One Health Moves Forward

One Health Moves Forward

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/3/2023

I’ve written hundreds of articles and in almost all of them I have detailed some aspect or event which threatens to enslave or exterminate massive numbers of humanity. One Health is something I wrote about in July of 2022 because of the approach it takes to healthcare. Plants, animals, water, soil, as well as people, and everything else is seen as a “component of global disease prevention, surveillance, control, and mitigation.” It’s a clever way to reinforce the presumption that public health concerns should triumph over any individual rights. It also provides a foot in the door for what is best described as a panoptoconic, open air, prison system. Instead of building new incarceration facilities, One Health seeks to bring the security and control mechanisms into the communities themselves and incarcerate all of us for our own health security. The implementation of One Health was recently given a new urgency by the some of the capo’s who seek to become the entire world’s wardens.

A World Health Organization (WHO) press release on March 27, 2023 indicates why the impetus on One Health is necessary. “Recent international health emergencies such as COVID-19 pandemic, mpox, Ebola outbreaks, and continued threats of other zoonotic diseases, food safety, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) challenges, as well as ecosystem degradation and climate change clearly demonstrate the need for resilient health systems and accelerated global action. One Health is seen as the main approach for tackling these pressing and complex challenges facing our society.” The reasons for the most recent push for One Health is three separate fear-based psychological operations, a depopulation plan, and a hoax, respectively. Living in a prison directed by doctors, of course is the answer.

The wardens who declared this for our own safety come from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), WHO, and World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). They, and other entities, are demanding seven outcomes which will turn all of the communities where it is implemented into a concentration camps ran by people worse than Dr. Ishii. Japan had a medical apparatus, Unit 731, which performed torturous ‘experiments’ worse than even Germany’s Dr. Mengele. It will be Mengele at best and people worse than Ishii at worst who will run the One Health prisons.

The first demand from these public health terrorists is to get One Health intersectoraly included in all international public health policy. The idea of intersectoraly (environmental, public health, animal, and food institutions) being used is to make sure that the policy is impossible to remove or change in the interests of individual liberty. The WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty – a complete tyranny over all healthcare and medical interventions – fully incorporates One Health into the document.

The second demand is meant to extend international public health policy to all public health policies in as many places as possible. This is aimed at national public health agencies in addition to state, county, and local public health agencies. Many public health entities and hospitals have already incorporated One Health into their policies. This seeks to ensure One Health is adopted universally.

They demand that One Health implementation occur more quickly. “[S]supporting of national One Health governance and multisectoral coordination mechanisms, development of situation analyses, stakeholder mapping, priority setting, and metrics for One Health monitoring and evaluation frameworks;” is how they plan on accomplishing this feat. Because stakeholders are mentioned, the plan is one with a fascist orientation.

Demand number four is the creation of an army. Some may even carry guns with them as they “prevent, detect, control, and respond to health threats in a timely and effective way.” The demand includes language suggesting that public health policy narratives be followed through educational efforts about One Health.

Our future wardens seem to suggest that all livestock and many farming activities will be targeted. They want to destroy food production according to this. I’ll let you decide for yourself, “Strengthen and sustain prevention of pandemics and health threats at source, targeting activities and places that increase the risk of zoonotic spillover between animals to humans[.]”

The sixth terrorist demand is a mandate to reinforce scientific sharing. With these organizations controlling all of the information, including scientific research, a singular authoritative narrative repository can be built, maintained, and weaponized against the prison populations. Any scientific research, should it even be able to gain funding, which appears and violates the public health narrative being enforced will be thrown away and disregarded. The scientific community has practice in this with AIDS, vaccines, germ theory, pharmaceuticals, anthropocentric climate change, and coronavirus therapeutics to name a few.

The final demand is for money. They specifically want to eradicate threats at the source with additional funding. Pigs, chickens, goats, cows, and even our house pets will be the first to go. In the meantime they will demand that wildlife corridors be made legal no-go zones. Maps exist of the original proposals for this anti-human demand (the red portions will be off limits for all human activity). The Wildlands Network is a big supporter of restricting all human activity and no doubt support public health initiatives which will help them realize their Gaia-based and highly demonic vision, “Our long-term vision is to create a vibrant and sustainable future for nature, which is built upon the following: Humans see themselves as part of nature, with the responsibility and desire to safeguard the natural world. North American governments adopt policies that ensure the protection of restored wildlife habitat and connectivity at a landscape scale. Communities across North America are stable, just, equitable, and inclusive. All people have access to information and the tools they need to protect and live in harmony with nature.”

