Yeshua Still Talks to Us Today and the Laws of God are Unchanged
Yeshua Still Talks to Us Today and the Laws of God are Unchanged
Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/23/2023
Every week I read three sections from the Bible, starting with the Torah. This week I read Leviticus 12:1-15:33. These sections are about leprosy, how to detect it, and how to be clean from it. Additionally, it is about how to be clean after semen discharge and childbirth. A renewal takes place. As the unclean becomes clean they are born again. It’s not a uniquely Jewish concept nor a uniquely Christian concept – it’s a, this is how God wants us to live, concept. I also read from the Haftarah, the portion of the Bible concerning prophecy in the Old Testament, and from the Gospels of the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) both of which relate to the Torah reading. This week I read Isaiah 66 and Mark 9:40-50. The call to worship for the day came from Psalm 37:27-29 and there are some excellent points about the state of the world and how we, as believers, should be handling certain situations as described in Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, and Luke 5:12-16.
Now, I’m going to have to admit, when I heard about a specific events occurring yesterday my stomach turned, I felt (and still feel) nauseous, and I am absolutely livid. If all of Olympia, Washington burnt down tomorrow I wouldn’t lift a finger to help anyone affected. Whoever stays there is, in my opinion, asking for trouble. The same holds true with Sacramento, California, Portland, Oregon, and Washington D.C. – an entity beholden to the United Nations – as well as in other state capitols held by demonic monsters. All anyone asked for was to not go after the kids. Here they are not only going after kids but using legal precedence, state and federal force, and global decrees to go after kids.
I am referring to the demonic passage of a Washington bill, S.B. 5599, titled, Supporting youth and young adults seeking protected health care services. This bill is sitting on the governor’s desk after having passed both chambers of the legislature, the House Speaker having signed the bill last on April 21. The bill targets, “Youth seeking certain medical services are especially at risk and vulnerable. Therefore, the legislature intends to remove barriers to accessing temporary, licensed shelter accommodations for youth seeking certain protected health care services.”
According to the legislation, children which end up in shelters are to have their parent’s notified by the shelter of their child’s whereabouts and demeanor within 3 days of arrival unless “there are compelling reasons not to notify the parent, the shelter or organization must instead notify the department.” There are two listed reasons for this – neglect of abuse – and the newly added, “(ii) When a minor is seeking or receiving protected health care services. (d) "Protected health care services" means gender affirming treatment as defined in RCW 74.09.675 and reproductive health care services as defined in RCW 74.09.875.”
These children, because of that caveat, will be able to ‘run away’ from home whenever a teacher at their school determines a 6-year-old boy is really a girl because he likes playing with other little boys. The compelling reason will be met according to the teacher. The kid will go missing, the parent will never have to be notified, and these children will end up in Washington state’s version of sex-trafficking children called Child Protective Services. The parent will never need to be notified of their child’s whereabouts under this legislation. The state of Washington has passed legislation which creates protected pedophilia safe-havens by making the terms gender-affirming group home and gender-affirming foster-care placement a reality.
When someone in Washington finally has had enough and one of these state-sanctioned baby rape facilities are burnt down and all of the ‘adults’ are summarily executed, I am going to have a really hard time blaming the parent. I will have an even harder time blaming a parent for such action after they discover that their child was kidnapped by state authorities after those same authorities psychologically mutilated their child in order to physically mutilate, biologically mutilate, groom, and sexually abuse their child in one of these Romper Rooms for pedophiles. I will not be surprised when it comes to light that many of those in the Washington state House and Senate who voted to pass this legislation are found to frequent these modern-day bathhouses. Nor will I be surprised to learn that Washington’s governor, Jay Inslee, has children chained in his basement for his own pleasure – taken out of CPS’s ‘care’ through his own ‘foster’ home participation.
Oregon’s H.B. 2002 is similar to Washington’s soon-to-be-signed bill. California’s AB 2119 is similar to Washington’s S.B. 5599 as well but it was made into law in 2018. It didn’t go far enough for some; however, a dedicated baby-murdering reprobate by the name of Tony G. Atkins, introduced S.B. 487 which will (when the rest of the reprobates pass this fast-moving piece of gender-bending garbage) provide legal protections for ‘medical professionals’ who butcher the genitals of children. Minnesota, Maryland, Illinois, Colorado, and Michigan have all passed laws affirming gender-affirming care in some way or another. By these reprobate acts, these anti-human state legislatures and their tyrannical governors are trying to make bold statements about how degenerate they can make their states while at least 12 other states have banned the insane practice.
