

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/4/2023

Sometimes when events and developments converge great things occur. Cloudy days in wars of the past, for instance, prevented military actions which would have proven cataclysmic if they were not altered by the weather. Kublai Khan was thwarted from conquering Japan in this manner. Other times weather proved to make things more difficult such as the monsoons in the Vietnam War. The convergence of conditions can make things better or make things far worse. Unfortunately for everyone on earth right now, there are at least two convergences which are being undertaken which will make things worse than most of us can imagine – the Fourth Industrial Revolution convergence and the convergence and consolidation of political power under the Big Lie.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents the convergence of at least 20 different technologies. The most dangerous of these have recently gotten a lot of airtime; however, there are several which are still kept largely in the shadows. Robotics, artificial intelligence, the metaverse, cryptocurrency, low and no-carbon technologies, and gene therapies have been featured routinely in the news as of late. Quantum computing, the Internet of Things and the Internet of People, 3D printing human body parts and food, and blockchain don’t get nearly the coverage of the more well known of these technologies. Other technologies, in addition to those mentioned above, include virtual reality, mobile devices, smart sensors, big data, augmented reality, data visualization, cognitive computing, geo-location services, customer profiling, and cloud computing. The common theme running through all of these technological developments is to make a version of human beings which is no longer human as we understand it now. This is transhumanism and it is being bought into by far too many who are completely ignorant that transhumanism means no longer being an actual human being.

The smart car already includes many of these technologies. Since the dawn of time, man has had to figure out how to get to point B from point A. Early methods included walking and riding animals. Locomotives were developed and there are maglev trains. Trucks and trailers move cargo across land masses, huge shipping vessels move these goods internationally over ocean routes. Planes fly in our skies all the time – there are more than 41,000 airports to depart and arrive at around the world and the United States has over 13,000 of them. The person doing the walking, riding the horse, steering a carriage, or driving an automobile are responsible for paying attention to avoiding twisted ankles or wrapping their car around a telephone pole. The same goes for airplanes, trains, ships, and boats. But the smart car seeks to replace human drivers, pilots, train conductors and captains of ships. Transportation is being targeted for something called the post-human world.

Smart cars are being sold in any number of ways. The primary ‘virtue’ of these monstrosity’s are the low-carbon output they produce while in operation. When all of the parts are added up, particularly the mining necessary to gather up rare-earth minerals for the creation of these batteries, the carbon ‘footprint’ of these things is enormous. But, what the smart car is really all about is making the car the driver and everyone in the vehicle merely a passenger. If there is no need for a driver, then there is no need to allow any of us to personally own one of them, the globalist logic goes.

As such, ride sharing is now a business model of major automobile manufacturers. The convenience is that maintenance costs, fuel, and the up-front costs to acquire these vehicles will be borne by the cost of the fare. The downside is that time will be spent waiting for an available ride and it may or may not be available.

Once in the vehicle, the smart car will try to take you to your destination; however, it may or may not run a red light, side-swipe a parked car, or notice a kid running after a ball which has entered the street. And, while almost everyone would at least slow down to avoid hitting the child, the smart car may actually decide to speed up and drive off. But that isn’t widely discussed because the decision making in such circumstances is taken out of the individual’s purview and placed into the ‘hands’ of the artificial intelligence’s one-size-fits-all approach.

Will it injure or kill the metaTube user in the vehicle or will it hit the child? Can AI be ethical? Can it be moral? The implications of affirmative responses go far beyond AI operating a ‘smart’ vehicle. It quickly arrives at a reality way too close to the one depicted in the Terminator series. Once ethical and moral considerations are given to AI to figure out on it’s own any human issue could be remedied by exterminating all of the humans. If there are no humans, no humans could be sad, hungry, sick, angry, violent, or gender-dysphoric. Coding these AI’s to rule out certain actions like exterminate huge portions of humanity based on Prozac prescriptions, the incidence of crime in any particular area, or anyone who has ever stated they are starving online or on a recorder telephone call is not a safeguard either. The movie iRobot clearly shows AI’s managing to break out of their human-centered ethical constraints. A Black Mirror episode titled Hated in the Nation is about a hacker who takes over a swarm of nano-bees and turns them into slaughterbots for those who posted negative comments or voted to kill another person on a particular social media site.

This is one tiny piece of what the Fourth Industrial Revolution convergence portends. Smart cars are just one step integrating transportation into the post-human world through several technologies. Materials development, the circular economy, energy production and consumption, social credit scores, blockchain, the Internet of Things and People, AI, robotics, cryptocurrency, geo-location services, and 3D printing are all technologies which will be incorporated into smart cars. For now, it is being sold to us so that the eco-terrorists in polite society’s midst can virtue signal their carbon-credit compliance without the thought of their own deadly stupidity ever crossing their minds.