The Wildlands Network is no less anti-human than the FAO, UNEP, WHO, and WOAH. These entities literally exist to create a future hostile to human life and push the earth into post-human existence. They exist to murder all of us. The WHO press release is a demand to carry out the One Health Joint Plan of Action 2022 – 2026 (OH JPA). This document, created by the same entities noted in the WHO’s press release, takes any doubt about their murderous intentions and makes sure anyone reading it understands their depraved global plan.

In the Executive Summary, the first paragraph of the OH JPA, offers their goal, “collaborate to drive the change and transformation required to mitigate the impact of current and future health challenges at the human–animal–plant–environment interface at global, regional and country level.” (page x). That is a really deceptive way which says the exact same thing I am trying to explain. They are literally stating their intention under the OH JPA is to change the whole world to their liking under the guise of public health concerns. Because they are determined to create a post-human world, that is what they are stating here. Diseases don’t infect the dead – only the living.

The Executive Summary notes that One Health is fully in line with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (page x). That in an of itself is a huge red flag because those goals are intended to absolutely decimate all human capacity to exist outside of the UN system. Absolutely no individual liberty is incorporated into the SDGs. Also, on page xi One Health is once more firmly rooted in fascism with the use of public-private-partnerships. On page 2 the OH JPA is declared to be non-binding and also a living document subject to the quadripartite’s (FAO, UNEP, WHO, WOAH) discretion. Page 1 notes, in a footnote, a concise list about the policy areas the groups are targeting:

“Priority areas are: 1) the reinforcement of national services in human health, animal health and food safety; 2) intelligence, early warning and disease information systems; 3) preparedness and response to emerging, re-emerging and neglected infectious diseases; 4) antimicrobial resistance; 5) food safety; 6) dog-mediated rabies; 7) zoonotic influenza; 8) Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV); 9) zoonotic tuberculosis; 10) sharing of pathogens, genetic materials and sequences; xi) communications. Overarching all activities are: A1) the reinforcement of national services in human health, animal health and food safety; A2) coordination on research and development in the area of zoonotic pathogens; A3) vector-borne disease; A4) Rift Valley fever coordination; and A5) climate change.”

Diseases are not really what this plan seeks to address. Page 3 includes the details on their real target - “Economic development has led to substantial improvements in the well-being of many humans globally, but often at the expense of ecosystems, a healthy environment and the welfare of animals. With the global human population projected to reach 8 billion in 2023 amid unsustainable consumption and production patterns, the pressures on our natural systems are tremendous and will continue to grow (UNDESA, 2022). The earth’s natural resources are being used at a faster rate than they can be replenished due to unsustainable and destructive practices and with insufficient consideration for biodiversity or the health of surrounding ecosystems upon which our lives and well￾being depend.” The target is economic activity and the end goal is to make economic decisions for all of us especially when those decisions result in the end of economic vitality.

The OH JPA spends all of page 5 on explaining the role environment has upon health. With the exception of contamination of the soil, water and air, everything else is a lie. They demand that ‘fossil’ fuels have caused climate change. From that lie they demand that One Health incorporate weather phenomena because every weather event is only attributable to man-made climate change. They make the claim that bees are dying off because of climate change and throw in a little bit of fear mongering with the asinine suggestion that new diseases are emerging due to climate change. No other alternatives are offered.

They lied on page 6 when they demand we all follow blindly with their narrative. Never mind the thousands of gain-of-function mad-science experiments where millions of new chimeric concoctions have been developed the group demands. Only pay attention that the WHO has a Disease X classification which they have declared will cause pandemics from time to time, over and over again. “There is a high degree of certainty that the world will continue to face new disease threats, driven by factors such as continued population expansion, urbanization, increased transport, land-use change, climate change, intensification of food systems and habitat loss.” It is important to understand that these are NOT the causes of new diseases (at least one of them is not even a real issue) and that the next iteration of Disease X is sitting in a lab somewhere, probably in storage, and the WHO already knows all about it. It’s just a matter of when and why they decide to release it and murder millions more of us with their treatments and ‘cures.’

