There are No Aliens – Only Demonic Entities

There are No Aliens – Only Demonic Entities

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/1/2023

The month of June is a month of deception. For millennia deities have been worshiped in many cultures in the month of June. All of the deities of June are occult representations of what is called transgenderism, homosexuality, other sexual immoralities, and abortion today. Especially curious is that same sex marriages, an obvious perversion to Biblical morals, was permitted by edict in June 2015, the first ‘pride’ month was in June 1970, flag burning was legalized in June 1989, and school prayer was again rendered the only form of speech which is not protected in June 2000. Jonathan Cahn knows far more about this and wrote a book about it. The point is that there is great delusion coming over the world.

The backbone of the great delusion is that God does not exist. This is the basis for all of the pieces of the delusions which follow. Since God does not exist for so many, belief in aliens – life from other planets – suddenly becomes plausible. What also becomes plausible is the idea that these aliens will benefit humanity and save us from ourselves. All we will have to do is disarm completely, stop all economic activity, and, basically, starve to death in order for the aliens to continue ‘blessing’ humanity with salvation on this earth. I don’t know how many people are out there who believe this line of crap, but I do know that one is too many and millions represent a reprobate earth.

So, what better way to kick off the month of June than with parades to celebrate sexual debauchery and mutilation, as well as the murder of police officers? How can June get worse? Extend June to all of summer and double down on the alien delusion just under the surface of the Alphabet Mafia’s antics. The aliens will not just fix ‘man-made’ climate change, bring about nuclear disarmament, remodel the global economic system, and end wars, they will also liberate all of humanity from God-given morals on what constitutes sex, food, and substance abuse. The aliens are meant to mimic the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in order to seat the Antichrist right in the middle of the Beast system the aliens promoted and convince men to create and adhere to. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Men are already trying to do all of the things mentioned above. Ending the threats of nuclear annihilation and wars sounds great and are not necessarily bad. But, in order to convince men to disarm nuclear arsenals and to cease conduction wars it means that we must all be of one mind. Disagreements will, by design, not be tolerated if the ways of the world are rejected or in diametric opposition to the alien’s decrees. Under this mode of thinking, it would seem that the aliens are already here, yet, there is much more to come in this area. NASA stated as much in articles released earlier today.

The Daily Mail reported recent events by Pentagon and NASA officials under the headline, “Hundreds of UFOs have been spotted 'all over the world', Pentagon chief admits as NASA unveils findings into first ever study of unexplained phenomena in the skies.” Particularly of note is NASA’s newfound ability to brief Pentagon officials about UAP’s (the government’s name for UFO’s), a push to search for alien life, and a major media campaign to legitimize the idea that we are not alone in the universe.

Reuters only held up their god – science and the scientism it produces – under the headline of, “Scientists expand search for signs of intelligent alien life.” Without getting technical nor specific (like where did the funding actually come from), Reuters reported, “The effort, called the Breakthrough Listen Investigation for Periodic Spectral Signals (BLIPSS), is a collaboration between Cornell, the SETI Institute research organization and Breakthrough Listen, a $100 million initiative to search for advanced extraterrestrial life.” An article at Phys.Org notes that it will be AI, an entirely satanic manifestation of mankind already being thoroughly deceived, which will be doing the detecting. The $100 in funding comes from Yuri and Julia Milner.

If you have never heard of Yuri Milner you aren’t alone. He started a technology investment fund and now awards money to people like Mark Zuckerberg (a neo-Nazi war criminal) and Ukrainian scientists (they are literally Nazi’s), three different Israeli entities which eviscerated the Israeli population during COVID-19 by expanding telemedicine due to fear of human contact, funding the search for new ‘treatment’ options which already existed, and funding intensive care units which have recently been pilloried in the certain news media by being titled more accurately – kill floors. The Milner’s have signed onto the Warren Buffett and Bill & Melinda Gates ‘Giving Pledge’ demanding that those who are wealthy give their wealth to others (not their family members and not through inheritance) who share their views. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates sponsor anything which causes human extermination. The foundation created by the Milner’s has shown it’s solidarity with Buffett’s and Gates’ anti-human intentions by funding CERN as well.

Yahoo ‘News’ published, “NASA's Webb Telescope spots a water plume twice the length of the US, spewing from a Saturn moon that could host alien life.” The article goes on to state that there is an ocean buried under the ice of Enceladus which may host life in bacterial form. Disgustingly, Yahoo ‘News’ refuses to recognize that baby’s in the womb are babies from the moment of conception and that it is fine to murder them up to the moment of birth. Yahoo ‘News’ denigrates, maligns, and desiccates the life forms we do know of – in this case human babies – while they stand at the front of the line hoping that bacteria from a distant moon of another planet in the solar system is able to be brought back to earth so they can celebrate the existence of that life form being present on this planet.

