Psychological Warfare and Medical Murder

Psychological Warfare and Medical Murder

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/19/2023

I’m going to preface this article by stating that not all doctors are bad. Not all nurses are evil. There are many in medical professions who still believe and practice the concept of first, do no harm. And with that said, I cannot tell you which are good nor which are bad for the most part. This is something which you will have to do on your own. Difficult conversations are going to have to be had. The actions of the medical professionals treating us need to account for their actions during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because we cannot seem to get a Nuremberg 2.0 trial, we can, should, and need to have our own trials for the medical professionals involved in our lives and either sanction or reward them with our dollars. If we do not, well, we wasted an opportunity to prevent the next round of medically induced murder prodded by psychological warfare operations.

On The Alex Jones Show on May 18, 2023, Tom Renz was a guest. The method of death during Covid-19 was not the disease. It was ordered medical murder. These doctors would send people home until they were very sick with coronavirus. When the ill would come back to the hospital in even worse shape, drugs were administered which hindered breathing. As people could no longer breathe, they were hooked up to a ventilator and knowingly murdered. Remember the around $60,000 doctors got every time they diagnosed a Covid-19 patient and hooked a ventilator up to them? Remember when Covid-19 patients were quarantined in the hospitals and visitors were not permitted? It turns out there were kill floors in these hospitals. And they have legal immunity for their actions.

The treatment protocols were dictated by the United Nations and the entities aligned with them. The doctors and nurses – your doctors and nurses perchance – followed these directions and even defend their actions still to this day. Those that figured out what was going on and resisted were fired or they quit. Some of those fired or who quit went on to medical systems which allow doctors and nurses to practice medicine as it should be practiced – do no harm. The doctors and nurses who remained are the ones who followed directions, collected their checks, and followed the orders from on high. Those orders might as well have issued from the degenerate mouth of Mengele but they weren’t – the orders came from the mouths of public health ‘experts’ with a maniacal hatred of humanity bent on murdering as many people as they could. Following these types of orders during World War II resulted in several people’s rightful hangings following their trials. The same should have already happened in this case as well.

Because these trials have not commenced and there seems to be no credible reason to believe they will, we must take matters into our own hands. That is where the difficult conversations come in. Contingent on these conversations, we need to decide whether or not to continue allowing these doctors to treat us. We can at least bankrupt them if we cannot try them for their crimes. And that is important because they are about to do the same thing because they have yet to face any repercussions for their actions whatsoever.

Coronavirus was heavily researched for several decades and all kinds of chimeric coronaviruses were created throughout these experiments. In my analysis, one of these coronaviruses was purposefully released to the general population and given the name SAR-CoV-2, aka Covid-19. Videos from China were released around the globe showing people dropping dead in the streets. Panic ensued. The virus spread around the world very much on purpose. The psychological operation was dedicated to creating fear to the point that it was traumatic. Covid-19 will kill everyone, and everything enjoyable about modern society needs to be shut down were the demands acquiesced to by political figures around the world at all levels. The public for the most part followed the decrees of public health ‘experts’ and their political figures. That psychologically-induced fear got many to seek treatments from hospitals staffed with doctors dedicated to committing mass murder through the methods noted above.

With the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty being debated at the World Health Organization (WHO), these global demoniacs need something to push support for the document over the top. Anywhere the treaty is ratified are the same places that will be exterminated. We will even be exterminated against our will and we will have no recourse. The intent of the treaty is to be able to issue global edicts to be followed under the threat of severe sanctions. Not even the individual’s conscious will be able to thwart what these globally-aligned doctors are about to do to us if this treaty gets passed. Informed consent will be the first barrier to medical tyranny to fall under the WHO’s direction. The official Covid-19 treatments and the death jabs were merely a preview of how the WHO wants to make all of our medical decisions for us – against our will and extremely harmful.

