Attack the One to Destroy the Rest

Attack the One to Destroy the Rest

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/5/2023

Human beings are composed of three things. We are sentient intellectual/spiritual beings with emotions and physical needs. Everything about human beings; however, is rendered to the physical state of being. There are several primary reasons for this. Human beings needs several things to survive, nutritious food, clean water, clean air, and shelter. To thrive in the modern world humans also need to be educated in a physical trade or be able to produce something physical whether it be words on a page or a space shuttle. Our emotions are not supposed to ever get in the way of production. If we are sufficiently productive we are given paychecks and other material wealth in order to buy real assets like cars, houses, food, and even vacations, trips to the movies, and nights out at a fancy steakhouse with a couple drinks at a bar.

The physical lack of essentials is the most immediately noticeable thing to all of us. If we grew accustomed to using our ex’s Netflix account, for example, we now have to either pay for our own or we will have to skip watching Netflix and find something else to do. If our income decreases due to job loss or a change in positions or companies, our food options shrink, our individual transportation range gets shorter, and our entertainment options will be limited if not altogether abandoned. If we flip that around, when the grocery store shelves are bare we are going to have to find alternatives in order to feed ourselves. Because people don’t think to keep extra food just in case, the empty grocery store shelves will devolve into food riots and cannibalism in less than a week. Our water is already poisoned so we should all be filtering it before using it. If the pumps stop pumping though, there will be no water coming from the tap. Humans can only survive about 3 days without water.

Water and food are both physical necessities for human survival. Both are being attacked. Food was first reconceived with the introduction of genetically modified organisms. The effects to human health have been less than stellar in my opinion. We have progressed to creating fake meats these days with Burger King selling carcinogenic soy-based Impossible Burgers (44 milligrams of phytogestrogen per serving) and the USDA having approved for sale chickens which have had the tumors in them removed in 2020 to last week approving growing chicken in a lab from those tumor cells. Toxic waste under the label of hydrofluorosilicic acid – a byproduct of uranium extraction and other industrial processes – is routinely dumped into our water systems. Want to have some fun? Take a gallon of this toxin and dump it out on the lawn of the mayors office, spelling out ‘this is what you put in our water for us to drink.’ You may get arrested but take a camera and raise the alarm even higher.

In other words – food and water are now fully weaponized, physically, against humanity. We need to be very inquisitive about what the food we eat actually is, what nutrition we can expect to get from consuming it, and whether or not our water is coming from a toxic-waste infused water supply and how to remove and/or avoid ingesting those toxins. Alternatives to the what we eat and where we procure our food and water from are highly recommended in order to ensure, to the highest degree possible, that our food and water is clean and will nourish us, not leave us with whatever new form of nutritional detriment and new cancer these entities are bound to produce in the population.

Emotions are also under daily attack. We are no longer informed by the news media – we are assaulted. We are told the version of the truth sponsored by whoever owns the outlet that they want us to hear. I’ll be the first to admit that I have my own biases which shine clearly through the pieces I write. So-called ‘reputable’ news sources have no such disclaimer. Thus, USA Today (which has BlackRock owning 14% of it’s shares) reported on the violence over the Independence Day weekend in democrat-run cities by subtly suggesting guns be confiscated. By not reporting on the causes of these incidents, the idea that confiscating guns is one to entertain is what the reader of this article will be led to conclude. The entire article is based on emotion and on the idea that this violence is completely random and that anyone in the nation may end up being a victim. Most of the time the criminal is involved in a gang so the real story should be if you don’t want to be a victim don’t be involved with gangs. Sometimes the individual is truly a loner who snaps over some ideological objective such as the Nashville girl who murdered Christians at a school or the freak in Uvalde, Texas who was sexually abused into gender dysphoria and the social rejection which flowed from it. Sometimes, too, the criminals are false-flag operatives who are told by authorities to go murder people in a fashion so as to achieve a political agenda – namely as a justification to disarm the law abiding. In both the ideologically and authoritative motivated attacks, a complete disregard for human life, including their own, is readily evident.

