Independence Day 2023

Independence Day 2023

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/4/2023

It is Independence Day 2023. The colonies of the United States issued the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the wretched tyrant, King George III. He flipped out and started shooting at us for wanting to free ourselves from our yolk. We shot back. In 1783 the United States was victorious and the crown’s edicts would no longer have direct implications upon the United States as a nation. In 1789 the Constitution we are now supposed to be following was ratified. It still exists. It has been made so ineffective; however, that I have to ask, is the United States independent and, if so, independent from what exactly?

We are dependent upon international trade. We have a central bank operated by foreigners in a for-profit manner which dictates to us the value of our money. We have a government which represents globalists and transhumanism. The representatives we elect to represent us represent whoever filled their coffers the most or lobbied them more than others. God is disparaged and has been culturally and spiritually replaced by science and the worship of the so-called expert class. I could go on and on in detail as I have in the past and will likely do in the future as well. Perhaps another day – today is America’s birthday. Today I want to remind everyone that we are one nation under God. Today I want to offer you a lesson in history (one which I recently learned of myself) as well as a reminder of what really matters.

Have you ever considered the way a flag is folded? Yes, it is a signal of respect, I knew that, but did you know that each fold represents something itself? I learned of this last week on the Alex Jones Show. It brought tears to my eyes. It’s folded thirteen times to represent the original thirteen states which fought the most powerful army on the planet at the time and won. I knew that – what I didn’t know is that, “The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life” and “The second fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life.” We live and then we die and live for eternity with God. I had no idea that’s what the first two folds meant.

The folds only grow in importance. The next folds represents something which our modern leaders have widely forgotten. “The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks, and who gave a portion of his or her life for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world.” Our soldiers came home and those flags were folded some of them without them being able to witness it. Was it for peace that the war in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and dozens of others were fought? Or were they proxy wars and wars based on the interests of a few which the rest of us are supposed to be beholden to? No matter how Orwell one wants to get – war does not make peace. We should seek peace yet war is being made against us and we are standing, flat-footed, even now.

“The fourth fold represents our weaker nature; as American citizens trusting in God, it is Him we turn to in times of peace, as well as in times of war, for His divine guidance.” This is the first of several mentions of God. Our leaders have decided they can recreate God to fit their desires. We humans are the weaker ones; however. Our leaders would do well to recall that fact especially as they trot around the globe issuing un-Godly and anti-human decrees and starting endless wars both foreign and domestic.

This is our home. This is where freedom dwells. Whether we are free or not – that spirit is inscribed into our culture. “The fifth fold is a tribute to our country. In the words of Stephen Decatur, "Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right, but it is still our country, right or wrong."” We have made mistakes and, in my opinion, are making some rather tremendous mistakes currently. But, this is still our country. Despite the repetitive and fraudulent blue waves trying to extinguish the flame of liberty and destroy the nation under God, this is where freedom and liberty live – no where else.

“The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We are to remember the flag on fold six and what that flag represents. It represents the United States, yes, but it represents ideas even more profound than that. It represents the idea that this nation was intentionally designed to be a unified nation under God. We are supposed to have the liberty to set our course in life without undue government interference. We are supposed to have one set of laws applicable to everyone – not Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden get out of jail free clauses and prosecutors. We are supposed to be a nation directed by God with laws which are few, understood by all, and inspired by the Bible, and everyone is subject to those laws. Not subject to men, but subject to laws inspired by the Bible as given to men by God.

“The seventh fold is a tribute to our armed forces, for it is through the armed forces that we protect our country and our flag against all enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic.” May God bless those in service to this nation and may the men, so blessed, recognize that their blessings are from God.

“The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor our mother, for whom it flies on Mother's Day.” For all of those mothers who sent their boys into the service, mothers who spent nights wondering about their children, may God reunite the two f you. I want all of them to come home and give their mother’s hugs. For those who cannot; however, may God see fit to reunite you after this life is over.

“The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood. It has been through their faith, love, loyalty and devotion that has molded the character of the men and women who have made this country great.” Women shape children into the people they are to be. They help make the men of this world less brutish and more civilized. They make our homes and set our minds and prepare our children for adulthood. The ninth fold is about those facts and about affirming what a traditional nuclear family unit is capable of – in this case building the greatest nation on earth.

“The 10th fold is a tribute to father, who has also given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since he or she was first born.” Fathers also mold children. Fathers are the ones who are to instill wisdom and knowledge of God into our children. Fathers are supposed to set the rules in the household and the punishments are to be meted out by these men as well. They, too, offer their children into service of the nation as it is described above, not the one we have devolved into.

The next three absolutely blew my mind when I learned of them. All of these folds are so important to remember, yet there are three more left to go? “The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” To anyone who wants to pretend that there is no recognition of God as described in the Old Testament in the United States, please reread the eleventh fold. Then, please understand, our entire system of governance as described by and codified in the US Constitution as well as the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence, are found in the Old Testament. This is why we are to remember the ‘Jewish’ parts of the Bible on the eleventh fold.

“The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies God the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost.” The idea of eternal life is again presented in this fold. Christianity is still the primary religion of the United States. God the Father, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit are absolutely real. The second to last fold of the flag is a reminder for all of us to recognize that fact.

“The 13th and last fold, when the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, "In God We Trust."” More people need to remember this more often. More people need to get to know God so that they can trust in Him. We need to be a nation full of individuals who, above all else, trust in God.

To know God we can seek Him through prayer, through the Holy Ghost, and by reading our Bible’s. We can know Him by thinking like Jesus as well as acting like Jesus. Men cannot quell the evil in their hearts as Jesus did; however, which is why He was crucified. We need Jesus for our salvation. We need the word of God for our morals. A nation unified under those two notions with God’s blessing will never cease to exist just as God’s word will never cease to exist.

I was ignorant of the folding of the flag because I have not had to bury anyone who was killed in action and sent back home in a casket. To those of you who are aware because of that circumstance, may God bring you comfort and strength. Military, law enforcement, and fire department funerals are the primary reason the flag is folded in this way. To anyone who has a flag upon a mantle because of such an event all I can offer is my thanks.

In the last 247 years between this Independence Day and the first Independence Day, a lot has changed. Some of these changes have not aided the United States in maintaining it’s place in the world. We are to be the shining beacon of freedom sitting upon a hill. Sadly, we are about to no longer have Independence Days because the day itself will be seen as racist, sexist, bigoted, and transphobic. Yet, despite this, even something as common as a proper folding of the United States flag is meant to remind us of what really matters – God, the family, honoring both father and mother, and having an allegiance to the US Constitution so that all may flourish and prosper in freedom and liberty. If we can remember what the folds of the flag mean we will be able to restore this nation to what it should be. All we need to do is identify any area we come up short in and remedy the deficiency. This is what Independence Day is to me. The folding of the flag just so happened to encapsulate the entire idea.

Bless God and God bless.


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