Use It Before You Lose It

Use It Before You Lose It

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/4/2023

Most of us have been introduced to a federal bill called the RESTRICT Act, Senate Bill 686. As a refresher, that is the federal bill that will put US citizens in prison for up to 20 years for speech the government doesn’t like. All The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation is waiting for is a distraction sufficient enough to distract us to push S 686 back into the Senate where it will be passed with bipartisan support. It will likely be passed in the House with bipartisan support as well. The demonic entity who has decided to compete in geriatric gymnastics while on live, televised, events would sign it into law before a single piece of dust attached itself to the publication to be signed.

Once its signed, it’s sayonara to any free speech what so ever. The federal government will not have to make up bastardized interpretations of what seditious conspiracy is or try to cover up the fact that civics is not important to them and the proper way to correct the people’s deficit about those rights is to arrest those for their speech exploiting that fact and charge them conspiracy against rights. To the prosecutors, juries, and everyone else associated with cases such as these, and the injustices which they actually are, I would suggest that the best way to clean their houses is to buy a bottle of bleach for each burner they have on their stove. Pour each bottle of bleach into a pot on the range, start all the burners on high, uncovered, and then relax. But, because I fear that some of those associated with these anti-justice measures are so absolutely stupid that they may actually attempt to do this, don’t. It will create oxygen-replacing chlorine gas cloud and it will kill whoever tries it.

If you don’t like this type of speech, I can’t blame you. I don’t really care for it either. I really don’t like the corruption which made me angry enough to want to use it to relate my utter disgust for the actions of these entities. I don’t think it deserves a twenty year prison sentence though. I don’t think speech should be criminalized at all. But, all kinds of speech is being targeted for turning the speaker into a criminal. The idea that one should be seen as a terrorist for supporting the Second Amendment, thinking that America can be great again, or sponsoring fiscal responsibility and the smaller government which results is one which is growing. Without free speech, issues cannot even be brought up because the intent is to make anyone engaging one side of any argument as one engaging in criminalized speech.

Stalin and Hitler were both famous for their activities in this realm. The Biden regime (even the ‘republican’ cosponsors on S. 686) hopes to join their ranks in their efforts to ‘purify’ speech. It’s not a right or a left thing. It’s an everybody thing because while one may hate certain speech, criminalizing that speech will green light future efforts to criminalize your speech, whatever that speech is.

To prevent anyone reading this article from confusing what I am getting at here, there is a right in the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution pertaining to preserving our ability to speak words, even upsetting ones. It is written negatively, meaning that the government is barred from interfering in the exercise of the right. Additionally, this right is given by God to all humans and the Constitutional Amendment merely recognizes what God gave to us. Speech truly is inalienable. The First Amendment is so integral to the rest of our rights that it is first and it reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Another right, which I have severe disagreements with, is the Fourteenth Amendment. This has recently been in the news because the Biden administration hates history and has made claims that the fourth section says that the government doesn’t need Congressional power to spend money. That isn’t the point of this article, the abrogation of the Tenth Amendment by the Fourteenth is what is problematic. The Tenth Amendment is followed by Section 1 of the Fourteenth:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

While I am not in favor of this clause of the Fourteenth Amendment because it renders the Tenth Amendment, a major check on federal power, irrelevant. However, because the Fourteenth Amendment has not received any Amendment to it (something it has needed for a long time) it stands that the First Amendment applies to all of the several States as well, even California. Thus, California’s impatience to see S. 686 pass federally was evinced on February 14, 2023 with the introduction of AB 886.

