The United Soviets of Socialist America is Also Officially A Banana Republic

The United Soviets of Socialist America is Also Officially A Banana Republic

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/5/2023

What was the New York Times doing when Adolf Hitler was gassing millions of Jews and gypsies? They covered for them. What was the paper’s employees doing when Lincoln’s Union went to war with the South? Siding with slave owners and aiming machine guns at the mobs outside of their building. Where was this paper demanding accountability for the unconstitutional actions of Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden? They stood by them and offered cover for their criminality. They are still covering for the CIA by demanding that the impossibility of Oswald acting alone was the cause – for 59 years they have held the CIA’s cover story as absolute. So what has The New York Times done in the face of a Marxist arresting a former president, turning the United States into a factual banana republic? They endorsed the move, and so did the rest of the USSA’s state-operated media.

The New York Times published an article from a former Manhattan DA and a Brookings Institute fellow titled, We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong. The way that these swamp creatures – Manhattan is a sewer and the Brookings Institute is an infestation of the most criminal of criminal elements in the CIA – see Trump’s first day in gulag is, “The indictment is therefore anything but political. If anything, the more political choice would have been not to indict when there is so much scrutiny. Mr. Bragg appears to have the backbone to avoid such considerations in charging decisions. Good for him — and for the rule of law.”

The link provided by the New York Times opinion piece forgot to mention some really interesting facts. On January 20, 2017, Donald John Trump was sworn in as the President of the United States of America. Donald Trump placed his businesses in a trust, he no longer operated the businesses. The New York Times did their best to claim that there was a conflict of interest between Trump and his wealth; however, on February 3, 2017, they failed at convincing many millions of people of this. What is odd is that of the 34 charges against Trump (brought by a highly politically-motivated Marxist ideologue) none of them are from when Trump was in control of the business – the dates range from February 14, 2017 to December 5, 2017.

The New York Times claimed on March 21, 2023 that Bragg was using a novel legal approach – to charge Donald Trump with federal election crimes in a state court. Bragg has no jurisdiction to do this, but the Times was willing to overlook that. It doesn’t appear that those charges were filed because those charges had a real chance of being thrown out even by Manhattan judges. The 34 charges that have been brought against Trump should be thrown out in similar fashion due to Trump not being responsible for the individuals who may or may not have falsified business records.

To make this the case which turns the United States into a banana republic is really disgusting. In the Jeffrey Dahmer trial, had Bragg been the prosecutor, he very well may have decided that Dahmer kept and ate people after murdering them at 924 N 24 Street in Milwaukee, apartment 213. Using his own reasoning in the Trump case though, Bragg would have decided that the really serious crimes were committed by the previous tenets in apartment 213 and tried them for worse crimes. This is why the US is officially a banana republic.

The definition of a banana republic is going to need to be updated by removing the words small and poor, “1 a small, poor country, often reliant on a single export or limited resource, governed by an authoritarian regime and characterized by corruption and economic exploitation by foreign corporations conspiring with local government officials. 2 any exploitative government that functions poorly for its citizenry while disproportionately benefiting a corrupt elite group or individual.” This is what the Biden regime has accomplished. The global government, China, and several other nations, along with several businesses and individuals own just about everything. They routinely engage in corruption at all levels of government. The federal regime under fuhrer Biden has made the United States a much poorer nation and, while they have not yet allowed the outright annexation of portions of the land, they will for the right price. And The New York Times stands in the hallway applauding the conversion to bananahood as they wait for their next order to destroy the vestigages of the Republic of the United States.

Another Times article, this one by NYT’s White House correspondent, was published on March 30, 2023 titled, A President Faces Prosecution, and a Democracy Is Tested. The article’s title would have better served the content if it read Persecute Trump, to Hell With the Republic. The times, of course, has rabidly, viciously, and criminally defamed and slandered Donald Trump since the moment his foot touched the floor from the escalator on June 16, 2015. They are reveling in their corruption, greed, insanity, and seditious activities because they finally helped ‘get him’ and in the process made sure they wouldn’t go to prison for the crimes they have actually committed – namely subversion and treason. The New York Times routinely lies by claiming the United States is a democracy when it absolutely is not. It’s a republic but that hasn’t stopped NYT from telling the lie consistently and repeatedly. That fact itself should be reason enough to bring law suits against the Times for sedition.