However, because we are emotionally assaulted by stories like this, factions have formed which will not negotiate with each other. I openly demand that the Second Amendment be expanded to include any military weapon or weapons platform. The David Hogg’s of the world; however, demand that armed police and/or military personnel go door to door to confiscate guns from the US population. Hogg, not a big history buff I’d reckon, doesn’t see the stupidity of his cries because once all of the ‘you can pry it out of my cold dead hands’ crowd in vanquished, those same authorities will execute him and anyone else like him because their traitorous purpose will have been fulfilled. He would do well to study the fate of the German’s in the SS or the Soviets in the NKVD….

Our emotions play a big role in our physical actions. I know that if I get angry enough I will lash out. I know there are positive ways and negative ways to lash out too. Likewise, I know that I can get sad and cry at the thought of certain memories, losses, and events which occur. When I feel sad I have a lot less motivation and less focus and it shows. The same goes for all of us. Gun ownership has been moved from a rational debate about the nature of liberty and tyranny to one of personal emotions. The same has been done to a whole slew of other topics as well. The one that gets to me is my absolute unbridled seething rage at the people responsible for convincing my father to go get that God-forsaken murder jab. The people still promoting the safety and efficacy of those gene therapies (which are not exclusive to coronavirus) evoke strong negative emotions in me.

Strong emotional responses disable rational thought. It is inflamed passions which lead to struggles, wars, and misery. Thus, placing any issue into the context of emotion eliminates resolutions based on rationality. That’s the point of USA Today’s gun-grabbing piece cited above as well as articles such as The New York Times’ promotion of the so-called Palestinian people’s grievances over their violent occupation in Israel, CNN’s continued ginning-up of hatred for Donald Trump, and the outright lies in this MSNBC ‘article’ designed to get the reader emotionally attached to the idea of arresting and murdering anyone the government deems a domestic terrorist with or without (they’d prefer without) due process while getting them to hate Jim Jordan.

I have strong emotional reactions to all of these articles because I absolutely hate the degenerates who write and publish these lies and half-truths in order to weave a narrative which will result in the death of 95% of humanity. At the same time, I do my homework and think about these things rationally based on actual facts. More than anything else – the murderers of humanity need everyone to stop doing that exact thing. They want complete emotion and no rationality. When the two are employed together there are passionate and at the same time rational arguments which challenge their death cult’s agenda. Emotions are far easier to control than facts…. Look at the transgender nonsense and the facts of that – there are men and there are women. The emotional responses about all of the other genders; however, have been created explicitly to disconnect rationality from the conversation entirely. How does one have a rational discussion with an emotionally charged retard? No one can, and that is the point.

One’s spiritual mindset will shape their intellectual endeavors. The spiritual mindset also regulates, to a large degree, the emotional responses the individual will allow to manifest itself into the physical world. Before I read the Bible on my own, for instance, I regularly ate bacon and shrimp – two of my favorite foods. Since reading the Bible while using my intellect, I came to conclusions which some have also arrived at but many do not want to entertain – we are not to eat pig nor shrimp. I committed that to part of what it means to be moral which, in my view, means how we relate to God and make ourselves clean so that we can be made holy. I know, I know – “we are not under the law” – but upon my reading, we certainly are. We can debate over it, deliberate upon it, and pray for resolution but my understanding of God is what I learned in the Bible. It’s important because, even more than intelligence, emotion, or physical needs, to me at least, is my relationship with God.

Morals are written into the Bible. Without acknowledging God, all that one has is a set of ethics which are as changing as the wind. I do have morals, or, more accurately, I intellectually know what moral’s are and do my best to tame the evils my heart desires. There is something extremely calming and pleasing about the nature of morals as opposed to ethics though – morals never change. They are the same today as they were 5,000 years ago and will be the same until the end of the universe in which we live. Ethics; however, are able to be altered because the passion which burns in men’s hearts changes on a whim. This is the biggest issue I can point at as the root of the problems in the world today from the individual’s perspective right on up to the global government’s scale.

What is truly interesting, as well as exceedingly perturbing and troubling, is that Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, is quoted, in red letters nonetheless if you are a KJV subscriber, at Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Iniquity is immoral behavior necessitating the existence of what moral behavior is. That definition is found in the first five books of the Old Testament. Christians call this the Jewish part of the Bible which no longer applies to them. Because the moral and immoral is defined in that section of the Bible, the Torah, it is disregarded yet, still this iniquity is stated by Jesus. The CJB transliterates the verse in more direct terms, and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. Again, without morals, we are left with ethics and ethics are not to be lived by, morals are.

