‘Trustworthy’ AI is a Farce and So is Every Other NWO Decree

‘Trustworthy’ AI is a Farce and So is Every Other NWO Decree

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/21/2023

The first thing everyone needs to do is acknowledge that there already is a world government. The world government has its seat at the United Nations in New York City. There are many meetings of various aspects of this global government on an annual basis but several of them are more important than others. Two of them occurred last week. One is the annual G7 meeting. The other is the annual Bilderberg Meeting. The G7 is relatively public while the Bilderberg Group is as secretive as it can be. While the group has met since the mid 1950’s, media attention was non-existent until recently. The G7 serves more as a mouthpiece for the actions the global government is going to take while Bilderberg sets the objectives and plans events for the next year or two.

The 2023 G7 meeting in Hiroshima concluded today. Despite not having yet concluded, many documents have already been produced through the first two days of the conference. One prime example of how repugnant this meeting is can be found under the heading, “Promoting Gender Mainstreaming through the Nexus Approach.” The third paragraph of the document describes what their plan is:

“It is necessary to accelerate progress through more consistent and intersectional gender mainstreaming and targeted actions in international efforts while overcoming any fragmentation and marginalization of gender issues. In this context, at the G7 Hiroshima Summit, the Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and girls in all their diversity as well as marginalized groups, to realizing gender equality and the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms through enhancing the “nexus” between relevant policies, and to achieving transformation in the area of gender.”

It’s bad enough that the G7 has decided to fully embrace and promote neo-fascist feminist ideologies. But, because the Alphabet Mafia has also been invited into the discussion, the term woman or girl no longer means those capable of giving birth to viable human babies. The terms are undefined because gender is a feeling or a mood. It’s something no longer tethered to biology from the globalist’s standpoint – it’s whatever the Alphabet Mafia defines it as today. It’s highly problematic that the G& included the following in the document:

“G7 members have been working as members of the United Nations LGBTI Core Group, an informal cross regional group of the United Nations Member States established in 2008 whose main activities are raising awareness about LGBTQIA+ issues, seeking common ground and engaging in a spirit of open, respectful and constructive dialogue and cooperation with UN Member States and other stakeholders outside the Core Group.”

It’s lunacy, but lunacy is the new normal. That lunacy has been adopted by the leaders at the meeting save one – Italy’s PM, Giorgia Meloni. Canada’s PM, Justin Trudeau tried to raise concerns about Meloni’s refusal to acknowledge the ‘rights’ of non-biological parents over children. The rest of the leaders, Japan’s PM Kishida Fumio, France’s President Emmanuel Macron, the USA’s Joe Biden, UK’s PM Rishi Sunak, Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the European Council’s President Charles Michel, and the European Union’s President Ulsula von der Leyen agreed with all of the nonsense espoused by including the Alphabet Mafia’s demands. In addition to the leaders who attended were the heads of the auspices of the global government who were invited – The United Nations, International Energy Agency, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic and Cooperation and Development, World Bank, World Health Organization, and World Trade Organization. If this isn’t a world government with a new world order in store for all every man woman and child then I cannot tell you what it is.

This meeting produced what I will call, the global death master plan. They titled it with a far more banal designation, “G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué.” Right off the bat the participants lay out sixteen ways in which they plan to advance their war against humanity with the full intention of eradicating the entire human race. The fronts they listed are unlimited military and financing commitments to Ukraine, total disarmament of everyone couched in nuclear weapons concerns, further integrating national economics, ‘clean’ ‘energy’ ambitions, increasing artificial food scarcity, seeking global taxation schemes, promising war to any who threaten shipping lanes in the Indo-Pacific seas, continuing to destroy people through inflation, racing towards the promised destruction in the fulfillment of the SDGs, instituting more global banking, over-representing African nations, decarbonizing, disincentivizing energy production methods which produce cheap energy reliably, reaffirming their commitment to the Pandemic Treaty and to destroying healthcare and medical care, increasing the number of people trafficked over borders, and regulating artificial intelligence. There are 16 fronts all of which will cause major problems for all of us but they are going to do all of them at the same time. They are doing all of this simultaneously because they want to kill all of us as efficiently and quietly as possible.

They list their justifications by applying their despicable, Godless, version of the rule of law. A big part of their version of law revolves around the very flawed ethical list called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the misguided visions of gender equality, and their extremely warped view of what human dignity entails. Vividly missing from their rationale is the recognition of national sovereignty and God’s role in all of our lives. They have decided to replace God with themselves under the degenerative idea of democracy. Ursula von der Leyen’s existence serves as a prime example of this degeneracy as well as what their vision of democracy actually is (hint – no one votes for the EU’s president).

