts. Will people open the door to their hearts and pacify the evil they have been deluded into committing? We will see very, very soon. In the meantime, if you have not asked for the only help that matters – the mercy of God, the salvation of Christ, and the intersession of the Holy Spirit – I suggest you do so immediately. Further, if you already know the truth, explain it to those close to you. It’s not friends and things on the line – it is eternity with or without God….

Bless God and God bless.

Numbers 6:

24 ‘Y’varekh’kha Adonai v’yishmerekha.
[May Adonai bless you and keep you.]
25 Ya’er Adonai panav eleikha vichunekka.
[May Adonai make his face shine on you and show you his favor.]
26 Yissa Adonai panav eleikha v’yasem l’kha shalom.
[May Adonai lift up his face toward you and give you peace.]’




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