What the Antediluvian World Was Like

What the Antediluvian World Was Like

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/18/2023

Cultures from around the world all describe an event almost identically. This event was catastrophic in efect and global in scope. That event is the great flood. We understand the way the world was changed after the flood because that is the way the world in this age operates. The Antediluvian world is the one which existed prior to the flood and it was a much different place.

The most important reference comes from the Bible. It is brief and scarce on details, for good reason. The most in depth coverage comes from Genesis 6 and 7. Genesis 6 starts off by telling the learner, the angels which rejected God, the fallen, created offspring with humans. There were angels on the earth before the flood – angels who rejected God and chose to follow Lucifer. These offspring were giants and are described as “men of renown.” Everything people did on the earth was corrupted and evil – even their thoughts – continually and without ceasing. At this God decided to send the flood to destroy His creation. Even the animals were evil.

Noah followed God though, and God chose to spare him. Noah was chosen because he was righteous and was not corrupted. God commanded Noah to construct an ark and to put every type of creature upon it, one male and one female. Before God told Noah this he told Noah why he was going to flood the entire earth, “The end of all living beings has come before me, for because of them the earth is filled with violence. I will destroy them along with the earth.” Noah did as he was told.

In Genesis 7 the learner is introduced to the concept of rain. First, the springs which had served to bring forth dew every morning flooded the earth. Then it began to rain. Before this rain, the earth was made fertile by the waters in it and there was no rain. The rain was new and it is likely that the clouds were also new. But, to show His promise to Noah that God will never again destroy the whole earth by water, a rainbow was placed among the clouds as God stated in Genesis 9.

Jesus offers an example of what it was like before the flood in Matthew 24. He proclaims that people will once more be as they were in the days of Noah. They will be going on about their daily lives, getting married, eating, drinking, and having no idea what is about to befall them when the Messiah is ordered to return to earth by His Father not as a lamb but as a lion. Undoubtedly Jesus warns the world about what is coming in the future. Also undoubtedly many asked Noah what he was doing as he built the ark and gathered the animals. They scoffed at Noah and thought he was a lunatic, just as many, especially those in positions of power and with great wealth, scoff at the return of Jesus Christ today. Those who scoffed drowned in Noah’s day. Those who scoff today await a fate which involves fire and melting, plagues, famines, and pestilence.

To sum up the Biblical account of the Antediluvian period, there were giants which ate people, everyone was evil, everyone thought about new ways to be evil, there was corruption, fallen angels were having sex with human women as well as animals which produced monsters (chimeras), there was no rain, there were likely no clouds, rainbows were never seen, and violence proliferated. The violence was against all which God created. The concept of corruption though denotes two things – one that the leaders of the day were corrupt much as the leaders are today and, two that the DNA God created was polluted and desecrated by the sexual rampages the fallen angels and their bastard offspring produced.

Apart from the Bible, there are some other interesting things which have been uncovered. One such artifact is the Table of Kings. These clay tablet record eight kings who ruled their empires from between 28,800 to 43,200 years each. The total these eight fallen kings ruled was 241,200 years. That is an incredible amount of time. It is one of the reasons that in the middle of relating the events of the flood, in Genesis 6, God set the lifespan of human beings at 120 years. Prior to the flood some entities upon the earth lived tens of thousands of years.

Another of these ancient findings is not so much an artifact as it is geological abnormalities. These abnormalities are extremely odd and extremely old, yet consistent with a recent human development – the detonation of a nuclear device. The story comes from an ancient Hindu text called the Mahabharata. The text describes flying machines called vimana or ratha (eerily similar to the technology pioneered in the modern age by the Germans called UFO’s – the Germans called them haubenu) which launched projectiles brighter than the sun which melted metal, caused babies in the womb to die, and animals to burn alive. When a nuclear blast goes off it creates a usually green-tinted glass called trinitite and nuclear explosions are the only way man has ever found to create it. Evidence of this glass having been created in ancient times is out there; however, difficult to obtain. Those screaming ‘trust the science’ the loudest are the ones who adamantly refuse to accept any evidence which arises with the promise to change concepts of history. In this case the very real statement that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1) would diminish the cleverness man has credited himself with in having created all sorts of horrors such as the nuclear weapon, chimera-creating labs, and a revival of ritualized child murder.

Speaking of new, one can look to Plato’s descriptions of Atlantis. Many New Age philosophies (heresies) proliferate because of Plato’s descriptions of a land called Atlantis. Atlantis was a technologically superior island nation which waged war, and lost, to a spiritual Athens according to Plato. At some point it was swallowed by the sea. Many believe Atlantis to be nothing more than a myth. Others believe that the island has been located exactly where Plato stated it would be. Others yet infuse Atlantis and the occult into New Age philosophies. If Atlantis existed as Plato described it or not is moot as far as I am concerned. Atlantis, or a civilization similar to it, is exactly why the flood was sent by God. A civilization such as Atlantis having existed prior to the flood reaffirms the idea that there is nothing new under the sun. It also gives added impetus as to why God saw only violence, corruption, and evil upon the earth.

Other indications of civilizations more technologically advanced than human beings are today include the Great Pyramid of Giza and the walls at Sacsayhuaman and other locations. We still have only a rudimentary understanding of what purpose the Great Pyramid of Giza served. It seems that it served as orientation for those flying through the air and as a power generator but not as a tomb as other pyramids in the region do. The construction of stone walls in Sacsayhuaman, Peru was done without mortar, yet they fit together so snugly that a single sheet of paper will not pass through them. Today’s technology is unable to duplicate the construction method. Today’s construction methods would not be able to recreate the stone work in many of the areas large stones have been found. We have figured out how to lift the weight; however, moving the weight miles away is a feat not yet accomplished by modern man.

