Bill Gates and His Big Depopulation Plan

Bill Gates and His Big Depopulation Plan

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/6/2023

With the US economy collapsing, Russia and NATO squaring off, China behaving increasingly aggressively and erratically, and the Great Reset going on, a lot of important topics are falling through the cracks. It’s information overload. Some have tuned out because it’s too much and it is all too scary to think about. Others never tuned in. Some pay attention to one or another of those topics. Despite anyone’s news consumption pattern, it should be clear that there is a massive effort underway to exterminate huge numbers of human beings (in the billions).

Apart from being terrifying, with life in general getting more difficult to live, the increase in information is overwhelming. Lot’s of stories, important ones even, slip through the cracks and go unread and unknown to the general population. Everyone knows who Elon Musk is. Not everyone is really aware about the what the food they are eating is actually made of though. I’m not writing about the junk food and the chemicals that comprise it which makes it taste good. I’m writing about should be safe to eat – like chicken, beef, and vegetables. If there needs to be a poster child for making sure healthy food is no longer safe – Bill Gates is it.

There are about 32% of Americans who refused to play kabuki theater with the ineffective and dangerous mRNA coronavirus death jab. All cause death statistics are rising at alarming rates. Scores of video compilations exist showing one vaccine side-effect victim after another falling over and sometimes dying. Most of us know someone who has been assaulted or murdered by a Covid-19 death jab. I know I do, and I miss him everyday. Despite my constant protests to avoid the death jab my father went and took it and it took his murderer two days to see results – my step mother is most likely injured from the three shots she took. Yet, nearly 1 in 3 US residents – over 107 million of us – refused to take it. And Bill Gates really hates that.

At a TED Talk in 2010 titled Innovating to Zero, Bill Gates laid out exactly what he hopes to do to fix the so-called climate catastrophe. He did it mathematically: People times Services Per Person times Energy Per Service times Carbon Dioxide Per Unit Energy equals Carbon Dioxide (see 3:46 in the video’s link). In order to get carbon dioxide equal to zero, something in the equation needs to BE zero. He wants to kill you and everybody else and to that effect he stated (4:22-4:39) “First we’ve got population. Ah, the world today has 6.8 billion people and that is headed up to about 9 billion. NOW IF WE DO A REALLY GREAT JOB ON NEW VACCINES, HEALTHCARE, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES WE COULD LOWER THAT BY PERHAPS 10 OR 15 PERCENT.” The rest of the video details how Bill Gates and his fellow death cultists plan on limiting the services we use, destroy energy, and control all of that. This is the basic equation used to determine carbon credits and the markets Bill Gates want to use to ensure no one can obtain more than their fair share of carbon dioxide use allowances.

But, let’s look at what he said he’d like to do to depopulate the earth of people. He spearheaded all sorts of new vaccines and is super proud of his efforts to assist in creating mRNA based vaccines. This has never been done before because a) they are gene therapies; b) they are not effective; c) they have a habit of killing everything they are injected into; and d) they would never be accepted if people had to give INFORMED consent. The death cultists rolled out coronavirus, scared the crap out of everyone, gave their mRNA garbage emergency-use authorization, and murdered a whole millions of us with a gene therapy they dubbed a vaccine. At the same time these death cultists perverted healthcare by forcing tubes into our lungs and poison in the form of remdesivir which also murdered millions. But, because that didn’t destroy confidence in healthcare, these same people started demanding that minors have a ‘right’ to have gender reassignment surgery – a nice way to say chop off boys penis’s and girls breasts and vaginas before they even hit puberty. Suicides in this demographic of very confused young adults is off the charts so, now, that’s an issue too which is being used to demand MORE so-called rights for this anti-human cult. Finally, we have states that have decided murdering a child while they are being born, and in some place AFTER they are born alive and healthy is a ‘reproductive healthcare service’ instead of the murder it quite clearly is. Bill Gates loves it all – the death jabs, the murder by doctors following official Gates and Fauci-approved protocols, the irreparable and disfiguring sexual abuse and rape they are forcing upon children, and the wanton murder of babies viable or not. He wants you dead and even these four areas do not satisfy the genocidal intentions of Bill Gates and others.

