The FED’s ESG/Social Credit Score and Not Working For FED Notes

The FED’s ESG/Social Credit Score and Not Working For FED Notes

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/4/2023

There is a quote of debatable origin that is usually attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, “Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.” As despicable as that idea is to a free people, it is one-hundred percent correct. As I was looking at some news from the issuers of the United States dollar – the privately owned and very foreign Federal Reserve Bank – it made me think; why do we kill ourselves for these stupid dollars? Why do we go to work to be paid in a worthless fiat currency? And what can we do differently?

Obviously, we work for these dollars because of convenience. It’s easy to get paid in a currency that is accepted as payment for everything from airline tickets to soccer balls to being able to pay our household bills. Because dollars are widely accepted and people believe they have value the convenience of using them is beneficial to all of society. I fix the farmers car and he pays me 50 dollars. I go to the store and pay them 10 dollars for the farmers produce. The rest I save to put towards the rent I owe on the shop I work out of. That’s a really simple way to explain it – but it works. We have built a really big economy based on that simple design.

The problems really start creeping in when the people creating that money in the first place are not part of the real economy. They start coming up with these wacky ideas like how banks should structure risk associated with someone fixing cars for a living when they need a loan. Should the risks of loaning to a gun manufacturer be the same as a software engineer? How about a bioengineer and a carpenter? A bull semen collector and an accountant? Instead of looking at the income derived from these professions – let’s say $45,000, $50,000, $80,000, $120,000, $65,000, $75,000, and $90,000, respectively – the professions themselves are starting to be looked at. And the ones finding themselves unable to obtain loans are the one’s which all of our modern civilizations are built upon.

I’m referring to energy, specifically so-called fossil fuels. This will be the last time I use the term fossil fuels. They are not created from fossils. They are an abiotic energy source naturally produced by the earth. Malthusians affixed the notion of fossils in front of the term fuel to create fear, anxiety, and to pray games humanity through artificial scarcity. These abiotic fuels have allowed us to generate electricity, lubricate friction points, and power automobiles for quite a while. Plastics, pharmaceuticals, and a wide range of other products – 1,000’s of them – are due to the uses mankind has discovered for this renewable abiotic resource.

Yet, for decades humanity has been told a lie about this resource disappearing tomorrow. We kept right on using the resource despite the narrative being crammed down our throats. Over time though, especially as Malthusian ethics began being indoctrinated into schoolchildren’s minds, the lie was adopted. Young people began demanding that cars stop using gasoline, coal stop being burned whether the smoke is ‘scrubbed’ or not, oil rigs stop ‘stealing’ from mother earth, and pipelines are unacceptable transportation options for shipping crude oil and natural gas. Those young people are now older and running organizations and campaigns dedicated to ending the use of petroleum and natural gas. They are conspiring with members of younger generation. They are actually forcing all of us to seriously face shortages of this renewable resource because of their unscientific view of it and their absolute loathing of humanity. None of this comes from a place of stewardship nor rational thought. At the end of the day it is about control.

There are still a lot of cars on the road with gasoline engines. The US built their cities around these vehicles. Coal still makes up a huge percentage of electrical generation. We build our power grid around this cheap, abundant, and energy-efficient fuel. Natural gas is, likewise, cheap, abundant, and energy efficient. But we aren’t supposed to use those fuels because they produce carbon dioxide.

The anti-human crowd now trying to demand everywhere be like California – with it’s rolling brownouts and blackouts, bans on chainsaws and lawnmowers, and climate change mitigation goals triumphing over almost everything else (God, individual economic vitality, common sense to name a few) – has positions of power and prestige now. They are not only in positions to control the actions of humanity through environmentalism they have decided on a course of action guaranteeing the complete annihilation of all life on earth as they seek to eradicate carbon dioxide completely. It so happens that without carbon dioxide no life as we know it would be possible and that the abiotic resources we have burned actually replenishes the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Never mind any of that though – we didn’t willingly stop using abiotic fuels and now they are about to force us to stop.

The information I ran across cements the asinine antics of the lunatic leftists demanding no carbon emissions are good for the earth with the institution which (illegally and unconstitutionally) creates our United States dollars. Back on January 18, 2023 the FED, which creates the money, released a report titled Pilot Climate Scenario Analysis Exercise. This pilot program was only conducted because not everyone is a baby-murdering, gender disfiguring, Marxist climate crusader like Gavin Newsome, governor of California, is. Most governors are rational human beings who have no desire to deal with the citizens of their states suffering with random power outages, fuel shortages, and food scarcity. The FED’s pilot is meant to make sure that the whole United States ends up just like California though.