The bill proposes that social media sites be forced to pay a percentage of their ad revenue to ‘journalists.’ Now, as we have already seen, tens of thousands of people have been silenced about a range of topics including journalistic pieces by credible experts in the fields of environmental science, epidemiology, medical science, medical practice, medical ethics, election integrity officials, and scores of lawyers to name a few. Some have been disbarred. Some have even gone to jail for their views. All of the banned narratives (Trump won, election integrity doesn’t exist, the Second Amendment will not be infringed, the death jabs kill people, COVID-19 deaths were caused by ventilators on kill floors, men in women’s locker rooms is a bad idea, close the borders, etc…) were asked for by the US government. The FBI directly contacted Twitter repeatedly to shut down any talk of the Hunter Biden laptop for instance. California’s bill would reinforce the government’s unconstitutional anti-free-speech actions.

The legislation doesn’t seem that bad on the surface but it will effect a complete silencing of dissent. What will happen is the State of California will give some form of compensation (tax breaks, corporate welfare, subsidies) to the social media platforms affected for the ‘journalists’ who write the State’s preferred version of the truth. It doesn’t even need to be true. It just needs to be the narrative California wants to circulate. That way, the social media platform will not be financially harmed, the state will have bought what amounts to a media-based echo chamber, and any dissent will quickly be weeded out and disposed of. The people of California will be forced to pay to be lied to even more frequently and perniciously on social media platforms representing a serious violation of their free speech rights as well as paying a tax resulting in an even less representative government.

But, California is not alone. California’s ideological opposite, Florida, a much more pleasant state to reside in overall, has also sought to pass (and has passed) legislation severely dampening free speech. The state has passed HB 269 which, under the guise of protecting religious displays, allows for criminal sanctions against anyone who “maliciously harass[es] or 75 intimidate[s]” which, as it turns out is highly subjective. For today, that may mean that religious displays of crosses and the Star of David are protected. Tomorrow, under different leadership which is an inevitability, wearing the religious symbology may be seen as the harassment with the attempt to intimidate. Mark my words – Churches and Synagogues in Florida will be targeted under this law and their congregations put through the ‘legal’ system to determine how guilty they are. The winners are actually those who have God the most as they already have a longstanding and wrongheaded notion that they should be able to enjoy a freedom from religion and that, by being exposed to any religion – especially one with Jewish or Christian morals set by God – their emotional state was severely crippled, making their exposure to God a criminal act. Sooner or later a reprobate judge and/or jury will side with the God-haters.

Florida had another anti-free speech effort in the pipeline too. Thankfully it died in the Florida Judicial Committee. This one goes directly after people like me. Having posted multiple articles about Ron DeSantis and other government officials in the State of Florida, SB 1316 would have mandated that I be registered with the state to do so. “If a blogger posts to a blog about an elected state officer and receives, or will receive, compensation for that post, the blogger must register with the appropriate office, as identified in paragraph (1)(f), within 5 days after the first post by the blogger which mentions an elected state officer.” I’ve never received compensation for anything I have written, something I would like to change, but, because I do have a merchandise section, the state of Florida could have assumed I would receive compensation and force me to register with the state.

Should the bill have passed, what follows would have resulted in potential fines for my expressions as well. The author of the bill goes under the guise of being a republican, his name is Jason Brodeur. He’s from Seminole County, just north of Orlando. Suggesting that bloggers register to have free speech in Florida is as asinine as California’s proposition and would have had the same outcome. Jason Brodeur has sponsored several bills besides this one – one of them which has been signed into law is the implementation of creating human-restricted zones throughout Florida on behalf of eco-terrorists.

Democrats are doing absolutely everything they can to destroy the last vestiges of our rights in the United States. Republicans are doing exactly the same thing, though. That D and R behind people’s names doesn’t mean a damned thing. If we don’t vet our representatives, we are going to keep getting G party members into office. G means Garbage. And when garbage goes in, garbage is exactly what comes out. And the garbage in is working triple time at the state and federal levels to destroy our ability to communicate by criminalizing any speech one of their ‘plebes’ have.

