Islam is Not a Religion of Abraham
Islam is Not a Religion of Abraham
Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/10/2023
The Biblical proof is plain. It is stated in Genesis 16 that Abram slept with his wife’s slavegirl and the slave girl bore a son, Ishmael. Once Hagar, the slave girl, learned she was pregnant she began treating her master, Sarai, Abram’s wife, with contempt. Sarai had none of it and treated Hagar so poorly that Hagar ran away. While she was in the desert fleeing from her master, the angel of God approached and told her to return to Sarai and that her son would have many, many descendants. The description of this people was also offered by the angel at Genesis 16:12, “Look, you are pregnant, and you will give birth to a son. You are to call him Yishma‘el [God pays attention] because Adonai has paid attention to your misery. 12 He will be a wild donkey of a man, with his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, living his life at odds with all his kinsmen.” Abram was 86 years old when Yishma’el (Ishmael) was born.
In the next chapter, Genesis 17, Abram is 99 years old. God directly approached Abram and changed his name to Abraham. Abram means exalted father while Abraham means father of many. Sarai, meaning mockery, was also renamed by God – Sarah means princess. God commanded that all males in the household of Abraham be circumcised and that all males, on their eighth day, be circumcised. In this chapter, God blessed Ishmael and promised him to be the father of twelve princes. Abraham and Sarah; however, found it hysterical that a child would be born to a 100 year-old man and a 90 year-old woman and so God commanded Abraham and Sarah’s child be named Issac which means laughter. With Issac, God made His covenant, and through Sarah, an untold number of nations and kings would come about.
In Genesis 21 Issac is born. On the eighth day as Issac was being circumcised as God commanded, Ishmael jeered his half-brother. For this, Sarah demanded Hagar and Ishmael be removed from the house. God protected Hagar and Ishmael in the desert when Hagar left him under a bush to die. God led her to a well in the desert; however, and reminded Hagar that Ishmael would be blessed and have a nation born to him as well. He was a desert dwelling archer and married an Egyptian woman.
Yishma’el lived to be 137 years old per Genesis 25. He indeed had 12 sons and they are listed in Genesis 25:13-14, The firstborn of Yishma‘el was N’vayot; followed by Kedar, Adbe’el, Mivsam, 14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 15 Hadad, Teima, Y’tur, Nafish and Kedmah. In Judges 6-8 one of the nations descending from Ishmael was named Midyan and their soldiers wore earrings and crescents. Midyan was used by God to punish Israel for turning against God and, after seven years of brutal treatment at the Midyan’s hands, Gideon was given the task of destroying the nation by God, which he carried out.
Issac had two sons, twins as a matter of fact, Esau and Jacob, whose lives are documented in Genesis 25 to 28 in particular. It is an interesting read which is sad and happy at the same time. Incredibly important lessons exist in these passages. Jacob, the younger, supplanted his older brother and gained his birthright. Esau ended up whoring around the desert and commingled with the descendants of Ishmael.
Islam does make the claim that Mohammad, the degenerate idol-worshiping founder of a religion which is based upon murder and rape because he was a murderer and rapist as well as an enslaver, descended from Ishmael. This lineage is contested; however, Moslems still make the claim. What is a fact is that Mohammad was run out of many towns for the evils he perpetrated against the people who lived there. Eventually he arrived at the Kaaba – a huge black stone which revolved around idol worship and is never attributed to having been built by Abram or Abraham in the Bible. It is the Islamic faith which makes this claim about the Kaaba. Mohammad arrived at the structure surrounded by hundreds of idols, picked one (Allah), and decided that this was God and then was forced out of Mecca. He fled to Medina where he fielded an army and conquered Mecca through force. The nation of Islam was founded in blood and still seeks the blood of those who reject their idol, Allah.
