Unite! With Who and Why?

Unite! With Who and Why?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/5/2023

Conservatives in fiscal policy only? Liberal economists? Globally-aligned institutions? Drug dealers of any type licit and illicit? Environmental activists? Jesus-denying and God-hating Christians and Jews? Moslems? LGBTQ/Antifa/BLM terrorists? Child abusers? The ‘I only watch sports’ crowd which pretends to know whats going on but in reality have no idea? Those who are proud of not knowing what is going on? Who of these people are going to be swayed by the truth? Who is worth the time and effort to reach out to when their ideas all lead the same way? Unite, compromise, come together are all buzz words with the intent of unity….

Why would I unite with anyone demanding that two and three year old children have some right to get their balls ripped off or their uterus pulled out? Why would I decide to play nice with a bunch of Satan-worshiping lesbians, homosexuals and all of their gender dysphoric names for themselves as well as for the rest of us? Should I bow down to the ideas posited by anti-American elements sponsored by social media platforms demanding that we socialize every aspect of our lives? Should I re-align my worldview to better conform with globalism and the one-world government, religion, currency, and the technologies to facilitate that globalism which seeks to be brought about through force?

Maybe it is time I just forget about all of the people who need to hear these arguments because they aren’t going to change their minds. They have been given over to the delusion. But, I’m not going to re-align my positions to facilitate their feelings. It’s all about the above mentioned people being made to feel good about themselves. It’s all about inclusion until one disagrees with them at a fundamental level. All it takes is disagreeing with one of these entities. That one entity will have troglodytes waiting in the shadows to silence, slander, shout down, deplatform, and, if in person, assault, commit arson against, and murder anyone who tries to approach them from a different view point. I vow eternal hostility to these entities and will resist these these ideas until there is no more breath left in my lungs.

I am writing this piece because I am absolutely sick and tired of somewhere over 80% of the people on this entire planet. I have a TikTok account. About one out of every three posts that pop up on my feed features a Nazi arguing about the magnificence of Marx, a pedophile flag with some complaint against the rest of humanity, or some psychopath demanding that God isn’t real but we should try to prove it them that He is real. All of these types have gotten me and many others banned and deplatformed and their tactics share some common characteristics.

The first step they take is to make sure thirty of forty retards who agree with them jump down my throat with comments. The idiot who posted the trash in the first place will take the ‘offensive’ comment and make a response video out of it. As soon as the video is produced, they report the comment in an effort to deplatform whoever they disagreed with. With the comment gone, it is impossible to defend one’s positions….

I usually skip those pages. Yesterday; however, I happened by one such post which I didn’t skip over. The background is the pedo-rainbow flag with the words, “may you never know the fear of having your human rights challenged every time there is an election. And may you never know the pain of watching loved ones vote against your right to exist fully, equally, and authentically.” The offending reply this ‘heathen’ – that is the name on this reprobate’s account – reported me for was “You don’t have that right. You gave all of that up when you decided to be nonreproductive.”

The response I got was “You’re a bigot” and then I received over 50 more comments, all similar, and a strike on my account. I would have been more than willing to offer them my reasoning but the reaction was not conductive towards that conversation. I’m not allowed to suggest what I would really like people like that to do, so I merely stated that calling anyone who disagrees a bigot is not productive towards advancing their agenda. That resulted in being called a bigot for the second time…. Am I supposed to unite with trash like this? Well, even if the answer is yes, I still refuse.

I couldn’t defend my point to this thing so I will defend it here. First, I have already written that human rights are nothing but a set of man-made ethics flying under the banner of rights. The most conclusive set of these ethics is the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights where the first four of the thirty listed seem to be derived from the Bible. They aren’t the United Nations notes that they are derived from Cyrus who, while he appears in the Bible, is removed from the connection. The UN will bend over backwards to avoid affirming or even acknowledging the existence of God. They invoke Cyrus though because Cyrus granted the Jews rights, allowed them to return to Israel, and allowed them to rebuild their Temple. On top of that, the United Nations listed these rights in positive form – meaning they grant the rights. If you skip down to Article 29 of the document it will become apparent that none of those rights exist if the UN sees the right as an impediment to their agenda. These aren’t rights, they are ethics falsely elevated to the status of rights which the UN has saw fit to grant us and retains the ability to withdraw at any time and for any reason.

