Why France Serves An Important Lesson for the US

Why France Serves An Important Lesson for the US

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/10/2024

I’ll be the first to tell anyone that asks, I am not a fan of France. I’m not a fan of French history, French food, the filth of their nation, and I am especially not a fan of their people nor their political leaders. If the French people were all like the protesters who participated in the Yellow Vest movement I would have a lot more respect for the people of France, but they are not like the Yellow Vests. The current protesters are not fighting to end gas taxes, they are yelling and screaming about their government not being Marxist enough. I don’t stand behind any of the protests taking place in France and I don’t stand behind the French government either. And that is a lesson that every US citizen should really be paying attention to.

The Yellow Vest protests were started to make sure the French Government knew that gas tax hikes in the nation would prove to be unaffordable. They protested the green agenda the French government was rolling out and understood that rural life would no longer be possible if it was implemented. As the movement grew others with more violent tendencies latched onto it. The original message was muted as Marxists from the right and left began demanding higher wages, a dissolution of the lower house of parliament, and the resignation of French President Emmanual Macron. The weekly protests started in 2018 and lasted until 2020 when the French government shut the nation down for the Great Reset, er… I mean COVID-19 mitigation.

In a way the current protests is the Yellow Vest protests picking up where they left off. Macron hasn’t done anything to please the people in the interim so, the protesters are back in the street. There are no Yellow Vests this time though. All of the people in the streets, with scant exceptions, are Marxists. In effect, what started out in 2018 as a real, grass-roots, protest against the New World Order has metamorphosed into demands to get to the end goal of the New World Order even faster. The reason is the French people are entirely overtaken by Marxist theology blended with their barbarous democratic history. The Yellow Vests are gone – this is a Marxist uprising against a Marxist leader.

Unions are by nature Marxist. Not all unions are bad because they can, through the power of numbers, effect positive change for their members; however, the way unions operate today – as another layer of bureaucracy and red tape workers have to untangle to get anything positive done (try going individually against a union and see how fast they tell your company to fire you) – is not their goal. Their goal is to make sure that the union’s demands are met and to have the ability to force workers to pay them to do it. No one is looking out for the worker – the unions look out for the union’s ability to gain control of more money and power, the government looks to gain more money and power, and the businesses look to gain greater market share and use the increase to gain money and control as well. The workers get shafted no matter who wins the three way tug of war.

Ignorant of these realities (maybe they feel their union is most closely aligned to their interests?) it is these workers who have gone on strike and propelled the pension protests. Their unions have encouraged them to take to the streets. The businesses are not the targets – the French government is because the French have allowed it’s government to nationalize almost everything in the nation - banks, steel production, weapons manufacturers, pharmaceutical operations, and public transport to name several of the areas the French government controls. It is primarily these unions which are striking. They aren’t striking to get the government out of the industries they have taken control of.

They are striking and protesting and rioting, looting, and committing acts of arson because the government, their employer, raised the retirement age by two years. Macron circumvented the normal channels of legislation in order to get the age hike in place to boot. Maybe someone should inform these protesters just how stupid they are since they voted Macron, their boss, into office in the first place (knowing exactly what they would get as it is his second term) and seemingly had no issue with the government running their businesses. Instead of that idea hitting home, they are throwing rocks at police, setting restaurants on fire, and looting stores which are not owned by the government.

If the French understood how stupid they are in this regard, they would be demanding to privatize French economic sectors. Their boss wouldn’t be the French president – it would be the individual owner of the company. And that owner may or may not decide to do something about the state-pension-age rising by offering a pension system of it’s own and setting a company-wide retirement scheme. The unions themselves should be able to do this right now, without nationalization. The issue arises out of the fact that the state is the only one providing pensions to the French people and, being as though that same government is their boss, will do what it needs to to stay solvent. The French people shot themselves in both feet by deciding their government would always be a beneficial overseer of everything they do and have decided to more or less willingly pay into the ponzi scheme the French government is running.

The ponzi scheme has long been crashing; however. For several decades the French have been playing host to legal migrants and illegal aliens in an attempt to prop up the ponzi scheme. The pensions were getting paid, the trains were running, the rats were getting killed, and the garbage was getting picked up. Now that French citizens are minorities in their own towns in some cases, they don’t want all of these migrants in their nation. These migrants refuse to assimilate into French culture and present their own threats – increased crime, language barriers, and no-go zones chief among them. Past French riots featured ethnic minorities causing large-scale damage and the infliction of violence upon French people and, especially police, because of the backwards cultural beliefs they refuse to give up combined with a sense of entitlement and victimhood.

With the ponzi scheme running out of ways to prop itself up, the French president apparently saw no other alternative than to raise the retirement age. If the taxes were raised, replacement migration would slow and those already there to replace the French would again go out and riot. They kicked that can down the road until they near retirement age. If the pensions were held flat or reduced even more would be in the streets throwing rocks – even the retired. A choice could have been made to have French citizens have French babies at a higher rate than 1.8 children per female, but that suggestion still has not been made by the unions, the protesters, the government, nor Macron. The people making that suggestion are routinely demonized for having even the idea that more French people means a more enduring and stronger France. So, the choice was made by Macron to raise the age but the way it was done didn’t represent ‘democracy.’ That’s the other side of the issue.