They want that lethal transhumanist gene therapy introduced into the food supply. Not only do they want it, they have ALREADY tainted the food supply. Everyone must die for Bill Gates to be happy. According to Greg Reese’s research, this month will begin the general ‘immunization’ of cows with DNA altering technologies. They claim it is for the cows safety. They claim that these gene sequenced shots won’t get into human beings. They are lying through their teeth and if you follow the link and watch the short clip, you will see that it is already occurring. And, because they want to make sure that no one knows what the hell is in their food, the lobbyist from the pharmaceutical companies and meat processing plants as well as ranchers associations sponsoring these injections have decided no one needs to be made aware this is occurring nor give their informed consent. If they put a label on the meat and we still decided to eat it, it would imply informed consent; however, since these entities do not see a need to do so, they are cold-blooded murderers just like Bill Gates.

Have you ever heard of USDA’s National Program 108? The vision statement on the page reads, “To enhance and protect public health and agriculture through the development of technologies, strategies, and data that safeguard food from pathogens, toxins, and chemical contaminants during production, processing, and preparation, thus increasing the safety of the food supply.” That sounds great doesn’t it. It sounds really good until one realizes that one of the tentacles of NP 108 is determined to cull massive numbers of chickens and allow the injected prion diseases to end up in the food supply.

Research Project: Vaccines to Reduce Salmonella Infantis in Chickens (Project Number 6040-32000-079-016-S) started on September 1, 2022 and will wrap up on October 1, 2024. The objective is to cull chickens and murder people but the USDA is full of cowards who won’t state the actual goal. Instead, they worded the objective, “Make mRNA vaccines which will be used to inoculate chickens to reduce levels of Salmonella Infantis. Cooperator will supply the mRNA vaccines, methods, and advice to help ARS produce and evaluate a working vaccine for use in chickens that will lead to immune reduction of S. Infantis in vaccinated chickens.” They are going to add things to chickens that would never naturally occur. And then they are going to turn right around and tell us that these new proteins, never before encountered by human beings, is perfectly fine to eat without doing any actual research into the matter at all. The same exact thing happened with GMO foods which every mainstream mouthpiece claims is safe still to this day. Personally, I go out of my way to find foods without that “contains a bioengineered ingredient” on the label. It took decades to get that label on the packaging. mRNA gene therapies will kill us too quickly for us to demand a similar labeling scheme and get it implemented.

The New York Times ran an article at the beginning of March 2023 called U.S. Considers Vaccinating Chickens as Bird Flu Kills Millions of Them. In the article it is unclear whether this will be an mRNA vaccine or not. What is for sure is that there are a lot of problems with flu shots in general like the fact they have never worked and have caused sickness and adverse events. For at least the last two years, flu shots have been created based on mRNA platforms and administered to people. The article does mention chickens are being considered for mass vaccination against H5N1. In 2013 there was a major push to get people vaccinated against H5N1 using traditional vaccine manufacturing processes. These chickens will receive mRNA gene therapies if they are vaccinated for H5N1 and the prion diseases they develop will be consumed by humans. We will be fed tumors and prions without our knowledge – tasty right?

If you hunt for your meat, Rair Foundation published an article on March 5, 2023 to give you pause. The article highlights a February 23, 2023 interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis on the Diamond and Silk show. Diamond is dead, and it is possible her death occurred through vaccinated food contamination. So, Silk conducted the interview. According to Rair Foundation’s article:

“Hunters were the first people to discover that they were injecting moose and deer with the mRNA vaccines against Covid. Dr. Ardis referred to magazines for hunters. “I am not a hunter, but hunters have known all along. I didn’t know about it.”

““When I found out, I was like, why isn’t anyone talking about it?” said Dr. Ardis. [...]

“Zuckerberg and his wife funded a study in which 100 white-tailed deer received a Pfizer PCR test and mRNA vaccine through Zoetis. “Subsequently, 100 million shots were given to animals. Nobody knew about it, and nobody talked about it.””

