Let’s Play a Game – How Much is Too Much?

Let’s Play a Game – How Much is Too Much?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/22/2023

I was driving home from my ‘day’ job this morning and was listening to Coast to Coast AM. I am usually calmer while I listen to the delusional guests talk about how great the aliens and their UFO’s are, their mystical and occult readings given to them from demons (a fact they refuse to acknowledge). While Coast to Coast AM will put Biblically-oriented guests on the air, it features far more degenerate guests who rail against God on a regular basis on the program. Usually I just roll my eyes and mutter under my breath. Tonight was a blue streak of vile words directed at a guest who was talking up the virtues of artificial intelligence.

The guest was Brian Roemmele who is described as a brilliant “scientist, researcher, analyst, connector, thinker, and doer,” as well as an “Alchemist & Metaphysician”. He said a lot of things about AI but all he actually accomplished was causing increased delusion. He demanded, much like the World Economic Forum does, that no one should be concerned about developments in AI. Instead, we should embrace a technology which at it’s most rudimentary conception was identified as having the most potent potential to cause humanity’s downfall. The point of AI has always been to make billions of human beings obsolete. Roemmele isn’t brilliant nor is he truthful because he dismisses these issues.

He approached these concerns with a denial of their potential in the most pompous and degenerate way he could. He compared the idea of the invention of the wheel and the harnessing of fire to the rise of AI. The wheel made it possible to transport more and fire allowed us to cook food, heat our caves and huts, as well as set people on fire. People can and do use wheels and fires responsibly. With AI – there is no responsible use because it’s sole purpose is to replace human intelligence entirely. Roemmele dangerously advised the listeners of Coast to Coast AM to use AI’s like ChatGPT to discuss issues they are uncomfortable discussing with real people. He also suggested that any lock which one would ever need to pick is automatically illegal, and that those worried about losing their jobs to AI should just relax and go with the flow.

But all of that got me to thinking, what is Roemelle’s cut off point for the number of jobs AI can take? Is 20% of all of the jobs too many? Is it 60% of the jobs? Is it right up to the point where AI threatens his own useless, reprobate existence? All of these got me to thinking what is acceptable for me. Zero jobs should be lost to AI.

But, as Roemelle repeated over and over again on Coast to Coast AM, the AI genie cannot be put back in the bottle and, at this stage of the game, it is a featured element of the technological arms race between the US, China, Russia, and EU. The genie could be put back in the bottle though. More accurately, the AI can still be shut off everywhere it is used. Roemelle lied to all of the Coast to Coast AM listeners about this. The likelihood of this occurring is minimal, but it could be done. It could even be done using traditional computer viruses and antivirus schemes to make sure even independent actors are unable to continue racing towards the singularity unless it is of a standalone (useless) variety.

The fact that most of the world has dedicated itself to race towards the Singularity – that point in time where an AI is able to ‘think’ faster than and hold more data than all of the human brains on earth – is the real problem. The race is on and the participants all want to win – humanity be damned. Roemelle and a slew of other AI propagandists and promoters want the Singularity to come to fruition. Making humanity obsolete on purpose, and disposing of the useless eaters so deemed by the likes of Roemmele is their goal. In the meantime it will also be people like Roemmele who will demand that all humans onboard such technology as well as turn themselves into chimeras through biomedical interventions in order to avoid being deemed obsolete.

But, those numbers also got me to thinking about other numbers. Is 593 million foreign ‘refugees’ and illegal aliens in the United States too many? What number needs to appear on a retirement check to make 593 million United States citizen replacements acceptable? Is it merely maintaining the $1,800 to $3,600 a month or is it $5,000, $10,000, or even more? Again, for me it means zero illegal aliens, no replacement migration of any form, and any money any US citizen paid into the Social Security ponzi scheme needs to be returned, with interest, to those plundered every day of our working lives. Obviously, opinions vary. I’m not being hyperbolic either – the border crisis is directly linked to the entitlements US citizens claim they are due to receive. Either the citizens of the US will be replaced with foreign elements or the entitlement programs in the US will be reassessed and, in some cases, ended.

65% of US citizens spit at God and claim that God is not necessary to be a good person. They are saying that God’s standards – the laws of the Torah INCLUDING THE 10 COMMANDMENTS – are irrelevant to their lives and that they, themselves, are capable of judging good and bad based on their own set of ethics. Is 65% too many? Absolutely. What is the right number? For me it’s zero, again. There should be zero people who do not recognize that God is integral to defining what it means to be a ‘good’ person. This is particularly true in the United States as this nation has never been directly under the thumb of the Vatican as its play thing, was obviously blessed by God, and drafted all of it’s founding principles from the Bible in general and the Old Testament in particular.

What happens when there is no reliance on God? Ritual human and child sacrifice (abortion, suicide, euthanasia), ritualized cannibalism (directly connected to sex trafficking and human sacrifice), demands for acceptance and celebration of ‘alternative’ and non-reproductive sexual behaviors (the alphabet mafia and the rise of the pedophile), massive increases in violence particularly of the violent variety (crime rates and the lack of justice), and a direct assault on truth by determining that good is bad and bad is good (almost the entire media, global government, Brian Roemmele, etc….).

And we get repaid for all of this degeneracy because people are given over to their own delusion. Why is the US dollar collapsing? Why is the United States watching its social cohesion deteriorate to the point of violence, war, and rumors of war proliferate? Why is there famine and insecurity running through the populace, causing unneeded and self-imposed strife? God is judging this nation and 65% of us have decided to spit at him. Those spitting have no desire to be self sufficient and actively promote dependence on the state over belief in God and self reliance. Some of these entities work day and night to halt any effort anyone else makes to read the Bible, pray to God, or to become self-sufficient.