If that isn’t sickening enough, a nongovernmental organization lauded by the European Union and United Nations, the International Commission of Jurists, and it’s dedication to Invalidating Criminal (and all other forms of) Jurisprudence (ICJ), released The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty in March, 2023.
“Criminal law may not in any way impair the right to: a) make and act on decisions about one’s own body, sexuality and reproduction – such as about pregnancy; contraception, including emergency contraception; comprehensive abortion care; prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections; gender-affirming care/therapy; and/or b) access health facilities, services and goods, including information.” This affirms the delusions of literally anyone, including the sexual predilections of Jeffrey Epstein or Jimmy Savile. Both of these men incorporated pedophilia with murder. ICJ suggests this should no longer be a crime.
The document goes well beyond gender-affirming delusions by demanding pedophilia be legalized. Principle 16 of the ICJ document leaves no room for the group to argue against their endorsement of pedophilia. (It is not surprising the author describes himself as a gay man). The provision reads,
“Consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, the sex/ gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the people involved or their marital status, may not be criminalized in any circumstances. Consensual same-sex, as well as consensual different-sex sexual relations, or consensual sexual relations with or between trans, non-binary and other gender-diverse people, or outside marriage – whether pre-marital or extramarital – may, therefore, never be criminalized.
“With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage.
“Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. Pursuant to their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees.”
Yet, the ICJ tries to make counter claims about Principle 16 because of it’s overt dedication to the legalization of pedophilia. The ICJ issued a statement on their site claiming that what you just read is not what they wrote.:
“The commitment of the United Nations to fighting the sexual exploitation of children and the content of The 8 March Principles have subsequently been seriously misrepresented on a number of social media and websites. The 8 March Principles do not call for the decriminalization of sex with children, nor do they call for the abolition of a domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex. Indeed, the ICJ stresses that States have a clear obligation under international law to protect children from all forms of abuses, such as child sexual abuse, including through the criminalization of such conduct.
“The 8 March Principles are aimed at offering a clear, accessible and operational legal framework and practical legal guidance to parliamentarians, judges, prosecutors and advocates to address the harmful impact of criminalization of certain conduct on health, equality and other human rights. They are based on general principles of criminal law and international human rights law and standards.”
All pedophiles are liars, ICJ is not an exception as seen here. Further, if this is what general principles of criminal law contains (it’s not – I have obtained a master’s degree in criminal justice with more than a few courses in international law and a lot of self-learning) and what human rights demand, the same fate awaits those who set international human rights law and standards as will occur in Washington state, sooner or later. And just because legalizing pedophilia wasn’t bad enough – the ICJ also advocates for drug use to kill unborn babies, the decriminalization of all drugs, homelessness, and knowingly transmitting HIV to others in the document.
They are trying to murder us and they are trying to murder our children in the womb. They are trying to so severely maim our children that they are never able to have children – murdering the future of humanity. The ICJ’s commitment to the United Nations and their warped visions of criminal law and blind reliance on the ethically-challenged and morally-devoid international human rights law and standards means that all of these institutions, frameworks, and documents are intended to murder all of humanity. This is just one more example of that fact.
This all disgusts me and really pisses me off. These ambassadors of the Adversary, in my opinion, should not be permitted to exist any longer. In my opinion they are so thoroughly corrupted and dedicated to the destruction of all of God’s creation that they are reprobate. There is no truth in them, just as there is no truth in the master they serve. But…
… With that said, the lesson presented in today’s Bible readings are salient. The lesson is one believers should appreciate because it goes directly towards alleviating our anger. In Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, and Luke 5:12-16 the miracle of the leper healed by Yeshua is told. In each version of the story a seemingly innocuous phrase is repeated – go to the cohen. The term cohen means priest. Yeshua told the cured leper to go to the priest despite the priesthood’s corruption. He did this because it is what God told those who recover from leprosy (the term tzara‘at “zär-at”) to do. God instituted the priesthood with Moshe and Aharon. That the priests of Yeshua’s time corrupted themselves while holding positions in the priesthood did not denigrate God’s commissioning of them.
It is the same concept displayed throughout 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, and 2 Chronicles. There would be an evil king who permitted all types of debauchery and worshiped other gods. Times would get hard. The next king would either come back to God and the Torah and demand righteousness or the people would be even worse off because of their continued disobedience. The prophecies of the end times in multiple books in both the Old and New Testaments are reflective of this as well. The idea that history repeats runs through all of these stories. Time is circular. The people are righteous for a time followed by leaders who allow evil which the people indulge in. Bad times come and God pours out His anger upon the disobedient. A righteous ruler comes to power and God restores the obedient people. The cycle repeats over and over again. The concept of linear time has destroyed the recognition of the circular nature of our past, present, and future.