But, the point here is that Esau does have a direct lineage to Abraham while Ishmael’s lineage is to Abram. Adonai, God, gave to Abram a covenant – circumcision – but did not change his name nor bless him yet as the father of many nations through birthright. Abraham is the father of Israel and David and Yeshua HaMashiach or, Jesus Christ as he is often referred to in many Christian houses of worship and versions of the Bible. Abram is the father of Ishmael who was bless by God, but not given the birthright which brought about the Messiah nor the nation of Israel. Ishmael’s lineage being accorded to Mohammad, even if it is true, does not show that Islam to be an Abrahamic religion but one of Abram. Islam seems to make no claims on Esau’s lineage leading to Mohammad so that is not going to be followed.
So what is it about Abram that makes Abraham so much more important? Abram was impatient with God and thus Ishmael, a wild donkey of a people, was sent forth into the world. Abram believed in God and followed what God told him to do most of the time. Ishmael is the result of Abram not trusting in God to do what God said he would do. Abram showed his lack of trust when he and Sarai entered Egypt in Genesis 12 and plagues were cast upon Egypt and he was expelled from Egypt as a result. In Genesis 11:30 it is noted that Sarai was barren. In Genesis 13 though Abram is promised to be the father of a great number of people. In Genesis 15 God again speaks with Abram and promises his descendants will inhabit the land Abram is in but only after a lot of turmoil and a great number of years (400). Abram did not trust in God’s plan and, instead, had a child with Hagar – a plan concocted by his barren wife Sarai, not God. The story parallels the story of Adam and Eve in the garden when Eve was beguiled and ate of the fruit and sinned and caused her husband, also, to sin. Abram lacked the faith that Abraham had in God. Abram would have never taken his son with his wife out of the house, let alone to slaughter him atop a mountain but Abraham did. Abraham trusted fully in God, Abram did not and the descendants of Ishmael are the consequence.
Mohammad wrote the Quran which is the book which Islam revolves around. It was this book which made the other three ‘holy’ books of Islam, the Tawrat, the Zabur, and the Injeel, more than just a localized belief system meant for specific time periods. Mohammad, the author of the Quran, did not once mention that circumcision be practiced. Even when Abram’s covenant is mentioned from other sources, Islam still does not mention that it is to take place on the eighth day. It is not a mandatory feature of the religion of Islam and it’s more often done for health reasons than religious commandments. And, while the God of the Abraham, Jacob, and Issac made no commands about doing anything to the genitals of females, many involved with Islam practice female genital mutilation on it’s girls so that as women they are not able to have sexual gratification even with their husbands. Abraham was not a barbarian and trying to link Abraham, or even Abram who was not a barbarian either, to an idol-worshiping reprobate named Mohammad who was barbaric is blasphemous. What filth and perversion! No wonder Islam not only condones but suggests enslavement, rape, torture, murder, and rampant lying are proper forms of conduct.
Allah worshipers, knowing that their god is just a random selection of an idol off of the wall of another idol have to do what they can to make their religion seem legitimate. So, they made up this grand lie that Abraham was their father and his god was Allah when, in fact, Abraham worshiped the God of the Bible, the Creator of the Universe, YHWH, whose name is masked because speaking the name aloud is so holy that men will succumb to it. Thus we use God, Adonai, and Hashem, Shaddai, and Elohim to describe it, lest we die. Islam speaks the name of their god without hesitation because it is an idol, dead, unliving, and will do nothing for them but lead them into death.
But these ideas are still manifesting themselves to this very day. God was clearly at work on May 14, 1948 when the modern nation of Israel declared it’s independence and was recognized by the United States. The next day the descendants of Ishmael and Esau sought to destroy the nation and failed. Other incursions by the hostile nations and people surrounding the nation occurred and Israel managed to gain ground in many of these conflicts. Terrorism against Israel and the people in Israel is now a huge concern and all too common event.
The people who still dwell in Israeli territory which Israel has not yet removed from it’s borders (yep the Palestinians) teach their children to throw stones at Israeli’s. When they are old enough the terrorist organization slash government of these Palestinian populations teach these children how to be effective shields against Israeli retaliation, build bombs intended for Israeli citizens, and shoot at Israeli military. Coincidentally, Palestinian children who do such things are arrested and detained. These child detainments are actually a result of Palestine’s own adherence and proclivity towards violence to get their way when dealing with Israel. And every time they launch a rocket, suicide bomb a bus, or try to kidnap a Israeli and the Israeli’s respond the world is commanded to cry foul on the Israeli’s.