The WHO fully plans on making sure this treaty is signed by global leaders everywhere and have designs to use the psychologically-induced, trauma-based, fear campaign to get their way. Just like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Health Security, ran Event 201 and Crimson Contagion just before the Covid crisis was released, another, more recent, exercise took place. This event was called Catastrophic Contagion. In this exercise, the disease affected children and young people far more severely than Covid-19 and had higher rates of deaths. The disease discussed in Catastrophic Contagion was Enterovirus and it broke out in Brazil – one of the playgrounds of Bill Gates’ and his mass-murdering friends. Brazil had this thing called Zika Virus which caused a panic for a short time but the disease developed immediately after Oxitech, partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, released millions of GMO mosquitoes which are still breeding despite the claims the mosquitoes are sterile. Millions of GMO mosquitoes have also been released in the United States as well.

Enterovirus is an umbrella designation for over 100 different viruses usually broken down between polio and non-polio Enteroviruses. Hand Foot and Mouth Disease and a respiratory virus called EV-D68 are under this umbrella as well. Enteroviruses run the gambit on illnesses they cause which is perfect for these mass-murdering scum because one of the issues Enteroviruses present is myocarditis which is also one of the features of the death jabs. So, not only can the likes of the WHO, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and all of the doctors who followed the neo-Mengele orders on their kill floors cover their asses, they can also use it to scare the whole world all over again. All they need is some Enterovirus-related problems.

They abound. Polio is making a comeback because of Gates’ and others vaccine campaigns. Yes – the polio vaccines are the cause of polio outbreaks these days. Other examples of Enteroviruses abound because it is one of the reasons people get common-cold symptoms. And, because the term Enterovirus is so non-specific, and the symptoms individual strains cause so wide, almost anything can be called Enterovirus. Today and yesterday it was reported, especially in the British and US media, that Enterovirus is responsible for the death of ten babies over the last 10 months in Wales.

The titles are meant to cause fear: The Independent, “Warning as baby dies and seven more fall critically ill with ‘usually mild virus’”; GBN, “Baby dies and many left in intensive care due to ‘usually mild bug’”; The Telegraph, “What is enterovirus and how dangerous is it?; The Telegraph again, “Baby dies and nine more admitted to hospital in ‘unusual’ cluster of heart infections”. The intention is to create fear in the population of Wales and the UK, especially those who are pregnant or who have newborns. Those times of our lives are stressful enough. Adding stress and fear will not serve any purpose other than to cause even more problems.

At least one dose of the genetically mutilating death jabs have been administered to 90.4% of the population of Wales. Those of prime age for reproduction are the 18-29, 30-39, and, to a lesser extent, 40-49, age groups of which 74.6%, 76.1%, and 84.2% have taken one dose, and 47.8%, 63%, and 77.5% have taken two, respectively, as of July 2021. That isn’t discussed in any of the articles about the babies dying from Enterovirus. That’s all me thinking that the death jabs are killing babies and they are calling the myocarditis Enterovirus. Or maybe it’s because Enterovirus is very common and is capable of attacking weaker parts of children’s bodies. The death jab destroys people’s hearts and vascular systems and the cause is that humans have been made into chimeras by having their DNA mutilated by these ‘vaccines’. As such, the effects are highly likely to be heritable. These children are being born with weakened hearts and Enterovirus is killing them if the inherited traits are not the actual reason. As Covid-19 showed all too well, having a pathogen in one’s body is not necessarily the cause of death. The ventilators and remdesivir murdered far more than Covid-19 killed.

Imagine what strains of chimeric Enterovirus these monsters have dreamed up. All they need is a reason to let one of them out of the freezer in a Brazilian wet-market. Sound familiar? Maybe that is what they are doing in Wales, the jury is out. Whatever is going on in Wales though, the fear over Enteroviruses has commenced. It’s only a matter of time before similar stories originate in Melbourne, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Sao Paulo.

