Accounts of Backlash Against Righteousness

Accounts of Backlash Against Righteousness

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/14/2023

Child sex trafficking is, indeed, a huge problem. There is a movie about it in theaters which is doing extraordinarily well. It is also enraging people, bringing them to tears, and alerting the general public to the huge problem of child sex trafficking. And, what is telling, is that it is being demonized by a completely reprobate army of child abusers. I haven’t seen The Sound of Freedom yet (I plan on going tomorrow) but, I have read more than a few reviews and, honestly, many of them are demonically inspired. Not only are the reviews of the movie inspired by evil, the attitudes of legislatures and policing agencies reflect the low priority status these crimes receive. The Sound of Freedom hopes to awaken the populace of the United States, and the world at large, to the evil existence of child-sex trafficking and demand legal and legislative actions be taken to fight it head-on instead of trying to pretend it doesn’t exist and sweeping the issue under the rug when it does present itself. Those who would rather not combat the issue; however, have a different idea.

USA Today published an article yesterday about the film. Marco della Cava didn’t have much in the ways of pleasantries to ascribe to the movie. His article is summed up in the fourth paragraph, “Fans say the movie speaks to an audience underserved by Hollywood; critics contend it's a recruiting tool for the far right.” He straight out lied in the sentence prior to the thesis, “The film is generating buzz among conservatives and liberals not so much for its content − both ideologies agree child sex trafficking is the height of immorality − but for comments made by its star.” If there are liberals out there outraged at this, I haven’t seen nor heard from them. The rest of Cava’s article relates that the film is based on the true stories of former DHS agent Tim Ballard, links the founder of Operation Underground Railroad (if you have money to donate, consider this organization), again Tim Ballard, to Donald Trump, who funded the film, where it’s streaming (it’s not according to the article), highlights the critics of the film, and then tries to link Jim Caviezel (the movies lead) to Qanon. Cava’s article wraps up with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (a terrorist organization) definition of what Qanon is.

It’s one thing to comment on the qualities of the film while leaving the content out. The Sound of Freedom is all about it’s content, thus Nick Allen’s issues with the film being more about the message than about making a movie is unqualified and may be masking his own sinister inclinations. Those sinister predilections include Miles Klee of the Rolling Stones in an article titled “‘Sound Of Freedom’ Is a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms” and Charles Bramesco of The Guardian in an article titled “Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America” with an opening paragraph reading:

“Type the words “sound of freedom” into Twitter (decent people who wish to live good, happy lives should under no circumstances actually do this) and the search will yield dozens of triumphant reports crowing about the improbable victory of a film by that title over the likes of Indiana Jones at the box office this week.”

Klee and Bramesco should immediately be investigated for child trafficking. Hidden rooms in dank basements, torture implements, and cell-phone geo-location data should be obtained to determine if, and to what extent, these two participate in exactly what the horrors of this film portray. While they are at it, the same should be done with Cava. They should be added to a list which includes Cristopher Wray (FBI), Alejandro Mayorkas (Secretary of DHS), Joe Biden (‘US President’), Patrick J. Lechleitner (Deputy Director at ICE), and Troy A Miller (Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection) which has a webpage dedicated to human trafficking. The conclusion of the webpage reads:

“Human trafficking is a heinous international crime, and as the State Department notes in its most recent report on the subject, it is unfortunately flourishing due to current global financial issues. With global demand for labor decreasing, impoverished workers find themselves taking greater risks than before in order to survive. The result: "a recipe for greater forced labor of migrant workers and commercial sexual exploitation of women in prostitution."”

The only instance where children are mentioned on that webpage is that 25% of trafficked people are children. This places the organization in an odd situation because they objectively obscure the fact that women (which implies adult) are not the only victims forced into prostitution. Many of the trafficked children (boys and girls) are forced into similar situations with far worse outcomes and some men are also forced into prostitution. Likewise, they put themselves into a tricky situation because the reason for these ‘migrations’ are wholly attributed to economic concerns while in reality, promises of welfare, the wide open southern border, and cartels and their influence on domestic US policy related to the invasion at the border are actually driving these people here. The full outline of the plan is over two decades old and is titled Replacement Migration. Thus, it would seem all of those in positions responsible for ebbing the availability of child-sex trafficking victims are doing everything in their power to exacerbate, not ameliorate, the problem.