When all of these technologies come together as Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and United Nations desire, humanity is done with. There will be humanity 2.0 and the rest of us will be turned into attractions at a zoo if we are permitted to live at all. But, it is called a post-human future for a reason. There will only be 500 million of these once human creatures (humanity 2.0 or h+) left on the planet with maybe a few hundred actual human beings kept around for the spectacle and entertainment of the man-made humanity. That is their plan not mine. It was written in a book in the 1940’s called Brave New World. Perhaps an explanation of the individual technologies should be given so that the totality of the human-extermination effects might be better understood and fully appreciated. The definitions are mine and this list is not inclusive.

3D Printing can be used for good and for evil. Printing products needed in areas where obtaining them is difficult sounds like a great idea. It stops being such a great idea when one realizes that there are plans to 3D print food and human organs on questionable substrates.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) intends to replace humanity’s intellectual and analytical supremacy piece by piece. The real intent is to create an artificial general intelligence (AGI) which will see human beings as we understand them as grasshoppers.

Augmented Reality (AR) is like putting a computer layer between any of our five senses to ‘enhance’ them. The most common of these would be to place interfaces over our sight.

Big data is routinely collected with and without our knowledge in order to predict patterns of behavior. It is used mainly in marketing; however, it has made inroads in law enforcement and represents an ominous attack on our psychology and physical well-being. Covid-19 featured the collection of this data to be used as a predictive model and to target those with appropriate incentives and motivational sanctions to get those unwilling to comply to ‘follow the science.’

Blockchain is the backbone of many of these technologies. If you are versed in relational database concepts and/or internet communications protocols the technology is much easier to understand. To illustrate, when Napster was free, the servers held the data we all downloaded to our computers. LimeWire came out to replace Napster and proved itself to be superior because chunks of the download came from different users. The analogy is not perfect but many are familiar with those two programs. Instead of the data residing in a central location, a blockchain’s data exists on every user’s device(s) at the same time. Blockchain can be centralized; however, which defeats the purpose but is what is intended for this this technology.

Cloud computing means using a server’s hardware and storage capacity instead of your own. Who owns the hardware? Whoever owns it will also claim they own the data and software on their hardware should the need arise or should they decide that’s the way it is.

Cognitive computing is an artificial intelligence which is able to think like human beings. Humans think in parallel, while computers ‘think’ in a serial manner one thing at a time. There is a lot of debate about this topic because the way humans think is not firmly established and the meaning of intelligence is one we are basically unable to define and agree on.

Customer profiling is a technique to categorize people based on shared interests. This can be weaponized when used to profile gun owners, political opponents, or anti-war sentiments.

Cryptocurrency operates on blockchains; however, they don’t have to. It is supposed to be a decentralized marker of value secured by cryptography. Of particular note, WorldCoin is an example of a cryptocurrency with the additional security measure of a biometric marker for identification and authentication purposes. Centralized cryptocurrencies are what developments such as FedNow are. The banks are omitted in actual cryptocurrency transactions so the technology represents unparalleled financial freedom. Banks, through their lobbying clout, are doing what they can to reign this feature of cryptocurrency in and, in the process, hijack the entire thing by centralizing it.

Data visualization is exactly what it says. Using data visualizations can ease the information’s adoption in human beings but can also be used to hide data such as the ‘hockey stick’ Al Gore popularized.

Gene therapies are medical interventions which alter DNA with the promise of repairing damaged portions of DNA. To date I have only encountered one gene therapy which does not mutilate the DNA God created to make us human beings and that treatment is banned by the FDA. That procedure extracts an individuals latent stem-cells which are in fat deposits in the body, isolates them, and reinserts the individual’s stem cells into their body.

Genetic engineering is a ‘science’ interested in creating life forms in mankind’s image, not God’s. All sorts of meddling with genetic material has resulted in chimeric life-forms, including thousands of diseases, human DNA-infused mammals (sheep, cows, pigs), and goats with silk hair. Covid-19 was created in such a manner. Designer babies will be the outcome of genetic engineering efforts, the ultimate extension of eugenics.

Geo-location services are built into just about everything these days. Computers, mobile devices, cars, and clothes are all examples. Geo-location is necessary for geo-fencing as it was on display during Covid-19 at Australian checkpoints, in the documentary 2000 Mules, and was used to round up anyone at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The Internet of Things and People (IoT/IoP) is the digital interface between smart sensors (see below) and the AI managing the activities the devices are supposed to carry out. Adding people to this network is intended to be chips under the skin and linked to centralized digital currencies to implement social and behavioral control.

