Matthew 24:3-12
Passing off the entire Bible as complete allegory, simile, and metaphor is something I cannot do. I take almost all of it completely literally. There are obvious instances in the Bible where literary devices are used; however, by and large I read the book literally. By that literal reading, there are some things which I believe are about to come to pass unless we have a massive, worldwide, return to God.
The World’s Current Trinity
There are three huge news stories right now and all of them are meant to deny and destroy belief in God. There is the story about the ten feet tall aliens running around people’s backyards and UFO disclosures. Donald Trump’s newest indictment represents the further destruction of the laws of the United States and their basis. Pride celebrations seem to be occurring everywhere demanding everyone in every community come out to celebrate sexual practices condemned by the Bible including homosexuality and pedophilia. The trinity of this world is meant to get humanity as a whole to trust in demons, reject righteousness, and celebrate depopulation.
When Milquetoast is Preferable to the Current Thing
The republican party had no appeal until it was shaken up by Donald Trump and his vision and plan to make America great again. He tried and, until Covid-19 was released by his detractors, he succeeded. Since Trump, the flashiest thing is the members of the freedom caucus in the House. Besides them, the Paul family has the best ideas, radical ideas in some people’s views, and for that I have much respect for them but the way they sell themselves is a reflection of the republican party in general, they are boring. They are, dare I say, milquetoast.
A Look At One Person’s Quest to Destroy America
It’s often the people behind the scenes, reluctant to reveal themselves who are actually perpetrating the most damning sentences upon humanity through public advocacy. They figure the retribution they so badly deserve will never find them. Maybe they think they are too smart to get caught up in the extermination policies they demand the rest of us be forced to participate in. Bill Novelli seems to check all of the boxes – he’s smart, smug, and seeks to cripple the entire human race.
Drawing Up Human Enslavement (Covid-19 to Eco-terrorism)
If I were going to attempt to control everyone on the world I would get a bunch of people together and promise them that if they would just do as I was asking, I would let them share that power with me. Whether or not I ever had the intention to share any power with them would be immaterial as long as they believed they would get the power I promised would suffice. To retain that power I would use cunning and brutality in measures to pacify the more ambitious among those following my plan. For everyone else, I would scare the crap out of them over and over again in order to convince them that the plan developed would save them from whatever malady was afflicting them. The key would be to make the malady one designed by those sharing in the plan, shape all of the narratives about the issues, and then control the behavior of the rest the people in the world with carrots and sticks.
Unite! With Who and Why?
Conservatives in fiscal policy only? Liberal economists? Globally-aligned institutions? Drug dealers of any type licit and illicit? Environmental activists? Jesus-denying and God-hating Christians and Jews? Moslems? LGBTQ/Antifa/BLM terrorists? Child abusers? The ‘I only watch sports’ crowd which pretends to know whats going on but in reality have no idea? Those who are proud of not knowing what is going on? Who of these people are going to be swayed by the truth? Who is worth the time and effort to reach out to when their ideas all lead the same way? Unite, compromise, come together are all buzz words with the intent of unity….
Use It Before You Lose It
Most of us have been introduced to a federal bill called the RESTRICT Act, Senate Bill 686. As a refresher, that is the federal bill that will put US citizens in prison for up to 20 years for speech the government doesn’t like. All The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation is waiting for is a distraction sufficient enough to distract us to push S 686 back into the Senate where it will be passed with bipartisan support. It will likely be passed in the House with bipartisan support as well. The demonic entity who has decided to compete in geriatric gymnastics while on live, televised, events would sign it into law before a single piece of dust attached itself to the publication to be signed.
The US Deserves a Week Off With Pay to Watch the Nuremberg 2.0 Trials
We do deserve that week off, but we need to get these trials moving much more quickly. And, more accurately, we need to get the cases in front of a court. I wouldn’t usually advocate for a global court proceeding and I am definitely not arguing for the International Criminal Court to be used at all. It is; however, absolutely necessary and prudent, should we wish for a single human being to survive, that justice be brought against those who perpetrated everything official about COVID-19. The entire thing constitutes crimes against humanity and, unless we root out the evil entities who perpetrated it – all of them, all at once – they are going to perpetrate even worse crimes against humanity. We, the world, needs to convene a tribunal to judge the guilt of those who have murdered millions.
There are No Aliens – Only Demonic Entities
The month of June is a month of deception. For millennia deities have been worshiped in many cultures in the month of June. All of the deities of June are occult representations of what is called transgenderism, homosexuality, other sexual immoralities, and abortion today. Especially curious is that same sex marriages, an obvious perversion to Biblical morals, was permitted by edict in June 2015, the first ‘pride’ month was in June 1970, flag burning was legalized in June 1989, and school prayer was again rendered the only form of speech which is not protected in June 2000. Jonathan Cahn knows far more about this and wrote a book about it. The point is that there is great delusion coming over the world.
Islam in Kosovo and the Alphabet Mafia Are One and the Same.
When I was a kid my sister perfected the victim hood stance. She would demand something from me. I would refuse. Then she would escalate while still demanding that thing. I would continue to refuse. The confrontation would end when one of two things happened. Either I would be forced to physically defend myself and then get all of the blame or my parents would intercede and I would get all of the blame. I learned that physically defending myself was not the best option because I would get physically punished for that. Early intervention just meant I had to go to my room. My sister eventually grew apart from these tactics as she neared adulthood. Unlike my sister, many entities upon the earth use exactly this tactic and the outcomes are catastrophic for stability, righteousness, and upholding the laws of God.