Why France Serves An Important Lesson for the US
I’ll be the first to tell anyone that asks, I am not a fan of France. I’m not a fan of French history, French food, the filth of their nation, and I am especially not a fan of their people nor their political leaders. If the French people were all like the protesters who participated in the Yellow Vest movement I would have a lot more respect for the people of France, but they are not like the Yellow Vests. The current protesters are not fighting to end gas taxes, they are yelling and screaming about their government not being Marxist enough. I don’t stand behind any of the protests taking place in France and I don’t stand behind the French government either. And that is a lesson that every US citizen should really be paying attention to.
‘Human Rights’ Are a Scam
I have asked all sorts of people to define what human rights are and where they come from. The common person has never yet answered either part of the question. No one has answered where they come from nor what they actually are. The closest I have ever gotten to an answer is the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights. This is odd because the UN’s UDHR provides no one with any right whatsoever in the first place because of the way they are written and then there is article 29 which throws the entire concept of rights out the window. It is an important question because so-called human right’s advocates like Human Rights Watch help craft policy for nations. The reason why these policies are so repugnant is because human rights have always been and always will be a scam.
Real Insurrections Are Ignored
There is a continuum which drives progressivism. It is a step by step, piece by piece, multi-decade plan to destroy all traditional value systems. It really started the day the serpent approached Eve (Havah) and convinced her to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, who in turn caused Adam to do the same. God meant for human beings to live in the Garden of Eden with Him, yet, the insurrection had been declared – some would follow God and others would not. The serpent was the first progressive and the ideas it pushed caused damning consequences. That is just as true today as it was in the Garden. What was once called evil and sin and was advised to be avoided is now called progressivism and is demanded to be embraced.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – WHO is Coming For YOU!
I don’t have enough trust in doctors to ever want to see one again. I’ve never had much trust in doctors and COVID-19 confirmed they are, for the most part, only interested in selling drugs, going, on vacations, and being told what to do. Being as though allopathic medicine is as much art as it is science, it is called practicing medicine. The idea that there are ‘experts’ in a field or art is a dumb thing to believe in, in my opinion. We don’t call Beethoven, Shakespeare, or van Gogh experts, and we shouldn’t be calling doctors experts either. Some are mighty good at their craft and their art, but others are only in it because of the paychecks they get from following orders. If you have a doctor like this I suggest you find one who practices medicine instead of going along to get along. Nothing should make this more evident than the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO), specifically it’s Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is doing everything possible to be the one issuing all of our medical directives.
Bill Gates and His Big Depopulation Plan
With the US economy collapsing, Russia and NATO squaring off, China behaving increasingly aggressively and erratically, and the Great Reset going on, a lot of important topics are falling through the cracks. It’s information overload. Some have tuned out because it’s too much and it is all too scary to think about. Others never tuned in. Some pay attention to one or another of those topics. Despite anyone’s news consumption pattern, it should be clear that there is a massive effort underway to exterminate huge numbers of human beings (in the billions).
The United Soviets of Socialist America is Also Officially A Banana Republic
What was the New York Times doing when Adolf Hitler was gassing millions of Jews and gypsies? They covered for them. What was the paper’s employees doing when Lincoln’s Union went to war with the South? Siding with slave owners and aiming machine guns at the mobs outside of their building. Where was this paper demanding accountability for the unconstitutional actions of Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden? They stood by them and offered cover for their criminality. They are still covering for the CIA by demanding that the impossibility of Oswald acting alone was the cause – for 59 years they have held the CIA’s cover story as absolute. So what has The New York Times done in the face of a Marxist arresting a former president, turning the United States into a factual banana republic? They endorsed the move, and so did the rest of the USSA’s state-operated media.
The FED’s ESG/Social Credit Score and Not Working For FED Notes
There is a quote of debatable origin that is usually attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, “Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.” As despicable as that idea is to a free people, it is one-hundred percent correct. As I was looking at some news from the issuers of the United States dollar – the privately owned and very foreign Federal Reserve Bank – it made me think; why do we kill ourselves for these stupid dollars? Why do we go to work to be paid in a worthless fiat currency? And what can we do differently?
One Health Moves Forward
I’ve written hundreds of articles and in almost all of them I have detailed some aspect or event which threatens to enslave or exterminate massive numbers of humanity. One Health is something I wrote about in July of 2022 because of the approach it takes to healthcare. Plants, animals, water, soil, as well as people, and everything else is seen as a “component of global disease prevention, surveillance, control, and mitigation.” It’s a clever way to reinforce the presumption that public health concerns should triumph over any individual rights. It also provides a foot in the door for what is best described as a panoptoconic, open air, prison system. Instead of building new incarceration facilities, One Health seeks to bring the security and control mechanisms into the communities themselves and incarcerate all of us for our own health security. The implementation of One Health was recently given a new urgency by the some of the capo’s who seek to become the entire world’s wardens.
Throwing Gold and Silver Into the Streets
As far as I’m aware, people have never thrown their precious metals into the street. Ezekiel 7:19 states that this will happen though. They will throw their silver into the streets; their gold will be like something unclean. On the day of Adonai’s wrath their silver and gold won’t be able to rescue them. These things won’t satisfy their hunger, these things won’t fill their stomachs, because these are what caused them to sin.
There are 10 Commandments. In Exodus 20:3-17 (1) and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 (2) they are listed. Christians and Jews alike recognize these Commandments. It is a very basic moral code. It it the nuts and bolts of the Biblical moral code. Each of these ten is a chapter title of the 613 laws in the Torah. Yeshua summed them up in volumes I and II with his two rules. Which of these 10 chapters is the world not destroying. Which of these are the governments of the world not proudly legislating against? None of them. The leaders pay no heed to these because they are of their father the devil and the people they lead do not demand it because they are of the world created by their leaders and of the devil themselves.