An article in Jerusalem Post from May 28, 2023, titled, “UFOs becoming increasingly attractive to US academics – study” shed light on the current state of the alien deception. The study illustrated what it would take to make UFO studies mainstream in scientific circles – 37% are already interested in conducting research, 55% would do research if provided funding, and 43% said they would do research if someone else in their field decided to engage in the research. This is a really good reason to not trust the science or the scientists doing the ‘science.’ There is a willingness to do ungodly research, funded by monies with strings attached, and no one wants to be a leader in seeking anything resembling the truth.

Despite this, people still gather in the hundreds and the thousands to celebrate sightings. McMinnville, Oregon hosts an annual UFO event which recently concluded. People gather to engage in worship of a UFO sighting and photographs in the area in 1950 because they are deluded. The big celebration of the delusion occurs annually in Roswell, New Mexico, of course. It celebrates a disk which crash-landed near the isolated town in 1947 which the US military quickly covered up and still shrouds in secrecy. The crash occurred sometime in late June or early July 1947 and the annual celebration, at least for 2023, will begin on June 30.

What is going on here? Let’s remember what ‘medical’ ‘doctors’ were doing in Germany from 1939 until 1945. Let’s not let the Japanese off of the hook neither – they were running medical experiments at Unit 731. Torture, surveillance, biological manipulation, death, and autopsies were features of these ‘medical experiments’ conducted on unwilling subjects of these kinds of monsters. Sometimes the autopsies were performed before death – a practiced called vivisection.

Instead of sending all of those engaged in such medical research to the gallows, tens of thousands of the participants never faced punishment. Unit 731’s Shiro Ishii never faced punishment for leading research featuring experimentation which can only be described as worse than what Mengele conducted. At the close of the war these criminals were not persecuted – they were sought after contentiously by the victorious Allied powers. The United States lured some 1,600 of them to the United States under Operation Paperclip. The UK engaged in Operation Surgeon. The Soviet Union recruited these criminals as well.

One of the most notable of these war criminals given permission to continue their existence was recruited by the United States – Wernher von Braun. He was a Nazi scientist who was responsible in the development of the V-2 rocket. He surrendered to American’s in 1944 and was placed at White Sands Proving Grounds sometime in the mid 1940’s where he continued his work in developing rocket engines. This Nazi war criminal was working at a facility to develop rockets 132 miles away by car from Roswell, NM at the time the ‘UFO’ was discovered. Braun, of course, went on to be the director of NASA’s Marshall Space Center and is credited with designing the rockets used in Apollo 11 which negated the USSR’s launch of Sputnik. All of this comes from the NASA website which celebrates Braun as a hero not the apologetically unrepentant Nazi war criminal he was. He actually used the slave labor provided by the concentration camps and oversaw the deaths of many. Yet, still, to this day, his mass-murdering inclinations are downplayed by his technological know-how in rocketry. NASA should stand for Nazi Appropriated Scientific Abominations.

What is even more compelling however, is that the Germans were working on another propulsion technique which is always discredited by having the label ‘conspiracy theory’ slapped on it. The German efforts were called the Haubenu and the engine is called die glocke (the bell, aka German bell or Nazi bell). It is absolutely not debatable that there are black budget scientific efforts which have been undertaken for a long time. Any mention of these endeavors are always met with denials and demands that they be seen as conspiracy theories. UFO’s, despite recent revelations, are still more secretive than the ‘theory’ of there being multiple shooters of JFK, who shot first at Waco, and whether or not we ever actually landed on the moon in 1969 (it is suspicious that NASA has ‘lost’ the ability to construct Braun’s rocket).

Now, these Haubenus (hooded in English) are shaped exactly like what was found in Roswell. The engine that was developed to fly these things, the bell, didn’t push against the air or ground to create lift or momentum, they latched onto a particular gravitational position and used that gravitational position to pull them towards it. The speeds generated were over 4,300 mph with a theoretical speed of over 24,800 mph. Assuming the speed of sound is 761.2 mph (which varies depending on what the sound wave is traversing) these birds of death traveled at over Mach 5 and were potentially capable of Mach 52. The whole earth could be circled in less than 2 hours at the slower speeds and theoretically could be accomplished in about 12 minutes. The maneuverability was unparalleled and accounts coming from sightings denote that these things seem to be able to stop on a dime, turn sharply (90 degrees or less), and continue on.

