Real Insurrections Are Ignored

Real Insurrections Are Ignored

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/8/2023

There is a continuum which drives progressivism. It is a step by step, piece by piece, multi-decade plan to destroy all traditional value systems. It really started the day the serpent approached Eve (Havah) and convinced her to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, who in turn caused Adam to do the same. God meant for human beings to live in the Garden of Eden with Him, yet, the insurrection had been declared – some would follow God and others would not. The serpent was the first progressive and the ideas it pushed caused damning consequences. That is just as true today as it was in the Garden. What was once called evil and sin and was advised to be avoided is now called progressivism and is demanded to be embraced.

Progressivism has always sought to move people away from traditional lifestyles. A traditional way of life is, for the purpose of this piece, a view that the laws of God are immutable and to be followed, that Jesus Christ (Yeshua) died for our sins so that we may enter Heaven if we believe in Him, and that hard work and family life is the highest of virtues. By holding the morality of the Bible as inviolable and promoting the family, strong, cohesive families can be built which in turn creates strong, cohesive communities, which create states and nations full of strong communities built by moral people. This is what progressivism targets and it has infected enough people’s mind today to cause major problems.

In the United States, progressive ideas reshaped the nation during a time of great social and political changes. Industrialization was coring out rural farming communities, immigration numbers were high, and the technology and scientific advances of the time portended ways to radically reshape society. Progressives, as well as others, railed against the concentrated wealth of several families and claimed that the ability to earn a living was being negatively impacted. While progressives recognized the problem, their ‘solutions’ guaranteed an exacerbation of the dynamics. Britannica online notes the original intentions of progressives included a dismissal of individual rights in favor of collectivism, to more fully subject political offices to public sentiments, and to eliminate any and all checks and balances in the US in order to give the US President as much power as possible. In essence, the original progressive movement was fascist. Not surprisingly, fascism was all the rage at this time in history and progressives wanted to see it take form in the United States.

Some claim William McKinley was the first progressive US president. He made US dollars redeemable for only gold, ending the silver exchange; featured the highest tariffs the US has ever had on foreign goods; and initiated the Spanish-American War by demanding that Cuba is a free nation unaffected by the will of Spain. When McKinley was assassinated, Teddy Roosevelt became president. Teddy is widely regarded as the first progressive president.

Teddy followed the progressive’s playbook in ways more discernible to the public than McKinley. He used his presidency to consolidate as much power in the Office as possible and was openly hostile towards businesses he considered monopolies. He kicked off the nanny-state by signing the Pure Food and Drug Act into law, engaged in price fixing under the Interstate Commerce Act, and claimed about 270 million acres of land as the US government’s holding unilaterally and unconstitutionally. This progressive is still respected widely even in conservative circles, yet Teddy laid the ground work for abuses which are only growing more common and more duplicitous. Teddy Roosevelt did nothing but undermine the US Constitution during his presidency and deserves credit for being the primary architect of destroying the United States of America.

Widely credited as being one of the worst presidents in all of history, Woodrow Wilson was brought to power because of Teddy Roosevelt’s desire to crush the US Constitution and the checks and balances it contains. Wilson gave us the private, foreign owned, Federal Reserve system which has absolutely destroyed the value of the dollar. He gave us the direct federal taxation scheme under the Sixteenth Amendment which is still unconstitutional. He promoted racism and eugenics because progressives flock to eugenics-based science like flies seek poop. He tried to undermine US sovereignty through having the US be a member of the League of Nations. He entered the United States into World War I against the interests of the United States. He started the process of socializing farms, created the Federal Trade Commission which is still meddling in private businesses in the US, and had the absolutely repugnant Seventeenth Amendment ratified.

With Wilson, the United States was far less of a republic built on traditional values and took a sharp turn left from which this nation has never seriously veered from. During Wilson’s term, an event occurred which, to this day, is seen as the goal for many other movements with far less merit. A date still cited and revered by whatever wave of feminism is most current, August 8, 1920 Amendment 19 was ratified giving women the right to vote in elections. I don’t have a problem with women voting. I have a huge problem with the rest of the waves of feminism; however.

Second wave feminism targeted the social roles of women. They were allowed to vote but tradition held them in social bondage these progressive thinkers argued. Women are the caretakers of the home according to God and according to tradition. Progressive thinkers, inspired by the same serpent which deceived Eve, inspired them to go into the workforce, be whores, and to disregard the importance of family life. The progressives behind second-wave feminism ‘logic’ also demanded women be permitted to murder their children in the womb. The Supreme Court, in a stupid and illegal display of progressivism and it’s fruits, legitimized the highest priority of second wave feminists in their now overturned Roe v Wade ruling.

