A Look At One Person’s Quest to Destroy America

A Look At One Person’s Quest to Destroy America

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/8/2023

It’s often the people behind the scenes, reluctant to reveal themselves who are actually perpetrating the most damning sentences upon humanity through public advocacy. They figure the retribution they so badly deserve will never find them. Maybe they think they are too smart to get caught up in the extermination policies they demand the rest of us be forced to participate in. Bill Novelli seems to check all of the boxes – he’s smart, smug, and seeks to cripple the entire human race.

He started his anti-human career at Unilever. He was involved with the advertising and marketing of Peace Corps, and served as the CEO of AARP. He also either founded or served as the president of (or both) the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, EVP of CARE, the international relief and development NGO and co-founder/president of Porter Novelli, the global PR agency. “He serves on the boards of: the American Cancer Society; the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care; the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Action Network; the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids; Capital Caring Health and Strategic Partnerships.”

Unilever, a London-based company, did some weird things during World War II. They kind of let the company go so that each nations units could continue to make money, necessitating no actual corporate policy. Thus, the divisions in Germany and Japan decided to facilitate Hitler’s and Hideki’s fascist societies. Unilever participated in the use of slave labor, torture, and in creating products for use in the Nazi war efforts while being honored by Hitler’s regime. This is probably why Novelli was attracted to the company in the first place.

The Peace Corps has always been about pushing whatever the newest dehumanizing progressive agenda in the US is upon the unsuspecting citizens on foreign nations. We are now extorted to make sure the Peace Corps is racially diverse and operates under stakeholder capitalism which is unadulterated fascism. The nearly half a billion dollars wasted annually by the Peace Corps to spread diversity, equity, and inclusion around the world would be better put towards almost anything, particularly lowering taxes by not forcing workers to pay for it.

While he was at AARP he threw an eight year fit demanding Medicare expansion, completely socialized healthcare, generational theft schemes on top of the ones already in operation, and that Social Security never be changed no matter what. The ponzi scheme must continue according to this hard-core Marxist. He was also instrumental in assisting California in bankrupting itself.

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids has spearheaded multiple campaigns which have needlessly caused cigarette prices to rise. By using children as their modus operandi and relying on global dictates from places like the World Health Organization, the Campaign has served the interests of global government and really hasn’t done anything to divert children from smoking. Smoking tobacco is not necessarily a healthy thing, but, then again neither are the food additives, pesticides, prescription drugs, bromide, aluminum, or graphene that we ingest daily because of entities just like Novelli. It’s all about control with these freaks. Novelli is currently chair of the board.

CARE is all about social justice. It should not surprise anyone that one of their core missions is to facilitate the achievement of the United Nation’s deadly Sustainable Development Goals. As a note about the delusion which this global NGO is under, it claims to support gender equality while at the same time making the claim that men can be women and vice-versa. No doubt Novelli sees no issues with this Orwellian definition and promotion of what gender means and does everything he can to make sure that gender is completely untethered from biology. It was during Novelli’s time at CARE that they began to focus on destroying families and societies through the ideology of whatever wave of feminism is in vogue.

Porter Novelli is an international PR firm which is completely invested in forcing the DEI agenda down humanity’s throat. The website reads, “Founded 50 years ago by Jack Porter and Bill Novelli, Porter Novelli is widely considered to be the founder of social marketing. Trailblazers of their time, both Jack and Bill believed that organizations could, and should, be driven by their values, not just by creating value; something intrinsic to how we do business better today.” This is one of the businesses which is demanding that fags be celebrated for their sexual preferences, parents sexually abusing their children by involving them with pedophiles and LGBTQIA+ is a-okay, and that getting your testicles and breasts chopped off at age two is brave and should be commonplace and tolerated by all. During Covid-19, Porter Novelli pushed businesses to solidify fascist relationships on a global level by supporting ‘experts’ from places demanding we be murdered like the CDC and NIAID.

The American Cancer Society is celebrating gay pride right now which does nothing to help solve the issues or find the causes of cancer. As the second leading cause of death, you’d think the ACS would be nearing cures for cancer; however, it turns out the Society exists to prevent cancer cures from being made available to the public. As a matter of fact, the most dangerous vaccine ever, prior to the death jabs for Covid-19 was the HPV vaccine (Gardasil). Both vaccines have serious ramifications on reproduction and have side effects including heart diseases, neurological impairments, and death. The Covid-19 mRNA experiments have caused huge spikes in cancer rates, yet the Society recommends both HPV and Covid-19 vaccinations and claims both are safe and effective. It seems Bill Novelli is no longer a member of the board as of 2020.