The article itself is a representation of sedition. The author laid out previous criminal actions against other presidents and vice-presidents in an attempt to validate this circus of gross prosecutorial misconduct and malfeasance. Ulysses S. Grant, Aaron Burr, Eugene Debs, and Richard Nixon are mentioned. Also several world leaders are mentioned because apparently the United States needs to do everything other nations do, smacking of globalism and the real purpose driving The New York Times, the Adversary. But what the author wrote about William Jefferson Clinton, a frequent guest on Epstein Island who paid several women to shut up about the sexual assaults he committed against them and got caught having an affair with a younger girl in the Oval Office is telling of the bluntly political nature of the persecution of Donald Trump.

“Bill Clinton struck a deal with Whitewater prosecutors on his last full day in office in which he admitted providing false testimony under oath about his affair with Monica S. Lewinsky, gave up his law license for five years and paid a $25,000 fine in exchange for not facing charges as a private citizen.” The author wants all of us to forget that this isn’t a plea deal. This was a sanction constituting corruption to the utmost degree. What Bill Clinton did was offer his own hush money to bribe prosecutors to not pursue much needed legal action against him for crimes he admitted to. The Times correspondent is just fine with all of Clinton’s bribery, theft, and lying under oath. Really, this is when the United States started down the banana republic slide, but no one took too much notice. Everyone is watching the USSA now though as the ‘defend democracy’ morons make the official declaration of their banana republic status.

Trump’s persecution also begs the question – who is this judge? His name is Juan Merchan. Per CNN, this is one of the judicial reform advocates who is inside the system. “Merchan, however, is also credited by his peers for having helped create the Manhattan Mental Health Court, which he often presides over and where he has earned a reputation for “compassionate” rulings that give defendants second chances.” CNN tried to paint Merchan as a tough-on-crime judge because he handed down a weak sentence of 25-years to life to a foreigner found guilty of raping and murdering his girlfriend.

The USSA-state media, CNN included, went to bat for this Merchan. They had to, Trump knows he isn’t going to get a fair trial and so does Merchan and the people who got him assigned Trump’s case. Unfair trials are a feature for a banana republic’s dictators and Marxist’s alike. The New York Times delighted in the fact that Merchan steered a jury to offer a guilty verdict in the Trump Organization’s tax fraud case. They noted that Merchan is “composed” while he decides laws and legal precidents don’t apply in his courtroom so that makes him a good guy. The BBC described him as a “no-nonsense” judge and quoted one Ron Kuby, to give the impression that Merchan is a good guy. The Washington Post took the opportunity to describe Merchan as a judge who has a lot of experience. Through their highlights though it is clear that this judge has something against Trump and has some dubious ethical and integrity values. The WaPo piece ultimately uses it’s space to paint Trump as someone not to be trusted because of his skepticism about judges such as Merchan – partisan hacks who shouldn’t be permitted to defend themselves in court, let alone try cases.

Personally, my favorite article of all was the NBC News piece titled Who's Judge Juan Merchan? Trump says he 'hates me' but lawyers say he's fair. This article is like the rest, noting the headline cases the judge has oversaw but also includes a slew of quotes from lawyers. Ron Kuby appears in this article, too, along with a disgraced Barry Kamins, Nicolas Gravante Jr. who allowed a plea deal to be made in the Trump Organization case which helped the current case take place, a woman named Gloria Allred who is determined to make up additional rights for protected classes, and a celebrity lawyer and FOX News correspondent on legal matters Authur Aidala (who is a partner in a law firm with disgraced Kamins). I wouldn’t trust a single one of these people with anything.

Ron Kuby is my favorite guy in this list. He has his own website and he makes it very clear that his practice will readily go out of its way to defend illegal aliens, violent criminals like Antifa, and others who he deems to have had their ‘rights’ violated. His ‘law’ firm is the type that would prosecute Moussa Diarra for defending himself from an attacker who shot him with the attackers gun. (As a fun little fact, Bragg did send Diarra to Rikers for 6 days before public outcry forced him to drop the charges of attempted murder, assault, and criminal possession of a weapon). Kuby notes of his ‘law’ firm, “We do criminal defense for people with open criminal cases. We represent protestors charged for actions taken in resistance. We also do appeals, and post-conviction work (particularly if you are an immigrant facing deportation for an old conviction, or an innocent person who was convicted on the basis of judicial, prosecutorial and/or police misconduct).” This is the type of low-life that NBC ‘News’ and BBC ‘News’ went out and found to tell the world this judge is a-okay in his book.