Humanity is in one of the times of evil rulers. These rulers are usurping their God-given mandates by following the Adversary’s demands to create global governments. Their corruption is unparalleled. These leaders purposefully demand the people to go-a-whoring themselves to false gods, wooden idols, and science. Passive obedience to the evil decreed by these leaders is demanded. We cannot serve two masters; however. So the Godly, the righteous, and those seeking the face of God and the salvation of Yeshua and the voice of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) reject this. And like all of the prophets, we are hated because we refuse to accept the evil encroaching into all aspects of life. Peaceful demonstrations demanding the end of child sacrifice, the rejection of human rights, and the suggestions to return to the Bible and the Word of God are met with derision, mocking, and even murder.
Now, Yeshua could have told the cured leper to spread news of the miracle He performed far and wide. He could have even claimed that He did the miracle. But Yeshua didn’t do this. Yeshua told the cured man to tell no one and to be redeemed by the way God commanded. He gave credit to God for the miracles He performed. God was working through Him because of His obedience. His perfection. Christians are told to follow Jesus, Jews are told to follow the Torah. Distinctions are made between these two ideas when, in fact, they are the same thing – following Jesus is following the Torah because He lived it, in the flesh, perfectly. Jews rejecting the salvation of Yeshua suffer under the legalistic interpretation of Torah and are, thus, are cut off from understanding what living the Torah actually looks like.
We are told that we, as believers, will perform miracles like these and even greater than these. How does one do that by waiting to be Raptured before they are even tested – laying low and keeping quiet to preserve their own earthly lives? Millions, right now, are trying that exact thing. For all of those as angry as I am at the world’s decent into violence and debauchery who seek to remedy the situation with their own violence and versions of debauchery, how are we to be saved by grace through committing violence? How full of the same inclinations of the Adversary are these millions of people just waiting on a day to rampage and murder? There are better ways still available to believers to engage in to right this sinking ship. Not only are they better, they are following Yeshua’s example, and the Torah at the same time. All believers in the Bible should be united in these God-pleasing activities.
We should all be praying for God to allow righteousness to return to the land. From Australia to Germany to Israel to the United States, leaders have devoted their lives to ushering in the Adversary’s world government, world religion, world currency, and denigration of any holding beliefs outside of their system’s ideology – particularly any belief in Yeshua. We should be praying for these leaders to gain or regain a fear of God. If they don’t we should be praying for leaders who do fear God and seek His face to replace the evil ones we currently have. In the meantime we should be praying for the people, all of us, to return to God despite the evil of our leaders. Malachi 2:10-12 is but one example of this idea – let those who refuse to recognize God be cut off from the rest of us. Have we done this?
Who is it that follows the Torah when God tells women who bear children to be clean again? How about the command to instill the Word of God in the hearts and minds of our children? There is a focus on getting children into non-parental care as quickly as possible. Women aren’t encouraged to be clean. Circumcision is not mandatory on day eight and it is often done within the first day or two unceremoniously. God’s Word, in many places, has been replaced with the synopsis of His Word – especially the Golden Rule. Less and less families instill the Word of God in their children. Public education ensures that even if families do instill these values, they are erased through curricula dedicated to destroying belief in God. All of this is a reflection of the world’s reliance on the gods created by men – humanism, human rights, and science – instead of trust in and knowledge of the God who created men. Where are we demanding the 10 Commandments, let alone the Word of God or the Bible, be returned to public education and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights be thrown into the rubbish heap of history? This is another area where much can, and should, be done.
Where are believers in Washington state supposed to go for refuge from their tyrannical government? There are several states which have outright forbidden gender-affirming care for children. They could move away and go to those states. They should move away because believers will be targeted by the Washington state law. At the same time, God will protect those in the Book of Life. As time goes on; however, and the federal government decides to encroach upon state’s rights in this area then where are people supposed to go? We need to keep in mind that the offices are ordained by God – the men and women in the offices not necessarily so. We should fight back through legal challenges, protests, advocacy work, and lobbying activities against the continuation or implementation of these types of ‘laws.’ We should also ignore these laws and refuse to comply. Violence is only meant for self-defense meaning that if these people come to kidnap children because of what their teacher has decided, defense is called for. Eventually the only refuge will be in the protection God offers His people no matter how many guns and bullets we have, how much water is on hand, or how many decades of food we have stockpiled. It will be completely up to God.