The media’s main take away from the G7 meeting is the mention of artificial intelligence regulations. Any regulations the NWO places on artificial intelligence will prove to be ineffective but beneficial to maintaining, enhancing, and expanding the reach of the NWO. But, because most of the media in the world is nothing but a paid-for propaganda outlet for the NWO, they proclaim that the regulations will reign in the AI beast this same global government has already unleashed upon humanity. If you buy that I have a bridge to sell you.

I wish the media was not so dedicated to making sure that no real information is ever available to anyone. AI cannot be made trustworthy. The entire idea behind AI is a dedicated effort to replace the intellectual dominance of humanity. By design, AI is planned to do more and more of the things reserved for human beings. From operating machinery to buying stocks and bonds; educating children to making board room decisions; creating art to getting goods from point A to point B; AI is meant to replace us. Anyone pretending that there is a safe version of AI is lying to you. Anyone thinking that AI can be trusted or that anyone should trust it is also lying to you or advocating for your death. AI is nothing but the rise of the obsolete man and the NWO justification for the extermination campaigns being waged against us.

The Bilderberg Group, which started on Thursday also discussed the issues AI is presenting to humanity. Builderberg 2023 was held in Lisbon, Portugal where the rules of secrecy are strictly applied to the identity of some of the participants as well as the agenda. This strikes me as an affront to common sense because Bilderberg attendees are listed on the Bilderberg website and, of the 128 listed, at least 9 are representatives from media organizations. Each and every listed attendee to this meeting is a criminal entity which has perpetrated grave crimes on humanity and just spent several days planning the next phase of their criminal operations. The list includes absolutely degenerate monsters such as the President of the World Economic Forum, CEO of Pfizer, Stacy Abrams, CEO of British Petroleum, Henry Kissinger, Yaval Noah Harari, and Jens Stoltenberg of NATO. They are planning, in secret, how to use AI to destroy everyone, how to exacerbate the war in Ukraine by doing incredibly stupid things like the decision to give the kleptocratic Hitlarian Nazi’s in Ukraine F-16’s, and how to cause more inflation while raising the cost of energy and food.

The media coverage which does surface is a defense of the meeting. Like the Bilderberg meeting itself claims, CNBC parroted the bogus claims of the nature of the secrecy and the demands that it is merely individuals attending, thus, no laws are able to be broken. The secrecy revolving around the meeting is suspect, to say the least. Known anti-human, completely unethical, amoral, God-hating entities meeting with over 120 others of a like mind cannot yield fruit beneficial for humanity. In 2018 and 2019, I have absolutely no doubt that the participants in the meeting planned out exactly how to roll out coronavirus and the exact mitigation efforts they would use to ‘combat’ the ‘pathogen’ when in reality they weaponized the entire medical establishment and healthcare system against absolutely everyone.

The decisions about the direction the world will take – from the top levels at least – are set by the Bilderberg Group. The implementation of those discussions are announced throughout the year at any of the dozens of similar meetings held. The Davos meeting is another of these types of meetings as are the meetings of the UN, World Bank, WHO, WTO, IMF, Bank of International Settlements, and many other organizations. They meet to discuss how to get their plans adopted by the masses, make sure that blame for their policies and recommendations never come back to them, and to mull the details of expedited and enhanced implementation and pat themselves on the back for any progress made of their designs being implemented.

In this world, whatever these groups promote is exactly what all of us need to be refusing to cooperate with. AI, that’s a hard pass for me. It’s a hard pass on biometric IDs, the man-made climate change scams, the usurping of medical and health care, digital currencies, artificial food scarcity crises, checkpoints, disarmament demands, gain-of-function research operations, supporting the alive and well Nazis (Third Reich Hitlerian ones) in Ukraine, race wars, and open borders. I won’t comply with any of these things and if I must be jailed, fined, killed, or tortured to earn my compliance then so be it. Everything the NWO does is based on lies paraded as truth in the trashcan media outlets of the world. All the NWO exists for is to exterminate humanity through worship of the father of lies and to cause others to fall for the deceptions they promulgate – namely that God isn’t real and Jesus never existed.

While I reject all of these narratives, I will never reject the truth of the Bible. We may not agree on what that book says for any number of reasons; however, the Book is true. God is real. Jesus died for our sins. And we are watching the rise of the Beast system in the halls of the global government in New York City. With all of the lies designed to destroy the truth of God and Jesus and the Bible, it is vital to seek the truth in the Bible. The lies will change, magnify themselves, and serve to deceive many because of – as Jesus himself said – distance from the law – Torah. There is not a Jewish version and a version for everyone else. There is the Torah God wants us to strive for (morals) and there is everything else (ethics). Ethics are able to be manipulated and altered, destroyed and recreated. Jesus also spoke to this when he warned about the potential to be deceived. You can take that or leave it, that’s your decision, but we had all better get right with God because these entities in the global government are going to lie to everyone until the very last God-fearing person is slain.

Bless God and God bless.


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