The New Normal And Pipelines

The New Normal And Pipelines

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/17/2023

When the interloper sat down behind the desk in the Oval Office he immediately began signing things. He claims he doesn’t always know what he is signing, which is troublesome, but one of those things he signed was to shutter every gas and oil pipeline he could. His rationale for this corrupt and treasonous act was climate change. When he sat behind that desk the world was still in convulsions over the corona plandemic, a plandemic which promised everyone on earth a new normal derived from the concepts of the UN’s Build Back Better debauchery. The UN’s Build Back Better plan demands that everything which works for the people and societies be destroyed. The plandemic destroyed the healthcare, medical, and legal systems. Joe Biden has his sights set even higher – destroying everyone’s access to energy and at the same time starving the earth and the atmosphere for carbon. His hatred of pipelines is only evident when they are carrying cargo which enables humanity – as soon as the idea of sucking carbon dioxide out of the air and transporting the gas by pipeline came up, the demon started drooling at the prospect.

The White House released a press briefing In July, 2022 to tackle the issues arising from the criminally stupid idea called carbon sequestration. The briefing reads, “The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has announced it is seeking nominations for two new task forces that will provide input to inform the responsible development of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS). The task forces, which are required by the Utilizing Significant Emissions with Innovative Technologies (USE IT) Act, will provide recommendations to the Federal government on how to ensure that CCUS projects, such as carbon dioxide pipelines, are permitted in an efficient manner, reflect the input and needs of a wide range of stakeholders, and deliver benefits rather than harms to local communities.” The task force is meant to allow carbon sequestration pipeline permits to be issued with very little concern given to actual environmental impacts.

Thousands of miles of carbon dioxide pipelines already exist. To transport the gas through the pipelines hydrogen sulfide is added to it. “Exposure to hydrogen sulfide may cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory system. It can also cause apnea, coma, convulsions; dizziness, headache, weakness, irritability, insomnia; stomach upset, and if liquid: frostbite.” The carbon dioxide being transported is highly concentrated, posing additional risks as well because at very high levels, carbon dioxide acts as an asphyxiant and sinks towards the ground. Citizens of Mississippi experienced what a ruptured carbon dioxide pipeline will do to those exposed to the gases in 2020. In Satartia, MS, 46 people were hospitalized for exposure to these gases when the pipeline burst. At least 200 others were evacuated from the area.

Central Illinois residents are currently being asked to allow a carbon dioxide pipeline to be placed in their lands. Affected counties have placed a moratorium on Navigator CO2 building these pipelines. The citizens do not seem to want them and have concerns about safety. It turns out that some of the people in Illinois, not the knuckle-dragging morons in Springfield and Chicago, do not have a trust in the federal government sufficient to abate their concerns about the pipeline. The company cannot seem to get it through their heads that they are not welcome. “"My community does not want your company in our area," said Craig Hall, 7th District county board member. "They have signs in their yards saying 'we don't want you' and you're still coming."”

The issue prompted the drafting of legislation in Illinois, HB 3119. The bill throws down some regulations on businesses like Navigator CO2 so that they cannot use Eminent Domain to cease people’s lands. Proposed in February 2023, the bill is currently in the Illinois House rules committee for the second time. Since March it hasn’t done much but sit in the Rules Committee. It has gained several co-sponsors; however, bring the total to 13. One co-sponsor is a republican. The potential for this bill’s death in the Rules Committee seems high to me, particularly because they have not assigned it to any particular subcommittee and it was already recommended for passage by the energy committee. Time will tell. But, Navigator CO2 has indicated a hesitant willingness to engage in the use of eminent domain land grabs. “Asked whether they would support the use of eminent domain in the matter, Anderson [Navigator CO2’s delegate] said the policy would be used if every option had been exhausted and was "not a good business decision."”

I’m heartened by these Illinois counties and their refusal to allow these pipelines to go into their backyards. In my own state, South Dakota, the same issue has arisen and I hope to be as joyful at the resolution here. The prospects for my aspirations are already very gloomy. South Dakota attempted to pass a bill to prevent carbon dioxide pipeline owners from using eminent domain to no avail. House Bill 1133 was passed in the SD House 40 to 28 but when it arrived in the Senate, the eight republicans and one democrat killed it by deferring it to the day after the final legislative day in the state. Arch Beal, my state Senator, was one of those on the committee which decided to allow the business interests of Summit to expropriate land to place carbon dioxide pipelines and easements in all of our backyards. Thanks Arch Beal – I’ll never vote for you again. The governor, Kristi Noem, has remained silent on the issue. Conservative Review succinctly captures the problems created by Beal’s incompetence (at best) and Noem’s silence:

“Now, imagine losing your land due to private-use eminent domain for a product that brings zero public benefit and is propped up by venture socialist policies built on a scientific lie. In South Dakota, pipelines are designated in statute as common carriers and, as such, have the ability to force eminent domain in the courts without having to prove it’s for the public good.”