Speaking of teachers though – there should be no more public educational system because there should be a grand total of ZERO children attending. It is difficult to raise children without sending them to publicly-funded schools because of time constraints, state education board requirements, and the ideas of socialization concocted by demonic armies of psychologists but it can be done. These reservations about pulling children from public educational institutions are entirely based on convenience and the way the world wants everyone’s children to turn out – socialized in degeneracy and primed to create more forms of debauchery. Public educators are literally grooming children for inclusion in pedophilia, parents are told they should have no say nor recourse concerning the ‘education’ their children receive in public schools, and drag-queen story times are introducing young children to not just sex but to aberrant sex and the lifestyle which comes with it. Not sending children into the institutions of the Adversary should be a no-brainer. Have we done this? Not to an extent which is adequate to the circumstances.
I’m still angry at the ways of the world. Having a plan to counter-attack demonic developments is extremely helpful in putting that righteous anger to good use; however. The idea is to get people – leaders and lay people alike – to return to God. Mass murderers do a poor job of this. Pedophiles do a poor job of this. Those without belief in what the Bible actually says, what Yeshua actually taught, what the prophets prophesied, and how King David prayed, for example, are also poor ambassadors of God. God is to be feared mightily and we are to put Him first and above all. As humanity, we are not doing this, and it shows.
If we, as believers, refuse to come together to peacefully refuse to cooperate with and demand the cessation of the ways of the world, we are all doomed. Even non-believers should understand this because without the protection of God these leaders working their evil have promised to exterminate the human race one way or another. As believers, we should take this week’s readings and apply them to today. The Office of the President of the United States exists because God so ordained it and so does the Washington state Governor’s office; however, the corruption and lawlessness issuing from those positions because of the entities infesting it should not be a reason to throw out the offices. In fact, throwing out the office is not even possible unless God so ordains it. If the holders of these offices are inflicting the populace then the populace’s disobedience to God is being reflected in the leader’s actions. The criminalization of belief in Yeshua, possession of a Bible, and the quoting of scripture is, likewise, a reflection of the overall populace’s disobedience. Believers should not tolerate such decrees and edicts (whether arrived at democratically or otherwise) by never allowing the ways of the world to dictate their worship of God. God already covered all of that – it is up to us to follow it. Because so many don’t, here we are….
Violence is not the answer. As time goes by, concrete, real world solutions will become more difficult until they are impossible. Employing violence will hasten the development of real world solutions becoming impossible. Sooner or later, depending upon the actions of all of us, what will be left is a remnant which is completely reliant upon God – their trust complete in Him and Him alone. This remnant will serve God and only God and will have nothing to do with the world they exist in. The prophecy of the end times, before the return of Yeshua, indicate these events unfolding. I believe we are entering into those times rapidly. I believe that the remnant is being sifted, tested, and prepared right now. I hope to be a member of the remnant; however, if that is not God’s will, I hope to encourage any who are to be God’s remnant to fulfill that calling. Read the Bible, and read the Bible to your children that they may know truth and be saved by it. Seek the face of God, do miracles, and follow the example of Yeshua. Believe. Any human future depends on you and I doing these things and on having our neighbors realize that same truth as well….
Bless God and God bless.
Leviticus 12:1-15:33
12 1 Adonai said to Moshe, 2 “Tell the people of Isra’el: ‘If a woman conceives and gives birth to a boy, she will be unclean for seven days with the same uncleanness as in niddah, when she is having her menstrual period. 3 On the eighth day, the baby’s foreskin is to be circumcised. 4 She is to wait an additional thirty-three days to be purified from her blood; she is not to touch any holy thing or come into the sanctuary until the time of her purification is over. 5 But if she gives birth to a girl, she will be unclean for two weeks, as in her niddah; and she is to wait another sixty-six days to be purified from her blood.
6 “‘When the days of her purification are over, whether for a son or for a daughter, she is to bring a lamb in its first year for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or dove for a sin offering to the entrance of the tent of meeting, to the cohen. 7 He will offer it before Adonai and make atonement for her; thus she will be purified from her discharge of blood. Such is the law for a woman who gives birth, whether to a boy or to a girl. 8 If she can’t afford a lamb, she is to take two doves or two young pigeons, the one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering; the cohen will make atonement for her, and she will be clean.’”
