Throwing Gold and Silver Into the Streets

Throwing Gold and Silver Into the Streets

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/2/2023

As far as I’m aware, people have never thrown their precious metals into the street. Ezekiel 7:19 states that this will happen though. They will throw their silver into the streets; their gold will be like something unclean. On the day of Adonai’s wrath their silver and gold won’t be able to rescue them. These things won’t satisfy their hunger, these things won’t fill their stomachs, because these are what caused them to sin.

That seems ludicrous unless one takes God into account. God has no use for worldly wealth – it is merely a tool meant to be used to show God’s power and spread His message. It’s not bad to be rich but it is bad to get rich through violating Torah and it is wrong to use that wealth to promote and fund endeavors meant to transgress the Word of God. The way of the world promotes those breaking the law and discredits those who spread God’s message. Destroying the ability to trade in goods and services has been a long standing mission the Adversary has sought to complete and that time is upon the world in my analysis. The Adversary is using the lawless who have grown rich from their sins to bring about the destruction of the entire world and convince us that our gold and silver is actually useless in the face of His judgment.

It’s an odd position to be in because gold and silver will become useless. People will throw it away, ashamed and embarrassed at their stupidity, hard hearts, and stiff necks. Yet, I seek to possess silver and gold because I have no faith in cash or digitized assets. Many others are also seeking to begin or continue amassing stores of wealth in gold, silver, platinum, palladium and other metals not as rare. Throwing these nuggets, coins, trinkets, and bars out like trash doesn’t seem like something that will ever happen. The world tells us that money is all that matters and the more one has the more virtuous they are. Hardly. While some are protesting and asking the world to engage in non-compliance, everyone is watching the system arise that creates the circumstances leading directly to the Day of Judgment coming about.

The central bank digital currencies being introduced in nations around the world is the first major step towards this certainty. The entities doing this have great power, great wealth, and have aligned with the Adversary under the deception that the Adversary will defeat God on the long foretold Judgment Day. They are building the Beast System. The terrifying thing is that the Beast System will feature evil fabrications of everything God made. Everything good will be made evil and will be called good. Eradicating ideas of freewill belief in God is their end goal. Everything in the Bible is intended to be reversed. The very idea of performing work blessed by God has long ago been tossed to the side. These evil architects of the Beast System were the first to engage the ideas of creating monopolies or cartels which exist more to prevent competition than they do make profits. With this control and wealth they have taken steps to enslave all of humanity and murder anyone who poses a threat to their agenda. Central bank digital currencies are the way that this control will be exerted and is also fully intended to become a global digital currency.

Once this digital currency is rolled out fully around the world, all other forms of payment will be criminalized. ‘Legal’ work will be controlled by an expert panel dealing with labor. Education will be the sole responsibility of the state, parents will have no rights. Procreation will be by permit. Food will be by ration based off of metrics entangled with the currency. Biometrics will be required and tattoos and chips will be introduced – nanobots will perform the medical surveillance shortly after that. While nanobots are created to surveil, they will also be created and deployed to ‘repair’ and replace out bodies….

Those who believe in God and any who reject this idea will be cut off from all resources. If these people survive, they will be hunted by autonomous drones ordered to murder. What good will gold and silver be when there is nothing to buy? The Brave New World citizens will have no use for these metals save for conductivity and medical purposes. People will be forbidden from possessing gold. Silver, and anything else able to be traded. Those who barter or engage with a black market will be made to disappear. The controllers of the global CBDC – BeastCoin – may even demand that confiscation be done by mandating valuables be thrown into the streets in order to believe that Ezekiel 7 has taken place and that on Judgment Day, God did not arrive and save anyone. It’s a mimic and a lie these entities are involved with. They want to trick all of us into falling for the lies they tell to get us to sell our birthrights ‘voluntarily.’ BeastCoin and its implications is the most pernicious.

Governments themselves will fall and be recreated by the controllers of the Beast System. The system arising from the ashes of the Westphalian arrangement will look eerily similar to the state of the world described in Revelation 13:1-4. 1 And I saw a beast come up out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads. On its horns were ten royal crowns and on its heads blasphemous names. 2 The beast which I saw was like a leopard, but with feet like those of a bear and a mouth like the mouth of a lion. To it the dragon gave its power, its throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast appeared to have received a fatal wound, but its fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed after the beast in amazement. 4 They worshipped the dragon, because he had given his authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who can fight against it?”

The people will see no way to fight against the rise of the Beast System. Are we not witnessing that right now? How do we fight the rise – there is no way they will say, submit and be saved from repercussions. The idea that belief in God and seeking His favor offers all of the protection anyone needs. That idea is already under serious attack by the entire world. The US government has embraced the debauchery of genital mutilation, homosexuality, passing children through the fire, and adopted a stance hostile towards anything having to do with Yeshua or God as explained in the Bible. Islamic countries will murder those not bowing down to Allah and respecting their false prophet Mohammad. China will do the same thing if one doesn’t worship the politburo. The Holy Roman empire lusts after worldly things and have denounced God and Yeshua. Israel is banning Yeshua’s message from being taught. The Beast System’s poster child, Ukraine, is now openly arresting those of the Christian faith. Preachers and believers are being arrested in the streets for using their speech to protest genital mutilation, homosexuality, and homosexuality. All of this is a warning to any other believer or one considering to accept God and Yeshua in their lives. The warning is if you go against the Beast System there will be consequences – you do not speak of the Bible or Yeshua or God. You take your directions from us.