Novelli is a current board member at the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care. Advanced care apparently involves DEI according to the Coalition’s website. C-TAC, as they call themselves, dedicated themselves to murdering all of humanity through the death jabs. “C-TAC is proud to be a founding member of the COVID-19 Community Corps, a new U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) initiative to galvanize trusted messengers in the fight against COVID-19. The program, launched earlier this month, aims to increase confidence in COVID-19 vaccines and encourage measures to slow the spread of the disease.” The group exists to expand publicly-funded, socialized healthcare.

No longer is Bill Novelli on the board of directors of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Action Network. BPC wants to expand Social Security, get rid of federal student loan options, ramp up AI development, and putting FEMA in charge of facilitating illegal immigrants entry into the country. This organization serves to destroy America by overemphasizing bi-partisanship efforts while ignoring the ramifications of the efforts and whether or not they are good for the people who have to live under those decisions. It is no wonder Novelli was involved with it.

Capital Caring Health and Strategic Partnerships still has a board seat filled by Novelli. Yelp users do not have many nice things to say about their hospice service. But, they do have a DEI section. During Covid-19 it seems the organization attempted to render all of it’s services through digital means. The entire organization deferred any Covid-19 guidelines to whatever the CDC decided was best – killing patients – which, no doubt, Novelli is still reveling in.

He has authored several books. In 2007 he wrote 256 pages of demands to facilitate the baby boomer generation’s old age ‘needs’ at the expense of everyone else. Three years later he co-authored another book demanding that businesses cater to the needs of workers who are older. In 2021 he wrote another book which demands that we enter into the World Economic Forum’s new stakeholder capitalism economy and the ESG, fascism, and control that goes along with it.

Novelli was quoted in Investor’s Business Daily in February of 2022. His quote reveals his desires to enforce racial quotas in the workforce. The article notes:

“Live up to your values to take responsibility. "Often it's just wallpaper," Novelli said. "The real issue is, how accountable are you to your values?"

“Take a company that says it believes in racial equality. It has to show conviction through actions.

“"The leader has to take responsibility for making sure there's equality in hiring and finding suppliers," he said.”

In 2013 Novelli gave a TEDx Georgetown Talk titled Dying Better in America. He started off with a joke that wasn’t funny. He suggested the best way to die is in your ninety’s by murder committed by a jealous lover. The speech was a trauma-based presentation intended to evoke emotional responses to some of the terrible circumstances elderly individuals find themselves in. He advocated for a Marxist overthrow of the healthcare system and demanded that students flood legislative halls to cause this overthrow in order to install universal healthcare. He didn’t say this – he refused to discuss death panels for what they really are and instead claimed that what he is advocating for is a form of socialized healthcare which “is about giving people the care they want, the care they expect, the care they deserve, that squares with their norms and their values, and that is patient and family-centered.” Gee, that won’t have any negative impacts, especially since socialism has never worked, socialized healthcare will never work the way he described it, and he never got around to saying who gets to decide what care someone deserves.

Novelli is a professor at Georgetown’s Business for Impact which exists to instruct tomorrows business leaders to stop fearing fascism and to be fully committed to ESG. They even offer a certificate in making the world comply with the UN/WEF version of fascism - “Georgetown McDonough MBA students have a unique opportunity to earn a Certificate in Sustainable Business. The purpose of the certificate is to equip students with knowledge and practical experience to lead and manage successful businesses with a deep understanding of the complex social, economic, and environmental challenges of the 21st century.”

It is very telling what kind of world Novelli seeks to create. The partners with his Georgetown Business for Impact, are like-minded ESG, neo-Nazi, World Economic Forum followers. Bank of America, the founding partner, wants to get the digital currencies and the social credit scores running yesterday. Other partners include Comcast, Alliant Energy, Coca-Cola, American Express, CVS, Nike, PWC, Target, US Bank, Wells Fargo, United Healthcare, 3M, AB-InBev (Bud Light anyone?), AARP, Humana, Merck, The American Heart Association, KraftHeinz, Nestle, PepsiCo, Rand Corporation, Unilever, Subway, and the Conservation Fund among others. The Conservation Fund is a bunch of Gaia-worshiping racists, in case you happened to wonder what my assessment of their character is. All of the corporations are sexually assaulting our children and draining the value of their stock by their commitments to ESG. All of them should be divested from and all of them should be bankrupted and their current CEO’s and board of directors thrown in prison for millions of counts of child sexual abuse and exposing children to obscenity.