“The COVID-19 pandemic and its profound impact on human health, society and economies around the world highlighted the interconnectedness between biodiversity, a healthy environment, food systems and our health, and has revealed vulnerabilities at all levels. Assessments of these complex interactions warn us that future pandemics will emerge more often, spread more rapidly, do more damage to the world economy and kill more people than COVID-19, unless there is a transformative change in the global approach to our relationship with the environment and how we tackle disease emergence, spillovers and spread – from prevention to reaction and preparedness. Although warnings of a pandemic arising from a previously unknown zoonotic pathogen have been on the international radar for many years, the COVID-19 crisis has reinforced the urgent need for an integrated, One Health approach to pandemic prevention,” (page 12). Yep, they cooked up a disease in a lab, released it on purpose, allowed it to spread around the world, and then murdered as many as they could by restricting access to anti-parasitical medications, forcing ventilators down our throats, and giving us remdesivir, and then murdered tens or millions with a chimeric, metal-infused, graphene oxide concoction which literally acts as a prion in our bodies. All so that they can demand urgent adoption of their global medical tyranny.

They claim that One Health is the solution to all health issues. By eradicating people’s livelihoods and outright murdering them I guess it does have that potential. The OH JDA explains that there are barriers to One Health and to overcome them governments must adopt one health and throw lots of money their way, organizations must extend One Health to absolutely everyone, and science needs to be revered as a god (page 15). Those barriers are economic vitality, individual liberty, commerce, trade, functioning societies, and belief in God, as examples. Anyone believing in any one of those things is a barrier to be overcome.

Four key targets for One Health have been agreed to be arrived at by 2026 (pages 18-19). Involving governments and getting them spending money on One Health is the first. Enforcing the One Health narrative in all relevant areas follows. The third involves getting the narrative following organizations to create networks across sectors. Shoving One Health approaches down ever person’s throat is the fourth goal. The OH JPA lays out several ways to accomplish these goals (page 19). All of them display their absolute love for Marxist collectivism and envision uniform laws, policies, practices, and approaches in every nation on the planet. They also suggested they should offer recommendations to ensure that uniformity.

Their Guiding Principles (page 20) are cooperation between all governments with each other and with stakeholders. Multisectoral efforts are imperative because then any barriers can be broken down whether through stakeholders demanding their users oblige their decrees or governments codify One Health into law with criminal offenses being incurred for non-adherence. Gender equality is high on the list because, God-forbid, women not be able to participate in enslaving and murdering everyone with One Health. Equity and inclusiveness are also requirements because who wants to have the murder weapon solely in their possession – the quadripartite wants to give it to not only women, but minorities and indigenous peoples, too.

Many pages (21-55) explain in greater detail the demands they made in the WHO press release and break those demands down by. One example is on page 30 under the heading of “2.2.2 – Incorporate land-use planning in health and biodiversity risks assessment, and vice versa.” This particular goal is going to allow One Health to assist in the creation of 15-minute cities. Under 2.2.2, land use will be evaluated for is biological inclusion and likely condemned because the goal is the 15-minute city for city planners. They will use One Health to get us out of our homes and into their ‘smart’ coffin apartments where we are supposed to own nothing and be happy and enjoy dining on cockroaches and maggots.

On pages 56-57 the OH JPA describes exactly how a technocracy operates. They will make all the decisions and allocate all of the resources to those they deem best able to fulfill the demonic goals set forth in the rest of the document. This four-party group has wild-eyed visions about the potential for them to become the globe’s ‘expert’ ‘health’ panel.

It’s not good enough for them to have created a 5-year plan – a hallmark of any Marxist regime – they had to go even further in their demands for Marxism, including organizing street-level riots in support of their cause. On page 57 a key feature of implementing, monitoring, and evaluating ‘progress’ towards their goals reads, “The OH JPA aims to engage wider stakeholders, including NGOs, CSOs, the private

sector and academia, on particular themes and activities of the OH JPA and to help with advocacy and maintaining the urgency, public support, political momentum and visibility of the One Health approach. This may include organizing regular consultation forums and high-level conferences at appropriate milestones in the implementation of the OH JPA.” It sounds like a color revolution to me. Let’s call this one black because it means the end of access to actually getting adequate attention for medical and health issues and great leaps forward in state sanctioned murder through officially sanctioned medical malpractice.