Likewise, there is no right exist fully, equally, and authentically anywhere on earth. There is no right that states I have to have any respect for anyone else’s lifestyle whatsoever. Ethics may state otherwise; however, actual rights do not exist forcing me to accept ‘heathen’ or any of it’s freak friend’s lifestyles. It doesn’t mean I will do them harm, but I am not going to go out of my way to cause them to benefit in their reprobate mindset’s and lifestyles. That’s what is really intolerable to them. I am just fine with having huge percentages of the population of earth disagree with me, hate me even. I am the opposite of the hive mind and so are you, reader. These people demand that everyone fall into the hive mind they share and woe to those who don’t.

And, because this hive mind refuses any of it’s members to do their own thing, dangerous precedents have been set in culture and, in some instance, codified into laws. How did Hitler come to power? One of the most essential things Hitler did to build the Third Reich was to rally people around a common cause. That linchpin was the nation of Germany, particularly an overemphasis on the love of that nation combined with the idea of collectivism with a backdrop of Satanism, occultism, and scientific fallacies which have long been debunked yet persist to this day.

The linchpin of this psychotic contingent is the hatred of God, the rejection of Him being in their lives, and a blind devotion to globalism. TikTok has a lot of creators, who are in the hive mind without realizing it. They do know they hate God but cannot realize they have merely replaced God with any number of other deities – Marxism, Leninism, fascism, occultism, Satanism, pedophilia, race-war, extreme sexual perversion, Darwinian evolution, and eugenics to name a few. With the exception of the TikTok Leninists, an ideology which just as effectively murders people, these people are doing exactly what the Nazi’s did in Germany to create their hive mind. Don’t forget that a huge proportion of the SS was originally composed of homosexuals who were exterminated as soon as their purpose was fulfilled…. These TikTok entities are fascists who are trying to murder the innocence of children, raising their own children to be even more degenerate and useless than they are, and trying to bring about the silence, removal of children from, imprisonment, and death of any parent who gets in their way.

Ghandi is credited with having stated, “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win.” A lot of the time this is they way that movements solidify and become reality. Maybe the freak mob cobbled from Marxists, the alphabet mafia, actual racists, globalists, and eco-terrorists were trying to do this. Disgustingly, we appeased and acquiesced to many of their demands. The new wave of their demands isn’t being ignored though. We aren’t laughing at them. We are telling them to crawl back under their rock and then they attack us. If we present facts, they attack us personally. If we suggest we disagree or that they think their position through they attack us personally and, at times physically. If we defend ourselves when they get violent they denounce us as being violent.

Maybe we should all be looking in the Bible to see how these reprobates should be dealt with. First, Amos 3:3 reads, Do two people travel together without having so agreed? Thus, where are these things which have taken residence upon the earth traveling to? Is that where you would like to go? I don’t want to walk straight into Hell, personally.

Next, is the story of Caleb (Numbers 13 – 14) who wanted to follow God’s commands after seeing the land God promised to the Israelites despite the fierce inhabitants who desecrated it. Caleb told them to go up, Moses and Aaron told them to go up. The people refused and wished to return to Egypt. The only one of them who possessed the promised land of any of those people who disobeyed God Caleb. The moral of that story is do not be a coward in the face of God’s directions.

And I will finish off this Bible lesson with Matthew 10:28-33: 28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are powerless to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Gei-Hinnom. 29 Aren’t sparrows sold for next to nothing, two for an assarion? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s consent. 30 As for you, every hair on your head has been counted. 31 So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.

32 “Whoever acknowledges me in the presence of others I will also acknowledge in the presence of my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before others I will disown before my Father in heaven.

Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah sent by His Father who lived on this earth perfectly by Torah, encouraged us to do as He did, was sacrificed so that we may have our sins forgiven and obtain salvation, conquered Hell itself, sits at the right hand of His Father, and awaits the day He is ordered to return as fervently as we are hopeful to be reunited directly with Him, His Father, and all of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is what the people on TikTok need to hear. This is what the people on earth need to hear. Will they listen? I don’t think most of them will. Will they change their ways and repent? I don’t think they will. Even though I don’t think they will, God already knows if they will or not, so it is up to us to spread the message to the one’s who will have ears to hear and eyes to see. This is precisely the speech those who have already been given over to their delusions cannot stand to hear. Their purpose is to serve as gatekeepers to prevent the message from getting through to those behind enemy lines. I’m never going to unite with them to follow them into Hell, but I feel the need to advise them that they can still be saved if they can break away from the hive mind they have engaged with.

I’ll unite with anyone who feels the same way and teaches sound Biblical doctrine. Not what we wish was in there, what IS in there – unmolested, plainly interpreted, and all in order to give glory to God, to exalt Jesus and His teachings, life, and way, and to converse with the Holy Spirit.

Bless God and God bless.


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