Nazi’s developed this. Nazi’s were brought to the United States. Now actual neo-Nazi’s at places like NASA and inside of the Pentagon want to spend billions to research the UFO/UAP phenomena. They designed, developed, deployed, and hid these things for over 80 years. They know exaclt what they are, where they come from, and what they are capable of. They are part of the Nazi’s Black Sun occultic devotions into gleaning technological advantages to favor Nazi Germany over the Allies. The Nazi’s Black Sun group is based in part on the demonic teachings of the Thule Society, and directly led to the acceptance of Hitler’s Final Solution and it’s applications in Nazi German society. The ideas of eugenics, Darwinian evolution, Marx, and other delusions were added into Ultima Thule theology to provide further rationales for Hitler’s Final Solution. Operation Paperclip ensured that these ideas would persist, much more quietly, and flourish around the world everywhere that these Nazi’s were exported to. Thousands were left in Europe while thousands more wound up in the USSR, the United States, and the UK. Others fled to places like Argentina which is oddly close to a place the Germans called Neuschwabenland.

The southern tip of Argentina and Chile is the closest continental point on earth to Neuschwabenland. We call it Antarctica. It is cold, polar, and ice covered yet dotted by military bases and research labs with access denied to those without the proper security clearances. There is an ocean under this land as well. There are caves. There are whole submarine bases. There are likely a bunch of psychopaths living on, or more appropriately, in and under Antarctica. The entire continent is a Nazi base. This fits in well when one comes to the realization that the Nazi’s actually had UFO’s and getting there would not be a problem at all – staying warm would be difficult, initially; however, that ocean under the ice is liquid – meaning it is much warmer than the surface….

There is a harrowing tale from of UFO’s which are documented by Admiral Byrd. In 1946 there was an Operation Highjump approved which resulted in a 1947 mission to Antarctica to map and claim portions of the polar continent. Basically, US boats showed up, were confronted by UFO’s, and told, in no nonsense terms, to leave and to not come back. Some of the vessels were lost. Some of the men deceased. The aircraft were shot down. Missiles never arrived at their intended target. Oddities abound over what amounts to a 1947 version of the United States’ application of manifest destiny. Sickeningly, the factual events which occurred have been rendered to fiction through video games.

By hiding the truth of UFO’s it is possible to hide what the occultic, demonic, and deceptive creations are operated by. Aliens, of course, is what we are being demanded to believe. They are not aliens; however, they are demons and entities created by demons. There is a reason that UFO’s are closely aligned with several other phenomena, namely human abductions and animal mutilations. Some of the abductees have had implants removed from their bodies. The animal victims of these demons are devoid of blood and are often found with their organs removed. Why? Because these demons are inter-dimensional Jeffrey Epstein’s (see what he and the likes of Bill Gates were doing in New Mexico) which are conducting their own hybridized human projects. Far smarter people have written, presented, and created far better researched pieces than what my piece represents.

These aliens are not some Star Wars or Star Trek intergalactic traveler dispatched to earth to save it. They are demons. ‘People’ like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab may or may not be entirely human flesh and blood (some contend these two and others are lizard people) but they are decidedly given over to the spirit which these demons operate by – complete rebellion against God. The alien-grey’s and little green men way too many people are waiting to land and save us from ourselves are demonic science experiments with only one purpose. That purpose is to deceive. The first deception is that God isn’t real – a belief which results in eternal damnation separated from God, the actual creator of all of the galaxies and the space in between them, the universe itself, as well as all of the dimensions which exist. The second deception places our physical bodies in great jeopardy because this demonic (call it alien if you will) deception demands our obedience to facilitate their ends – the complete destruction of humanity created in God’s image.

Some of us mere mortals – given eyes to see and ears to hear by God – see through the deceptions and are able to identify these UFO’s and these ‘aliens’ for what they are. We are called conspiracy theorists because NASA and the Pentagon are already fully aware of what all of this is. All of it is a return to human beings being deluded into embracing the fallen angels and recreating the Nephilim once again. Humanity will fall into the consequences of distance from Torah, refuting God, and hatred of the teachings of Jesus Christ. As in the days of Noah so shall the return of the Son of Man be can be read as a quite literal state of affairs….

If you are skeptical of the existence of God then it is likely you are skeptical of the existence of the Adversary (Satan, Lucifer, etc…). That is the Adversary’s greatest trick, getting people to believe that the Adversary, evil, doesn’t exist. Pride month is not so much a celebration of sexual immorality as it is a dedication and affirmation to the belief that there is no right and wrong. There is only what feels good. All of the mass murderers of history operated under the same pretenses and developed entire sets of ethics to guide further their actions. The morals of God do not change. But, the morals of God do not always feel good, take time, and take a great deal of self-control and determination and perseverance.

