Alchemists (Once Known as Scientists): Drink Your Hydrocarbons, Eat Fake Meat With Nanoparticles, and Take Your Shots, Transhuman

Alchemists (Once Known as Scientists): Drink Your Hydrocarbons, Eat Fake Meat With Nanoparticles, and Take Your Shots, Transhuman

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/17/2023

The FDA and USDA are supposed to be staffed with experts about what is harmful to the human body and to make efforts to prevent those substances from entering the body. Now, I’ll give it to these institutions – they are experts – but their special field is propaganda. Their propaganda is caused by the fact that these institutions have suffered from irreparable regulatory capture by the industries they are supposed to be regulating. Because they have not been reigned in by having their budgets slashed, their leadership dismissed, nor investigations into the relationships between the industry’s and the institution’s regulating them, the US citizen should have no trust in any of them.

The World Health Organization released a statement on Friday in which aspartame was categorized as a possible carcinogen. Having been on the market for about 40 years after the FDA approved it, aspartame studies have been highly flawed and inconclusive. None of that really seemed to matter to the FDA because the chemical was able to be patented as it is derived from genetically modified e. coli waste. I still remember stories and photos about Monsanto employees in SCBA gear in the plants which produced this waste. Of course the chemical is harmful to the human body, yet, in order to promote it two parallel tracts were taken simultaneously – rail against natural sugar and conduct fraudulent studies promoting the safety of alternative sweeteners.

Would you drink gasoline? Then why would you ingest aspartame? The only difference is that gasoline’s effects are immediate and aspartame’s effects take some time. Even before aspartame was falsely deemed safe for human consumption, rats were coming down with brain tumors, avoiding ingesting it, and dying from related issues arising from the chemical in their feed but not having the autopsies done to confirm the reality. Thus, in humans, consuming aspartame is just a more time-consuming process than drinking a glass of gasoline – the former results in cancers over time and the latter results in immediate organ failure.

I have never liked the taste of aspartame poisoned products. If I eat at a restaurant and order a soda-pop I can smell it if they gave me the right one. The smell of diet soda’s legitimately gives me a headache and makes me feel ‘out of it’. If I drink it I will immediately feel ill. I don’t think these are psychosomatic symptoms as this has been constant throughout my life. Even the NIH states it, “Causes effects on fluid intake, degenerative changes to brain, and effects on phosphatases and true cholinesterase in acute oral studies of rats.” Rats can detect that it isn’t to be eaten. So why are people so easily lulled into thinking it’s safe? Propaganda.

Vox has a track record of being absolutely wrong. They titled an article they published this morning which, per their track record, is not only wrong but presented as news when it is actually fearporn and propaganda for the DNA-mutilators on this planet. They ask in the title, “Will diet soda, yogurt, and cereal disappear from stores?” The article has two overarching themes which have been pounded into our heads daily for over three years now. The first is everyone but experts are too stupid to have an opinion so just follow the expert’s advice. The second is that a lockstep, unified, collective approach to science is preferable to anyone doing actual science.

Particularly relevant was Vox’s complete disregard for the validity of the study conducted which finally prompted the WHO to take the small step that it did in regards to warning the public about drinking a chemical one molecule off from gasoline. Vox decided that three studies showing that aspartame raises cancer rates were not enough. They suggest that more science needs to be done (the bought and paid for kind with the results pre-ordered) and then quotes an FDA official as stating that aspartame has been heavily researched. The FDA, it should be noted, rejected any finding which did not follow the narrative of safety they propagated. The article also noted that the IARC (International Research on Cancer – an agency of the WHO) has made attempts to ban bacon and hotdogs by labeling them Class I carcinogens (aspartame was merely classified as a Class 2B carcinogen).

Underlying and compounding the issue is the fact that Vox is, if nothing else, demands that experts and their oftentimes idiotic opinions be regarded as sacrosanct. This aspartame issue puts them in a bind; however, because the WHO and FDA don’t agree on the version of science they want to follow. This weakens the consensus of the scientific community. It presents readers who can still think with a conundrum – how is science, performing and replicating experiments, placed into a realm of consensus, a political term meant to show broad agreement between differing political factions? It can’t be. They risk losing control of the entire man-made climate change mitigation ploy to enslave humanity in this article as well as further undermining trust in the FDA.

Vox ends the piece on a note of individual choice – a rarity for this publication. It’s not because they cherish the idea that an informed citizenry will make the best choice based on the data available to them though. The article wraps up with “Unfortunately, the nuance around IARC’s assessment of aspartame, and the fact that regulatory bodies like the FDA disagree, will likely continue to mean frustration and confusion for consumers. As for whether we change our consumption — we’re on our own there.” It wraps up in this manner because the propaganda house is demanding the FDA and WHO get on the same page. Oh, how will the poor consumer know whether or not to drink their gasoline infused beverage or feed their children toxic waste riddled cereals if the FDA and WHO cannot agree to lie to everyone telling them it’s safe?