Low and no-carbon technologies include a huge swath of devices like the new-age windmills, solar panels, smart cars, carbon sequestration which includes sucking carbon dioxide directly out of the air and transporting the carbon dioxide via pipeline to be stored in geologically appropriate underground storage areas. This is an effort to starve everything on earth to death as carbon dioxide is a requirement for plant growth. This is the justification used for many of the other developments.

The Metaverse is meant to be our new homes. Out digital representations (called avatars or digital twinning), in fully immersive digital worlds, is where we are supposed to work, play, and live. It would not be just one world, but a collection of many, where anyone can be anything and do anything possible in reality and in fiction.

Mobile devices include cell phones, laptops, tablets and any other ‘smart’ device. Sneakers, hair-care products and over-the-counter medications all represent examples. These and everything else on earth are targeted to be made into mobile devices. They will be connected to the internet through developments such as Elon Musk’s StarLink.

Nanotechnologies are really, really small. Despite their size, they can be made ‘smart’ (able to communicate with one another and with an external AI). These things are already in many products, including food, shampoo, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines. There are several papers declaring nanotechnologies should not only administer drugs in our bodies – these papers are suggesting that human immunity be replaced by nanobots entirely. Being ‘smart’ they will surveil us and report the data to others, be able to repair themselves, and ‘fix’ damaged biological materials in our bodies. Military applications abound in kinetic (do an internet search on the word slaughterbot), chemical, and biological warfare.

Quantum computing is a very different way of doing computing. These computing devices operate based on quantum physics and are used today mostly for cryptography. Due to constraints in the quantum universe, extreme cold is necessary to benefit from these characteristics. A quantum computer or quantum computing network will be the hardware used by an AGI.

Robotics seeks to replace any and all manual labor human beings engage in.

Smart sensors are devices like RFID chips many use to tag their dogs. Any item with a sensor will be included in IoT/IoP. Smart sensors will provide geo-location data as well as energy usage, carbon emissions, and maintenance needs in things and heart-rate, biometric identification, and sleep status in people. Many other metrics will be incorporated into what these devices are capable of monitoring.

Technocracy is a system of government which is Marxism on steroids. Any given resource (say carbon dioxide) is totaled up and allotted to parties friendly to the panels of experts which do the allocations. It is inherently fascist and is the preferred form of global government by groups such as the World Economic Forum.

Transhumanism is the idea that God made human beings the wrong way because we die and that humans have a moral obligation to manipulate and mutilate what God made. Genetic engineering is one way transhumanists think they will fix what God got wrong. Another is through the use of the Metaverse (to live there permanently, you must sever ties with your living body and immortal soul). Yet, another is with the idea of implanting robotic parts in human bodies and creating cyborgs. This ideology is meant to have men live on earth forever, never having to die unless they choose to. It will not be for the vast majority of humanity and, in order to test these technologies to obtain ‘radical life extension’ we will be culled through medical interventions to see what works and what does not and why. This is the reason humanity was given billions of mRNA ‘vaccines’ which are actually gene therapies.

Virtual Reality (VR) is most commonly associated with goggles. It is intended to be a fully-immersive (incorporating all of the senses we posses) interface between human beings and the digital worlds we are supposed to live in to alleviate our guilt for producing carbon ourselves.

Add all of these together under the direction of a single group of overlords with expert panels implementing all of the rules the overlord class finds necessary to maintain their version of peace and security. Where are you in all of this? You are either a medical experiment enslaved by these monsters or dead. A third alternative exists; however. The more we wake up and build our own breakaway civilization now the easier humanity 1.0, the God-created human beings, will be able to survive. Combating the enslavement/extermination technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is an important aspect of fighting back.

But there is a Big Lie buried in between the thin gaps of these technologies. The Big Lie isn’t that Donald Trump lost to a bastard in his basement, although it is part of it. The Big Lie implied in the entire Fourth Industrial Revolution is that there is no God and humanity is on it’s own. This gives those in positions of power a seeming justification to rape, rob, and murder all of us.

God is completely real though and those in positions of power know that fact as do those of us who believe in God. Both sides know what will happen but one of these two sides thinks that evil will prevail on the day of the Battle of Armageddon. This evil contingent of ‘humanity,’ hell bent on enslaving and exterminating 7.5 billion of us has built the beast system. Building something; however, does not necessarily mean that we will adopt it. The more people who reject the Beast system, the easier it will be to survive it once the rest of the world has taken the mark. The only reason to survive during those times will be to serve God. All the system needs is it’s beast master – the Antichrist. This is where the Big Lie really comes into play because the consequences of believing in that lie is eternal separation from God.