Digital currencies represent a way to imprison and enslave us without law enforcement needing to approach anyone. Instead, phones, microphones, video cameras, and others in public – including in ‘churches’ – will rat people out. Offenders will just get a text message telling them they are no longer permitted to live in their home, receive an adequate food ration, or access transportation services in addition to having their universal basic income stipend slashed. Not wanting to suffer the same fate, the residents of these communities will provide no assistance to the new restrictions. They will report on the afflicted if they manage to survive too. If you think it’s a fantasy being written about, go get your mark and state out loud, “Jesus is King,” “God is Good,” or “Torah is the Law!” By that time the guillotines will be well worn and the speaker will be deprived their head.

In July, 2023 FedNow will make it’s initial debut. The FED focuses on the idea that FedNow is so fast and convenient to pay for things everyone should be using it. They offer a brief synopsis about how it works:

“You may have heard of instant payments, but you may not know how they work. You’re not alone. A variety of newer payment options are becoming more common in the United States, and it’s important to familiarize yourself with how “instant,” or more generally, how “faster” payments work. What happens when a person initiates a transaction through a financial institution in the world of faster payments? Behind the scenes, things can get a little complicated, so let’s look at what happens when Janice makes a payment of $300 to her handyman, Frank.

“Initiation To pay Frank, Janice connects with her bank. She logs in to her mobile banking app to set up a payment of $300 to Frank for his handyman services. Janice selects the account she wants to use for the payment and fills in the payment amount and Frank’s account or other identifying information, such as his mobile number or email that he associates with his account at his bank.

Authorization Once Janice initiates this payment request, Janice’s bank confirms that her account has the funds to cover the $300 transaction. Once confirmed, Janice’s bank takes the money out of her account and pushes the payment information to Frank’s bank, using a faster payments system. At this point, Janice can no longer make any changes to the transaction.

Transmission Frank’s bank receives and validates the payment message and Frank’s account.

Acceptance Once Frank’s bank confirms the transaction, it notifies Janice’s bank through the faster payments system that it accepts the transaction and credits Frank’s account with the $300.

Receipt Just moments after the start of the transaction, Janice receives notification from her bank that her payment to Frank’s account is complete. Frank also gets notice from his bank that he has $300 in his account, and he decides to use these funds immediately to pay his supplier.

“If you’re new to instant payments, educating yourself doesn’t have to be overwhelming. While there are a lot of moving parts, starting with the basics can give you a good overview of how it all works. If you’d like to learn more, please continue to keep an eye out for more information as part of the Instant Payments Journey.”

Described above is a complete financial surveillance system analyzed by demonic artificial intelligence in real time using other demonic technologies like 5G, 6G, the Internet of Things and People, centralized blockchain, and biotechnology. The FED produced this page to sell people on the convenience. The devil is literally in everything they left out. The closest the site seems to get to explaining the details is in their positive view of a QR code system to allow access. After lauding the QR codes used in China, Singapore, and India, the FED portrays their excitement for QR codes to be used for payment in the United States:

“In the United States, most in-person payments involve a credit card, debit card, cash or check. However, consumers and businesses are increasingly using mobile phones and other internet-connected devices to initiate payments. And there’s some indication that QR code-initiated payments are starting to occur in the U.S. For example, merchants like CVS are using QR codes at select stores to enable their customers to complete transactions via their PayPal or Venmo account. In addition, the U.S. Faster Payments Council recently created (Off-site) a QR code work group that aims to develop a QR code interface for faster and instant payment transactions.”

The Chinese government has a wonderful relationship with it’s people, don’t they? No? Is it a bad thing that during the corona-craze these same QR codes restricted people from all movement? If the Chinese contact tracing efforts decided that an individual posed a risk to other because of potential infection they were directed to stop whatever they were doing and wait for authorities or to check themselves into the nearest quarantine center. There was no threat of Chinese subjects meaningfully disobeying they had no access to their bank accounts. That sounds bad to me.

PayPal is no better. They are fining people thousands of dollars for violating their ‘terms of service’ which is the destruction of freewill, free speech, and free association. If one thinks that transsexual murderers need to just stick to suicide or, even better, repent of their sins, well there will be no access to $1,000 in the speakers PayPal account. PayPal is bailing themselves in with money stolen from truth seekers accounts. Thankfully, PayPal has competitors for now. Central bank digital currency will get rid of all of the alternatives. That’s what FedNow is implementing in the United States in July – the first step towards criminalizing all alternatives.