Third-wave feminism is the idea that women should be able to do everything that men can do. If women’s empowerment comes at the expense of men, especially in positions of political power, all the better from the third-wave members perspective. Transsexual rights, gender confusion, intersectionality, and critical race theory are the fruits of this wave of feminism. Hating men, the family, and God are also pretty common themes coming from this bloc.

Fourth wavers and third wavers are pretty similar. Fourth wave feminist though go even further than their third-wave peers. While relying on the same social theories as third wave feminists, fourth wave feminists are typically the group which has decided to label all men as rapists, all white people as racists, and all of society anti-women.

I chose feminism because these fascists will demand an end to fascism and use violence in order to end it. What is fascism? For them it is not a political opinion it is any opinion they disagree with. Whites, males, Christians, gun-rights advocates, or social conservatives, are automatically despised and, at times, violently assaulted. Diversity and inclusion, equity and equality of outcomes is their demand. And they demand collectively. What third and fourth-wave feminists use to ethically justify their actions, other progressive groups use as well. BLM, Antifa, the democrat party, most of the republican party, democrats in general, far too many republicans in general, and mainstream media including almost everyone at FOX ‘News’ are examples of the ‘logic’ and ethics used to justify their actions, policies, platforms, and news coverage. All of it is derived from a progressive worldview with an emphasis on collectivism and direct, pure, democracy (to say tyranny by the majority is an understatement – it is totalitarianism by majority). Notions such as intersectionality, critical race theory, and gender as a social construct all have their roots in progressive thinking and seek remediation and adoption through the political process.

First it was women’s suffrage and the Civil Right’s Act. Arguments can be made for and against both of these things. Any arguing against either of these; however, will automatically be given a label of sexist or racist – both progressive terms used to demean those they disagree with and, in some cases, criminally prosecute. Current progressives are putting in a lot of effort to have the speech they dislike criminalized today. To argue the point; however, I think that voting should be limited to those with skin in the game not just the attainment of an age. Call me a sexist, call me a racist, a xenophobe, make up a brand new term if you want – something needs to be done because universal suffrage at the attainment of 18 years of age is absurd.

I also think that the way that portions of the Civil Rights Act and Amendments 13 and 14 are not worded very well and should be redrafted. The Civil Rights Act in particular raises some serious questions about what is in the First Amendment. This is kind of why the Civil War occurred in the first place – the federal government decided that it could act against what are clearly States’ rights. Well, in the fourth clause of the First Amendment there is this phrase “Congress shall make no law respecting […] the right of the people to peaceably assemble.” The Civil Rights Act is clearly a) a law and b) forces associations upon people. So do we have a First Amendment right to association or a government which will dictate associations? It’s an important question.

The US government used the same progressive thinking to determine that physical handicaps and many mental handicaps must be accommodated in the private spheres of life. Fines and public outrage ensue if one does not follow along with the American’s with Disabilities Act. If the republic of the United States were recognized as such the Civil Rights Act would be a very different document and the American’s with Disabilities Act would not exist. The reason they exist, whether you agree with the act’s or not, are based squarely upon a big lie about the United States that progressive thinkers have enshrined in the minds of the US resident for over a century. Here is how this is accomplished, “The foundation of our government is democracy. Government should provide equitable services to all citizens, regardless of their ability.”

I don’t think it is a bad idea to provide government services for everyone on an equal basis. But the lie is that the United States is a democracy. Because this lie is believed by so many, progressive social causes have created havoc in the United States. One example is the progressive demand to ban guns. Another is the idea that the federal government should tax churches and religious institutions. Abortion on demand and after the child is born is another front progressives are actively engaged in. The Supreme Court’s ruling forcing all states to accept homosexual marriage is a widely touted victory in progressive circles. The most recent, disgusting, and violent of these progressive movements; however, is hands down, the demands for the social acceptance and inclusion of the gender deranged, the pedophile, and the idea that children should be raised by the state with no parental oversight, input, or rights, and that part of the state raising children is the sexual abuse of them.

