The World is Already IN Hell

The World is Already IN Hell

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/9/2023

The people, and I use the term loosely, running around and demanding that all of human history be discarded and all human industry be immediately halted are doing one thing. They are demanding that everyone kill themselves because of an expert’s decree. Actual experts who are not seeking to inspire us to commit suicide with the alternative being murder are targeted for severe censorship while absolutely disgusting ambassadors of Satan never stop operating the ‘let us convince you to kill yourself or we will do it for you’ narratives. We have seen plenty of this recently. It is most clearly present in the man-made climate change hoax.

Despite claims that the science is settled, the science isn’t settled. The science is so unsettled that lay people, fully capable of taking a temperature reading with a thermometer, have to question temperature claims made by ‘experts’ in climate science. This group has a narrative (mentioned above – it’s murder everyone on the planet) which they facilitate by doing things like over-blowing a recent death in Death Valley (gee, how did it’s name come about?), claiming that June 2023 was way hotter than any other month, and blaming both events on soccer moms driving SUV’s and people mowing their lawns. Now, if I wanted to recreate their claims, the only way I would be able to achieve it would be to discard any really low temperatures, like at the South Pole, and the move all of the thermometers from areas surrounded by grass to areas surrounded by airport tarmacs or asphalt. There is a reason pools are surrounded by cement – the temperature of the air above cement is about 10 degrees less than if that cement were asphalt. In the future, in order to continue raising temperature values, it is possible these liars and fraudsters will but the measurement potion of the thermometers inside of a copper box coated with asphalt. Maybe they will even go back to putting thermometers over the top of charcoal grills in the middle of asphalt parking lots to continue spouting their lies.

The way they have decided to weaponize heat indexes (temperature as well as humidity) to mitigate actual air temperature radings is also telling. If it is 80 degrees with 70% humidity it feels like 83 degrees; however, when it starts getting warmer with the same humidity it starts feeling warmer – 85 degrees feels like 93, 90 feels like 106, and 95 feels like 123. The temperatures are all pretty warm which means stay hydrated and stay out of the sun if you can. Stay out of non-ventilated areas, and, if in direct sunlight, wear loose fitting clothing covering your whole body. Do not over exert yourself. If it’s 90 degrees out it’s going to be hot, just like when it is minus 10 it doesn’t really matter that the wind is blowing at 40 miles an hour – it’s going to be cold so take precautions. But, by focusing on the heat index (this is global warming after all despite the expert’s denial of the term) the eco-terrorists in the climate faction make it seem hotter than it really is.

These types of tricks abound in the scientism which passes for climate science. But, nothing is capable of scaring billions of people nearly as much as when these eco-terrorists relate their man-made climate change hoaxes to disease. Forbes (one of my favorite publications because it is a Chinese propaganda rag and every staff member of the ‘publication needs to be arrested for espionage based on that fact alone) published a piece featuring just that. It features a disease which billions have never heard of – Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF). The ticks that primarily carry it (act as vectors) exist in tropical areas of the planet. Under the ruse of man-made climate change, the author, Bruce Y. Lee, is already demanding that there is blood on politician’s hands for not having already banned all carbon dioxide. Yet, this same demon also demands that you take your 4,000 shots like a good person and die from that because they are safe and work. He is a fascist with Chinese devotions and a fawning love for everything designed by the global government to destroy humanity.

He ended this article by explicitly stating his desire to rid the earth of humanity:

“CCHF should be yet another reason why political and business leaders need to stop dragging their feet and knuckles about addressing climate change. Global temperatures hitting new highs this past week, the continuing spread of various diseases, the increased frequency of wildfires, and numerous other warning signs should tick off every box for a global emergency. Political and business leaders could do a lot more about curbing pollution right now.”

I already discussed that so-called experts have difficulties taking scientifically valid temperature readings. Lee’s first argument is invalid. Lee, a supposed expert, is lying by omission about why there diseases popping up. Maniacs who hate humans because they hate God have decided that biologically engineered mosquitoes being released in the wild in the billions is fine. Malaria outbreaks are not related to these releases, just like Zika had nothing to do with similar releases last decade in Brazil. Other diseases are being sprayed on people and other diseases yet are ‘escaping’ from biological engineering labs. None of these are mentioned by Lee, yet, they are factual. They aren’t part of the climate change narrative though so, Lee presses forward with this lie as well. The wildfires in Canada were acts of state-sponsored arson. If Lee is looking for a global emergency, he need only look in the mirror. He and his fellow eco-terrorists are the emergency and if something needs to be mitigated it is this group of reprobates.

Lee and his friends want all of us to accept his ‘expert’ opinion. One reason is because accepting this narrative is designed to drive the acceptance of climate mitigation efforts which are nothing but the extinction of the human race as we know it. Another reason is that Lee seeks to be worshiped as a deity. He wants to replace God as the creator of humanity and, because right now God still created us, he wants to pump us full of gene editing, DNA-hacking, garbage so humans will resemble his image of what humans should be. Nothing is off limits to the eco-terrorists because the end justifies the means in these circles – deceit, murder, medical rape, and all other sorts of activities are actively pursued in order to achieve their ends. After all, they see themselves as the author of the future and see no reason God should play a role in anyone’s lives because they seek to usurp Him.