Adding all of these sources to the chapters mention in the Bible gives the indication that the world was inhabited by a bunch of literal monsters who would rape, rob, and murder anyone they saw fit for no reason at all which also happened to be extremely technologically advanced. So, you stop me when the parallels of this Antediluvian period which God destroyed for its absolute debauchery stops paralleling with the world we live in today.

Today there are chimeras, millions of them, and not just human varieties. DNA has been spliced into other life forms across the board. Noah avoided this and found favor with God.

Molech is no longer prominently displayed upon hilltops and the children sacrificed no longer need to be born and then taken to the demonic idol. Planned Parenthoods exist all over the place and the murder is committed by chemically or physically ripping the baby to shreds. The remains of the deceased are treated as medical waste which is then burnt. Those whose remains are not burnt are sometimes stored by absolute reprobates like Kermit Gosnell. Perhaps the most abhorrant and gruesome practice is that some are sold by part for the ‘advancement’ of medical science (which seeks to create more chimeras).

Robberies, murders, rapes, kidnappings, and many other crimes are being committed at increasing rates. These increasing rates of crime display several unseemly characteristics of a society in decline including a denial of God, a lack of things thought of a necessary, placing temporary pleasure and satiation over stability, ethics, and especially morals, laxer justice systems more hesitant to adequately punish those committing unlawful actions, and a general sense that what is evil is good and good is evil.

As mentioned above, UFO’s exist in this day and age but they are very well known to those permitted to know about them. Nuclear weapons are also very well known around the world. The specter pf nuclear war exists between any of about a dozen countries many of which are hostile to one another and occasionally go to war with one another. All it takes is one miscalculation, a disregard for human life, and a hot temper….

Reports of giants, literal 12-26 foot men, have been reported. Remains of these huge flesh eating creatures were regularly reported all the way up until early last century. Homes of the past carved high into the sides of cliffs indicate that there was a very real and dangerous threat necessitating their placement. Modern science and the methods and ideas of gene-splicing, collecting DNA from artifacts, and cloning portend a future rife with giants eating people. They may still exist in a form of stasis waiting to be called back into the service of the Adversary. Reports came from Kandahar, Afghanistan from the US military about the discovery, killing, and transportation of such a creature in 2002. The incident is widely touted as a conspiracy theory; however, it is important to note that those calling it a conspiracy theory have operated in a section of the government which has never once told the truth to the citizens of the nation when doing so would jeopardize their plans.

We still eat and drink and get married. We go on living our lives. We pay zero attention to God. We pay lip service, at best, to Jesus Christ. Whole sects of Christianity and Judaism have foregone the Bible altogether to pursue worldly objectives such as expanding state-backed extortion, access to methods of baby murder, and including those God called abominations in Leviticus 18 as part of the church. Some of these religious figures have even gone so far as to note that they plan on condoning and be the first in line to purposefully mutilate their DNA under the demonic title of transhumanism. Tens of thousands of others are members of something called the clergy response team who have decided to partner with governmental entities with the task of making sure their congregations are loaded onto buses heading towards state-run execution centers. Yet, here we are, not paying attention as these entities design our own destruction right under our noses. In effect, because we absolutely refuse to acknowledge what is taking place, let alone that these are all judgments from God which will culminate in the return of Jesus Christ, we are actually giving our passive consent.

Wake up. Wake up to the reality you actually live in. The one masked by the soap operas and the Kardashians. The one hiding behind the dopamine-hit of the social media platform you found this article on. Wake up to the fact that each and every human being on earth has multiple weapons pointed at our heads. Those still brave enough to publicly announce that Jesus Christ is my savior and God the Father is the author of all that is righteous and just are the ones targeted for the earliest possible extermination.

There is little to wonder about the Antediluvian world, honestly. We are once again living in it, or very nearly living in it. We are not terrified by giants (are we?) nor are women getting pregnant through having sex with fallen angels (or are they?). Everything else which was featured in the Bible – a book which only dwelt on what is important for us to actually know (See Matthew 9). If we cannot understand the truth of the Bible now, how much harder will it be to understand when the great delusion is fully pressed against us as described in 2 Thessalonians 2?

Become versed in the truth of the Bible, the orders of God, and the salvation of Jesus Christ. Do not put it off. The return to the days of Noah is completed whether we are looking for the exact same physical manifestations, the same technological ability, or the same disinterestedness in what God has to say because it would interfere too much with their own ways adopted from the ways of the world. This great delusion looms as does the Beast system which is 95% completed.

The Antediluvian world was one made into torment because of the evil perpetrated by the Adversary and his adherents. The world we inhabit today is being swallowed up in the same spirit of lawlessness. Thank God that the rainbow is still there and the promise of the world being entirely inundated will never occur today. The days of the birth pangs are upon us. Once certain events begin in earnest; however, there will be no turning back from the judgment of God – the shofars will sound and the bowls poured out. Should you be around in those days, God wants you to be sealed under His protection because you sought His face and fought against the pernicious evil crawling even now from the depths of Hell itself. The only way to do that is to learn now and remember later….

Bless God and God bless.


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