All of this is on behalf of the global government. One of the loudest mouthpieces spewing out this anti-first amendment trash is the ADL. Their latest press release is about a collaborative project with Multi-Faith Neighbors Network (MFNN) to makes sure that faith-leaders all get the message that what the ADL declares hate is seen as hate. The ADL openly promotes LGBTQIA+ issues as ‘rights’ – something abhorrent to God – so their claims of being rooted in the Jewish faith are nonsense and outright lies. MFNN is an ecumenical effort which will lead to a one-world religion called secularism ruled by the belief in, and dictates of, science. The Christian claimant of MFNN, ‘pastor’ Bob Roberts, Jr, is a WEF contributor. He wrote an article to gain Christian compliance in the global government’s depopulation campaign called COVID-19, and also runs an Northwoods Church which states it is inclusive along gender lines.

The LGBTQIA+ and the garbage people, especially leaders in faith, who promote it actually have a destination for the movement. It’s complete distance from morality as laid down by God. They want to be diametrically opposed to God. Thus, the speech they are really after is any speech which prohibits or impedes their Satanic actions. Talk about flat earth all day – that’s not a threat to the evil entities controlling this world. If you want to talk about the greatest sporting events in history or pay attention to celebrities, they don’t care. But don’t you dare read the Bible and apply the lessons in it to your life. Don’t you dare call evil, evil, and good, good. Don’t you dare try to convince people that the world is Satanically-oriented but that the ways Torah, as performed flawlessly through Jesus Christ, leads to a prosperous life lived set apart for the Glory of God and salvation through the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for all of us. That’s what they really don’t want us to be able to say.

As the world slides further and further into delusion, debauchery, and delusion the efforts of the anti-free speech advocates will begin to come more directly after the entire Bible. Mentions of God is what they aim to criminalize and, they will. The Bible states they will. This world is given over to the Adversary. But that doesn’t mean we give up the Bible, nor God, nor Jesus just because it’s hard. It means we find our peace within God and within Jesus and pray for the strength, courage, and opportunity to reinstate all of our rights in the face of the tyranny in the United States. For the purposes here, it means we demand that speech doesn’t end up criminalized and we take back the language.

Outside of the anti-God implications, no one would be able to debate anything. I wouldn’t be able to state that news stories sometimes feature the most deluded so far. One of these stories comes out of Portland, Oregon where a deranged victim of government, media, and medical propaganda showed up at a public speaking event wearing what appears to be a space helmet and claiming COVID-19 and concussion prevention was her reasoning. Someone needs to let her know how ridiculously stupid she is. If the speech-hating crowd gets their way we won’t ever know what was in the next ‘vaccines’ for the next plandemic. It turns out that the COVID-19 death jabs have a growing mountain of evidence pointing to the fact that they are not vaccines but gene therapies.

We wouldn’t be able to see the gay agenda in and out of elementary schools like the events which occurred June 2, 2023 in front of Saticoy Elementary School in North Hollywood, California. A group of parents protested the LGBTQ curricula and their anti-God agenda at the elementary school which became physical. The police broke up at least one skirmish while the media edited out who started it. The cops should have allowed the natural consequences of, what appears to me, the LGBTQ agitator but instead broke up the skirmish. The LGBTQ advocates should not be anywhere near a school because their agenda is pure child sexualization and child abuse which are already crimes.

The front of the war on speech is in the LGBTQ movement. They want their pronouns, which are delusions to begin with, to be protected, their access to children to be unhindered, and their sexualization of children to be legalized. Once they gain legalization of that the next major hurdle will be the complete legalization of pedophilia. As these reprobates push for pedophilia others will start to agitate for legalized cannibalism and ritualized human and child sacrifice. This is where it goes according to history as well as in the Bible – may God bless all of those standing up to protect these little ones.

And, may God bless all of those who are fighting back against the anti-speech entities trying to take all of our rights away. May we all come to the realization that we are fighting a very spiritual war which has long been being waged between the powers of evil and pitting them against the power of God. Guess who prevails in the end? We need to use our speech now to preserve speech for the coming generations against attacks from both the left and the right…. Not participating means giving up on all of our other God-given rights.

Bless God and God bless.


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