Why Does the Worst Version of Evil Always Seem To Be the UN’s Version?
Why Does the Worst Version of Evil Always Seem To Be the UN’s Version?
Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity- 7/7/2023
The United Nations has long been the primary suspect for the embodiment of a new world order one world government. For those who are still merely suspicious, those ‘conspiracy theories’ related to the UN’s intentions should have been laid to rest decades ago as they were turned into realities. Here we are though and still, billions of people absolutely refuse to acknowledge the fact that the UN is that one world government. And they just slapped everyone in the face with it.
The United Nations is hosting a conference today and tomorrow in Geneva, Switzerland called AI for Good. AI for Good is an ongoing project the United Nations is working on. It deals with applying newer technologies (specifically AI) in their efforts to accelerate and fulfill the demonic Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals are important to understand because that is the current direction of pretty much every institution on earth right now. The SDG’s are what have motivated the Environment, Social, Governance movement, much of the ideology of the feminist and Alphabet Mafia’s nonsense, mRNA technology being unsafely shoved into the market, abortion, bans and austerity measures placed on fuel sources, and a wide range of a whole host of anti-human emanations.
The conference is dedicated to destroying humanity along the lines envisioned by the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab books – notably in The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Great Reset describes how to force the Fourth Industrial Revolution into reality. The orchestration of the largest crime ever committed against humanity – the Covid-19 scamdemic – provided the crisis (opportunity) needed to gain compliance with moving from the world we knew in 2019 to the post-human nightmare dystopia lusted after by those at the United Nations and World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab isn’t scheduled to speak at the UN conference. The brain of the WEF, Noah Yuval Harari, did speak; however.
He really wanted us to know AI can make up it’s own course of action, can make up brand new ideas, and that humans are not good at using new technologies. Harari is adept at lying through the narrative he and the WEF and UN have woven around AI. He has continuously claimed that AI represents an existential threat to humanity as a whole and he isn’t wrong about that fact. He omits the fact it is the likes of the WEF and UN who have spurred such designs upon humanity. AI isn’t just an affront to human survival presently – the idea behind it is one of creating a super human alien ‘intelligence’ which is ‘smarter’ than all of humanity combined and, thus, a silicon-based ‘life-form’ designed to replace just about every carbon-based life form on the planet. That’s another fact Harari refuses to address. He consistently fails to recognize human nature, thinks everyone should just listen to the WEF and UN’s diktats and, in the case of AI, has correctly deemed it an existential risk to human beings so that he can demand calls for the WEF and UN to regulate it so that AI is made a tool for use exclusively by the global government to facilitate their designs for totalitarian enslavement.
Towards the end of the discussion, the goal of what has been termed ‘regulation’ is almost let out of the bag. The host asks a question about how to make sure that AI is not permitted to pretend that it is a human being and deep fakes are not allowed to proliferate. The question has already been shaped using other terms borrowed from military signal intelligence operations – misinformation and disinformation – which have been applied to the general public because the general public is at war with these entities. So, the real goal, is internet identification. The identification will be biometric, the user of the ID will have AI monitor their online activity in real time, and any perceived transgression will be dealt with severely. Have you even had a suspension, ban, or deletion on a social media account for something you posted the site didn’t like? Move the consequences slightly forward – instead of not being able to use the platform you won’t be able to use the internet, will face restrictions in the physical social and economic realms, and have monetary units taken directly out of your bank account to pay for restitution and fines instantaneously detected and adjudicated by AI. Harari’s mention of a regulatory framework is really the utter destruction of free speech and access to the public square. All he is saying is that there should be a more robust, globally administered, legal way to enforce the rules of an expansive digital gulag.
Others making speeches and presenting are widely hated by anyone paying attention to what they have been doing. Many of them, Harari included, have committed grave crimes against humanity, are planning even more heinous attacks against humanity, and seem to exist to consolidate all control into their hands. Antonio Guterres is the Secretary General of the UN and just so happens to be a card-carrying Marxist and a committed antichrist. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the head of the World Health Organization which is about to make all of your healthcare decisions for you and the other 8 billion humans on the planet. He happens to be a Marxist as well and is also a documented war criminal who needs to be brought to justice. Even more anti-human than these two, Ray Kurzweil will also be there. His vision of humanity is to systemically and methodically destroy human bodies until humanity is nothing more than bits of data existing on silicon embedded in nanobots controlled by AI. Before you roll your eyes, go read The Singularity is Near and realize that the Singularity is near because too many are ignorant of the fact. Over 140 others will also be making offers to help facilitate AI developments pertaining the SDGs.
The WEF and UN doesn’t do anything without partners and sponsors. Those two institutions more than anything else operate upon a fascist relationship because they have no policing powers. Thus, their business and governmental allies more than make up for the institutions lack of enforcement. Microsoft and Amazon are major contributors to the conference as is ZTE.