As for the title of Vox’s piece, it makes me think that, according to Vox, there was no diet soda, yogurt, nor cereal to be had prior to the FDA approval of aspartame. I guess people just didn’t eat those foods prior to that. Or, maybe, just possibly, they did eat those foods prior to aspartame and the cancer rates happened to be lower. This NYT’s article from 1985 discusses huge leaps in cancer rates from 1960. In 1992 the incident rate of cancer reached a peak of 510 per 100,000. Until 1979 the rate was below 400. Since 1986 the rate has not been below 450. In 1975 roughly 875,000 people in the US were diagnosed with cancer, while in 2006 1.35 million were given such diagnosis. The rate reached a million a year in 1983 and hasn’t looked back.

There are a plethora of claims that cancer rates are coming down yet cancer is still the second leading cause of death. Also puzzling is that the rates mentioned above stay steady at about 0.4% of the population, meanwhile cancer kills 1% of us. Thinking about those numbers cumulatively; however, shows that this cancer thing has absolutely exploded. The numbers above account for only 10% of the US population specifically the states of Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Utah, and New Mexico and the cities of Detroit, Atlanta, Seattle, and San Francisco. With the exception of Iowa, major crop producing states are left out of the numbers, oil refining areas are left out of the numbers, and a wide range of chemical dependent industries are left out of the statistics. 32 million people seem to have been diagnosed with cancer in the US between 1975 and 2006 – over 10% of us. The rate isn’t going down, it’s being hidden by data collection schemes and statistical analysis aimed at misinforming the public. The reason this would occur is so experts and patent holders are able to continue pretending that chimeric abominations used in food production are safe and even preferable to the real thing. Aspartame is just one of the early culprits of the onset of this crisis.

Aspartame really is just a small, albeit early, part of a larger plot to destroy food through biologically re-engineering it. Engineering biology and cross breeding are in no way the same things – the GMO garbage would never occur in the wild no matter how much crossbreeding takes place. And, because of a bought and paid for FDA rubber-stamping whatever the chemical and pharmaceutical industries want to market, we have all suffered the consequences. Recently, the FDA, as well as the USDA, has raised the stakes of those consequences by refusing to regulate nanoparticles placed in food. There are different types of nanoparticles which include the substances they are made out of as well as the shape they take.

Materials include carbons, ceramics, metals, semi-conductives, organics (polymerics), and lipids. All of them are mentioned in relation to being used in human beings for drug delivery except for semi-conductors but some of that material is also able to be ingested in the body – especially ZnO and ZnS. All of the metals listed in the article (silver, gold, palladium, titanium, zinc, and copper) are at least somewhat conductive with silver, copper, gold, and zinc representing, respectively, the first, second, third, and fourteenth, most conductive metals know to man. The other two are twenty-third and twenty-fourth.

A 2020 research paper in Nature (which about everything which is not natural, and is wholly devoded to Gaia worship) discussed the shapes that nanoparticles are in and linked it to different kinds of properties. They did their study on hydrogel. Hydrogels have many uses in the human body and were a big feature of the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ slaughter perpetrated against all of humanity. Strouse describes two of these uses under the headings of “‘Smart’ Wound Dressings” (A) and “Monitoring Drug Delivery” (B) each of which are described in more detail:

A - “These dressings have elements embedded within the hydrogel: microelectronic biosensors, microprocessors, wireless communication radios, etc. So, these wound dressings not only protect wounds, they can, for instance, respond to changes in skin temperature by releasing medication as needed (more on drug delivery below). They can even light up if a prescription is running low.

““Smart” wound dressings flex with the body, remaining in place as the patient bends a knee or elbow. Whatever elements or electronics are embedded remain functional in the dressing even when stretched.”

B - “Delivering a drug using hydrogels is one thing. The real advantage is the ability to monitor that delivery using an electronic interface within the hydrogel. There’s little concern when putting electronics in close contact with skin when soft, stretchable hydrogel conforms to the environment of the human body.”

That Nature paper mentioned earlier has a discussion section which reads:

“Clearly, the shape of nanoparticles plays a key role in the definition of the resultant properties of hydrogel materials, as well as in the strength of adhesion when used as a glue. Indeed, harnessing the power of CDSA as an easy and versatile tool to control the shape, size, and chemistry of nanoparticles presents many opportunities to tune hydrogel mechanical properties. The ability of the NCs containing polymeric platelet particles to increase the strength of alginate gels, self-heal, and promote adhesion on two freshly cut surfaces of the same gel suggests the attractive possibility of improving calcium-alginate hydrogel performance in vivo and also of adopting them as a method for self-repairing adhesive joints. The biocompatible nature of the materials used provides significant potential for use in a wide range of applications, including tissue engineering and drug delivery.”