While I contend that there are no atheists, there are plenty of people who are dishonest cowards and persist in claiming to be one. They entire worldview is based upon whatever set of ethics they choose to adopt at that minute. Why is cannibalism a natural response to grocery store’s running out of food? It’s something that Darwin explained under the ethics of ‘the fittest survive.’ The weaker will be cannibalized. First cats, dogs, zoo animals, and small game populations are decimated as they are used for nourishment, followed by more hazardous fare like mice, rats, birds, and insects – maybe even possum. If those aren’t available or run out and no food is to be found, the ‘fittest’ start using ethics to justify eating the disabled, the elderly, the recently deceased, children, and then whoever they come across. I’m having visions of The Walking Dead when almost the entire group is set to be slaughtered for food in Terminus.

The Walking Dead is fictional but how quickly could it become a reality? About a month after the grocery stores were empty, humans would serve as prey for other humans. My intellect and physical body may be screaming at me to eat something but my morality will be telling me that people are not food, ever, under any circumstances. Those without morals though won’t hesitate to try to eat me, which, thank God, means that I have a moral obligation to defend myself including using lethal force so I don’t wind up being their dinner. Yet, some ethicists have decided that cannibalism is perfectly legitimate to engage in. They do this by muddying the lines of what ethics are by elevating them to morals which is a huge problem right off the bat. And, when they do this, absolutely degenerate garbage follows every single time:

“Eating people is not in itself wrong. Mistreating them, however, is. It is important to appreciate the difference which the ‘mistr-’ makes. It is important also to recognise that the concept of ‘people’ in the context of moral dealings with conscious organisms is a harmful one; by erecting a barrier on the grounds of particular physical characteristics rather than the possession of consciousness it removes from moral consideration the vast majority of the individuals to whom moral consideration is due.”

Morals state that cannibalism is wrong 100% of the time. So, in the quote above, all references to morals are really references to ethics. The author’s point is that as long as murder is ethically justified it follows that it is ethical to eat that person. Abortion is condemned in the Bible. Murder is condemned in the Bible. Euthanasia is condemned in the Bible. Those all are morals, unchanging, and, as such, are targeted by ethical frameworks meant to sidestep the fact that all of those things are always wrong. Telling, is one of the lines from the same anti-moral, God-hating, Darwinian evolution believing ‘philosopher’ (all too common characteristics of the members of these circles) in the same piece noted above, “Fourthly, God gave man dominion over the beasts; this must be true because it says so in the Bible (which must be true because it says so in the Bible). If you find this rationale convincing, you must have an impressive collection of half-built timeshare properties.” The beasts are not man…. In order to arrive at his conclusion, Jeremy Bojczuk (the author who has now been quoted twice) food must be absent, conscious beings with souls cannot exist, an us versus them paradigm must exist (rationalizing Asians to eat blacks or New Yorker’s to eat Bostonian’s and vice versa, for instance), God cannot exist, it’s natural for humans to cannibalize one another, and there is no conscious at all. This is how ethics is used to destroy God’s Word.

Obviously those with faith in God are going to reject every single point made here, especially the main thesis presented in the article - “So eating ex-people is not in itself wrong. Eating live people, however, is, because they wouldn’t enjoy it. But there is a third and much more interesting category of behaviour to consider: raising and killing people in order to eat them.” This is what Jeffrey Epstein was doing at Zorro Ranch and why Bill and Hillary Clinton and likely Bill Gates frequented the New Mexico compound. Genetic experimentation played a part but the idea of people without rights also played a part.

To get back to the point of this article – every attack, whether on an emotional level, an intellectual level, or a spiritual level, is designed to bring about physical actions in the physical world which have been manipulated purposefully in order to control behavior. There has been a lot of discussion about the extent of the coronavirus’s response pertaining to the aspect of mass psychosis. The most wretched consequence of the entire coronavirus debacle is the psychological destabilization of huge swaths of people around the globe. What did they want us to do even more than take that murderous vaccine? They wanted, and still want, us to test ourselves constantly. I have heard several discussions and read several articles about the potential sale of the DNA generated by these tests and have grave concerns about who owns it and what they are doing with it.