13 Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, 2 “If someone develops on his skin a swelling, scab or bright spot which could develop into the disease tzara‘at, he is to be brought to Aharon the cohen or to one of his sons who are cohanim. 3 The cohen is to examine the sore on his skin; if the hair in the sore has turned white, and the sore appears to go deep into the skin, it is tzara‘at, and after examining him the cohen is to declare him unclean. 4 If the bright spot on his skin is white, but it does not appear to go deep into the skin, and its hair has not turned white, then the cohen is to isolate him for seven days. 5 On the seventh day the cohen is to examine him again, and if the sore appears the same as before and has not spread on the skin, then the cohen is to isolate him for seven more days. 6 On the seventh day the cohen is to examine him again, and if the sore has faded and hasn’t spread on the skin, then the cohen is to declare him clean — it is only a scab, so he is to wash his clothes and be clean. 7 But if the scab spreads further on the skin after he has been examined by the cohen and declared clean, he is to let himself be examined yet again by the cohen. 8 The cohen will examine him, and if he sees that the scab has spread on his skin, then the cohen will declare him unclean; it is tzara‘at.
9 “If a person has tzara‘at, he is to be brought to the cohen. 10 The cohen is to examine him, and if he sees that there is a white swelling in the skin which has turned the hair white and inflamed flesh in the swelling, 11 then it is chronic tzara‘at on his skin, and the cohen is to declare him unclean; he is not to isolate him, because it is already clear that he is unclean. 12 If the tzara‘at breaks out all over the skin, so that, as far as the cohen can see, the person with tzara‘at has sores everywhere on his body, from his head to his feet; 13 then the cohen is to examine him, and if he sees that the tzara‘at has covered his entire body, he is to pronounce the person with the sores clean — it has all turned white, and he is clean. 14 But if one day inflamed flesh appears on him, he will be unclean. 15 The cohen will examine the inflamed flesh and declare him unclean; the inflamed flesh is unclean; it is tzara‘at. 16 However, if the inflamed flesh again turns white, he is to come to the cohen. 17 The cohen will examine him, and if he sees that the sores have turned white, then the cohen is to declare clean the person with the sores; he is clean.
18 “If a person has on his skin a boil that heals 19 in such a way that in place of the boil there is a white swelling or a reddish-white bright spot, it is to be shown to the cohen. 20 The cohen is to examine it; if he sees that it appears to be more than skin-deep, and its hair has turned white, then the cohen is to pronounce him unclean — the disease of tzara‘at has broken out in the boil. 21 But if the cohen looks at it and doesn’t see any white hairs in it, and it isn’t more than skin-deep but appears faded, the cohen is to isolate him for seven days. 22 If it spreads on the skin, the cohen is to declare him unclean; it is the disease. 23 But if the bright spot stays where it was and has not spread, it is the scar of the boil; and the cohen is to declare him clean.
24 “Or if someone has on his skin a burn caused by fire; and the inflamed flesh where it was burned has become a bright spot, reddish-white or white, 25 then the cohen is to examine it; and if he sees that the hair in the bright spot has turned white and that it appears to be deeper than the skin around it, it is tzara‘at; it has broken out in the burn, and the cohen is to declare him unclean; it is a sore from tzara‘at. 26 But if the cohen examines it and sees no white hair in the bright spot, and it is no lower than the skin around it but looks faded, then the cohen is to isolate him for seven days. 27 On the seventh day the cohen is to examine him; if it has spread on the skin, then the cohen is to declare him unclean; it is a sore from tzara‘at. 28 But if the bright spot stays where it was and has not spread on the skin but appears faded, it is a swelling due to the burn; and the cohen is to declare him clean; because it is only a scar from the burn.
29 “If a man or woman has a sore on the head or a man in his beard, 30 then the cohen is to examine the sore; if he sees that it appears to be deeper than the skin around it, with yellow, thin hair in it, then the cohen is to declare him unclean; it is a crusted area, a tzara‘at of the head or beard. 31 If the cohen examines the diseased crusted area and sees that it appears not to be deeper than the skin around it, and without any black hair in it, then the cohen is to isolate for seven days the person with the diseased crusted area. 32 On the seventh day the cohen is to examine the sore, and if he sees that the crusted area hasn’t spread, that it has no yellow hair in it, and that the crusted area is not deeper than the skin around it; 33 then the person is to be shaved, except for the crusted area itself, and the cohen is to isolate him for seven more days. 34 On the seventh day the cohen is to examine the crusted area; and if he sees that the crusted area has not spread on the skin and does not appear to be deeper than the skin around it, then the cohen is to declare him clean; he is to wash his clothes and be clean. 35 But if the crusted area spreads after his purification, 36 then the cohen is to examine him; and if he sees that the crusted area has spread on the skin, the cohen is not to look for yellow hair; he is unclean. 37 But if the crusted area’s appearance doesn’t change, and black hair grows up in it, then the crusted area is healed; he is clean; and the cohen is to declare him clean.
