DeSantis funds DEI?  He Sure Does.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

DeSantis funds DEI? He Sure Does.

First, I want to encourage everyone to remember all of those who have fallen in service to the United States so that we can have this day to remember them. We can have our cookouts and be with friends and family in part because of their sacrifices. I can only offer my gratitude to all who served. Remembering these men and women, especially those who remember, uphold, and live by their oath, makes me wonder what they think about their service. If the fallen in foreign and domestic wars could be queried regarding the America they fought and died for compared to the one which presently exists, would they be pleased? I cannot answer that question for anyone but myself and the answer, for me, is a resounding no.

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Getting Stabbed in the Back by the State of South Dakota
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Getting Stabbed in the Back by the State of South Dakota

I live in South Dakota because I like the way this state’s government operates in general. For the most part, the state leaves people alone to do their own thing. No state income taxes, no concealed carry permissions, and the ease in which one can open up shop are all great assets for the state. But, the longer I have lived here, the more I find that South Dakota is not nearly as pure as I once believed.

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Controlled Opposition
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Controlled Opposition

I try to write an article everyday. I usually include links to what I am writing about in case the reader is curious about where the stories, stats, or figures come from. I’ve never been called controlled opposition which is something I am happy about because my agenda is always clear. I see a lot of people pointing at the guy who consistently puts out the best information – Alex Jones in particular, and the Infowars team in general – get called controlled opposition. Controlled opposition will never work to empower anyone. Controlled opposition will never offer links to source what they are claiming. What they will do is recirculate endless numbers of memes. They will obfuscate the truth. They will make wild claims and tell you to stay asleep and to trust the plan like the assholes called Q-Anon. The ‘conservative’ movement doesn’t have a monopoly on this but it is extremely prevalent within conservative circles.

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Boycott Target and….
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Boycott Target and….

Target is being absolutely destroyed for the clothing they decided was okay to market to children. Target is claiming their employees have suffered violence (their definition of violence is suspect) because of their planned pride month apparel choices. Hence, they chose to move their pride displays towards the back of the store in some areas instead of assaulting the sensibilities of the productive and reproductive people who shop at their stores. It has also been reported that Target has decided to pull certain product lines featuring ‘pockets’ for boys to tuck their penises into so they can play kabuki theater as girls. People are starting to get the idea that Target is not a family friendly place to shop and are staying away from the stores.

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Terrorist Groups and Why the Daily Beast is Aiding and Abetting Them
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Terrorist Groups and Why the Daily Beast is Aiding and Abetting Them

The most deadly place to be in this world is supposed to be the safest. That location is the womb. The World Health Organization (WHO) is proud that the number of babies murdered in the womb is about 73 million a year. They are pleased that 61% of unplanned pregnancies result in murder. They are pleased that 29% of all pregnancies result in murder. They want the numbers to go even higher especially if they cannot figure out ways to convince women to stop getting pregnant in the first place. The WHO is hardly alone in their desire to exterminate children in the womb and to do their part to sterilize and convince women to stop getting pregnant. Planned Parenthood is an example of the former while Bill Gates, Pfizer, the alphabet mafia, and feminism are prime examples of the latter.

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Let’s Play a Game – How Much is Too Much?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Let’s Play a Game – How Much is Too Much?

I was driving home from my ‘day’ job this morning and was listening to Coast to Coast AM. I am usually calmer while I listen to the delusional guests talk about how great the aliens and their UFO’s are, their mystical and occult readings given to them from demons (a fact they refuse to acknowledge). While Coast to Coast AM will put Biblically-oriented guests on the air, it features far more degenerate guests who rail against God on a regular basis on the program. Usually I just roll my eyes and mutter under my breath. Tonight was a blue streak of vile words directed at a guest who was talking up the virtues of artificial intelligence.

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‘Trustworthy’ AI is a Farce and So is Every Other NWO Decree
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

‘Trustworthy’ AI is a Farce and So is Every Other NWO Decree

The first thing everyone needs to do is acknowledge that there already is a world government. The world government has its seat at the United Nations in New York City. There are many meetings of various aspects of this global government on an annual basis but several of them are more important than others. Two of them occurred last week. One is the annual G7 meeting. The other is the annual Bilderberg Meeting. The G7 is relatively public while the Bilderberg Group is as secretive as it can be. While the group has met since the mid 1950’s, media attention was non-existent until recently. The G7 serves more as a mouthpiece for the actions the global government is going to take while Bilderberg sets the objectives and plans events for the next year or two.

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Psychological Warfare and Medical Murder
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Psychological Warfare and Medical Murder

I’m going to preface this article by stating that not all doctors are bad. Not all nurses are evil. There are many in medical professions who still believe and practice the concept of first, do no harm. And with that said, I cannot tell you which are good nor which are bad for the most part. This is something which you will have to do on your own. Difficult conversations are going to have to be had. The actions of the medical professionals treating us need to account for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because we cannot seem to get a Nuremberg 2.0 trial, we can, should, and need to have our own trials for the medical professionals involved in our lives and either sanction or reward them with our dollars. If we do not, well, we wasted an opportunity to prevent the next round of medically induced murder prodded by psychological warfare operations.

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What the Antediluvian World Was Like
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

What the Antediluvian World Was Like

Cultures from around the world all describe an event almost identically. This event was catastrophic in efect and global in scope. That event is the great flood. We understand the way the world was changed after the flood because that is the way the world in this age operates. The Antediluvian world is the one which existed prior to the flood and it was a much different place.

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The New Normal And Pipelines
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The New Normal And Pipelines

When the interloper sat down behind the desk in the Oval Office he immediately began signing things. He claims he doesn’t always know what he is signing, which is troublesome, but one of those things he signed was to shutter every gas and oil pipeline he could. His rationale for this corrupt and treasonous act was climate change. When he sat behind that desk the world was still in convulsions over the corona plandemic, a plandemic which promised everyone on earth a new normal derived from the concepts of the UN’s Build Back Better debauchery. The UN’s Build Back Better plan demands that everything which works for the people and societies be destroyed. The plandemic destroyed the healthcare, medical, and legal systems. Joe Biden has his sights set even higher – destroying everyone’s access to energy and at the same time starving the earth and the atmosphere for carbon. His hatred of pipelines is only evident when they are carrying cargo which enables humanity – as soon as the idea of sucking carbon dioxide out of the air and transporting the gas by pipeline came up, the demon started drooling at the prospect.

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