When Milquetoast is Preferable to the Current Thing

When Milquetoast is Preferable to the Current Thing

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/9/2023

The republican party had no appeal until it was shaken up by Donald Trump and his vision and plan to make America great again. He tried and, until Covid-19 was released by his detractors, he succeeded. Since Trump, the flashiest thing is the members of the freedom caucus in the House. Besides them, the Paul family has the best ideas, radical ideas in some people’s views, and for that I have much respect for them but the way they sell themselves is a reflection of the republican party in general, they are boring. They are, dare I say, milquetoast.

For some asinine reason some of the new republicans seem to have fetishized their love of the milquetoast which is the reason that the Speaker of the House is Kevin McCarthy. The guy was useless when he was given the speakership and he has done absolutely nothing to change my mind since. He’s a great example of the boring, do nothing, don’t speak out, go with the flow republicans which are in Congress. Rand Paul is pretty much the only rebel in the Senate, but he is still too old-school. While some put the number in the Freedom Caucus at 46, there are really only about 15 of them. The other 30 vote milquetoast and play nice with reprehensible efforts in the House such as when Kevin McCarthy gained Speaker of the House.

But, I don’t want to talk about that anymore, I want to talk about the donor class. The donor class are the people who really fund the campaigns these representatives run. One of these donors, who came around to Donald Trump in 2020 after having served on Hillary Clinton’s finance team during her 2008 attempt at president, is named John Catsimatidis. Catsimatidis is a successful businessman involved in grocery stores, energy, media, and real estate. He is a New York billionaire. Despite his claims of supporting Donald Trump in 2020 and running the Manhattan Republican Party, his 2022-race donations reflect something different. He did donate to plenty of republicans such as Hershel Walker and Dan Crenshaw but his most recent donations were to Kathy Hochul’s campaign for $9,000, and a NY State Senator named Skoufis who has gone on to introduce a bill legalizing parental kidnapping. Actually, in 2021, his two biggest donations, $25,000 each, were to Kathy Hochul and Lee Zeldin who ran against her for governor of the reprobate state of New York.

This matters because this man is in the news. Joe Pags was drooling over his relationship with the billionaire and his announcement that he will be making an offer to buy CNN. Joe Pags is another milquetoast, go along to get along, never upset the boat, republican. Joe Pags actually makes me sick. He spends three hours talking mostly about himself and how great he is and whatever products he is selling. Pags couldn’t wait to get Castimatadis on air to tell everyone how CNN should go back to covering news.

Castimatadis’ best idea was one which journalists should already follow – indicate what is news and what is opinion. When there is an opinion show on, then it should be noted as such instead of passed off as news. His big idea, as reported in The New York Post is, ““I want the truth, not opinions,” Catsimatidis emphasized. “If people say there’s two truths, let’s voice both truths and let the viewers decide.”” Like most of these elites, they cannot recognize that if there are two truths, one of them is a lie. Suggesting that he wants the truth is a blatant lie – what he wants is to expose everyone to the lies. Whether it is a republican lying about how vital it is to US interests to commit a quadrillion dollars to Ukraine or a democrat droning on about the lies of transgender ‘rights’ he wants to pound the lies into our heads. As it stands right now, I can watch CNN for the lies, watch FOX News for variations on the lies, and then go research the truth on the internet through source documents, in libraries, on Infowars, and, ultimately, the Bible and through prayer.

I don’t know if Catsimatidis really understands truth despite his participation in the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity which holds services to Mary as well as believe in the very non-biblical trinity. Truth, according to this church, as well as Catsimatidis’ blurb, is something which can never come to be known, yet, the truth is right there in front of their faces in the Bible, they just refuse to read it for what it says. What Catsimatidis is suggesting would be better than what CNN is now, but a far cry from anything resembling objective truthful.

I can forgive Catsimatidis’ scant involvement with Jeffrey Epstein being as though everyone who was anyone in 1990’s New York ended up meeting Epstein once or twice. According to Castimatidis, Epstein took a ride to Florida on his plane and sent a novelty sized bottle of champagne as thanks. Epstein called him twice but Catsimatidis cannot recall what the conversations were about.

What I’m not going to let Catsimatidis slide on is when he stated in The New York Post piece, “Catsimatidis said “CNN deserves to be No. 1 in the world right now,” and said “Ted Turner created a wonderful network” that he suggested has fallen short of its founder’s vision under Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav.” Either Catsimatidis thinks we are all completely brain-dead or actually on board with the causes Ted Turner endorsed.