38 “If a man or woman has bright spots on his skin, bright white spots; 39 then the cohen is to examine them. If he sees that the bright spots on the skin are dull white, it is only a rash that has broken out on the skin; he is clean.
40 “If a man’s hair has fallen from his scalp, he is bald; but he is clean. 41 If his hair has fallen off the front part of his head, he is forehead-bald; but he is clean. 42 But if on the bald scalp or forehead there is a reddish-white sore, it is tzara‘at breaking out on his bald scalp or forehead. 43 Then the cohen is to examine him; if he sees that there is a reddish-white swelling on his bald scalp or forehead, appearing like tzara‘at on the rest of the body, 44 he is a person with tzara‘at; he is unclean; the cohen must declare him unclean; the sore is on his head.
45 “Everyone who has tzara‘at sores is to wear torn clothes and unbound hair, cover his upper lip and cry, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 As long as he has sores, he will be unclean; since he is unclean, he must live in isolation; he must live outside the camp.
47 “When tzara‘at infects an article of clothing, whether it be a woolen or a linen garment, 48 on the threads or the woven-in parts of either linen or wool, or on a hide or item made of leather; 49 then if the stain on the garment, hide, threads, woven-in parts or leather item is greenish or reddish, it is an infection of tzara‘at and is to be shown to the cohen. 50 The cohen is to examine the stain and isolate the article that has the infection for seven days. 51 On the seventh day he is to examine the stain; if the stain has spread on the garment, threads, woven-in parts or leather, whatever its use, the infection is a contagious tzara‘at; the garment is unclean. 52 He is to burn the garment, threads, woven-in parts of either wool or linen, or item of leather having the infection; for it is a contagious tzara‘at; it must be burned up completely. 53 But if, when the cohen examines it, he sees that the infection has not spread on the garment or in the threads, woven-in parts or leather item, 54 then the cohen is to order that the article having the infection be washed and isolated for seven more days. 55 The cohen is to examine it after the stain has been washed, and if he sees that the stain has not changed color, then, even though the stain has not spread, it is unclean; you are to burn it up completely — it is rotten, no matter whether the spot is on the outside or on the inside. 56 If the cohen examines it and sees that the stain has faded after being washed, then he is to tear the stain out of the garment, leather, threads or woven-in parts. 57 If it appears again in the garment, threads, woven-in parts or leather item, it is contagious, and you are to burn up completely the article that had the stain. 58 But if the infection is gone from the garment, threads, woven-in parts or leather item that you washed, then it is to be washed a second time, and it will be clean. 59 This is the law concerning infections of tzara‘at in a garment of wool or linen, or in the threads or the woven-in parts, or in any leather item — when to declare it clean and when to declare it unclean.
14 Adonai said to Moshe, 2 “This is to be the law concerning the person afflicted with tzara‘at on the day of his purification. He is to be brought to the cohen, 3 and the cohen is to go outside the camp and examine him there. If he sees that the tzara‘at sores have been healed in the afflicted person, 4 then the cohen will order that two living clean birds be taken for the one to be purified, along with cedar-wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop leaves. 5 The cohen is to order one of the birds slaughtered in a clay pot over running water. 6 As for the live bird, he is to take it with the cedar-wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop and dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird slaughtered over running water, 7 and sprinkle the person to be purified from the tzara‘at seven times. Next he is to set the live bird free in an open field. 8 He who is to be purified must wash his clothes, shave off all his hair and bathe himself in water. Then he will be clean; and after that, he may enter the camp; but he must live outside his tent for seven days. 9 On the seventh day he is to shave all the hair off his head, also his beard and eyebrows — he must shave off all his hair; and he is to wash his clothes and bathe his body in water; and he will be clean.