The French version of democracy has its roots in beheading everyone. Start with the rich and move down the line to everyone and anyone who disagrees. That lesson, a lesson replayed over and over again by every Marxist regime ever to take a position of power anywhere on the earth, is lost on just about everyone in France. Macron didn’t take the pension-age-raise through the legislative process, using a constitutional provision to get the change effected. Basically, Macron said this is law and the legislature did not provide a vote of no-confidence against Macron’s proposal so it now stands as law. Parliamentary systems and poorly drafted Constitutions with such clauses are major faults of such systems. The French Constitution has survived since 1958 and article 49.3 has existed the whole time with little concern. This exemplifies why democracy is a piss poor form of government – the people only pay attention when it is too late, organize themselves in mobs to make their demands, then the government represses them and, by doing so, strengthens the government by using the same justifications for repression to repress future mobs.

It may seem like I am letting Macron off the hook here. I will not commit that offense. Macron is a Marxist of sorts but he is not a Marxist as typically defined. He is more of a technocrat and a totalitarian. He uses aspects of Marxism, capitalism, religion, nationalism, and any other ideology or tactic to align the French government with global government aims. It doesn’t matter what happens, or what the backlash is, or how unpopular he gets, Macron is, for all intents and purposes, acting as an agent of a foreign government which happens to be global in nature. At the end of the day he raised the age of retirement because the global government’s aims are better fulfilled by doing so.

Despite the stupidity of the French people and the espionage mission being orchestrated by Macron and the French government, at least the people are doing something to show their disfavor. The United States doesn’t have protests organized for much of anything which is positive, yet this nation is suffering through the same issues as France. There are protests to demand babies be murdered even after they are born, and demonstrations (including violence resulting in mass murder) demanding that guns be forcibly taken away from US citizens, the gender dysphoric have some hidden additional rights that must be recognized, and children should be sexually abused, groomed, and sterilized through gender reassignment surgery. Where are the protests against the privately and foreign owned federal reserve, the money going to Ukraine, the exploding cost of living, the political prisoners being tortured, and the insane tax increases? There are memes online but there are not signs held by people in capitols nor in DC demanding the cessation of these destructive actions.

Maybe the US hasn’t gotten to that point. The US still has a lot of hard working, normal people, who have things to do other than protest the government. Fair enough. Soon though, those jobs will disappear. We could go protest the inevitability of that circumstance now if we gave up a bit of our free time. The dollar is about to be worthless (I give it six-months at most). We could start shoring up our finances outside of the banking system by doing any number of things – divesting in banks; buying food, water, gold, and silver; engaging in bartering; demanding a state bank (or a much less legally justified, thus more difficult to create) local bank independent of the federal government and the Federal Reserve system. Social Security is, like the French pension system, nothing but a big ponzi scheme and it will crash as well. We could demand the system be stopped and the money paid in, paid back; start immediately having five children ourselves (replacement migration is thriving in the United States); or we could see our age of retirement go up as well.

ABC News discussed the particular issue France has seen riots over. Seeking to avoid the same events occurring in the United States in the near future, ABC suggested several courses of action. The United States should engage in negotiations with labor unions. The rich should pay more and the retirement age should never pass a threshold of 67 is another recommendation made in the article. The last offering ABC gives us is to make the changes more gradually than France has – they only gave their people seven years to figure it out. Getting rid of the ponzi scheme entirely – a ponzi scheme which is absolutely about to collapse – was not entertained whatsoever. Of course, outside of a population boom or a demographically discriminatory genocide targeting those who are over 40, say, Social Security will collapse. There is a reason that deaths from COVID-19 look just like actuarial tables. So, guess what path these monsters – Macron, Biden, Albanese, Trudeau, Scholz, and Hipkins, to name a few, plan on taking during the next plandemic.

We need to have some million people rallies and demand that the Biden regime is illegitimate, FED Now will not be accepted, and the Pandemic Treaty will be unheeded. We need to be writing letters to senators and house members and the president himself stating that the Federal Reserve must be reigned in and at least audited if not done away with. We should all be protesting with our dollars by taking our money out of the ten biggest banks and placing it in banks which have nothing but hostility towards CBDC. We should be withholding our taxes so Biden cannot send it over to Ukraine in massive aid packages benefiting only Zelensky and pushing the globe closer to the brink of thermonuclear war. We should be halting all operations on any Bill Gates or Chinese owned farms or food processing operations in the United States.

Let’s aim for this – let’s aim to set a date in the near future. Let’s encourage all protesters to arrive at a location and sit. All should have a Bible. We will sit silently in Gates’ fields reading our Bibles together. We can sit silently reading our Bibles in front of the US Capitol, White House, and state capitol buildings. We can surround the federal reserve buildings with signs saying ‘audit the FED’ while we read. No violence. We wouldn’t need to talk really, let alone scream and shout. We couldn’t be seen as riotous, or destructive. We need God and we need resistance in the 3D world. Combining the two into one event would prevent any who do this from being able to be blamed if instigators from the three-letter agencies are told to disrupt our protest. It would raise the awareness of the importance of God and how desperately we need to return to Him. And, the Bible is a long book – the protest could recur for months if need be. I think that is a great idea and I hope someone with a much bigger network than I have picks it up and runs with it. I hope it is copied and used to protest the anti-Biblical ways of the world being implemented into law at all levels of government including locally. For those who want to reject God and still preserve the nation – you are on a fool’s errand. For those who don’t care one bit about fixing the nation or your communities because of the chance you are about to be raptured into Heaven or don’t want to deal with these issues or have decided the problem should be solved by future generations, all while claiming to be Godly, woe to you. Take it to the Lord in prayer. I want to see these types of protests race across the nation, grow in size, and persist until action is taken in favor of God’s ways. Let’s show France, once again, how to fix things the right way.

Take all of this to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


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