So, when global government documents feature the ideas of collectivism using terms like leaving no one behind, what percentage would be acceptable to their sensibilities for them to leave behind. For them, the number is zero. Everyone must be folded into the new world order, the great reset, the great narrative, build back better. Every single one of is being told, whether we want to participate or not, whether we are paying attention or not, and whether we disagree or not, that we will take all of the DNA mutilating medical interventions the global government and their freak-show ‘experts’ demand, do our part to fulfill their Sustainable Development Goals, adopt AI-monitored and analyzed digital currencies, and participate in the new economy centered in the Metaverse and based, in large part, on carbon credits. Who gets to opt out according to the global government? No one.

What happens to those who say no? What happens to those who decide they want to be left behind? Well, what does history tell us? What does the Bible tell us? One provides lessons to be drawn from and avoided if only we learn it and the other prophecies that history, indeed, will be repeated on a much more grand scale. History denotes that time and again those who resist the ways of the world and the powers which exist in the world are hunted down, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered. Biblical history itself relates these lessons. The Exodus is a great example of not only what those in power will do to keep that power but also what God will do when He wills it. Non-biblical examples are too numerous to list but several more recent examples include Germany, Italy, and Japan under Marxist leaders practicing fascism, China since Mao Zedong’s bloodthirsty Marxist implementation of Communism, and the current technocracy’s (neo-fuedal states) of the world in Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and Switzerland.

Since most of human history has featured some form of feudalism and as the way of the world rapidly abandons non-feudal forms of economics, governance, social arrangements, and human activities it will be this technocracy and its 5G and 6G towers, internet of things, AI, robotics, biomedical interventions, and social-credit-score-based digital currencies which will return humanity to a globally administered system of slavery and demands of compliance, or else. I fully intend to neither agree with any part of this system because one of the demands is to give up on God and go along with the ways of the world. For that I fully expect to be persecuted by the Satanists in charge of the system being implemented. How many should be persecuted – none. How many will be so persecuted? 100% of those disagreeing will be persecuted, chased, harassed, tortured, criminalized, forced into labor camps, tortured, and/or murdered. A small chunk of those not following the way of the world, who have chosen God, will manage to persevere but only because of God’s will, not our own. But, even some of these will waiver in their faith and trust in God – the Book of Job provides this lesson more than adequately.

God is offering nothing but an alternative which will not necessarily be pleasant, and I am merely pointing that fact out. Actually, if you read the source document for this article – the Bible – we are promised that it will be overwhelmingly unpleasant. But, for now, there is a choice we can and will make. There is the steadfast and unchanging God. And there is the schizophrenic and mentally unbalanced way of the world. We cannot straddle the dividing line. We cannot live in both worlds. Many have already decided which side of the division they wish to stand on. It’s overwhelmingly lopsided that people are deciding to be entities aligning themselves with a world more and more openly hostile towards God and those believing in God. As soon as those believing in God and willing to act publicly based upon their convictions of the truth of God are neutralized through a combination of censorship, being officially recognized as a terrorist, arrest, and murder, those who have turned their backs on God will be targeted. The saddest part of the whole situation is that those who hate God cannot recognize that the demands they are making to shut down the Godly are the same demands others will make to exterminate them without the provisions God freely gives at all.

We all have a loaded gun to our heads held by faceless, nameless global technocrats who know God is real and celebrate everything evil anyway. The criminal in the liars eyes is the truth about God and pointing out any of the other truths which destroy their lies. How many of the bullets need to be fired until we all get it – until we all realize that a small contingent of bloodthirsty monsters want to assist Satan in murdering everything God created? Is it ten more? 15 more? They have already fired at least a dozen mortars at us…. Yet still, these monsters persist and daily more monsters come out of the woodwork to support the global government’s agendas. More come to rally around the Beast system. More come out to demand their own extermination. This is exactly why I shouted at my radio on my way home from work today. It’s exactly what that calculating, lying, duplicitous, God-hating man, Brian Roemmele, was demanding – ‘just let us take care of everything for you and pay no heed that we have well documented plans to enslave and exterminate every last one of you’. Roemmele basically argued that we should all just pretend everything is a-okay – ‘let us keep shooting at you, fish in a barrel’.

How much is too much? It’s already too much. Abandoning God, the only chance any of us have while we exist in this world as well as the next, seems, to me, the most arrogant and stupid thing anyone could do. The delusion is already strong in this world though and the cause is because far too many have already turned their backs on God and decided they can do better by their own estimations. To quote the Messiah (Matthew 24:12), “many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah [written as the law in many Bible versions].” Maybe 30 people will see this and click on it. Maybe 5 or 10 will make it all the way through this article. Meanwhile, voices and articles like Roemmele are being magnified and billions are being blindly led to the slaughter Satan and his demonic entities in human form have planned for all of us - believers and non-believers alike.

For those who made it this far – share this with someone who thinks it’s all fun and games and that everything is a-okay. Or don’t, but I’d appreciate it if you did. My advice is to know what the ways of the world are – degenerate, reprobate, filthy, and disgusting – without adopting them. Even more importantly, get right with God. All the bullets, food, water, power generation sources, etc…, in the deepest, most impenetrable bunker on earth impervious to nuclear blasts and 10,000 air filters to clean the air of biological weapons and nanobots will not do anything to save you or anyone else for one second if God does not will it. The most important thing any of us can do is to get right with God. Period. The next most important thing is make sure that those in your circles are getting right or already right with God as well. Bullets and food and friends are great, but without God they are all for naught.

Bless God and God bless.


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