Navigator CO2’s Heartland Project as well as a company called Summit have both used this legal definition to force people out of their land. The article notes what Summit has already done to landowners. It also notes how absolutely degenerate Summit’s actions are and how irresponsible it is to allow this to occur:

“The Argus Leader reports that Summit has initiated 80 eminent domain lawsuits against reluctant landowners in nine South Dakota counties. "Basically, it should send a message to South Dakota and [landowners] that this is the type of company we are going to be dealing with," Hohn told the Argus Leader. "Is this the type of company we want coming through South Dakota?"

“Remember, Summit is an out-of-state company with foreign investors that is now able to use South Dakota’s laws against landowners related to inalienable rights. This is so wrong.

“It would be one thing to give up your family estate for something that will bring energy to the state, but imagine ceding your historic farm or ranch for a lie packaged with nothing but carbon. This project would never get off the ground without government-sponsored lies about the climate, subsidies, and the regulatory state. It is the energy project equivalent of the COVID vaccines.

“The entire premise of this project is built on so many lies, yet we are allowing it to change our lives irrevocably, as we did with COVID and the vaccines under the guise of scientific consensus.”

Navigator CO2 is a privately owned company out of Omaha. It’s CEO, Matt Vining, looks like he may have a brother and a sister for parents. The company operates more than 6,400 miles of carbon pipelines. Summit’s CEO, Lee Blank, looks like a mob boss, and his company operates as one as well. Terry Brandstad is employed by Summit. The company seems dedicated to ensuring that plants cannot grow by depleting carbon dioxide, are an example of big farming, and are also dedicated to making sure that food prices go through the roof because they want to grow food crops to turn into fuel. Both companies have totally bought into the lie of man-made climate change and are making sure they get rich while they starve us, extort us, and even kick people off of their land. That’s a big problem.

Even to the greenies at the Sierra Club these useless pipelines are a problem. We have vastly different reasons for thinking that; however. The Sierra Club absolutely wants to murder everyone with the very red green movement. To them, carbon sequestration does not fix the problem of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. That’s not what matters to the Sierra Club – their aim is to use the green movement to bankrupt every last person on earth and, in so doing, enforce strict controls over all of the activities a human is permitted to conduct. All actual energy sources must be immediately halted, the consequences be damned, according to Sierra Club. They phrase it a bit more tactfully (although not much and, if you know the game they are playing – mass global human death – not at all), “The three pipelines in Iowa are being offered as false climate solutions.  We already know the solutions to our climate crisis - we must end our dependence on fossil fuels and invest in solar, wind, battery storage, conservation and efficiency!” Remember the Build Back Better bs – these guys love the stench it gives off; control over others, lack and want, misery, hopelessness, and mass death.

I reject these pipelines because they are absolutely not needed. They are worse than useless, the entire reason for their existence at all is to force people into starvation. When the carbon dioxide levels are reduced ‘enough’ plants just will not grow. If the psychopaths sponsoring the pipelines, building the pipelines, forcing the ESG, and making the laws regarding man-made climate change mitigation efforts all pooled their resources they could just build a two mile wide asteroid and launch it at the earth to cause the same effects their war on carbon will have if we don’t stop them. The asteroid would be a little bit more noticeable; however. So, in order to wage their war on carbon (primarily human beings, but all other life forms as well) they lie to us and demand we never use oil or gas again, believe that sucking carbon out of the atmosphere will prove beneficial to life, and comply with being absolutely extorted for any wealth we may have. The fact is still the same – these people and their ‘solutions; to ‘man-made’ climate change want all of us dead or destitute and willing to do whatever they tell us to do. Just like during the plandemic. You will eat the insects is the new you will take the jab.

Let’s take a page out of the left’s playbook and go to where they are building these anti-human ‘common carriers’ in South Dakota. We should stand in the way of the machinery. We should stand in the lines of their surveys. We should make complete nuisances of ourselves. And we should demand that under absolutely no circumstance should any of these anti-human projects be permitted to go forward one bit if eminent domain was used. That will get Noem’s attention and she may even have us arrested. So be it. That land belongs to members of our community. There is no public good which will come from it – quite the opposite. It will serve only to enrich the same types of people like Al Gore and Ken Lay – both fraudsters on a level Bernie Madoff is probably jealous of.

If you happen to want to participate in a disruptive, non-violent protest to hinder these anti-human criminals from completing these pipelines, bring garbage bags and clean up. If you really want to piss them off, stand in front of their sight-lines and bulldozers in numbers and read, in unison, passages from the Bible. Their blood will boil. Above anything else, the entities conducting themselves as they have, hate the truth. The ultimate truth is God is completely real, Jesus’ sacrificed His life for our sins, and the Holy Spirit is able to guide us as to what God wishes for us. The truth of their actions is they are engaging in destroying the land, destroying the atmosphere, destroying human lives and life, and they are using tactics of legalized theft to accomplish all of it. And they persist in calling this legalized racketeering scheme stewardship of the land when they know their actions will end with many deaths, especially from starvation. What spirit are they operating under? The spirit of the love of money and the spirit of the ways of this world – neither of which are Godly. Go protest these demons – take God with you and may God lead your feet and put the words in your mouth.

Bless God and God bless.


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