I only became aware of Novelli when I saw an article he had published in the opinion section of Fotune. Fortne is owned by the richest family in Thailand, the Chearavanont family, who have deep connections to China and increased their wealth by $3 billion from 2021 to 2022. Thailand is one of the star pupils of the WHO’s maniacal Covid-19 lockdowns and a chief advocate for SDG fulfillment. And, here is Bill Novelli, writing for a publication owned by the covidiocy scam’s benefactors, in association with the Chinese, in an effort to irrevocably destroy the United States, “America can’t fulfill its purpose if we backslide on diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

This is what caught my eye, and I just knew that this is exactly the type of monster lurking in the shadows. I should have already been familiar with him, but I wasn’t. He writes, “Perhaps the most important reason why companies should step up to create and foster DEI goes beyond corporate walls and immediate business goals. It’s about America itself. The private sector can be–and often is–a powerful force for good. In the pursuit of profit, there is also the responsibility–and obligation– to contribute to society.”

Demanding everyone has an equal place at the starting line of life – even to the point where some people who are perceived to have a better starting point are forced to give up their spot to those seen as having a worse staring point – is what Novelli is all about. Nevermind that the idea comes from a place devoid of logic, reason, and especially intellectual honesty because it’s completely Marxist. Novelli masks the fact the best he can, “We need to do better–and do it faster. Corporations have the ability to pursue and achieve performance as well as purpose–the purpose of a better America. It’s the right thing to do, and it’s why we can’t backslide on diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

Guess what Novelli, you historically illiterate moron? America was great because a bunch of farmers came over here, tended the land, and took care of themselves under the protections of God and with the support of their families which, because the elements were shared, created compatible communities which created a nation full of innovative, hard-working, and God-fearing citizens in a republic. That’s America. No other America was ever envisioned by the framers of the Constitution nor by the founders of the nation. They certainly never thought for one second that businesses should shove some alien religion promoting transvestites, homos, and satanism down our throats and threaten our jobs, freedoms, and ability to participate in banking when we tell you to go to Hell.

Try to convince the Boston Tea Party participants that the East India Company had their best interests in mind when it attempted to shove an additional tax on the colonies. The framers were well aware that businesses, grown too large and wielding too much influence in the societies they operate in, posed a threat to tranquility. Bud Light and Target are just the beginning of the modern version of the Tea Party. I want nothing more than to see these two businesses go under. We can figure out how to brew our own beer and grow our own food and make our own clothes if we want to.

It takes will. It takes a steadfast resolve in the face of consequences. But, I want this new Tea Party to go after ALL of the ESG/DEI institutions. I’d love to watch the main control grid of the global government fall apart. From the IRS to the Treasury, to Wal-Mart and Best Buy and Nike, to religious organizations and NGO’s foisting us into world government – I’d love to see everyone tell them nope, you are not getting any more of my hard-earned money until I’m satisfied you will never try to ESG (or whatever ‘new’ name they give it) all of us into global compliance again. If we don’t, this new generation, educated in group think and neo-Nazi ideology, is going to be wishing someone had done something about their stupidity when they are starving to death in the labor camps they are building now to be sentenced to later.

This is, I’m sure, an article Novelli will not appreciate. It’s too honest. The language is too plain and too hyperbolic. It too clearly points out exactly what Bill Novelli hopes to accomplish – destroy America by desiccating it’s history, culture, and values through advertising, public health, and fascism. He has spent his entire life attempting to destroy America. People like Novelli are badly in need of being at least interviewed by people like Joe McCarthy. That’s right – if Kievin McCarthy wants to redeem himself he can institute a new version of the House Un-American Activities Committee tasked with investigating agents subverting the United States on behalf of global institutions and multinational businesses. Joe Biden should be subpoenaed first. Novelli and everyone like him should follow in quick succession.

Because I don’t see a HUAC 2.0 on the horizon, nor a Nuremberg 2.0, the dismissal of Merrick Garland under charges of treason, the removal of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their open treason and violations of multiple federal laws classified as felonies, nor anything else positive happening on this front, I am going to pray to God that He sends us a miracle. But, I think this may just be a judgment from God for America’s obsession with murdering the unborn and other crimes against Him. I’m still going to pray for a miracle, but I am also going to ask each one of you reading this to ask one person to do one thing to try to point the direction of their lives back towards God. There are plenty of people in the United States who do seek the face of God but those who do are far too few. Either we will repent as a nation and be restored with blessings or we will watch, trembling at the power of God, professing that the hand moving over the land and the people is God’s to an unbelieving people who have their hearts hardened. Many already have their hearts hardened. Seek the wisdom of God so that your feet lead you to the soft-hearted who can still be instructed in the ways of God and to be able to identify affronts to His Creations.

Bless God and God bless.


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