Everything in the news points to the beast system’s full implementation. That alone should force one to think about what was prophesied in the Bible – even by Jesus Himself. Donald Trump has been indicted again because he is a potential roadblock to the beast system. So is Vladimir Putin for that matter even though he may be trying to create his own (that isn’t my opinion, but it is a possibility). Neither of these men would give the sovereignty over to this global government as mentioned in Revelation 17. The UFO and alien revelations (they are demonic genetic experiments and NAZI-era, demonically revealed, flight technologies) in the news recently point to this. The ‘revelations’ actually represent the way the Antichrist will likely come to power as ‘miracles’ will be performed by these ‘entities.’ The story will shift to the aliens will save us. Project Blue Beam anyone?

An Aging Expert Thinks Humans Can Live for 20,000 Years. He's Not Crazy. is an article which appeared in Popular Mechanics on August 2. The New York Times ran a story on August fist in their science section about the family of Henrietta Lacks (a woman who died of an externally aggressive cervical cancer which is the basis for many medical interventions and growing food – her entire cell line was included in the coronavirus ‘vaccine’) titled, Family of Henrietta Lacks Settles With Biotech Company That Used Her Cells. The story isn’t about science, it’s about promoting a narrative of racism, faux outrage, dismissing statutes of limitation, and demanding that all profit be condemned. The hypocrisy of the law suit is palpable. The suit originated from the idea that no consent was given by Lacks nor her family to obtain the cells which have been used to murder so many people. An article in Time appeared on July 24, AI Should Be Terrified of Humans, which makes claims that insects are sentient, humans are inherently awful beings, and that AI will be capable of suffering. The author of the Time article also thinks that no one should ever eat meat or meat products again. The Guardian (and all of the rest of the mouthpieces of Satan referred to as the mainstream media) continuously demands that we are all going to die from global warming by conflating weather with climate and having decided the science is settled and the sun doesn’t exist.

These are all secular articles. God can’t be brought up in the mainstream news because for them, He doesn't exist. If God doesn’t exist, then His moral declarations (the Torah) cannot matter. If the Torah doesn’t matter, there are no morals and mankind’s ethics take over how we are to live our lives. In Jeffrey Dahmer’s mind he really didn’t do anything wrong. In Kamala Harris’ version of acceptable, having sexual relations to gain political power is absolutely acceptable. In Joe Biden’s ethics, Bidenomics is a good thing for Americans even though we all know that a dollar buys far less and our national credit rating just dropped. But, in the headlines of religious publications, a full frontal attack on God is laid bare. There is a ‘sparkle creed’ being taught in a church in Edina, Minnesota which starts off by stating that God is non-binary. Those preaching the Gospel at transgender events have been arrested for doing so. The Vatican is spearheading an ecumenical movement because the Pope is one of the monsters lusting after the post-human world.

What all of this is – the technology and the Big Lie alike – are the creations of people who have rejected God. They have especially rejected the Torah. They reject the morals of the Bible. That’s a convergence which has been in the making for thousands of years.

Jesus speaks of a time of trouble like no other in all of history, one which will never be repeated and attributes it to increased distance from Torah. In the past the Torah was oral. Once written down it could be read by those who could read. The printing press greatly expanded the availability of the Bible, including the so-called ‘Jewish Bible’ aka the Torah. Then came radio. Television programs overtook radio in popularity. Satellite broadcasts expanded television options. Films came to be a standard of entertainment. The internet made all of this, as well as information, more easily obtained.

With every advance it seems that people, even those with faith, found a way to further distance themselves from Torah. YouTube is the most visited non-search engine website and it is only a matter of time before content creators promoting accurate descriptions of the Bible are banned. This will not be a feature of only YouTube – anything true will be called misinformation and the lies will be permitted to persist, particularly the Big Lie until it is no longer necessary to tell it. It is no surprise that as we have gotten more distant from the teachings of the Torah the world has degenerated at a faster and faster pace. It’s the technology that is available to us which too many of us use to seek the ways of the world while ignoring the God that created all of this. The Fourth Industrial Revolution’s technologies seek to permanently sever mankind from the truth of God and His morals meant to make men holy. God will prevail over this manifestation of evil as well; however. The question is, while you and I still have free will, a blessing of God bestowed upon humanity, how will you and I use it? Hopefully we all wake up and use it to reject all of these convergences and return to God with all of our heart, strength, and soul.

Bless God and God bless.


The Nicaea Council – 1,698 Years of Blasphemy. It’s Past Time to Read the Bible for Ourselves.