But, perhaps, these test collection facilities are looking for other things as well. Perhaps they are looking for electrochemical and or electromagnetic commonalities or patterns within the biological data they receive(d). More tests would correlate to more compliance with authority, and more trust and belief in experts. Having nearly a billion tests conducted in the United States means that, on average, almost everyone in the US took it three times. Plenty of people never took it though, meaning that there are individuals out there who have likely taken dozens of tests. What are the electrochemical and electromagnetic frequencies of those who took a Covid-19 test ten or more times and are there similarities? If so, is there a way to replicate that throughout society through medication, food, water, or maybe even a 5G signal or a combination of any or all of those methods? Who would do something like this? Anyone at the WHO, foreign intelligence agencies (including our own domestic agencies), and monstrously dishonest retards who expect the public to bow down and worship their every decree like The Atlantic’s Benjamin Mazer.

I don’t advise that anyone do this; however, people often become emotionally attached to certain items they possess. The thought of losing these items in particular would not only represent a physical loss but also cause emotional responses. A personal vehicle is often the item that best represents the idea. If it happens to you, I hope you are physically okay, and that you are able to find an affordable and suitable replacement quickly. But think for a second about this – what will happen when all personal vehicles are made into rented vehicles?

You can rent a car ride, take the bus, or walk to whatever destination you need to go to but you will not be permitted to open the garage door, start up the gasoline engine, and drive to any destination at your leisure. Does that make you angry? Would it make you more angry if, in the course of enacting such a policy, the car you own with the gasoline engine was confiscated by the government? If so, good – I want you to get angry at the idea. Being angry at the idea will prompt a preemptive response against the movement towards the removal of personal vehicles for the vast majority of us. The intent of the people with such ideas who also widely publice them is to make you feel powerless, weak, and impotent in the face of this if they cannot convert you into a believer in their nonsense.

One of the architects of stuffing this type of thing down our throats is Steve Tengler, a Vice President of Envorso. Envorso is determined to make everything smart, especially our cars. Once hooked up to the Internet of Things (which is why things are called ‘smart’), automobiles will be surveilled in real time by artificial intelligence. Speed, direction, coordinates, and the identity of passengers will all by monitored. Tengler must have been ecstatic when he spoke with Daimler Truck North America’s General Manager, Joanna Cooper about the company’s use of AI and expanding that use to areas other than product development. The conversation was published in a Chinese propaganda outlet called Forbes which also must have pleased Tengler as well. It seems he has forgotten that personal mobility is an inherent, God-given right – not an action controlled by AI and available only to those who abide by directives such as CBDC adoption and vaccine mandates.

Part of the article reads, “Obviously Daimler Truck is still heavily invested in using technology as part of product development (e.g., Torc Robotics is Daimler Truck’s wholly-owned subsidiary developing autonomous trucks, and their joint venture for zero-emission charging stations, Greenlane™, will assuredly use AI), but Cooper emphatically suggests AI will have widely used potential outside of system design.” Torc literally exists to exterminate the entire trucking job market. Are you a truck driver? Torc wants to make you unemployed. Daimler has recently been approved by the State of California to have semi-autonomous (level 3) vehicles on the road. The next step is level four as in drivers no longer needed to apply. Those drivers in the class threes will only be there so that the AI can learn without killing too many others. What is Greenlane other than a major goal of the Nazi’s at the top of the global government (the World Economic Forum)? Yahoo explains, “Daimler Truck North America, LLC (DTNA), NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and BlackRock Alternatives, through a fund managed by its Climate Infrastructure business (BlackRock), today announced Greenlane™, the name of their joint venture to design, develop, install and operate a U.S. nationwide, high-performance zero-emission public charging and hydrogen fueling network for medium- and heavy-duty battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. They also unveiled renderings of the site layout as a major milestone in the development of the project.”

But, even more troubling about Tengler’s article is what he left out. The idea that AI is put into cars at all and the way that product cycles in the circular economy are seen demands that anything we have will be rented. This especially includes cars. And it is dedicated to saving humans from having too much to eat by eliminating a key gas in our atmosphere – carbon dioxide. (Water vapor and nitrogen, also essential components in the atmosphere which lend themselves to sustaining life on this planet are also being targeted for elimination). According to the WEF, “Circular Economy measures, including vehicle sharing, smart charging, refurbishing, repurposing, and recycling, are effective measures to lower lifecycle environmental footprints and costs.” [italics mine] You will rent cars to save the climate from the parasitic man is the narrative here.