We can resist through noncompliance with the demands in the future if we prepare now. Without the protection of God; however, our preparations will prove to be fruitless. This resolution and realization needs to be arrived at now. FedNow will be accelerated as the United States dollar is destroyed. The inflation seen in the United States since the interloper wrested control of the White House is nothing once the dollar is no longer the reserve currency of the world. The West’s response to the war in Ukraine has forced an extremely resource-rich and territorially massive nation – Russia – to find alternatives for trading in units other than the dollar. Other nations have follow suit.

The way this works is that if Vietnam wants to sell cars to Australia, the Australians must convert their Australian dollar into US dollars to make the purchase. Once obtained by the Vietnamese, the US dollars are converted back into the Vietnamese dong. Transaction fees apply to all of these millions of conversions. Currency manipulation is not only a theory it has been done for great gain by those who have rejected God like George Soros. When these conversions into United States dollars is not maintained, the United States will be financially crippled and economically wounded. It will kill many US citizens and access to resources will be so expensive as to be unobtainable. To fix it, FedNow will be implemented on an accelerated timeline for convenience, welfare payments, and UBI.

China and Brazil have arrived at an agreement to no longer use the United States dollar as a medium of international exchange. The Chinese yuan and Brazilian real will trade directly with one another. Saudi Arabia has announced its willingness to abandon trading in US dollars. In 2020 Russia and China traded based on the US dollar primarily but settlements were conducted in Euros and their own currencies 30% and 24% of the time, respectively. China and Russia foregoing US dollar conversions to trade has only exploded since the sanctions. India and the UAE, Brazil and Argentina, and India and Russia are examples of bilateral deals to effect de-dollarization. BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has received interest if not applications from Argentina, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mexico, Turkey, the UAE, and Egypt to be members. BRICS, combined with increasing usage of the Euro in international trade, would be the coffin nail to the US dollar’s global dominance.

If nations no longer need US dollars to trade in, they will dispossess themselves of the asset. As these nations divest, the numbers of US dollars chasing the numbers of goods will skyrocket. Inflation rates of 9% will look like a dream. Inflation will be spoken of in the thousands of percentage points. Are we ready to start paying $200 for a loaf of bread? How about $5,000? Gold and silver will make a return to prominence in the US economy just to be confiscated at gun point on the orders of the FedNow demons. While the United States rolls out the predecessor of BeastCoin, nations around the world will also be rolling theirs out, including Russia, Brazil, and South Africa. Over half of the world’s nations, inhabited by well above half of the people living on the planet, are in some phase of creating a digital currency – 11 (including Nigeria) are already under one.

Nigeria; however, has rejected the cashless society. A fraction of a percent have opted to use Nigeria’s eNiara. Even amid cash shortages – their preferred way of conducting economic transactions – have not adopted it. They protested and demanded more cash be made available. The central bankers don’t care one bit about the protests, “The new notes will, it is hoped, arrive soon, but even then Nigerians are unlikely to find relief. Central bank Governor Godwin Emefiele said, “The destination, as far as I am concerned, is to achieve a 100% cashless economy in Nigeria.” They will do exactly what was suggested above – demand all alternatives to their central bank digital currency be banned.

Yes, gold and silver will be thrown into the streets. We should use our possessions, including gold and silver, as tools in order for us to find favor with God. Far, FAR too many have devoted their worldly material possessions to achieving increasingly evil end goals and calling it progress. The progress in and of itself is good they claim. New ways to conduct vivisection's on babies in the womb, creating new forms of man-made life, believing in new ways to attain salvation devoid of God and Yeshua are all progress to these demonic emanations. Murdering their ideological opponents is progress to these entities. Enslaving all of humanity is a dream they are about to realize unless we gird ourselves against their attacks.

To gird ourselves we are going to need to start trusting in God a whole lot more. The world uses the terms safety, convenience, security, and progress as Orwellian doublespeak. When you hear demons speak in such terms, they are demanding imprisoning, enslaving, murdering, and collectivizing all of society. God breaks us free and demands that we are not of this demonic world – we are of God. We do not revel in all that we have on this earth – we revel in the salvation which is to be granted through the mercy of God and the sacrifice of Yeshua. Too many of us have forgotten that. Too many of us have never heard of that. The saddest of all is how many there are renouncing God having heard of His mercy as well as His wrath – His grace and His judgment alike. These demonic entities want the riches of this earth to become worthless to mankind so that they can enslave humanity in perpetuity. Gold and silver will line the streets for their benefit in their reprobate minds. When it really happens though – it will be God sending the Messiah back to this earth to clean up the mess that the Adversary, through his ambassadors, made of the world. These central bank digital currencies are meant for everyone’s complete enslavement and allegiance to Antichrist when he appears. Only trust in God can save us from the lies to be told and sold as promises by the Adversary. Gold and silver will not save us from our disbelief. Our Bibles; however, traded for gold and silver, can open our hearts, eyes, minds, and ears to the alternative of the Adversary’s designs – the truth of God, the salvation of Yeshua, and the discernment of the Holy Spirit.

Bless God and God bless.


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