Is AI As Stupid As We Are To Believe?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the intellectual replacement for the reasoning and analytical role human beings have always played in society. It is the counterpart to robotics which have progressively eliminated manual labor jobs and continue to do so. AI, no matter who develops it, promises to make human intellect obsolete. Linking AI and robot together will create human-like forms capable of thinking and acting. The result of the convergence of these two fields is quickly making billions of human beings obsolete. But, how quickly is it moving? Faster than any of us think.

The Writers’ Strike Is Positive for Viewers and Writers Alike
One of the worst shows I have ever seen is called Bojack Horseman. It’s pretentious, boring, and utterly devoid of any value whatsoever – especially entertainment value. The writers of Bojack Horseman; however, find this show to be worth writing for and one even calls it something he loves. But, now, the Writer’s Guild of America has called a strike. Writing for hundreds of productions has been halted, Bojack Horseman included, thankfully. Late night shows and streaming programs are expected to be affected first while other production efforts stall and maybe even fizzle out. That’s good news for literally the entire world – even for the writer’s themselves.

Make a Bubble, Pop It, Cash In
Are you watching these banks and what they are doing? Bubbles are being created by the banksters. Then they are popped by the banksters. And then these same banksters swoop in like vultures, fattened up over-sized birds of prey, and they cash in while everyone else is screwed. The banksters want to do this to you and me, so we should probably be paying attention to what they are doing with their fellow banksters.

The Liars’ Dens
I have absolutely no respect for the validity of any of the given justifications for the continued existence of the Satanic Temple. Every member of the organization is a card-carrying member of a death cult. Their ideology is built with a goal of murdering the whole human race, by lying, endorsing fascism, and actually demanding murders occur. They are petty and file frivolous lawsuits to demand ‘equality’ when in reality they want to destroy all of God’s works with science and install fascism. They also hold conventions.

2030 Looms Ominously…
If someone compiled a list of goals to achieve by 2030 the list would be very long. If a brief synopsis were given for each one it would fill multiple volumes 500 pages apiece. The year 2030 is the one the global government, in its nascent form, plans on fully emerging from under the rock it has hidden under for thousands of years. When the entities responsible for implementing this new world order fully reveal themselves we will face a choice – do as they say or die. That’s the nice way to say it. But no two things encapsulate the intentions of 2030, and the run up to it, more than the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in particular and the World Economic Forum in general.

Faction Against Faction, Tribe Against Tribe
One of the stated reasons Russia entered Ukraine was to stop the murder, torture, arrest, and terror being waged against Russian-speaking people in Ukraine by elements of the Zelensky military and government. Another reason was the fact that NATO and certain of it’s members were in Ukraine doing all sorts of operations including gain-of-function research. Whether you believe that or not is immaterial – there is plenty of evidence supporting Putin’s claims. The predictable responses from Western powers to Russia entering Ukraine may have been deemed yet another reason Putin went in. Oil and gas is what Russia has and is what China needs – maybe Putin figured that the West would kill it’s people by sanctions against his nation, cause an artificial scarcity of oil and gas thus raising the cost to purchase them, and make a whole lot more money by selling to China? It can’t be ruled out.

Live and Let Live?
I used to be very much a live and let live person. You do you and I’ll do me is what I thought. That was fine a decade ago. With every passing day it becomes more and more obvious that position is completely untenable. I still hold some of the ideas of live and let live; however, many of them have completely disappeared because they have proven to be slippery slopes.

No One Values Free Speech More Than Those Who Have Lost It.
Surely you noticed that Tucker Carlson was fired from FOX News. You have probably heard about that whiny liar from CNN, Don Lemon, getting fired as well. Dominion and FOX News just settled a lawsuit for $787 million and Smartmatic, another election rigging operation, is suing News Corp for over $2 billion. Were you sleeping when Alex Jones was ran through the same ringer last year? The sham trials, the muzzling in court and out, the false claims of defamation suffered by Free Speech Systems didn’t take Jones off the air, but it is seriously affecting his profitability. Free speech is being murdered – are you going to fight for it before it’s too late or are you going to just miss it when you are locked up and tortured when you get arrested for saying the sky is blue?

Folk You, Joe Biden
Maybe a day in front of an original Nintendo with Sim City on it would help this geriatric fool? It certainly wouldn’t be any worse that the guy doing something – everything he has done has been a disaster which has damaged America and her citizens. Playing the game should teach him some things though. One would be that those little red ‘R’ squares do pretty badly around the yellow ‘I’ squares. Too many of those blue ‘C’ squares will result in a a lot of empty office capacity. Airports are not conductive to population density. Casinos cause crime. Police stations and fire stations are important. But, one of the best aspects of Sim City on the original Nintendo is that if you got tired of the city you built – you could send Bowser to set the whole thing on fire. In real life America 2021-2025 we don’t need Bowser – we have the patriarch of the Biden crime family, Joe.

Yeshua Still Talks to Us Today and the Laws of God are Unchanged
Give it a read - give it a share…. This is important.
Every week I read three sections from the Bible, starting with the Torah. This week I read Leviticus 12:1-15:33. These sections are about leprosy, how to detect it, and how to be clean from it. Additionally, it is about how to be clean after semen discharge and childbirth. A renewal takes place. As the unclean becomes clean they are born again. It’s not a uniquely Jewish concept nor a uniquely Christian concept – it’s a, this is how God wants us to live, concept. I also read from the Haftarah, the portion of the Bible concerning prophecy in the Old Testament, and from the Gospels of the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) both of which relate to the Torah reading. This week I read Isaiah 66 and Mark 9:40-50. The call to worship for the day came from Psalm 37:27-29 and there are some excellent points about the state of the world and how we, as believers, should be handling certain situations as described in Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, and Luke 5:12-16.