ZTE is interesting because of their commitment to transhumanism. Geopolitically, if there was a target to bomb ZTE would be it. Their CEO was detailed by a company press release on June 28, 2023 which uses a word which was new to me five minutes ago – phygital. The term is used to describe the meshing of human and machine with the intended outcome being some form of right-less ‘human’ cyborg or chimera. The press release notes:
“During the "Digital First Networks" session, Mr. Xu pointed out that, due to various uncertainties, there may be a limited window of opportunity for the digital transformation of industries. This situation entails greater responsibilities and higher pressure. Against this backdrop, ZTE focuses on key underlying technologies, infrastructure, and applications while promoting the integration of physical and digital realms, convergence of computing and networking, and increased efficiency in production and transactions. By doing so, the company aims to build a Phygital DNA for faster iteration and innovation, ultimately reshaping society as a whole.”
ZTE’s purpose is one of recreating humanity in their eyes by desecrating what God created. Many other partners of the conference seek to do the same thing. Did you know that there is something called the Human Immunome Project? These guys have partnered with the murderers at AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, NIH, and others to, achieve the goal of, in their words, “enabling people to live much healthier — and longer — lives.” On June 15, 2023 the group produced an article about how great advancements are being made to create more murderous vaccines will be driven by AI. Their entire vision is one which renders humanity to being a pin cushion for their vaccines forever. The transhumanism live forever stuff isn’t for any of us – we are just their test subjects so they can figure out what works and what doesn’t so they can live forever. Coronavirus was just the first step and the millions which have been slaughtered under the ethics of public health and the scamdemic were merely just the opening salvo of the assault against humanity. The Human Immunome Project, which is funded in part by tax dollars, says of coronavirus:
“Viruses more virulent and deadly than COVID-19 are waiting in the wings. Coronaviruses are part of an exceptionally diverse family of viruses that represent a profound threat to human health. Over the last twenty years there have already been three major coronavirus outbreaks, including SARS-CoV-1 (2003), MERS-CoV (2012), and SARS-CoV-2 (2019). With hundreds of variants circulating in a wide range of animals, it is only a matter of time until the next outbreak of SARS-X.
“The Human Immunome Project has been at the forefront of advocating for the development of a universal coronavirus vaccine, one that protects against viruses across the coronavirus family, and one that is available to stop the next pandemic before it starts.
“COVID-19 vaccines have been a remarkable success, and understanding the basis of this success will help prepare the world for the next pandemic. The HIP and its partners are undertaking some of the most in-depth vaccine studies yet conducted to understand how such vaccines protect, which vaccines work best for which populations, and how to improve vaccines to combat the next virus outbreak.”
The only way to know that there is a ‘new’ virus is to have created the virus. Just like SARS-CoV-2 is patented, meaning it didn’t occur in nature (and never would), so too will be whatever new pathogen these monsters release upon the world. The next iteration will likely be even more deadly and the remedies even more lethal. What they are creating are not vaccines in any sense of the word. They aren’t even creating gene-therapies which is what mRNA technology is. They are creating race-specific biological weapons systems to combat the non-specific biological weapons they plan on releasing on the rest of us.
The UN conference was organized by a Marxist union called the International Telecommunications Union in conjunction with the Swiss government. I have said this over and over again – anywhere a public-private-partnership exists, fascism exists. Hence, I use the term Marxist often because not only is this where modern socialism and Communism came from but it is also where fascism comes from. And the ITU is dedicated to fascism:
“At ITU, members from the public and private sectors are working together to help shape the future ICT policy and regulatory environment, global standards, and best practices to help spread access to ICT services. Public-private collaboration has always been at the centre of ITU's work. Now more than ever, businesses realize that the path to sustainable growth can be found by working closely with governments, academia, as well as other stakeholders, in a common effort to put in place the right rules to drive investment, innovation and widely shared opportunities.”
In other words, they are the experts and you will have no say. When these fools push for banning speech, it’s your speech they want banned and you aren’t supposed to be able to say anything to stop it. As a matter of fact, ITU has taken steps to fight what they see as misinformation by endorsing the Global Disinformation Index. They literally advocate for arresting those who ask questions like is the sun a contributing factor to what the IPCC has labeled anthropomorphic climate change or holding positions reflecting that man-kind has had a negligible effect on the amount of carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the atmosphere. The GDI is also heavily propagated by UNESCO which was created to make Brave New World a reality. In that book there are the civilized slaves and the savage camps. The trade off seems to be having resources but no freedoms with which to exercise one’s own thoughts, let alone speak them aloud, and a resource devoid life with complete freedom to do as one will bordering on the brink of anarchy. The book describes no in between. The savages are contained in remote places, their populations small on purpose, and are used as what amounts to zoos for the so-called civilized on the planet.