Like everything the FED releases, they make a point to note that this implies no policy recommendations and indicates no future course of action. Every time I see such language I already know, soon or later, that it will be a policy and the only reason the language exists is to stifle public alarm and so they can cover their behinds when people find out what is really going on. And that gets us back to the idea that what the FED produces – a fiat currency which exists solely because people believe in it – would be negatively impacted if this were to be known by the larger public. So, let’s make it known, after all, the pilot is going on right now. Here are the nuts and bolts:

“Participants will estimate the effect of these scenarios on a relevant subset of their loan portfolios over a future time horizon. For each loan, participants will calculate and report to the Board credit risk parameters, such as probability of default (PD), internal risk rating grade (RRG), and loss given default (LGD), as appropriate. Participants will respond to qualitative questions describing their governance, risk-management practices, measurement methodologies, results for specific portfolios, and lessons learned. Focusing on changes to risk metrics like PD, RRG, and LGD, rather than on estimates of losses, will provide information about how the relative riskiness of exposures within participants’ credit portfolios may evolve over time in response to different climate scenarios. Loss estimates would involve additional assumptions around the evolution of participants’ balance sheets and business models and would be incomplete given the partial nature of the exercise, which focuses on specific regions and certain portfolios for six participants.

“Six U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs) will participate in this pilot exercise: Bank of America Corporation; Citigroup Inc.; The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.; JPMorgan Chase & Co.; Morgan Stanley; and Wells Fargo & Company. These six banking organizations will submit completed data templates, supporting documentation, and responses to qualitative questions to the Federal Reserve Board by July 31, 2023. The Board anticipates publishing insights gained from this pilot exercise around the end of 2023.

“The Board expects to disclose aggregated information about how large banking organizations are incorporating climate-related financial risks into their existing risk-management frameworks. Consistent with the objectives and design of the pilot exercise, the Board does not plan to disclose quantitative estimates of potential losses resulting from the scenarios included in the pilot exercise. No firm-specific information will be released.

“This pilot CSA exercise will support the Board’s responsibilities to ensure that supervised institutions are appropriately managing all material risks, including financial risks related to climate change.

The FED is doing a whole bunch of things all at once with this. They are legitimizing climate-based risk analysis for taking out a car loan, business financing, and mortgages. Also, they are collecting information from these nefarious institutions in order to integrate those data points about risk into their own risk analysis to be ‘greener’ themselves. If one keeps reading the document produced by the FED, you’ll see they are anticipating creating risk based on environmental, social (although the social aspect is not overtly mentioned), and governance (ESG) metrics. You would also find that the FED anticipates carbon markets. You will also learn (maybe you are already aware – I wasn’t) that there is a consortium of central banks called the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).

Now, this NGFS thing is coffin nails to individual anything. They admit their purpose is to absolutely destroy any modern society on earth – especially the United States and Europe. “The Network’s purpose is to help strengthening the global response required to meet the goals of the Paris agreement and to enhance the role of the financial system to manage risks and to mobilize capital for green and low-carbon investments in the broader context of environmentally sustainable development. To this end, the Network defines and promotes best practices to be implemented within and outside of the Membership of the NGFS and conducts or commissions analytical work on green finance.” In case you aren’t yet acquainted with the Paris Agreement and the destruction it promises to bring everywhere it is implemented – here is the link. These 27 pages destroy 5,800 years of human development, achievements, and history – a remarkable feat in and of itself simply because of the brevity of the document and the catastrophe it forces all of humanity into. And it’s the motivating factor of the NDFS – 121 members, including the FED, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and the US Federal Insurance Office of the Department of Treasury, and 19 official observers including the Bank of International Settlements, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund.

Want to buy a house? You had better not be working to create more carbon producing animals like the bull semen collector or to fix people’s gasoline engines – you won’t get the loan. Are you employed by a business involved in manufacturing small arms for personal use? No house for you, no loan for your business, and absolutely no insurance for either. Are you a carpenter needing to get insurance? You will be forced to submit your ESG accounting and make sure that all of your materials are approved or you aren’t going to get it. If you mow large acreage properties and do landscaping – forget it. Your interest rate will be too high to buy anything and you will be uninsurable. If you want to stay in business you can dump all of your soon-to-be-outlawed gasoline powered equipment at a scrap yard and take out a loan for $500,000 to replace the equipment with tools recharged by electricity. Pay no heed to the unavailability of electricity under these plans – the power companies making the transition to ‘green’ electrical production will get their money because they are insured and are given loans to keep increasing capacity through land grabs. When there are blackouts and brownouts lasting days or weeks, rest easy landscaper – you won’t be able to work at all but the power company will still be getting paid.

The FED is going to make sure that wherever law makers didn’t take affirmative steps towards the Paris Agreement their risk assessments and lending policies will pick up the slack. There are a lot of big news stories like bank collapses, FedNow, and the implementation of the Great Reset that all play directly into the FED’s pilot program. This is one reason why it includes carbon credits and suggests ESG accounting principles. The Fed won’t have to make any distinction between ESG metrics and our individual social credit score – a feature they aren’t letting anyone know is embedded in their central bank digital currency called FedNow.

So, knowing all of that, why do I still keep going to work? Personally, I need something to do and some way to make sure I have a place to stay and something to eat. But why do I accept Federal Reserve Notes through direct deposit for my labor? I have no choice. There is already no alternative. I could ask for another payment method but it would always be based on US dollars. Get paid in gold one may suggest – how much gold will $500 buy me and do I want 0.25 ounce (7.08 grams) flakes of gold? Even silver runs into this problem – what would I do with 20.8 silver coins every time I get paid? What about the transaction costs when I need to have USD because that is the payment I am forced to use every time I buy anything. The only actual alternative would be if I started demanding payment in a cryptocurrency but even that would likely need to be converted back into dollars and runs the very high risk of being banned after the full roll-out of FedNow is completed (watch Nigeria’s central bank – an NGFS member too – respond to the abysmal failure it experienced rolling out its CBDC, Enaira).

