Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – WHO is Coming For YOU!

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – WHO is Coming For YOU!

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/7/2023

I don’t have enough trust in doctors to ever want to see one again. I’ve never had much trust in doctors and COVID-19 confirmed they are, for the most part, only interested in selling drugs, going, on vacations, and being told what to do. Being as though allopathic medicine is as much art as it is science, it is called practicing medicine. The idea that there are ‘experts’ in a field or art is a dumb thing to believe in, in my opinion. We don’t call Beethoven, Shakespeare, or van Gogh experts, and we shouldn’t be calling doctors experts either. Some are mighty good at their craft and their art, but others are only in it because of the paychecks they get from following orders. If you have a doctor like this I suggest you find one who practices medicine instead of going along to get along. Nothing should make this more evident than the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO), specifically it’s Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is doing everything possible to be the one issuing all of our medical directives.

Aspects of the WHO actually predate the United Nations by forty-one years but was not given its name until 1948. In 1907 Paris saw itself host to the International Office of Public Health. Part of the cause of the early French globalist institution was to dictate quarantine policy. The forefather WHO was also given directives under the League of Nations in 1923 – the Health Organization. This organization also seemed to want to set global policy in health. The WHO absorbed both when it was founded on April 7, 1948. Since that moment they have sought to take over all health care on the planet and they are very close to achieving it. They have never been anything but a pack of murderers. Looking at the dates these global institutions were created should give one pause. Galton’s theories of eugenics were all the rage and accepted by the medical establishment of the time. In 1948 the eugenicists stopped calling themselves by the name because of the actions of Hitler; however, they still abided by all of Galton’s teachings.

So, today is the year number 75 of the WHO’s existence. Six days from now should be my father’s 75th birthday as well but the WHO and their thinly veiled eugenics ploy helped murder him several years ago through suppressing known coronavirus treatments, stoking fear and the psychological trauma it induces, and promoting an untested murder jab as the only safe option to deal with coronaviruses. My father died two days later. The WHO is still running around crazed, syringe in hand, trying to find more people to murder. Today, they have 75 years of confirmed kills and my father lies buried under the earth going on 3 years now.

The WHO have their Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, is in the process of amending the International Health Regulations (IHR’s), and is also in the process of stuffing One Health down every human being’s throat. The intent of any and all of these is to cause the unprecedented suffering, misery, and death of humanity. The WHO seems to have taken their Galton-inspired roots (himself inspired entirely by Satan, aka the Adversary), looked at what Hitler did with those ideas, and decided everyone should be subjected to them. The only differences between Hitler’s use of Galton’s theories and Tedros’ uses of Galton’s theory is the scope (NAZI-controlled lands versus the entire world) and the selectivity (dissidents, Jews, gypsies, handicapped versus every one on earth). Where the Nazi’s sought to create a race of super humans through sexual reproduction and breeding experiments, the WHO seeks to make Brave New World Revisited a complete and total reality.

The pandemic treaty is binding upon countries, giving the WHO the sole discretion to declare pandemics, decree the responses to that pandemic, and to punish any nation for non-compliance. The International Health Regulations accomplish the same objectives as the pandemic treaty without the pandemic. One Health is a call to subject every thing, including humans, plants, animals, food, soil, air, water and anything else to the WHO’s IHR’s and pandemic treaty calls for to subject them to surveillance, detection, ‘immunization’, ‘treatment’, quarantine, and if necessary, extermination on a 24/7 basis.

The WHO has the perfect guy for this post-human extermination plan based in eugenics at the helm too. Tedros is a member of the TPLF, a Marxist terrorist group which helped to suppress and criminalize speech, expression, and peaceful assembly. They also beat and murdered those who stood against them – namely peaceful protesters. According to reports, Tedros has no medical degree, was hand-picked by China, is beholden to China, and hid everything he could about the outbreak of coronavirus in China. If Marxist/Leninist theory is the underlying theories regarding how to effect the WHO charter’s goals, they found their guy. This goes against common sense; however, as Marx, Lenin, and anyone who follows either ideology ends up murdering anyone who disagrees with their decrees, silences all speech by criminalizing an ever growing list of ‘dissent’ examples, and absolutely condemns anyone acting outside of the scope of the dictator. Tedros is a Chinese backed dictator who has already earned his Merxist stripes by committing gross human rights abuses including murder and is about to dictate to every doctor on the planet that they follow his orders or else.

With the WHO’s diamond celebration, Tedros articulated his intentions to make sure his organization’s eugenics plots continue unabated. In Al-Jazeera today, Tedros was given space for an opinion piece. Standing on his murder victim’s remains, Tedros demanded the WHO be permitted to redefine health to include tobacco use and the hoax of man-made climate change. He demanded to be the arbiter of truth by authorizing censorship campaigns. He demanded to be given control of conflicts and economies. Why is it that, everywhere, there are demands to ‘trust the ‘science’’ – because then people stop believing in truths which science cannot solve. It also serves the ends of monsters like Tedros as they pay for predetermined outcomes in ‘scientific’ experiments and use those results to dictate their decrees. It results in the healthcare murderer’s oath which is pretty uniform: “The lifeblood of WHO’s work is science and evidence. Data-driven guidance remains core work, helping WHO and countries invest resources where health needs are greatest.” If you happen to see this at your doctor’s office – find a new doctor – they are Tedros approved and Tedros is only interested in further weaponizing healthcare to murder people.

