Drawing Up Human Enslavement (Covid-19 to Eco-terrorism)

Drawing Up Human Enslavement (Covid-19 to Eco-terrorism)

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/7/2023

If I were going to attempt to control everyone on the world I would get a bunch of people together and promise them that if they would just do as I was asking, I would let them share that power with me. Whether or not I ever had the intention to share any power with them would be immaterial as long as they believed they would get the power I promised would suffice. To retain that power I would use cunning and brutality in measures to pacify the more ambitious among those following my plan. For everyone else, I would scare the crap out of them over and over again in order to convince them that the plan developed would save them from whatever malady was afflicting them. The key would be to make the malady one designed by those sharing in the plan, shape all of the narratives about the issues, and then control the behavior of the rest the people in the world with carrots and sticks.

Remember COVID-19? Who can forget. This is why I firmly believe it was a plandemic. The disease was created in a lab. It was more than likely purposefully released on the planet. Conspicuously, all of the recommendations, as draconian as they were, every dreamed up at certain ‘exercises in preparedness’ like Clade X, Crimson Contagion, and Event 201 were implemented world wide. What was found was another confirmation of a behavioral phenomena found in the Milgram experiment. 65 percent of the participants in the experiment followed the experts orders when they told the subject to ‘kill’ someone. All of the participants caused ‘severe harm’ when ordered to do so. (No one was injured during the experiments). 67% of the world was fully vaccinated against living in a body God gave us. Everyone was caused harm, jabbed or not. Everyone was affected and everyone affected others – some positively; however those effecting positive outcomes had their medical licenses invalidated, found themselves in made-up and frivolous lawsuits, and have been dubbed criminals by those who orchestrated and operationalized the depopulation scheme in the first place.

It’s tough to top the levels of fear inspired in people when confronted with an invisible pathogen. To make sure the fear stayed elevated, videos from China showed people falling dead in the streets. A test which would show anything one wanted to find in the human body was used to find COVID-19 everywhere, even in papayas. Deaths were chalked up to the pathogen in order to maintain and elevate the levels of fear in the population while the actual causes of death included traffic accidents, gun shots, and mandated medical procedures and policies designed to murder those ill with the pathogen.

The Fauci’s and Gates and Tedros’ know that it is hard to top the level of fear airborne-transmitted diseases inspire in people and the irrational decisions these people are prone to make to make it all better. That’s what they used to meet their ends – depopulate humanity. Why they did this was twofold, greed of money and power, and because they harbor a deep-seated hatred of God and the beings he created. The COVID-19 conspirators told us to euthanize our pets in the middle of their mass-murder operation…. They hate everything God made.

Another faction that hates human beings just as much as the eugenicists who orchestrated COVID-19 is the man-made climate change crowd. Millions of us are already well aware that their schemes to mitigate climate change is by attacking the gases which constitute the building blocks of life like nitrogen, carbon, and water. As an extra incentive for these deranged eco-terrorists they have created a global wealth transfer scheme to skim off the top of which they expect us to fund. They have also placed unwarranted power at their disposal because their solutions always mean an additional control placed on all human beings. Eliminating the consumption of red meat is the target right now, for example, but there are others as well, such as gas stoves, energy production, oil and gas exploration, and forcing all non-electric machines onto electricity. These eco-terrorists have now found it fit to use the same tactics the neo-Nazi’s running the COVID-19 scheme have. Instead of invisible pathogens, the eco-terrorists use the invisible gases the earth plays host to – carbon dioxide and water vapor chief among them. Both of these gases have been given the term pollutant.

During COVID-19 there were ample reminders that life was being made miserable anywhere we looked. There were bubbles placed on supermarket floors around the world so we could maintain our six feet apart at all times. The plandemic’s masterminds shut our businesses down to keep us at home on house arrest. Children had to use a computer at home for school because the classroom suddenly became too dangerous despite any evidence supporting the notion. But the one thing reminding all of us, all the time, that we were in the middle of something abnormal that we were supposed to be scared of was the mask. Everyone had that infernal mask on. The world didn’t smile for about a year and a half in some place. The people in some locations are still not able to smile at one another today, nearly three and a half years later. Some really deranged people still insist on wearing the disease amplifying face diapers voluntarily….