And what kind of courtroom is Merchan going to run? If I had to guess it will be a replay of the Roger Stone trial all over again with additional elements of the Alex Jones trial. Neither was a fair trial. Stone was gagged throughout the ordeal. The jury in the Stone trial was basically instructed to find him guilty. Neither Alex Jones nor his legal team were permitted to say any of half a dozen things in court, including “I am not guilty,” because the judge has already, illegally, given a summary judgement finding him guilty (no jury, no trial, no defense…). Look for this judge to offer gag orders in the near future. Of course, when Merchan gags Trump he will be electioneering for the democrat party which is, election rigging – a criminal offense. But, hey, he’s not so concerned with other felonies being committed in this case such as the indictment being leaked before Trump’s legal team even received the document….

This is a star chamber. This judge is going to bend every rule and break any law in order to force the jury to find Donald Trump guilty in my opinion. He wants to set several precedents with this weak case. He and Bragg want to make sure that any other DA’s or judges in any other jurisdiction feel safe in politically persecuting a former sitting president. If these other DA’s and judges want to turn the trials into a 15-ring circus featuring a kangaroo court (like this NY debacle is), that’s all for the better, as long as the cases end up in court. No evidence? No problem. No legal basis? No problem. The idea that cases can be brought against presidents by local DA’s offices for federal crimes outside of their jurisdiction. No problem there either. Under the precedent being set all surviving presidents should expect to wind up in court very soon. And while the other living presidents have actually committed criminal acts deserving of trials, it is still a bad precedent to set. But it HAS been set. Donald Trump is being persecuted under the USSA’s version of the USSR’s old Article 58’s and we are now living in a banana republic – congratulations you destroyed another gigantic part of the United States democrats.

Donald Trump isn’t my favorite guy but I like him one heck of a lot more than the pedophilic interloper serving as Barack Obama’s body for his third term. I like him a lot more than George W. Bush. He’s head and shoulders above anyone who was, is, or ever will be connected to the Clinton crime syndicate. One thing Trump said which is absolutely true is that these entities and their corrupt deep state actors within the United States government and in select locations like the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and New York’s circuit courts are coming after him in order to come after the rest of us. Conservatives blew off the Alex Jones trial because he says nasty things they disagree with. The S GOP was a bit more sympathetic towards the Stone persecution. There is barely a peep coming from republicans or democrats about the fate, suffering, and torture of the January 6 political prisoners with several vocal exceptions. But, now that Trump is in court, it’s starting to really sink in. Of course now, it’s too late. Now we are officially a banana republic. Now we have officially sanctioned Article 58 courts. Wait until the RESTRICT Act gets passed and you are wondering how you ended up in jail for a facebook post from 10 years ago or for making a meme.

Also in my opinion, the US no longer exists – it is the USSA. It is a dictatorship without the fear-based unity of the people to keep their mouths shut if they disagree, for the moment at least – it’s coming quickly. It’s a banana republic with star-chambered kangaroo courts, no constitutional adherence, and a populace that, for the most part, can’t seem to understand the danger we are in because, their ‘feelings’, have destroyed what little shred of common sense and intellectual capacity they may possess. The persecution of Donald Trump should only serve one purpose – to make those facts very clear – Trump’s enemies plan on going after all of his supporters next. Another thing should be made clear as well; Donald Trump is a human being – fallible, fallen like the rest of us, and obviously not untouchable. He may walk out of all of these trials without a conviction and if he does (I pray he does) God will be the reason.

We need to turn back to God and pray for Trump, the Jan 6 protesters, and all of the others being persecuted by these evil men and women in their thoroughly corrupted institutions. Trump isn’t going to save anything without God’s blessing. We need to pray that their corruption is exposed and condemned, restore integrity within our institutions, and seek peaceful resolutions to those ends. Anyone thinking Trump will do that on his own has another thing coming. God can do it but if Trump is the savior (and he is seen as such by way too many people), who is seeking to walk with God, follow his directions, and actually help Trump and ourselves by making these changes? Who is it we are asking for help? It is up to us to do this, with or without Trump being in the White House, but we are only going to do it if we are walking with God. Too many are not even attempting to do this. Too many are going to decide to disregard these pleas, not just from myself, but from many others. If God is not THE solution then at least do what you can to get right with God. What comes next is going to be horrifically unimaginable if this banana cannot be put back in it’s peel.

Bless God and God bless.


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