10 “On the eighth day he is to take two male lambs without defect, one female lamb in its first year without defect and six-and-a-half quarts of fine flour for a grain offering, mixed with olive oil, and two-thirds of a pint of olive oil. 11 The cohen purifying him is to place the person being purified with these items before Adonai at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 12 The cohen is to take one of the male lambs and offer it as a guilt offering with the two-thirds-pint of olive oil, then wave them as a wave offering before Adonai. 13 He is to slaughter the male lamb at the place in the sanctuary for slaughtering sin offerings and burnt offerings, because the guilt offering belongs to the cohen, just like the sin offering; it is especially holy. 14 The cohen is to take some of the blood of the guilt offering and put it on the tip of the right ear of the person being purified, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 Next, the cohen is to take some of the two-thirds-pint of olive oil and pour it into the palm of his own left hand, 16 dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand and sprinkle from the oil with his finger seven times before Adonai. 17 Then the cohen is to put some of the remaining oil in his hand on the tip of the right ear of the person being purified, on the thumb of his right hand, on the big toe of his right foot and on the blood of the guilt offering. 18 Finally, the cohen is to put the rest of the oil in his hand on the head of the person being purified; and the cohen will make atonement for him before Adonai. 19 The cohen is to offer the sin offering and make atonement for the person being purified because of his uncleanness; afterwards, he is to slaughter the burnt offering. 20 The cohen is to offer the burnt offering and the grain offering on the altar; thus the cohen will make atonement for him; and he will be clean.
21 “If he is poor, so that he can’t afford to do otherwise, he is to take one male lamb as a guilt offering to be waved, to make atonement for him; two quarts of fine flour mixed with olive oil for a grain offering; two-thirds of a pint of olive oil; 22 and two doves or two young pigeons, such as he can afford, the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. 23 On the eighth day, he will bring them to the cohen for his purification, to the entrance of the tent of meeting before Adonai. 24 The cohen is to take the lamb of the guilt offering and the two-thirds of a pint of olive oil and wave them as a wave offering before Adonai. 25 He is to slaughter the lamb of the guilt offering; and the cohen is to take some of the blood of the guilt offering and put it on the tip of the right ear of the person being purified, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot. 26 The cohen is to take some of the olive oil and pour it into the palm of his own left hand, 27 and sprinkle with his right hand some of the oil that is in his left hand seven times before Adonai. 28 The cohen is to put some of the oil in his hand on the tip of the right ear of the person being purified, on the thumb of his right hand, on the big toe of his right foot — in the same place as the blood of the guilt offering. 29 Finally, the cohen is to put the rest of the oil in his hand on the head of the person being purified, to make atonement for him before Adonai. 30 He is to offer one of the doves or young pigeons, such as the person can afford, 31 whatever his means suffice for — the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering — with the grain offering; thus the cohen will make atonement before Adonai for the person being purified. 32 Such is the law for the person who has tzara‘at sores if he cannot afford the usual elements used for his purification.”
33 Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, 34 “When you have entered the land of Kena‘an which I am giving you as a possession, and I put an infection of tzara‘at in a house in the land that you possess, 35 then the owner of the house is to come and tell the cohen, ‘It seems to me that there may be an infection in the house.’ 36 The cohen is to order the house emptied before he goes in to inspect the infection, so that everything in the house won’t be made unclean; afterwards, the cohen is to enter and inspect the house. 37 He will examine the infection; and if he sees that the infection is in the walls of the house, with greenish or reddish depressions that seem to go in deeper than the surface of the wall, 38 he is to go out of the house to its door and seal up the house for seven days. 39 The cohen will come again on the seventh day and examine the house; if he sees that the infection has spread over its walls, 40 he is to order them to remove the infected stones and throw them into some unclean place outside the city. 41 Next, he is to have the inside of the house thoroughly scraped, and the scraped-off plaster is to be discarded outside the city in an unclean place. 42 Finally, other stones must be set in the place of the first stones and other plaster used to replaster the house. 43 If the infection returns and breaks out in the house after the stones have been removed and the house scraped and plastered; 44 then the cohen is to enter and examine it. If he sees that the infection has spread in the house, it is a contagious tzara‘at in the house; it is unclean. 45 He must break down the house and take its stones, timber and plaster out of the city to an unclean place. 46 Moreover, whoever enters the house at any time while it is sealed up will be unclean until evening. 47 Whoever lies down or eats in the house must wash his clothes. 48 If the cohen enters, examines and sees that the infection has not spread in the house since it was plastered; then he is to declare the house clean; because the infection is cured.