As a result human beings have decided they can create Nephilistic entities all on their own. This really got started by the discovery of DNA. It was Francis Crick and James Watson who described DNA. Francis Crick was a eugenicist, a pervert, and absolutely detested God. He also demanded that science itself be worshiped, biochemically if needed. James Watson spearheaded the Human Genome Project which has served to bastardize human DNA since, has hated God his entire life, and is a hardcore eugenicist. There has never been a genetics experiment he balked at conducting because he not only rejects God and God’s morals, he has no ethics whatsoever. Because of these two anti-humanist’s ‘research’ the rise of genetic engineering and mRNA was made possible.

What was COVID-19 and the responses if not demonic. Who creates pathogens which will never exist in nature and thus represent zero potential to cause a pandemic to create them. What type of person would release that sort of thing upon human beings? And, what was done to us once it was released? We had our DNA collected through PCR tests. Blood samples were taken. We were told to act as if we are institutional slaves in masks, six or more feet away from any other human being. Any effective treatment was made illegal. Ventilators and remdesivir or similarly useless and highly dangerous drugs were used to murder millions of us. Then the real intent of COVID-`9 was unleashed. The so-called vaccines turn human beings created in God’s image into chimeras created by man. Doing so disrupts our body’s defense systems, makes people sick, and murders them. The model set forth under COVID-19 is one fully intended to be utilized over and over again by the demonic entities which perpetrated these crimes against humanity.

Like Germany’s Nazi’s and Japan’s Honorary Ayran’s, these COVID-19 neo-Nazi’s fixated on decimating humanity with medical interventions have yet to be punished. Anthony Fauci, who is personally responsible for my father’s death is also responsible for the deaths of millions of homosexual men during the height of the US’ problems with AIDS, obstructing people from receiving ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, exploding people’s lungs with ventilators, and murdering and maiming untold millions with the Fauci-ouchie. This mass-murdering, anti-human, God-hating piece of human filth is currently serving as a chief medical advisor to another mass-murdering, corrupt, pedophile, thief named Joe Biden. Fauci’s current task is to sign the US onto the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty – an act of overt treason and yet another confirmation that the demonic scum absolutely hates human beings.

I hope that I made my points clear here. UFO’s are not unidentified, they are the creations of demonically-inspired humans who existed in 1930’s and 1940’s Germany. Aliens are not from a galaxy far, far away, they are all around us all the time in this dimension or another and they are evil and do only evil because they are demons serving to do the will of the Adversary. The demonic progenitors of the ideologies expressed by Nazi Germany have not been defeated but even more widely acknowledged and even praised. The technologies are hidden and will be used to deceive many – even the elect if God allowed them to be deceived. The powers that be will roll this out to humanity slowly at first and quickly and abruptly by the end of the scheme.

That scheme has a name too. Project Blue Beam. It ties all of the Nazi technologies together with all of the occultism, and all of the deception, with the intent of murdering everyone. The plan is called Project Blue Beam. The Times of India, just another mainstream mouthpiece of the Adversary, discredits the idea. After claiming it is a conspiracy theory the article states:

“As per the alleged theory, the new world order's purpose is: 1. To abolish all Christian and traditional religions in order to replace them with a one-world religion based on the cult of man. 2. To abolish all national identities and national pride in order to establish a world identity and a world pride. 3. To abolish the family as known today in order to replace them with individuals all working for the glory of the new one-world government.”

That is exactly the intent of the likes of the Thule society. The progeny of the Thule society still exist. Their ideas are all overtly evident. It’s up to us to recognize them, reject, and inform others to decide what to do with knowledge such as this, “Dedicated to the rebirth of Aryan/Teutonic supremacy, the resurrection of Nordic mysticism, and the defeat of Christianity, the Thule Society prepared the path for the advent of the master race.” Richard Dawkins is an absolute Nazi in all senses. This is why he saw fit to promote Nazi science advancements in recent times, wrote The God Delusion, and said, “There is no refutation of Darwinian evolution in existence. If a refutation ever were to come about, it would come from a scientist, and not an idiot.” Believers in God and Jesus Christ are the ‘idiots’ Dawkins refers to in the quote. Hitler’s Nazi’s are alive and well and still spewing out the same drivel he did as Dawkin’s has done throughout his life from a philosophical position.

Don’t fall for the alien delusion…. They are demons and they are meant to deceive. Instead….

Bless God and may God bless you.


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