Terrorist Groups and Why the Daily Beast is Aiding and Abetting Them

Terrorist Groups and Why the Daily Beast is Aiding and Abetting Them

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/23/2023

The most deadly place to be in this world is supposed to be the safest. That location is the womb. The World Health Organization (WHO) is proud that the number of babies murdered in the womb is about 73 million a year. They are pleased that 61% of unplanned pregnancies result in murder. They are pleased that 29% of all pregnancies result in murder. They want the numbers to go even higher especially if they cannot figure out ways to convince women to stop getting pregnant in the first place. The WHO is hardly alone in their desire to exterminate children in the womb and to do their part to sterilize and convince women to stop getting pregnant. Planned Parenthood is an example of the former while Bill Gates, Pfizer, the alphabet mafia, and feminism are prime examples of the latter.

These baby-murdering knuckle-draggers use any excuse they can come up with to try to hide that fact that they are murdering people at a pace of 6,083,334 a month. Every 165 months, or 13.75 years, a billion such murders occur. What happened to the Jews (and others) during the Holocaust is atrocious and should never be repeated, yet, the world is piling about the same number of corpses on a monthly basis. The excuses for this insanity include babies who are not wanted, babies who would cause financial strain, babies who come from illicit or criminal actions, that it is better to mainstream and legalize murder instead of ‘forcing’ women who murder their babies into back alleys, and that it is a human right. All of these have been debated extensively and answers abound which prevent the murders from occurring – if you don’t want a baby don’t do things to make a baby; a baby isn’t going to strain finances nearly as much as some would have mother’s believe; rape is kidnapping which is punishable by death and the baby didn’t rape anyone; the safety of women murdering their babies is of absolutely no concern whatsoever; and human rights do not exist – God-given rights do but human rights are not based on God-given rights and therefore fall into a category of man-made ethics which are universally worthless.

I could write and write about those five (and many other) aspects of the form of murder called abortion. But an article out of the Daily Beast caught my eye and made my stomach churn. The title of the article written by Decca Muldowney is “Inside the Secretive Network of Abortion Pill Vigilantes”. The article starts off with an attempt to humanize an absolute demon who goes by the name ‘Denny’ in Louisville, Kentucky. Denny defined it’s pronouns as they/them – a direct correlation to Legion in the Bible (Mark 5). This particular emanation of Legion receives pills like a drug dealer. The pills are intended to go to women in states or situations where getting the pills is illegal or extremely difficult. The pills only have one use – to murder a baby in a mother’s womb. The reprobate writing the article for the Daily Beast did not humanize this piece of garbage. She did quite the opposite in fact – Denny needs to be given one life sentence for every single pill it mailed out. Under recent precedent, the makers of these particular drugs (Danco, GenBioPro, and Pfizer) should be sued $200 million per pill Denny has mailed out. The company’s CEO’s need to be tried for one count of reckless homicide for every pill sent out by Denny as well.

The article isn’t really about Denny though. It is about demanding that murder be legalized and that until that happens, terrorists will make their demands and continue to commit their crimes. When I equate Denny and it’s co-conspirators with terrorists I am not even remotely being hyperbolic. The article states that Denny “works with the group WeSaveUs.” Groups like WeSaveUs and things like Denny working with them are each compartmentalized and work with international actors like Mexico’s Las Libres which translates to the free ones. Veronica Cruz Sanchez is the feminist organizations leader who happens to live in a truly degenerative narco-terrorist state which allows over-the-counter purchases of the murder pills. All kinds of degenerative women buy the pills over-the-counter and cross the Mexico-US ‘border’. The Mexican drug mules give the pills to their US drug dealer. The US drug dealers eventually get the pills to scum like Denny and then a baby gets murdered. These mules are nothing but a criminal cartel operating to murder and maim US citizens. Veronica Cruz Sanchez is nothing but an international terrorist responsible for an unknown number of murders in the United States and serves as yet another example of why not a single person should be permitted to cross that border at all for the next 5 years.

But no one seems to make any money off of the racket. The pills are given out for free by Las Libres. The mules volunteer their criminal actions. The network of US baby murders don’t make money for their criminal actions either. Instead they all rely on donations. They are literally standing there with baby-blood-soaked hands and unashamedly asking people for money. Even promoters of baby murder who applaud the actions of reprobates like Denny won’t give money to it though. The stigmatization and potential to get caught up funding what even the supporters of baby-murder know to be terrorist cells frightens them, so they don’t give.

Denny has an excuse to commit these murders. The article quotes it as saying, ““What’s legal and what’s right are two different things.”” Murder is never legal and it is never right. Denny shows it’s desire to call lies truth and truth lies while the fact of the matter remains – Denny has no truth in it and belongs in a mental institution until it is admitted into a general prison population for thousands of murders. Las Libres’ Sanchez has an excuse too – one even more flawed than the one Denny came up with:

“Las Libres is committed to getting abortion medication to the most vulnerable populations in the United States, including undocumented arrivals, poor people, and immigrants, despite any restrictive laws. Cruz sees abortion as a human right that cannot be taken away by legislators.”