First they gave us cancer and whole bunch of other diseases. Now they have injected over 60% of the globe with particles which turn us into antennas. Tracked human antennas. Tracked human antennas which communicate ‘health’ statistics back to whatever AI powered server they store the information on. This literally represents humans being turned into cyborgs. The intent is to murder everyone on the planet so, from the murderers perspective, this is a good start. Anyone who took one of these shots was not informed about what was actually in it for the reason that it moves humanity one step closer to not being a being created in the image of God. Those who refused to take the shots will just have to be infested with this crap through the food they eat, the logic goes. The FDA and USDA love the idea either because they aren’t aware that is what is going on or they think they are one of the selected who will be permitted to survive the coming human extinction as one of the elites themselves.

The concern about our bodies harboring smart particles are real and the FDA have seen fit to do absolutely nothing to mitigate that damage to our health. In fact, they go out of their way to ensure that we are unaware of those substances being in our food. Likewise, the USDA, far from seeking to regulate nanoparticles from entering the food supply, is doing everything in it’s power to not only make sure they are in there but to develop them as well.

The second cause I noted above seems to be driving the FDA’s and USDA’s positions on these developments. Apparently USDA and FDA employees think the elite of the elites will permit them to live lives of luxury (as transhumans, of course) and would be why the USDA and FDA have decided that growing meat in labs is perfectly fine. It would be why including hydrogels with unknown properties (to us ‘peons’ anyway) in the death jabs made perfect sense to them. The transhuman utopia involves murdering 95% of humanity first. Do you think those who view humanity as useless eaters will permit these bugs to exist in their utopia? Not a chance. The cancer rates aren’t high enough for these murderers – the meat they are growing in labs is literally grown from tumors. The human-antenna cyborg wasn’t fully adopted so hydrogel is to be used as an adjuvant (irritants causing immune responses) replacement in as many ‘vaccines’ as needed. Keep in mind, if there are cures for cancer it means those with the cure understand how to create the disease….

This is all an effort to make humans in the image of man and to permanently sever the ability for man to connect to God if if man wanted to. There will be a line crossed at which point there is no going back. The Bible describes this as the mark of the beast in Revelation 13:11-18. Taking the mark seals one’s fate on the Day of Judgment. Those who ‘love God with all their heart, all their soul, and all their strength and loves their neighbor as themselves (a much condensed summary of the Torah’s mitzvot) is, alternatively, sealed by God as described several times in the New Testament, most particularly in Revelation 7. If you go back to Genesis 6 in the Bible though, God flooded the entire earth because it was corrupt. Men were no longer men – they were chimeric entities doing evil all the time without ever thinking of God except to mock Him. Thus, Noah was mocked, scoffed at, and labeled as crazy while he built the ark. Then it started to rain for the first time. The rain washed away the transhuman infestation upon the planet in Noah’s day. In our day it will be fire.

Transhumanism and alchemy have many shared values. Both were present in the Garden of Eden. Both were presented to Havah (Eve) by the plumed serpent which beguiled her into eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The serpent suggested that she will never die, which is what transhumanism proclaims. Adam and Eve were created as immortal, they were transmuted into beings with a lifespan because of their actions. The basis for alchemy is the basis of Original Sin.

The entities are named in the Book of Enoch in chapters 6-8 and 69. In chapter 8 verse 1 one of these entities is responsible for revealing metals and the working of them. In verse 2 others are cast as having taught men enchantments, root cuttings, resolving enchantments, astrology, constellations, the and the working of the clouds, sun, and moon. In chapter 9 verse 6, one of these is condemned because it, “taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which men strive to learn.” This is the basis of mankind’s pursuit of alchemy. This is what science has become today. Science no longer seeks to learn about what God created. As a JSTOR article notes about alchemy, “The alchemist seeks to strip bare the world’s secrets, to break it down to its building blocks and rearrange them,” which is exactly what science has decided it’s aim should be. It’s aim is transhumanism. Transhumanism was evil when it was introduced by the fallen angels the first time and it’s new manifestations in the modern age is the same evil with ‘advanced’ technology.

In that same JSTOR article the final paragraph makes it crystal clear how perverted transhumanism and the alchemy it is based on in particular is:

“Jabirian alchemy has its roots in religious tradition, and alchemy itself was considered to be a gift from God to humanity, revealed to Adam by divine grace. And yet, how can the idea of creating artificial human life, as The Book of Stones describes, be anything but heretical? But of course, the goal of Jabirian alchemy was the imitation of God. In the eyes of the alchemists, this was not usurpation. It was the highest form of worship, a way of drawing closer to the divine.”

Alchemists pervert the Word of God to fit their own heart’s desires. Scientists do exactly the same thing with the Word of God and their own ethics. We should all start taking notice of the place from which these scientist/alchemists derive their moral underpinnings. Those who are telling us to drink a version of gasoline, eat tumor grown meat, and take shots with artificial cybernetic nanobots in them are transhumanists. They hate God and have no use for his ways. They have no use for Jesus Christ either. They have uncoupled their life from the laws of the Bible and, thus, are only working iniquity and lawlessness. Read your Bible and let’s make some noise about these developments designed to kill us while it also offering us an eternity away from God.

Bless God and God bless.


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