It is on this front that actual insurrections are taking place. Kentucky passed a bill, had it vetoed by the governor, and then overrode the veto. The bill enshrines parental rights and forbids the schools in the state from violating parent’s rights. Kentucky recognized that parents have the right to decide whether or not their child will be introduced to “health services and mental health services related to human sexuality, contraception, or family planning.” Schools are required to recognize that parents raise children, not the school. Documents pertaining to a child in school are not permitted to be hidden from parents unless neglect or abuse is suspected per Kentucky law KRS 600.020(1)(a)2. The use of pronouns inappropriate for the sex listed on a child’s birth certificate are strongly discouraged. Emergency medical or mental services may still be provided following the school district’s policies. The bill rejects the idea that children can be presented with the mental illness of gender dysphoria, give consent as a minor to mutilate their genitals, and disregard parental rights. Progressives have gone crazy over this bill being made law.

On March 29, 2023, 19 protesters were arrested from the Kentucky Senate’s floor for screaming their demands, “trans rights are human rights,” while the bill was passed. While their chant is a lie, it is typical of how progressives operate. The truth doesn’t matter, and the reality they live in is subjective yet their demands are objective and their tactics violent. Outside of the legislature there were hundreds more protesters. Inside or outside, every single one of them was there to demand the removal of the state recognizing parental rights and to affirm their perceived right to sexually abuse and mutilate children. Thankfully the protests have seemed to die down in Kentucky as the bill is acted upon.

Tennessee; however, is not so lucky. Like Kentucky, Tennessee also passed legislation protecting children. The legislation has been dubbed anti-trans (because it is pro-children) by progressives. SB 0003 went into effect on April 1, 2023 and bans any public display or private display where children are present which features adult entertainment. SB 0001 went into effect on July 1, 2023 and refuses to validate the worlds constructed outside of reality by the gender confused or to permit minors to undergo gender reassignment therapy or to receive hormone therapies for the purpose of gender reassignment. Tennessee isn’t playing the progressives game at all and completely shut them down.

And they have yet to stop striking back. Teaming up with anti-gun progressives, the trans-progressives stormed the Tennessee capitol to demand justice after one of their own murdered six people in a school shooting in Nashville. They did this days after the extra-deranged Audrey Hale (who sought to identify as a male) committed the school shooting. They saw this as the right time to not only host an insurrection in the Tennessee capitol building to demand gun restrictions, but the mob also demanded trans rights as their deranged comrades in Kentucky had. While these pro-democracy insurrectionists sought to make their subjective and fantastical reality everyone’s objective (and miserable) reality, three of the representatives seized the microphone inside of the statehouse to show solidarity with their progressive lynch mob on the other side of the doors. The microphone was shut off and two of the three members were expelled from the legislature for their efforts. Rightly so.

The two expelled are black. So now it is a racial issue according to progressives. They have created children with gender dysphoria purposefully, and, because of the appallingly high prevalence of working in the sex trade and the rate of suicide occurring in the trans community, have called their efforts to gain trans rights and gender affirming ‘healthcare’ for minors a necessity. Save our kids is not only a stupid slogan for anti-gun progressives but is equally stupid for trans-progressives. Adding in the race card is only a feature of their desire to increase intersectional discrimination and, thus, increase public pressures on what they claim are systemic abuses.

The two who were expelled took a bullhorn to the front of the legislative chamber to make their demands. The white female was not expelled because, while she approached the podium of the chamber, she just stood there and said nothing. The other two shouted at their peers and made their demands and they deserve to never be permitted to return to any governmental position but all they received was an expulsion. The trans community created the issues that all of us are being forced to deal with. Instead of leaving the kids alone as most of us demand, they have doubled down in their determination to legitimize the lie that trans people have some other sort of right the rest of us do not – including allowing minors to choose their medical treatments to permanently disfigure their reproductive organs. Audrey Hale was the victim of Nashville school shooting because of why she did it – people, especially her parents, rejected her claims of being a boy. Audrey Hale didn’t pull the trigger either, it was the gun’s fault that the six people died….

Violence is the modus operandi of all progressive movements. Audrey Hale violently murdered people in a school shooting, but not all violence results in murder. Usually it ends up being assaults which never get charged. Because accountability is lacking, these thugs in the progressive branches re-offend with impunity. While being interviewed, a counter protester in Vancouver, a white male wearing a suit and a sandwich board including the definition of dad being “a human male who protects his kids from gender ideology” on one side and “children cannot consent to puberty blockers” on the other. He was punched and thrown to the ground by a male playing dress up. The assault occurred in front of what appeared to be a quarter of the Vancouver police force which did nothing at all. Billboard Chris as he is known has filed suit against the Vancouver Police Department. This is not an isolated incident.