There is no good version of AI. From it’s conception, AI’s intention is to replace humanity as the most intelligent entity on earth. Anyone involved with creating more powerful AI, especially self-learning AI, aka recursive AI, is an abject demonic entity as far as I’m concerned. Concerning robotics, the movie iRobot showed what happens when one of these things becomes sentient or at least can fool people into thinking they are interacting with another human being. The robot body in iRobot was a giveaway, but if you spoke to it on the phone or through text messages or online chat platforms you likely wouldn’t know. Biochemistry and biological engineering seeks to remedy the situation by making robots appear human and turning humans into cyborgs.
All of this is transhumanism. It is the idea that, by destroying our humanity and our human DNA in particular, we can live until we grow weary of living. Questions about what it means to be human come to the forefront. The relative ethics of the religion of humanism, based on tenets which have directly led to the murder of hundreds of millions, are already rapidly becoming the basis from which society is supposed to draw it’s justifications from. Humanism is completely incompatible with the idea of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The point of humanism is to get people to worship themselves and latch on to experts for salvation. So, in addition to being intended to replace everyone on earth, AI will also destroy their belief in God. This is one of the main components of the Beast system.
AI is not a good idea anyway it is viewed. But the UN seems to amplify the worst aspects of any issue, AI included. They have a reason. Their mission will be complete when the entirety of humanity is enslaved by their own designs of a fascistic totalitarian technocracy on a global scale. The primary ethic will be comply or die. In the meantime they are going to threaten us with new pandemics and nuclear wars. It is likely they will release more biological weapons. They may even decide to launch nuclear weapons, if not over the reanimated Second World War between Russia and the rest of the Western world (the Ukrainian leadership is absolutely Nazi), to diminish the amount of sunlight reaching the earth and causing nuclear winter all while the nuclear power stations are shut off. They are poisoning our food and water and have every intention to figure out how to starve billions into submission. Even the AI’s we have today are good enough to detect the speech pointing these things out, censor it, and kick people off of platforms.
We need to get 3D again and limit our use of the digital. This would be a massive change in my life. It would be a major change in a lot of people’s lives. But, the fact remains, we need to get into the 3D world before the 3D world is erased, it’s use utterly restricted for us, by the global government with their monopoly on AI and it’s censorship. Grow food. Meet your neighbors. Make friends with farmers. Buy some land if you can. Filter your water. Learn how to hunt, fish, skin game, and scale fish if you don’t know how. Get proficient with self-defense techniques, firearms, and building smokeless fires. Acquire the necessities to survive catastrophe. Most of all, read the Bible, pray, and trust in God. Love the Messiah – Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ), worship Adonai (God), and listen for and speak with the Holy Spirit.
The monsters doing upon the earth have clearly made a choice to assault God’s creation because at their core they have rejected God entirely. The are generally some of the wealthiest people on earth. With that wealth that have bought influence and have infiltrated Godly institutions to pervert and destroy them. As quietly as possible, these same entities have built a global government which is about to overwhelm every nation state on earth. The words of the Messiah in Matthew 19 are especially evident in this regard:
16 A man approached Yeshua and said, “Rabbi, what good thing should I do in order to have eternal life?” He said to him, 17 “Why are you asking me about good? There is One who is good! But if you want to obtain eternal life, observe the mitzvot.” 18 The man asked him, “Which ones?” and Yeshua said, “Don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t give false testimony 19 honor father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself.” 20 The young man said to him, “I have kept all these; where do I still fall short?” 21 Yeshua said to him, “If you are serious about reaching the goal, go and sell your possessions, give to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come, follow me!” 22 But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he was wealthy.
23 Then Yeshua said to his talmidim, “Yes. I tell you that it will be very hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 24 Furthermore, I tell you that it is easier for a camel to pass through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” 25 When the talmidim heard this they were utterly amazed. “Then who,” they asked, “can be saved?” 26 Yeshua looked at them and said, “Humanly, this is impossible; but with God everything is possible.” 27 Kefa replied, “Look, we have left everything and followed you. So what will we have?” 28 Yeshua said to them, “Yes. I tell you that in the regenerated world, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Isra’el. 29 Everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times more, and he will obtain eternal life. 30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.
The bold is mine. The One who is good is God. It is certainly not the demonic ‘alien’ intelligence (also abbreviated AI – weird huh?) being built on this earth by Satanists. These wealthy Satanists will tell any lie, murder any number of people, and destroy everything God created because their god has told them to do so. They won’t give up their wealth to follow God’s laws or to follow Jesus’ teachings. They will spend it on corporate hitmen. There is a partial list of these assassins on the WEF’s own website. Until we are thrown off the internet by these entity’s digital version of the NKVD, we should use it as a weapon against them. We shouldn’t be destroyed by lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) because it is right there in our Bible and we need to read it and teach it. That also applies to the attacks upon those looking for the face of God, striving to be set apart (holy), and trying to follow the teachings of Yeshua in my opinion. With God, all things are possible…. Without God what, then, is possible?
Bless God and God bless.