But, maybe you don’t eat meat – you’re a vegetarian or a vegan. Well, I’ve got bad news for you too. There has been even more effort to get mRNA into plants. In the same Rair Foundation article, “Ardis went on to say that Gavi (Bill Gates) is into injecting mRNA into vegetables such as tomatoes, avocados, and lettuce.” Now I don’t think it was described quite right because injecting plants isn’t the way this is done. Gene editing is used to turn plants into vaccines and gene therapies. The effect; however, is exactly the same.

The Federation of American Scientists noted (the page is dated 2011), “Some scientists are now thinking of producing edible vaccines in bananas or potatoes and processing them into a powder, which would be more usable and consistent. It is not yet clear, however, if this approach is commercially viable. In any event, regulatory safeguards will be required to protect consumer health and the environment.” They are naive at best about the regulatory safeguards because there are none. And the idea of tainting food is just as repugnant and ill-advised as it is to poison the water supply of a town under siege. It’s reprobate and reprehensible. But pay no attention – the regulators will make sure it’s ‘safe’ for people to eat. The regulators are on team Gates’ death cult though, so, how ‘safe’ are they?

There are more recent articles including different foods intended to vaccinate the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. “University of California-Riverside (UCR) researchers say they are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories,” wrote GEN in 2021. The National Institutes of Health lists potatoes, algaes, cherry tomatillos, peas, alfalfas, bananas, lettuces, tomatoes, papayas, rices, tobaccos, carrots, corns, and quinoas as having already been studied to produce edible vaccines – in 2017. In 2022 BioSpace wrote, “Edible vaccines are one of multiple options in development, and one of the most challenging due to the risk of degradation in the gut. Corn, rice, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, soybeans and even wheat have each been considered by various research groups. Regulatory approval, however, remains elusive.”

What is the stance of the regulators? The USDA is running research to put this garbage into the food supply. The FDA refuses to acknowledge that nanoparticles in the food supply need to be regulated. The FDA has also decided that informed consent is not necessarily iron clad in cases where time is no sufficient or no alternatives are ‘available’ (or permitted to be used). They certainly aren’t going to make sure anything is safe. They slapped emergency use authorization labels on the gene therapies responsible for murdering us already. The USDA is going to do even less than the FDA in this regard.

Because of the absolute negligence at the federal regulatory level and the desire of Joe Biden and his regime to murder everyone in the United States (with Bill Gates’ approval), every state in the union needs to follow Missouri’s lead in this regard. Missouri House Bill 1169 would make it a legal requirement to disclose, “Any product that has been created to act as, or exposed to processes that could 12 result in the product potentially acting as, a gene therapy or that could otherwise 13 possibly impact, alter, or introduce genetic material or a genetic change into the user of 14 the product, individuals exposed to the product, or individuals exposed to others who 15 have used the product shall be conspicuously labeled with the words "Potential Gene 16 Therapy Product" unless the product is known to be a gene therapy product.”

I have a normalcy bias, as I’m sure all of us do. Most of us think it is very normal to live and to let others live too. Those that don’t end up committing a crime called murder. Those like Bill Gates; however, end up committing genocide. We, at least the ones with normalcy biases preventing us from recognizing the intentions of Bill Gates and other death cultists, need to wake up to the fact that these ‘people’ do exist and they actually want to enslave, maim, and murder everyone on earth. The depravity of these people is on a scale so large that it is unimaginable to normal people. When confronted with these truths normal people tend to deny, ignore, refute, and hide from them. None of that will help anyone, especially themselves.

I suggest we go find some heirloom seeds and, land permitting, some chickens and cows that are not gene mutilated and buy as many as we can afford. If you’ve been thinking about getting into farming, now is the time, not tomorrow. If you live in a crappy apartment like I do, it’s time to get some dirt and build some boxes and start planting for food security and sustainability. I really don’t want to be gene edited against my will. I hope you do not either. Take all of this to the Lord, in prayer. May your salvation be secure in believing in Yeshua and your works be recognized by God. As always…

Bless God and God bless.


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