Tengler intentionally lies to his readers when he failed to mention what the Daimler GM actually stated when she is quoted, ““AI and digital tools will enable us to control and act on nuances in the end-to-end supply chain,”” Pretty much all of us understand what a supply chain is as Tengler wants us to continue thinking it is – get the parts all in one place, put the thing together, and send it to where a customer can buy it. Tengler actually quotes Joanna Cooper more so that she, too, participates in this lie by omission, “She notes that the myriad of constraints in engineering, shipping, manufacturing, etc. across a vast network of suppliers and sub-suppliers is an incredibly complex and moving picture. “We will be able to stabilize plant operations such that only the trucks that can actually be produced are scheduled, and everything else remains in a holding pattern until these criteria are met.””

Both of them want all of us to think that these trucks which will soon be operating without drivers on our roads will only have a supply chain that exists until it is purchased by a customer. Those buyers will not be permitted to buy the software in the vehicles nor the AI. Instead, they will have to rent the units, likely in the form of a lease. Thus, ownership will never transfer to another entity. The AI not only necessitates rental agreements instead of transferring the ownership of vehicles, it also extends the supply chain all the way through to “reverse logistics – product return, reuse, or repair” The circular economy, thus, is by definition an economy based on renting goods and services making it a 100% guaranteed mission impossible for anyone who doesn’t already own goods or the services needed to operate those goods to move up the socioeconomic latter. It is the return of feudalism but this time a global version where no outside influence will ever shake it.

You may notice it when your car is confiscated. You may even notice it now as our gas stoves are being banned. But let this article stand as another warning that these events are occurring now and will only keep coming. The ultimate goal is not necessarily your car – it’s to break you intellectually, to destroy your faith in God because of the events occurring on this evil infested planet, and to force you to lack physically. The intention is to get all of us into a purely emotional state so that we can be manipulated as easily as possible. When we are led purely by the passions of our hearts we will be offered the things our hearts want – sex, food, a sense, albeit false, of security.

And when we are all forced to bow under this neo-fuedal global government, or to flee from it and fend for ourselves hoping that we aren’t murdered immediately for doing so, we will be offered a time to live as we once did. In houses with food and personal vehicles. We will have some choice in our daily lives like PlayStation or XBox, Hulu or Netflix, or whether to drink liquor, beer, or shoot up heroin delivered by hookers or dropped off by an Amazon drone. A timer will be set from the moment one makes this agreement though – when the alarm goes off the euthanasia commences.

They are not really after cars, food, houses, or water. These entities are after our lives. They want to mentally debilitate our children. They want to murder those of us standing in between children and their intentions for them. They don’t want to murder us directly they want to destroy every aspect of what a human is to get us to willingly kill ourselves. Proponents of such ideas abound and efforts are being made around the world to legalize medically assisted suicide for mental disorders. Eight nations have legalized euthanasia and 9 US states have legislated euthanasia’s sister, medical aid in dying. The AMA only denounces the practices because it is currently illegal at the federal level. Once the laws change, so will the ethics of the AMA. For now, the AMA will settle for exterminating the human race by promoting their mRNA death jab.

What they are ultimately seeking is to remove God from our purview in order to get all of us to worship them. If our species has any chance of survival it will take a mass return to the God of the Bible and the laws he laid down. Those laws which do not change. Biblical morality is how I describe it. Living by Biblical morality destroys the weak, man-made, ever changing ethics this world operates by. Biblical morality also makes us acceptable to God – holy – while even the best ethical standards will eventually be altered to fit the ways of a world demanding increasing demonic infestation also known as distance from Torah or the term iniquity. Your under attack – make no doubt about that – it’s just easier to notice the physical ones resulting in less food, more polluted water, smaller living spaces, no cars, and the violence which will explode because of those developments. Don;t fall into the trap. Prepare for the physical assault by stocking up and prepare for the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual by making sure you are walking with God, in His grace, and under His protection.

Bless God and God bless.


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