Sanchez isn’t content with only relying on Denny’s argument. Oh no, not this Nazi-loving blood drinker. She demands that human rights, which amount to a set of man-made ethics, are paramount to God’s laws as written in the Bible. Not only can these so-called human rights be taken away, they don’t actually exist in the first place. The entire concept of abortion being a right is insane – it is a demand that legitimizes murder based on what reproductive organs are in your body. We’ve all heard of identity politics – here is the basis for identity criminal actions which have been occurring much more openly and frequently.

Groups like Plan C; however, should immediately see anyone involved with them arrested. “The ultimate goal of Plan C is to advocate for full and free access to abortion for everyone in the United States, [Plan C’s co-founder and co-director, Elisa] Wells says. “But as we wait for that to become the reality in the US, we know that people need alternate sources of access immediately,” reads the Daily Beast’s description of the group. In their celebration of Plan C, Muldowney makes mention of another foreign baby-murdering terrorist organization called Aid Access which mails the pills directly into the United States. The difference between the terrorist groups pipe-lining fentanyl into the United States and Aid Access is that Aid access has killed far more at a far younger age and explicitly uses our tax funded postal service to accomplish their criminal actions. The article mentions another baby-murdering terrorist cell called Mayday ‘Health’ which put up billboards promoting baby murder on college campuses in fourteen states.

The executive director of Mayday Health, Jennifer Lincoln, is an OBGYN in Portland, Oregon which is fitting because it is full of complete lunatics who hate God. The state won’t pull her medical license even though it desperately needs to because the state endorses and encourages baby murder too. Being from South Dakota, one of the 14 states targeted by this bloodthirsty, delusional maggot masquerading as a doctor, she can keep her lunacy in her beloved hell-hole of Portland. Muldowney quoted this reprobate - ““We are in a war for our rights,” [Lincoln] she says. “The mantra is: ‘We will save ourselves.’ We can’t wait for the Supreme Court or politicians to fix it.” I’ve already explained that no one has the right to commit murder. The idea that we will save ourselves is a complete denial of God as well as an illogical assertion that not being able to murder babies is something that must be fixed in the first place. Not only does Lincoln have no use for God and His morals, she has no use for laws prohibiting murder. What a nice lady – if you are in Portland and in need of an OBGYN, please seek anyone other than this murderous, lying, God-hating thing known as Jennifer Lincoln or her peers. They would rather murder your baby than see you give birth.

Muldowney adds to the absolutely repulsive narrative she presented by writing at length about abortion bans and describing them as akin to the end of the world. Unfortunately, her narrative is not true because abortion is still obtainable in all 50 states. Some of those states have stringent provisions regarding the early termination of a pregnancy like informing parents if the person is a minor, only performing the procedure because of a mother’s immediate medical necessity and probability of death, and not permitting tele-health and it’s mail-order death pill racketeering in the state. She seems to have issues with ideas like having prospective baby-murderers get counseling and mulling the decision over for three days before they go through with it. In other words it’s not a show up murder your baby for any reason under the sun and go have an ice-cream cone afterwards as it is in some states. States like South Dakota respect life and respect life from the moment the baby is conceived. States like California have decided to advertise themselves as baby-murder tourist destinations – an idea that Muldowney, no doubt, fully embraces.

Muldowney wasn’t done with her baby-murder-on-demand crusade though. In the second to last paragraph she returned the article’s focus to that thing called Denny (Legion). After describing Denny as perpetually terrified (he should be because he is an openly satanic reprobate who openly mocks God and is breaking all kinds of laws in the United States as well as the state of Kentucky) she directly attacked her primary target who she and Denny see as problematic to her and Denny’s reprobate cause. Muldowney, one of the ugliest and most degenerate things creeping on the earth, wrote:

“Kentucky’s attorney general, Daniel Cameron, is an evangelical Christian who has made his anti-abortion views clear. While there is no law banning the distribution of abortion pills in Kentucky, Denny and many other activists believe it is a matter of time before an aggressive attorney general finds a way to prosecute. (In Texas, it is illegal for anyone who is not a doctor to distribute abortion pills, with the risk of jail time.)”

People like Cameron are what Muldowney, Denny, Sanchez, Wells, and Linclon absolutely hate more than anything else. They absolutely hate Cameron because he is in a position of power and respects God’s creation. He respects life, especially the lives of the most innocent of all of us. The horrors of the baby-murdering reprobates have no tolerance whatsoever for the Cameron’s in this world which is why they cast this man as an evil. ‘Aggressive’ here isn’t demanding baby-murder on demand because the mother feels bloated or upset and decides she has depression – no, it’s an attorney general enforcing laws passed by the legislature who is aggressive for doing exactly what his jobs demands he does. The fact that Cameron is a Christian and an evangelical one at that is completely immaterial to any argument for the sanctity of life unless, of course, the author wants to attack God.