We need sustainable (not the UN version) alternatives to the FED’s currency. Before anyone starts jumping up and down hooting and hollering about no legal currency outside of the Treasury can be coined – Congress isn’t given the authority to delegate it’s duty to coin the money of the United States, making the FED completely unconstitutional and an act of treason against the United States people. Call me black-pilled, naive, or even overly optimistic, but here are the four options and outcomes I see available to solve this dilemma.

The first is that nothing changes. People will keep believing in the US dollar until 50 years after its collapse. In 2073 anyone left in the United States will still be talking about how great the USD was even though it was replace in 2030 with the BISmark. I’m assuming a lot here. I’m assuming there will still be human beings (I don’t think that humans today would recognize whatever passes for a human in 2073) and there will still be people that are able to talk to one another who have any recollection or permission to even mention history. History will have been completely eradicated by then. Everyone will live in a smart-coffin apartment and everything in their lives will be controlled through BISmark and the B.E.A.S.T. AI analyzing every minute detail of everyone’s life for total compliance.

The second would be to have Congress pass a law outlawing the central bank in the United States. This sounds great except the FED would demand a $30-plus trillion payment due immediately. All the banks would collapse because of their debts to the FED. Corporations would no longer be paying their workers because no loans would be issued. The whole economy would collapse, Congress would get all the blame, and the people would be out in the streets demanding blood. They’d have plenty of time because there would be no work to be had. There would also be food riots, water shortages, power outages, no internet. While the FED itself is doing this on purpose right now unbeknownst to the majority of the population, Congress would get all of the blame because they took the action the people saw. The FED wouldn’t be able to roll out its anti-human agenda fully but the US government would likely no longer exist and chaos would ensue.

We could decide to start our own currency system. Cryptocurrency is too easy to turn off and criminalize. AI could just hack and search all electronic devices for any trace of a distributed ledger and hit the internet kill switch for them. I think gold and silver would be a good option here but that, too, can be criminalized, just like I expect all barter to be criminalized in the near future including favor for favor (I mow, you grow). It isn’t as easy to track; however, but if the lunatic climate change mitigation totalitarians combine with the technocrats at the IRS, US Treasury, FED, and others it would be relatively easy to identify those not participating in whatever economy is created, militarize the climate change activists, and see to it that all of those people are arrested. So the idea would be contingent on an entire breakaway from the systems we have now. A complete physical, spiritual, economic, and financial breakaway would be called for here. Instead of allowing us to be controlled by whoever creates worthless fiat currency, we could be controlled by our stomachs on our own land. Of course, the FED and the rest of the three and four-letter agencies would invite themselves in to ruin our experiment and force us, at the barrel of a gun, back into their gulag.

The other way I see this playing out is the dollar collapses under it’s own weight and we are all forced into the FedNow, BISmark, or whatever CBDC hell they have planned for us. No alternative will be in place and instead of trying to escape the gulag, almost everyone will just go ahead and sign onto it. This will make it even more difficult to escape. Examples will be made of anyone who tries to escape. The first couple of escapee’s trials will be more publicized and sensationalized than the 15-ring circus being conducted today by a Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, and a judge, Juan Merchan, loved by every New York legal ‘professional’ NBC ‘News’ could get to go on record – confirming his bias and disregard for the law. (‘Well, he didn’t yell at people so he’s a good guy’ is a paraphrase of the first absolute degenerate NBC ‘News’ mentioned in their defense of the judge – these people should all be disbarred). This is what I think is actually going to happen. I don’t see the USD lasting for more than a few years at most. I think it is going to swiftly crash, people are going to panic because they have their head in the sand, and they are going to be lured into the gulag on the promise of easy, stable, money. And it will be easy and stable, at least at first. As time goes on that money, too, will prove to be harder to get as more draconian requirements are stipulated and not stable at all as jaywalking will get one evicted from their cramped living spaces.

I think we all need to be getting right with God because what is coming is going to hurt and radically change our lives. Even if we manage to set up one or thirty thousand alternatives before the economic destruction is forced upon us (none of us have seen anything yet) we are all going to be affected. Those out of work will still want to eat. They will go to where there is food – farms and breakaway civilizations. When they cannot get to, or do not know of these alternatives, they will take the FED’s rescue plan without realizing they just volunteered themselves and all of their children and their children’s children, etc… to be prisoners forever. Those in any type of breakaway civilization, even those kept entirely secret, those which are absolutely self-sustaining, and those with vibrant trade among other nearby breakaway civilizations will have to fend off invasion forces from the cities, government intrusion, and traitors within their own ranks. What is about to happen, I believe, will be impossible to recon with if not for the protection of God. Take it to Him in prayer and, maybe, buy some seeds and make some friends – we are all going to need all the help we can get.

Bless God and God bless.


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