Twitter user and proud pro-pedophile social media platform Mastadon user, Jim Stewartson, anti-disinfo activist has written many Twitter posts in the last few days about Sound of Freedom. One in particular, written about 3 hours ago, is a dissertation with a lot of disinformation included in it. It starts, “Here is the CEO of AMC Theatres, proudly announcing his support of the dangerous QAnon propaganda video “Sound of Freedom” which is being used to recruit people into a death cult.” Rescuing sex-trafficked children is equated to recruiting people into a death cult according to this knuckle-dragging baboon with 78,000 followers. Jim, aka on the child-predator platform Mastodon, wants to take speech away and in this post, demands that the movie itself be pulled out of theaters because, to him, it is a “dangerous psychological weapon.” Call me crazy, but to me, those using such language to describe what is basically a dramatized documentary about sex-trafficking children and how to stop it have some skeletons in the closet – likely a lot of them and possibly quite literally.

Little lying Jimmy Stewartson surely laughed right along with California legislator and fellow psychopath, Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr when he mocked sexual abuse victims. These victims appeared at the California Committee of Public Safety, chaired by this demoniac Sawyer, with hopes of seeing California recognize that child traffickers need to be given harsher sentences. Every Democrat on the committee refused to bother to even vote. The legislation failed to move out of committee with a vote of of 2-0.

As it stands, the bill was since passed out of the committee after the Governor and Assembly Speaker noticed the backlash they were getting due to the overt callousness of their own party in regards to punishing repeat child-sex trafficking criminals. As reported in the same Independent article sited above, “The issue exposed a rift among Democrats over the best way to punish and prevent crime, with some supporting increased penalties while others favor more treatment options and alternative sentences.” The only rift that should exist should be the one about whether to give these people life sentences without parole or to execute them for the first offense. The initial vote on SB14 shows exactly where the democrat party stands – holding hands with filth and scum in a coalition against decent humanity.

Because of the backlash, and only because of the backlash, this bill was taken out of the hands of Sawyer. There are two reasons for this. California was about to have some issues it did not really want to contend with like increased pressure for 60% of the state to leave California and be part of another state, massive boycotts, and even more righteous anger directed at the state is the first reason. The other reason is to make demoniac Gavin Newsome and the demoniacs in the California democrat party look better because they came and saved the day by resurrecting this bill.

On top of all this, the actors in Hollywood, the same Hollywood bashing The Sound of Freedom because they, apparently, support child-sex trafficking operations, went on strike. They joined the writer’s guild in Hollywood who have been on strike since April. ‘Woke’ Hollywood celebrities and their union, SAG, think that everyone else should feel sorry for them because of their ‘low’ pay, poor union-provided health insurance, more money from streaming revenues, changes to the auditioning process, and concerns about artificial intelligence. They sell us pedophilia, Satanism, occultism, death, violence, transgenderism, the LGBTQIA+ agenda, and, in general, anti-God, anti-human, and race war inflaming entertainment. These actors are making, on average, about $50,000 a year. The big name actors make tens of millions per movie. They make their money peddling garbage to us. Let them stay on strike forever – Hollywood needs us far more than we need Hollywood and no one needs a Hollywood pushing constant streams of degeneracy down our throats. Non-Hollywood productions which become popular must really make the members of Hollywood unions burn with envy.

Slate isn’t dedicated to Hollywood coverage; however, they also published a piece yesterday attacking the film. BBC, The New York Times, Jezebel, and Washington Post all try to cast the depictions in the film as a right wing conspiracy. Variety is dedicated to Hollywood affairs; however, and in Owen Gleiberman’s idiotic mind he probably thought he was being cute when he wrote:

“The movie has a Christian undercurrent that occasionally becomes an overcurrent, as when Ballard explains why he’s fixated on the crime of trafficking: “Because God’s children are not for sale.” “Sound of Freedom” has been heavily marketed on right-wing media, like Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, and — one of the grand subtexts of all of this — in taking on the issue of the horrific criminals who kidnap and traffic children, the film could be seen as adjacent to the alt-right paranoia that was originally stoked by 4Chan and QAnon: the wing-nut conspiracy theory about a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor being a front for a pedophile ring, extending into the larger conspiracy theory that says that the whole culture of liberalism is a racket to protect and cover up a cabal of pedophiles.