The eco-terrorists love the compliance they demand being visible. They want to do all of the COVID-19 protocols in addition to causing even more economic harm than the pandemic did. The economic ramifications are immediate to the families affected but the numbers take a quarter, a year, or even several years, to start telling their story. The planners had no issues with people losing their jobs, but it wasn’t visible enough. They demanded those masks go on and that they never come off. Yet, we got tired of wearing them because, slowly, we figured out that the whole thing was a giant hoax or felt a false sense of security because we fell for their chimeric jab lies. They loved seeing us in those stupid, useless, and disease inspiring masks. They loved every mandate that issued. The eco-terrorists just brought that back…

According to the Washington Post today, “At-risk New York City residents told to wear masks” portends the eco-terrorists desire to inspire fear the same way the plandemic did, using the same tactics as well. There is a haze which has been over my city on and off for the last month and a half. The haze is due to smoke from fires in Canada. Not only are New Yorker’s being told to put on their masks, only specific masks will do, just like during COVID-19, ““If you are an older adult or have heart or breathing problems and need to be outside, wear a high-quality mask (e.g. N95 or KN95),” the office of Mayor Eric Adams said in a statement late Tuesday. The city also urged New Yorkers to stay indoors when possible.” And stay home – the climate is too bad. Wear your mask the climate is too bad. These are climate lockdowns and some evidence points to that fact.

The fires themselves have no determined cause as of yet. The reason the causes have not been identified is because the blame must go to climate change. Now, call me crazy, but these wildfires must have been infused with the same intelligence COVID-19 had where the pathogen knew if we were taking a bite of food or talking to a fiend. The mask could come off to put food into your mouth and the virus knew not to infect you but if you were sitting there naked and chatting with a buddy it was a death sentence. These fires knew what the eco-terrorists wanted and there are a high number of infernos near Canada’s refineries and above the oil and gas in the ground below. To me, these ‘fires’ seem to be acts of arson perpetrated by the Justin Trudeau wing of the global neo-Nazi government. The intent seems to be to get rid of cheap, efficient forms of energy by creating artificial scarcity and making these energy forms unaffordable.

The United Nations and their anti-human compatriots have written million of pages of designs to do exactly that. Trillions of dollars have been spent on ‘going green’. The United Nations spends a lot of time on finance and the controls that come through the organizations providing it. That is what ESG and DEI is and that is who gave birth to it. Remember, get a bunch of friends and power share – this is what ESG does. As a result, the only home insurance which will soon be available to California homeowners will be the crap the state offers. Allstate and State Farm (as well as AIG) will no longer insure California homes and businesses because of, as Axios, and the rest of the propaganda dealers in the mainstrem media will tell us, man-made climate change. They also quoted a hard-core neo-Nazi in their article, “”But this is a 50-state problem as insurers are being forced to re-assess their risk tolerance as climate change leads to more common and severe extreme weather events, says Steve Bowen, chief science officer at Gallagher Re.” They are reassessing their risk based on social credit scores and ESG. Steve Bowen would have made Goebbels’ life far easier.

But, I’m not supposed to say that. I’m supposed to go along with the ‘experts’ opinions. Like Fauci, Bowen needs to be tried for the crimes he has committed against us. He is following a global government plan to destroy the wealth and well-being of the entire human population. But so is the SPLC who just displayed their absolute degeneracy by placing Moms for Liberty on their hate group list. So is the US government in designating half the country as violent domestic extremists based on the color of their skin, their belief in God, their views on sex and gender, their affirmation of gun-rights, and the rejection of this regimes social, political, medical, cultural, and technological decrees and stances. Target is obviously playing for the same team. So are thousands of other businesses, NGO’s, governments, international organizations, churches, religious institutions, educational facilities, states, territories, and even many city governments. They are all on the same team. They all think they are going to get a slice of the money, power, and fame being stolen from the hands of those they have depopulated already and continuously suck out of those slated for extermination. If they aren’t stopped they will achieve their goal – 500 million ‘human’ beings designed by them will serve their elite masters every desire without the capacity to conceive any alternative way of life. Their first task will be to burn the 7-plus billion bodies of all the rest of us.

The collusion seen between the plandemic and now the eco-terrorists – both global government exterminations operations – should be very clear. If it wasn’t before reading this piece, I hope that it is a bit clearer now. To sum it up – this is the beast system. It’s already built. All that is left for them to do is to gain full control over minds through fear and our economic fate tied directly into an implanted biometric device. This system is nearly completed and we should all be able to feel the weight of the chains being slipped around our necks.

If we want to stop them we are going to need to unite around the word of God and come together under God’s protection and with God’s orders guiding us. We need to turn our faces back towards God and seek Him. If for no other reason we should be doing this for ourselves and our own salvation. The bigger picture – restoring America, dismantling the global government, fixing the border, elections, and crime – is not going to occur unless we, as a nation, decide to seek the face of God once more.

Bless God and God bless.


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