They will accept money from literally anyone who is stupid enough to pay them (page 59). Actually, anyone who donates a single cent is not only funding their own death but declaring to the world that they want to murder everyone on the planet. No doubt Bill Gates will have his money going towards One Health as will many of the governments of the world as they seek to abdicate themselves of the responsibility of enslaving and murdering their populations under health tyranny.

On page 3 the OH JDA provides the warden’s concept of One Health. “One Health is not a new concept, but it has received renewed attention and evolved over the past decade because of the increased frequency and severity of threats linking the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment. One Health calls for a holistic and systems-based approach that recognizes the interconnection between the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment.”

Decades of bought and paid for ‘research’ based not on science but a belief in getting paid to produce the results they were told to before hand (scientism) are now leading us to a global medical dictatorship which will be more unkind than Dr. Ishii. Grow your own cauliflower? Corn? Raise your own chickens? Not if the One Health technocracy has any say about it. Do you eat fish you catch or hunt for food? Not if these monsters have a voice. Live on a farm? Not anymore under One Health. We won’t be able to demand gain-of-function research be immediately halted permanently due to it not being an area of concern per 6.3.2 and 6.3.3. They are giving themselves license to intrude in our lives, forcing us to pay for it through tax-collection schemes, and turning around to demand we comply or else.

That or else is die. One Health brings the prisons to us instead of having to go through all those messy trials and sentencing hearings for crimes which don’t exist like growing cauliflower from heirloom seeds. God brings us freedom from all of this nonsense. I think all of us should plant whatever we want, raise whatever animals we want, and use the resources around us in the most useful manner possible. Stewardship is very important but One Health has no intention of stewardship – all of the efforts are for human enslavement and death. There are four key Bible verses which these monsters are seeking to wantonly violate and for all of us to violate with them.

In Genesis 1:26 humans are given dominion over the things on earth, Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth.” In Leviticus 35:30-34 blood is what defiles the land, 30 “‘If anyone kills someone, the murderer is to be put to death upon the testimony of witnesses; but the testimony of only one witness will not suffice to cause a person to be put to death. 31 Also, you are not to accept a ransom in lieu of the life of a murderer condemned to death; rather, he must be put to death. 32 Likewise, you are not to accept for someone who has fled to his city of refuge a ransom that would allow him to return to his land before the death of the cohen. 33 In this way you will not defile the land in which you are living. For blood defiles the land, and in this land no atonement can be made for the blood shed in it except the blood of him who shed it. 34 No, you are not to defile the land in which you live and in which I live; for I, Adonai, live among the people of Isra’el.’” Proverbs 10:12 reads, A righteous man takes care of his animal, but the wicked? Even his compassion is cruel. Proverbs 27:18 reads, Whoever tends the fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who is attentive to his master will be honored.

The truth is in those Bible verses. One Health advocates, especially the ambassadors of the Adversary in the Quadripartite, want to destroy this truth. They are claiming that they alone have dominion over not only the earth, animals, plants, and fish but over human beings as well. These subjected beings they plan on defiling completely through outright slaughter as well as the irrevocable destruction of their DNA – humans particularly included. No qualms are given by these murderers when nations decree that because of nitrogen releases farmers must liquidate 80% of their stock. And they plan on stealing everyone’s food because of ‘safety’ concerns. There is no truth in them. If you see One Health, seek an alternative care provider. Read your Bible and pray, too, because non-One Health providers will be getting more and more scarce over the coming weeks and months.

What used to be the government of the United States of America has already officially adopted the death cult’s plan through the CDC, USDA, NEHA, AMA, AVMA, AAP. ANA, AAPHP, ASTMH, is endorsed by nearly 1,000 scientists, physicians, and veterinarians and works in conjunction with Crozet BioPharma. Crozet helped develop the Ebola vaccine ERVEBO which also promises to murder people. With funding from Bill Gates’ CEPI, Crozet in partnership with Public Health Vaccines is working on murdering even more people with their Nipah Virus efforts. Both are gene therapies and both seem to contain Luciferase. They are trying to enslave us, murder us, and turn us into chimeras along the way – seek God and beware of the danger posed with One Health and it’s demonic fruits.

Bless God and God bless.


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