The WHO though isn’t waiting around for more stories. They have already come out publicly about their intentions about what to do regarding these cases of Enteroviruses. The article states:

“Paediatricians in south Wales region were alerted about the recent cases in February, and were told to be aware of myocarditis as a potential cause of infants and newborns presenting in shock.

“Health boards, clinicians and microbiologists were also told about the situation by Public Health Wales a fortnight ago following an incident meeting in late April, according to the WHO.

“The UN agency said it believed the public health risk for the general population to be low. While enterovirus infections are often asymptomatic, some people develop mild to moderate respiratory tract infections, with symptoms including fever, runny nose and body weakness.

““As there is no vaccine for this virus, control measures during outbreaks are focused on classical hygiene measures including frequent handwashing and disinfection of soiled clothing and surfaces. In certain situations, it may be advisable to close child-care facilities and schools to reduce the intensity of transmission,” the WHO said.”

Sometime between two weeks (that’s what a fortnight is) and 6 hours ago (it is 7:18 am here) the WHO stated their intentions to facilitate a vaccine for all Enteroviruses, gave advice about hand-washing and cleanliness which everyone already knows (we knew this before Covid-19 as well – it’s actually in the Old Testament of the Bible), and suggested the schools be shut down again. No investigations as to why there is an uptick in ‘Enterovirus’-linked myocarditis deaths is necessary because the WHO already knows what that research would reveal. Nope, no investigations about why, just additional demands to psychologically torment children, prevent parents from being able to work, and letting teachers go on vaccations when they should be in their classrooms.

Tie all of this together – the Covid-19 crisis didn’t kill enough and didn’t last long enough nor was it harsh enough to satisfy different elements in the global government. With particular doctors seeing their kill floors vacant, they are not getting paid to murder people with ventilators anymore. Carbon emissions shrank dramatically because we were all told to stay home or be arrested. Businesses closed, economies shrank, and UBI was introduced globally and the WHO and many of the globalists, especially the absolutely reprobate ones at the top, loved all of this. There is a Pandemic Treaty for complete control of all of the world’s healthcare systems and every individual’s medical decisions.

What drives people to do things? Usually when there are evil actions it is a combination of money, power, and a certain degree of separation from those being harmed mixed with mental illnesses and a complete disregard for human life. A big part of it is never having to be held accountable for the evil perpetrated against others, too. All of those are present here. The globalists want control. The personnel on kill floors want money. The environmentalists want to stop all economic activity. The WHO wants to be everyone’s doctor whether we want them to be or not.

They, the WHO, UN, governments of the world, and particularly those involved in public health and masquerade as self-styled gods, are absolutely about to bring all of the Covid-19 controls back even more harshly and add some new measures in to see how well we adapt to those for good measure. In the meantime, whichever pathogen is scapegoated as the new pandemic will be more lethal than Covid-19. They are going to use every method they can to subjugate and/or murder us until we no longer exist. Before we know it we will be their victims or wind up in the post-human hell these people are working overtime to usher into reality. Are we going to let them?

I offered one solution I see above. Take these bastards’ income away by refusing to have them as your medical professional. Seek those who rejected these ideas and refused to go along to get along and follow the murderous orders issued to them. While I think it extremely unlikely, we do need to be constantly demanding that these same people and others like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci be tried under Nuremberg Code violations. We need to be demanding there be a Nuremberg 2.0 today – not sometime down the road – TODAY.

The only real, lasting, and permanent solution to these issues is to get right with God. We are fighting sharks by trying to pluck one tooth at a time, according to Alex Jones, and what we need to do is defeat the whole shark. In other words, we need God to perform a miracle to get rid of the multitudes seeking to fill a Bill Gates’ or an Anthony Fauci’s shoes should either be tried. The same can be said of any of the entities participating in the quest to exterminate humanity. It doesn’t mean we don’t hold those accountable which we can prove committed crimes against humanity – it means we seek the guidance and protection of God while we do it.

Bless God and God bless.


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