Does that sound familiar? I believe a creature called Lucifer once tried to do the same to God at one point in time. It didn’t work for Lucifer and it isn’t going to work for Lee. But that doesn’t mean that we won’t be affected. Those who have chosen the ways of God will all be butchered of be forced to hide from the likes of Lee. They will say bow to me and my science and those of God will say absolutely not and be hunted, tortured by medical interventions, and those near us will be the same people turning us in to the ‘authorities’. Lee’s article suggests that future. The ‘pollution’ Lee wants to eradicate is human beings and the food we eat. It also includes water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well as nitrogen. Water vapor is clouds and rain, carbon dioxide is variable and sits at 0.04 parts per million in the atmosphere, and nitrogen is 78% of the atmosphere. All of these are imperative to plant life. If we kill the plant life we will kill everything that eats the plants. Eventually even the bacteria which feeds of the waste will die off for lack of food. The people he is charging with carrying out the destruction of earth and everything on it are the businesses and governments of the world but it will only happen if we all believe the lies he is selling that outcome on.

Many have no idea what I am even talking about. Lee; however, knows what he is doing. He is committed to it so that he can be worshiped. It seems as though Lee is reprobate and seeks an eternity separated from God and wants you to join him in that separation. That seems to be what climate change mitigation is all about. Even the coronavirus debacle was used to promote climate change mitigation efforts – the loss of millions from the disease and tens of millions (and counting) from the ‘vaccines’, the isolation and mental issues arising from the isolation, the travel restrictions, and business closures were not so much about the ‘pandemic’ as they were about unrestricted war being waged against humanity in the name of combating climate change. It is awfully odd that public health officials and the climate eco-terrorists have the exact same recommendations for the masses of humans on this earth. There is a common theme in both of these circles – they view humanity as worthy of being enslaved, incapable of making their own decisions, and hate God.

If God is mentioned at all it is to bastardize His Word to get it to say that the way the world works is just fine. It’s fine that people like Lee are justifying and creating chimeras out of everything including human beings. To justify this, the entire cause of God’s anger towards the world which prompted the flood is ignored by Lee and friends (see Genesis 6). Churches and synagogues have adopted the idea. According to Lee and friends, homo- and trans- sexual activities are natural and should be accepted and even celebrated by deciding that Leviticus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 22:5 just don’t exist. Churches agree and now we have sparkle creed services which are black masses minus the blood (don’t worry that, too, will come). The law doesn’t apply, these churches claim and, if asked what does apply, God is not mentioned at all while these wolfish shepherds regurgitate a bastardized golden rule devoid of repentance. Those speaking aloud the words of Leviticus 20 or Deuteronomy 22 are viewed as criminals by their countrymen and governments. People have been arrested for silent prayer.

People are waking up to the fact that there is a spiritual war which is very much real. That’s positive. What isn’t positive is that some of those waking up are joining with the Luciferians. These are the people who call those reciting the Bible terrorists and demand their arrest. They are the people demanding climate change be solely attributed to mankind’s actions. They are the pushers of CBDC, AI, and digital ID. They are in global government and on school boards, writing ‘journalistic’ articles and businesses involved in WEF and UN agendas. Just as the Israelite’s constructed the Ark for God to dwell in upon this earth, these Luciferians have already built the dwelling place for their deity and are now just looking for reasons to get us to adopt the tentacles of that dwelling place.

Few churches, fewer businesses, and no governments that I have encountered suggest we read the Bible for ourselves. Reading the Bible for ourselves in an effort to know God or know God better is coffin nails for all of the lies of the Luciferians. They are fully aware that the closest commandment made by God to Adam to fight climate change is found in Genesis 1:26, Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth.” Stewardship of the earth is implied here. Climate change is not a commission of our stewardship; however, because the sun drives the climate on earth (and all of the other planets in the solar system). Conveniently the sun, like Leviticus 20, is forgotten and/or dismissed when discussing climate drivers on earth. Likewise, the churches which demand their adherents to forget everything that God commanded (the law and the entire Old Testament) and only see the Golden Rule out of all of the teachings of Jesus are the same churches which point at Genesis 1 (certainly in the Old Testament) to demand we stop driving cars, eating beef, and using air conditioners to mitigate climate change they propound was caused by mankind.

These lies have rendered this earth a Hell, indeed. Speaking against the lies requires education based on the morals laid down in the Bible. Thus, if we seek to no longer live in an increasingly hellish world dominated by ‘experts’ like Lee and the lies they tell and the narratives they weave – reading the Bible is the first step in accomplishing that feat. The second is to acknowledge and worship God along with accepting Jesus Christ and the salvation he offers to everyone. Third is to build that relationship as strong as possible. Fourth is to learn your calling, do what you are called forth to do, and to bring others the idea of reading the Bible, seeking the face of God, and finding salvation in Christ. If we’d have been doing that all along, I wouldn’t be able to point to a world turned into Hell by certain Satanically-aligned institutions and individuals. It’s certainly time to restore our world as best we can as God desires us to do. And even if this is the end times, there is still a Remnant, sealed by God and protected from the Beast system even as it ensnares billions. Strive to be part of that Remnant. How can anyone hope to be that Remnant without knowing who God is and following in the examples set forth by the lessons in the Bible save a direct encounter with God or an intercessor on His behalf? While I have never had such an encounter, I do have the Bible, and the Bible states convincingly exactly what to expect in the end days as well as how we are to live in service to God until they arrive. The end days feature the total enslavement of humanity by the Beast system. The religious aspect could easily be the adaptation of man-made climate change mitigation efforts…. You decide, after you read the Bible for yourself.

Bless God and God bless.


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