Ted Turner wants to reduce the earth’s population, is completely deluded by man-made climate change hoaxes and remedies, and owns huge swaths of land which he has barred all human activity on. Ideally, Ted Turner wants no more than 2 billion humans on earth. CNN was just another method to get that point across. Baby murder, climate-change fear, and the abolition of all rights is what CNN has always stood for. It’s not about news, it’s about narrative, and it always has been. Zaslav and his ESG/DEI garbage is the latest front on this war against common sense in an effort to depopulate the earth. If Ted Turner’s creation of CNN was such a wonderful thing and it is still carrying out Ted Turner’s ideas today, then why in the world would Catsimatidis try to place the blame on others when it is Ted Turner who has donated at least a billion dollars to the UN and their designs, like Agenda 21, which doesn’t name ESG but precisely defines and demands it. Zaslav is just using CNN to continue down the path laid out and funded by Ted Turner. CNN doesn’t deserve to exist, let alone be number 1. Their purpose is to convince human beings to stop existing.

Hundreds of other media outlets, including all of the mainstream news whether in print, online, or on air shares CNN’s mission to destroy humanity. Actually, Catsimatidis’ announcement suggesting he purchase CNN portrays this. The New York Post is owned by News Corp, the second largest shareholder being Vanguard, both of which are on-board with ESG and dedicated to DEI. The New York Post; however, masquerading as a more centrist media outlet titled their Catsimatidis’ news, “NYC mogul John Catsimatidis offers to buy CNN — and run it for just $1 per year.” A competing leftist publication, The Daily Beast, issued their New York Post derived article under the title, “Right-Wing New York Billionaire Offers to Buy CNN After Licht Ouster.” Vanguard owns the largest share in the holding company The Daily Beast is owned by.

Preventing CNN from lying all of the time is a great idea. Maybe Catsimatidis buying it would prove to make CNN go from 0% truth to 15% truth. Joe Pags thinking CNN being bought by Catsimatidis is worth drooling over is asinine though. But, Joe Pags is what Joe Pags is, a milquetoast republican going along to get along. He talks and he gets his paycheck and, like his best friend forever, Sean Hannity, will never do anything to rock the boat. Joe Pags actually stated that under Catsimatidis, maybe he would be able to have a show on CNN. It would be better than John Acosta, but not by much. And the truly sick thing is that the Joe Pags of the world, pounding the establishment republican narratives out at all times, is actually better than the current state of things. The milquetoast has become preferential.

Milquetoast isn’t what we need though. We need serious changes in all areas affecting our lives. Either those changes will reflect a desire to please God or they will continue to fall short of that lofty goal. Take the baby murder fetish the United States has murdered over 65 million babies with. The best republicans can do is offer a national ban on baby murder at 15 weeks? Where are the bills banning baby murder with the exception that the child will physically kill the mother? Not only are there no politicians proposing that at the national level, but there are no major talk show hosts doing so either. Why is the US government going to end up embracing the so-called trans rights movement? Because as the left keeps moving left, the milquetoast republicans keep trying to find a center instead of standing fast where they are at. Repeat that a million times and here we are. That’s the truth and that truth needs to be made false.

Get grounded in the Bible – the repository of truth. Decide how important politics are and how abject both major parties are compared to what the Bible says. Stop chasing the politicians and what they are willing to compromise at our expense to pretend their poop doesn’t stink and stand fast in the Word of God. Joe Pags, in particular, needs to do this immediately because he has a microphone. So does Sean Hannity. So do a whole bunch of these ‘conservative’ guys on the radio who have made careers by maintaining political division and avoiding, at all costs, any discussion about any topic which will impact our lives irrevocably. I’d love to hear Hannity and Pags start actually laying it out – there is a global government which is trying to murder every single person on the planet. It’s the Beast system and it’s here. Instead, Hannity talked about Donald Trump without recognizing that Trump is being persecuted by the Beast system for talking about God in front of the nations of the world. Joe Pags drooled over his billionaire friend….

We need to be on the air telling people what time it is. We need to speak the truth to these people. I still laugh at Breitbart because I actually called their editor several times and suggested they find different ways to fund themselves on their terms in 2018 when Alex Jones was digitally memory holed by literally everyone. They are still doing okay, but their sponsors suddenly stopped funding them in 2019. Weird, right?

The bottom line is we, God-fearing, Bible-toting believers need to engage in the world but not be of it. If we hope to break the choke hold all of these milquetoast leaders have as alternatives to the current thing then we are going to need to do it ourselves. If we don’t stand on the morals of God when we do so, then we will end up traveling the same paths already forged by the likes of many of these types of people. It’s not restorative, it’s destructive. It doesn’t inspire a return to God, it makes listeners and viewers thank that mankind has gotten itself into this mess all on their own and that mankind can fix it all too. Hardly. We are always in a war pitting the adversary against the righteousness of God. It’s intensifying and yet, most of these ‘nothing to see here’ people still won’t speak the truth…. Make them.

Bless God and God bless.


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