Al Jazeera is one of the loudest mouthpieces for this stupidity. With Israel just having concluded a major raid in the town/refugee camp of Jenin and the Palestinians (with the rest of the anti-God world) Al Jazeera decided that all Western media lies (it does) about Palestinians (which is utterly false). They never seem to get the story right when it comes to the Palestinians because there are some major questions like why is there a Palestinian town called Jenin which is described as a refugee camp still after 70 years? Obviously they aren’t fleeing anything. Why is this town constantly among the poorest in the West Bank? Maybe, just maybe, it’s because refugee camp has a different emotional appeal than some town named Jenin. Maybe, just maybe, the Palestinian Authority (a terrorist group) is hated and so is the Israeli government in the town and, thus, attracts armed militants from a variety of terrorist organizations including official Iranian state-backed groups? The town hates every one but the most vile of the vile and won’t make a peep while they allow (invite, would that be more appropriate?) these murderous, ideologically motivated, terrorists to take residence under the cover of their ‘refugee camp.’ Al Jazeera are the one’s lying here because they hate Israel too.
Now, about those Palestinian ‘children’ who were detained, Al Jazeera published a piece today claiming that an NGO found reasons to point fingers at Israel for abusing them. Palestinian children abused in Israeli detention: NGO is about a report published by Save the Children. I can write and link to nothing but, some of the things I write, I want you to know, were not my idea. Al Jazeera wants people to know this report exists but they do not want people to go look at it themselves as they provided no link and failed to even name the title (which is basically plagiarism, or, in modern parlance, modern journalism). So I went and looked for this document at Save the Children and here it is. I went to the UN because there is mention that the UN reporter for Palestine will be suggesting that Israel committed a war crime for not allowing terrorists to wantonly murder their citizens. I browser the report noted by the Al Jazeera article and saw nothing of interest because I have absolutely no reeason to believe anything that comes from the ‘interviewee’s’ mouth nor Al Jazeera nor Save the Children. Muslims are not to be trusted. Al Jazeera cannot think through it’s own anti-God, anti-Israel hatreds, and Save the Children is a WEF front group in the NGO world.
Of the 69 corporate partners listed on the Save the Children’s site, 20 of them are mentioned by name as partners in the World Economic Forum. Several others are brands owned by WEF partners. One of the foundation partners is notable as well because Save the Children receives money from The Bill and Melinda Gates [Death Cult] Foundation.
These corporate partners in this NGO allow their interests to be published as highly acclaimed yet dubiously factual reports to push their agenda without having to take the blame for it. The fact is, none of this circular propaganda is ever truthful. If these Palestinian children are victims, they have not been victimized by the Israeli’s. They have been victimized by their own people by allowing murderers and rapists to mingle freely among them. The children throw stones and are arrested for the activity. I like throwing stones too, but if I start aiming stones at another person there is a high likelihood that person will be bruised, scraped, or may even have bones crushed. If someone gets hit in the head with a stone traumatic brain injuries, concussions, memory loss, and death can be caused. People, even 13 year-old children, throwing stones at other people to cause harm should be arrested.
On top of arrests of these children, the residents of Jenin should be removed to Syria. The entire West Bank should be expunged of the Palestinians as neighboring nations are forced to accommodate them. Al Jazeera should probably be investigated for propagandizing terrorist activity. And if that isn’t enough, Israel should declare complete control of Jerusalem and 50 miles east, south, and north of the city. That land was never intended for Ishmael nor for Esau and these people have no legitimate claims to Abraham as noted above. If we would get back to the Bible and demand the truth be spread far and wide about what a sham Islam, and by extension the Palestinian claims on the land, the entire world would be far more peaceful because these wild, hairy, donkey’s would be forced to shut up with their lies and cease with their murderous intentions.
Bless God and God bless.