On the eve of the WHO’s birthday, Terdros gave a speech to the media. First, he took credit for things his organization played no part in and actually worked against. Diseases were eliminated despite the WHO’s efforts. Life expectancy rose over the past 75 years (although for the past several years it has declined) despite the WHO’s efforts. Millions of people were murdered by the WHO, yet Tedros sees his victims in a different light, “And for the past 3 years, WHO has coordinated the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic – the most severe health crisis in a century.” He forgot to mention the WHO condoned the creation of the virus, ensured the spread of the virus, and demanded the global economy be destroyed, silenced and called (is still calling) for criminal penalties for those refusing to agree to their treatment options.

In the speech, Tedros decried nations which do not permit their women to murder babies, do not promote the Marxist notions of equity, and do not have enough members of his medical army advising people to commit suicide by doctor-recommended medical interventions. He noted his intent to use health as a pretext to determine everyone’s diet (insect protein and cancer-cell-based ‘meat’). In large part due to the WHO’s own recommendations and actions, Tedros lamented about the persistance of malaria and tuberculosis, and the rise of antimicrobial resistance. Clmaite change is also claimed by Tedros to be under his purview, “Air pollution and climate change are jeopardizing the very habitability of our planet.” Then he asserted that only with the WHO can any of these issues be addressed. After that he made several more decrees – training nurses and midwives under the WHO’s tutelage, gender equality, increased pay in the medical world, lower medical costs, and my favorite, the WHO Health for All Film Festival where murderer’s with a camera and video editing software rendered lies to mask what the WHO is all about – causing the extinction of the huan race through eugenics.

To make sure we all understand exactly what the WHO is really doing, they released a press preifing this morning. Countries set out way forward for negotiations on global agreement to protect world from future pandemic emergencies notes where in the process the pandemic treaty’s negotiation stand. The article promises that, one way or another, the WHO is going to be the only doctor on earth. “In parallel with the pandemic accord negotiations,  governments are also discussing more than 300 amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) in an effort to strengthen those regulations and make the world safer from communicable diseases while ensuring greater equity in the global response to public health emergencies,” they promise. I’ve never celebrated a birthday by demanding that I have the right to kill whoever I want and call it a public health necessity. That is how the WHO plans on celebrating it’s birthday today.

The people negotiating the treaty and the IHR’s and especially Tedros himself, are the people most in need of facing justice for what they have done during the COVID-19 plandemic. They should be tried for conspiracy to subvert and commit espionage against any member nation of the WHO simply for negotiating this treaty or the IHR’s in the formats they have been presented. We NEED a Nuremberg 2.0 right now, just like we needed it 3 years ago, otherwise these monsters are going to end up murdering everyone. Tedros should be way at the front of the procession of any Nuremberg trial for his role both during the plandemic and in because of his endorsements of this treaty, revisions of the IHR’s as proposed, One Health, and his murderous intentions once he gets to dictate global health policy and carry a stick to make sure his decrees are followed.

No friend of any rational thinking person and a sociopath with millions of murders under his belt and a legacy of fraud, lies, obfuscation, Anthony Fauci was recently interviewed at James Madison University by another liar, Jim Acosta. Fauci unequivocally stated there will be another pandemic during the interview (42:38), “there will absolutely be an outbreak of another pandemic. It may be next year. Or it may be in your grandparent… your grandchildren and your great grandchildren’s lifetime.” Shortly after this statement he makes demands similar to the demands made by Tedros (43:12), “The way to be prepared for it is to do the investment in public health is what we need to do.”

Weird, right before this plague spewing ‘man’ retired from his 40-plus year career, he was working on an xenotransplanting vaccine for something called Marburg Virus Disease (MVD). I guess we will have to wait and see how long it takes for the US to elect another Make America Great Again candidate to the Oval Office so that Marburg can decimate humanity and Fauci’s newest shots can murder the survivors while he gets rich. Bill Gates, no stranger to murdering humanity, is on board with Fauci’s predictions and demands, as well as Tedros’ demands (Gates is the second largest funder of the WHO behind Germany which gave $1.2 billion between 2021-2022 – Gates’ foundations gave at least 1.1 billion and probably more through Wellcome Trust and CEPI which are not included in the total).

If we hope to not have this monster, Tedros, informed by the likes of Fauci and Gates, dictating our healthcare, we need 10 million people on the streets demanding a Nuremberg Trial now. Congress could make it happen in a week – if they wanted to. Let them know you want them to. I won’t be holding my breath, but I will continue to demand this happens, I hope for many more to join me and others in making this demand. Until then, I will be reading my Bible, praying to God, and eternally grateful, blessed, and saved because of the Messiah – Jesus Christ. I don’t know when it will be He returns with the sword but all of the cells in my body tell me it is not that far off. Look at what is happening in this world and compare those events to the events prophesied…. It’s astounding, bone-chilling, and oddly comforting, in a way, to know that this age has become so completely full of depravity, debauchery, and deceitfulness because that means His return is soon. I don’t know when and neither does anyone else. Until He does return, and He will, we need to use our voices while we have them to hold those perpetrating real, actual, UN-sponsored and approved genocide accountable for their actions. If we don’t Tedros will dictate the extinction of the human race.

Bless God and God bless.


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