“All of that, let’s be clear, is insane nonsense. Yet let’s assume that, like me, you’re not a right-wing fundamentalist conspiracy theorist looking for a dark, faith-based suspense film to see over the holiday weekend. (The movie opens July 4.) Even then, you needn’t hold extreme beliefs to experience “Sound of Freedom” as a compelling movie that shines an authentic light on one of the crucial criminal horrors of our time, one that Hollywood has mostly shied away from. The film was completed in 2018 and then shelved by Disney (after it acquired 20th Century Fox, the film’s original studio). It was finally bought back and is now being distributed independently.”

What is clear is that, the news outlets are propaganda and serve their corporate and governmental paymasters no matter what. Whether it is gun confiscation being called ‘common sense’ gun regulations, baby murder being called abortion and promoted as women’s rights, the trans and gay agenda being called trans and gay rights, or the kabosh they have placed on discussions about adrenochrome (aka ambrosia) and the hostile reactions to it’s ‘procurement process’, the media outlets are back the corporate interests who pay them. That is what the media backlash is all about.

There are many resources that can be found about adrenochrome. It is produced in human bodies when adrenaline is oxidized. The easiest way to manufacture the substance is to torture someone and then kill them while their bodies are flooded with adrenaline. Many victims of child-trafficking are not only used for the sexual gratification of perverts in positions of power, blackmail, and money, they are used to harvest this substance. The movie does not detail that many of these children disappear are raped hundreds or thousands of times, tortured, murdered, and their blood harvested. This is an ancient practice which the elites have continued to engage in throughout the centuries. Perhaps the most historically famous of those practicing this version of child-sacrifice was Elizabeth Bathory who appears to have been immortalized in Disney’s Snow White as the basis for the evil witch.

Sound of Freedom’s Jim Kaviezel, the lead actor, has made mention of adrenochrome in interviews. He has also had to state plainly that he has no intention of committing suicide. He almost seems to be expecting attempts on his life for having acted in this film. In an interview with General Mike Flynn, Kaveizel stated, ““I just saw this from Wall Street Silver and it’s got 4.7 million views. So let’s just start there. It says, ‘His days are numbered,’ referencing me.  ‘They will make it look like an accident. He is likely correct, the CIA does this and it is used for blackmailing their assets in high places to keep them in line.'””

And with fullness of heart, Kaviezel responded that God’s purpose for him was to go to Hollywood and to not be afraid. In other words, Kaviezel gets it. He trusts God and he follows God orders for him. He continued, ““So, like David, I love my God…I love Him so much I will give my life for Him …do you understand that? My life is ok, especially if it saves these little ones.”” He’s 100% correct. He understands the stakes and is willing to help fix this problem by shedding light on it.

It is the fear of God which should be driving the changes in this world. Those changes should result in a turning back to God. Instead we have this massive complex network of blood drinking devil worshipers running cover for their child sex trafficking operations. This is the underpinning of the power the monsters of the world hold over one another. It’s a giant interlocking network of blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein knew he would never face a trial because he had too many people blackmailed himself, so they killed him. This is the way the Clinton murder’s operate as well – no one will prosecute the rotten scum because Bill and Hillary hold too many video tapes of people doing horrendous things. Those tapes also include Bill and Hillary as the stars and are held by others who will expose them should the Clinton’s step out of line.

It’s all distance from Torah. One story in the Torah sticks out – the story of Balaam. He was a wicked prophet; however, he was used by God to bless Israel when the king of Moab attempted to get God to curse them. This enraged the king who hired Balaam to curse them. The king sent Balaam away without paying him. To get his payment, Balaam convinced the Israelites to turn away from God and to worship the idols of Moab and to intermingle with their women. God’s fury blazed. This lesson is in Numbers 22-25. In Numbers 31, the Israelite's routed the Midianites, the people from which Balaam hailed. These trafficked children will be avenged and will be set free. Those evil articles denouncing the Sound of Freedom, penned by reprobates, are only serving God by displaying how revolting their minds are and how hardened and blackened their hearts are. Good always triumphs over evil. God wins, even when the odds look overwhelming.

Bless God and God bless.


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