Riley Gaines, a former swimmer at the University of Kentucky, traveled to San Francisco to give a speech at an event hosted by Turning Point USA. After the speech these trans-thugs chose violence and stormed into the speaking hall. The University of San Francisco’s ‘police’ stood down and Gaines was barricaded in a classroom for three hours as the trans activists spewed their vile and demanded she pay with her blood. City police eventually arrived on the scene, the mob was disbanded, and Gaines was taken out of the building safely. She was at the event because the topic was saving women’s sports from the men who have decided to compete in them. Gaines adamantly refused to compete against a University of Pennsylvania named William Thomas who demands to be called Lia as well as to compete against women in swimming.

One of the biggest issues with all of this is how the mainstream media – progressives themselves – will do absolutely everything they can to make sure that these freaks are accepted into society as normal representations of an honorable lifestyle. They are spitting on us, punching us, murdering us, and demanding access to our children so they can sexualize, sexually abuse, and sterilize them in the real world. In media land the issue isn’t with the circus clowns – it’s with people who refuse to go to the circus and don’t want their kids taken to this circus either. The media wants the same things the trans-movement wants which is the same thing that third and fourth-wave feminists want, which is the same thing the critical race adherents want – power and control.

In order to achieve their political aims, they must achieve a solidarity in progressive values in society first. So, what they do is drum up support for causes which do not need to exist, make the problem as big as possible, and then demand special privileges, rights, and legislation to protect their created demographic. They have done this throughout their existence and it still has not failed them. They have won every time they have tried this. Tennessee and Kentucky are, finally, fighting back and now they are showing everyone their true colors. Progressive politicians like the interloper in the White House just sit there and wait until someone violently fight back against the violence being perpetrated against everyone else and the government gets bigger, whatever the progressive movement is fighting for gets enshrined in policy, legislation, and protected status (a form of legislated ‘rights’ which do not exist in nature), and criminal sanctions are handed down to people living traditional lifestyles who react in peaceful protest or violent riots – it makes no difference. The key here is that control is given to the executive.

Progressives, at the end of the day, do not care about the rights of black people or the rights of workers or the plight of the native peoples, trans rights, LGBTQ, shooting victims, or any other ‘marginalized’ group they seek to represent. Once a cause is adopted by progressives, they take it over. They use legitimate and illegitimate complaints about social issues alike to make sure that the outcome is always a fracturing of social norms, social cohesion, and the suppression of traditional values and lifestyles. Their aims are always political and their three main goals are still as true today as they were when they got started in the US – collectivize, subject political decisions to the whims of the public, and create a dictatorship of the presidency.

We must vocally and non-violently (unless self-defense calls for it) reject this trans-movement. We must reject their collectivism, their democracy, and their dictatorship. I know it is tempting to want to go to a trans rally and start throwing hay makers but do not do it. We have the moral high ground and they are fiddling around with ethics and have no ground upon which to stand. Biblical morality trumps any and all of the ethical frameworks ever devised – the subjective ones progressive’s rely on especially. Maintaining this absolute moral superiority, we must reject not only the trans-movement but the entire progressive movement in general. We must do this in our statehouses, in our schools, in our churches, and particularly in our homes. We must look for places where progressivism has infiltrated our thinking and our behaviors and root it out.

The easiest way to do that is to read our Bibles, learn the Truth of God and what the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is. We must seek out the Holy Spirit and pray for discernment. We need to be relying on God for our protection from these rampant forms of progressivism and seek guidance through the Holy Spirit. With Passover having begun on Wednesday and Easter tomorrow, Jews and Christians alike should be able to recognize that God will protect His people if we follow his orders. The lamb’s blood over and on the sides of the doors and the blood of Christ are symbolic of God’s protection, mercy, and honor. We should be especially attuned to that fact presently.

Adam and Eve were given free will and the serpent used that free will to cause them to sin. No more did they walk physically with God. The sin committed prevented mankind from walking with God on this earth. The serpent, the progressive, spoke a lie to Eve and she fell for the deception. The serpent has never stopped deceiving. It is up to us, individually, to make that choice, just as it was up to Adam and Eve to make their choice – believe the lies of the progressive or to seek the face of God. With God, anything is possible, without God we fall prey to these vicious lies. The original insurrectionist, Lucifer, who lent his voice to the serpent in the Garden, is easily defeated when we walk with God. The truth defeats Satan and he knows it and so do progressives. Seek the truth and the truth will set you free.

Bless God and God bless.


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