Attacking God is the only reason this Muldowney thing wrote this article. Maybe she thinks God will change His mind? Maybe she thinks that any of the numerous warnings of the Bible don’t apply to her because she hates God? If she doesn’t believe in gravity and falls from an airplane will she not most likely die upon impact? The same logic holds true whether she hates God and His creation or not.

Luke 1 denotes the concept that babies are indeed actually alive: 36 “You have a relative, Elisheva, who is an old woman; and everyone says she is barren. But she has conceived a son and is six months pregnant! 37 For with God, nothing is impossible.” 38 Miryam said, “I am the servant of Adonai; may it happen to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.

39 Without delay, Miryam set out and hurried to the town in the hill country of Y’hudah 40 where Z’kharyah lived, entered his house and greeted Elisheva. 41 When Elisheva heard Miryam’s greeting, the baby in her womb stirred. Elisheva was filled with the Ruach HaKodesh 42 and spoke up in a loud voice,

How blessed are you among women!

And how blessed is the child in your womb!

43 “But who am I, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For as soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy! 45 Indeed you are blessed, because you have trusted that the promise Adonai has made to you will be fulfilled.”

The same is more poignantly stated in Leviticus 20. 1 Adonai said to Moshe, 2 “Say to the people of Isra’el, ‘If someone from the people of Isra’el or one of the foreigners living in Isra’el sacrifices one of his children to Molekh, he must be put to death; the people of the land are to stone him to death. 3 I too will set myself against him and cut him off from his people, because he has sacrificed his child to Molekh, defiling my sanctuary and profaning my holy name. 4 If the people of the land look the other way when that man sacrifices his child to Molekh and fail to put him to death, 5 then I will set myself against him, his family and everyone who follows him to go fornicating after Molekh, and cut them off from their people.

Abortion truly is baby murder and the term abortion should be challenged by calling it what it is – murder. More than that, it is human sacrifice and I have written several articles pointing that out. It is long overdue that we took back the language of the debate. Why should we strive for this? God related this message in Leviticus 20 to Moses in the desert over 3,000 years ago. Adonai told us what to do with those who murder their children. We thought better of it. He told us what to do with those who condone baby-murderers. We won’t even file the lawsuits in places where the practice being conducted is illegal. Even if we did, the punishments meted out are in no way reflective of God’s law. And, then what did God say? He said you will be cut off from me for doing this. With over 65 million child sacrifices staining the earth of the United States – what is God doing? He’s cutting the entire nation off because of their whoring for Molekh.

Muldowney is whoring for Molekh, big time. The intent behind her article is death of children, absolutely. But she is also demanding the removal from society of anyone who is God-fearing (execution, imprisonment, labor camps – as long as we are removed from ‘polite’ society). To effect our removal, and to absolve her of that gnawing in her gut about the murder she advocates for and her expulsion from God’s presence forever, she wants the Bible banned and criminalized. She wants anyone quoting the Bible to be deemed as having committed a criminal act. In other words, she wants to just get rid of God from society so she can pretend that murdering babies is a noble and brave endeavor to devote one’s life to. It’s not and she knows it, but she won’t have to feel so guilty about it if people would just stop telling her that she is a reprobate.

Muldowney’s article serves another important purpose as well. Because they have yet to ban the Bible and criminalize anyone speaking the truth of the Bible, many before her have dedicated their lives to destroying the Bible. It must be some kind of major movement within Christianity that preaches the Old Testament is completely useless. The Ten Commandments don’t even need to be followed according to the congregants in the dens of vipers. When I went through my confirmation I remember learning the Ten Commandments. What has changed in the 35 years between now and then? A lot. Namely that there are ‘Christians’ out there who have decided that God is completely irrelevant in their lives. What did Jesus Christ himself say about that? He said that the love of people will grow cold because of increased separation from the law which is Torah. How much more separated can one get than denying Jesus Christ’s relationship with His Father by deciding the Father doesn’t matter at all? Whole churches celebrate the demons championing baby murder, assisted suicide, transhumanism, ecological terrorism, and the agendas adopted by the alphabet mafia. They are not holy – they are reprobate – and their congregants are being led straight into Hell….

We need to control the language and call this abortion abomination for what it is. Let the politically correct imbeciles scream and yell – abortion is baby murder and child sacrifice. God didn’t mince words – we cannot look the other way. We must take the narrative back and demand that our worldly laws reflect the gravity of the crimes being committed. If California wants to permit murdering babies up to a year old – they should have no part of us and be expelled from the union, for example. People like Denny and Sanchez and Wells need to be arrested for crimes against humanity, tried for those crimes, and hung if (when) they are found guilty. A zealous jurisdiction may decide that hanging isn’t the correction indicated for the crime and provide stones…. Is that ‘aggressive’? Maybe. Allowing a trial with due process is more than the billion (1,000,000,000) murdered children received over the last 13.75 years though. Tell me, again, who is aggressive?

Bless God and God bless.


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