49 “To purify the house, he is to take two birds, cedar-wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop leaves. 50 He is to slaughter one of the birds in a clay pot over running water. 51 He is to take the cedar-wood, the hyssop, the scarlet yarn and the live bird and dip them in the blood of the slaughtered bird and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times. 52 He will purify the house with the blood of the bird, the running water, the live bird, the cedar-wood, the hyssop and the scarlet yarn. 53 But he is to set the live bird free outside the city in an open field; thus will he make atonement for the house; and it will be clean.
54 “Such is the law for all kinds of tzara‘at sores, for a crusted area, 55 for tzara‘at in a garment, for a house, 56 for a swelling, for a scab and for a bright spot, 57 to determine when it is clean and when it is unclean. This is the law concerning tzara‘at.”
15 Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, 2 “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘When any man has a discharge from his body, the discharge is unclean. 3 The discharge is unclean no matter whether it continues flowing or has stopped; it is still his uncleanness. 4 Every bed which the person with the discharge lies on is unclean, and everything he sits on is unclean. 5 Whoever touches his bed is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 6 Whoever sits on anything the person with the discharge sat on is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 7 Anyone who touches the body of the person with the discharge is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 8 If the person with the discharge spits on someone who is clean, the latter is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 9 Any saddle that the person with the discharge rides on will be unclean. 10 Whoever touches anything that was under him will be unclean until evening; he who carries those things is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 11 If the person with the discharge fails to rinse his hands in water before touching someone, that person is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 12 If the person with the discharge touches a clay pot, it must be broken; if he touches a wooden utensil, it must be rinsed in water.
13 “‘When a person with a discharge has become free of it, he is to count seven days for his purification. Then he is to wash his clothes and bathe his body in running water; after that, he will be clean. 14 On the eighth day, he is to take for himself two doves or two young pigeons, come before Adonai to the entrance of the tent of meeting and give them to the cohen. 15 The cohen is to offer them, the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering; thus the cohen will make atonement for him on account of his discharge before Adonai.
16 “‘If a man has a seminal emission, he is to bathe his entire body in water; he will be unclean until evening. 17 Any clothing or leather on which there is any semen is to be washed with water; it will be unclean until evening. 18 If a man goes to bed with a woman and has sexual relations, both are to bathe themselves in water; they will be unclean until evening.
19 “‘If a woman has a discharge, and the discharge from her body is blood, she will be in her state of niddah for seven days. Whoever touches her will be unclean until evening. 20 Everything she lies on or sits on in her state of niddah will be unclean. 21 Whoever touches her bed is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 22 Whoever touches anything she sits on is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 23 Whether he is on the bed or on something she sits on, when he touches it, he will be unclean until evening. 24 If a man goes to bed with her, and her menstrual flow touches him, he will be unclean seven days; and every bed he lies on will be unclean.
25 “‘If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days not during her period, or if her discharge lasts beyond the normal end of her period, then throughout the time she is having an unclean discharge she will be as when she is in niddah — she is unclean. 26 Every bed she lies on at any time while she is having her discharge will be for her like the bed she uses during her time of niddah; and everything she sits on will be unclean with uncleanness like that of her time of niddah. 27 Whoever touches those things will be unclean; he is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening.
28 “‘If she has become free of her discharge, she is to count seven days; after that, she will be clean. 29 On the eighth day, she is to take for herself two doves or two young pigeons and bring them to the cohen at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 30 The cohen is to offer the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering; thus the cohen will make atonement for her before Adonai on account of her unclean discharge.
31 “‘In this way you will separate the people of Isra’el from their uncleanness, so that they will not die in a state of uncleanness for defiling my tabernacle which is there with them.
32 “‘Such is the law for the person who has a discharge; for the man who has a seminal emission that makes him unclean; 33 for the woman in niddah during her menstrual period; for the person, man or woman, with a discharge; and for the man who has sexual relations with a woman who is unclean.
Isaiah 66
1 “Heaven is my throne,” says Adonai,
“and the earth is my footstool.
What kind of house could you build for me?
What sort of place could you devise for my rest?
2 Didn’t I myself make all these things?
This is how they all came to be,”
says Adonai.
“The kind of person on whom I look with favor
is one with a poor and humble spirit,
who trembles at my word.
3 Those others might as well kill a person as an ox,
as well break a dog’s neck as sacrifice a lamb,
as well offer pig’s blood as offer a grain offering,
as well bless an idol as burn incense.
Just as these have chosen their ways
and enjoy their disgusting practices,
4 so I will enjoy making fools of them,
and bring on them the very things they fear.
For when I called, no one answered;
when I spoke, they did not hear.
Instead they did what was evil in my sight
and chose what did not please me.”
5 Hear the word of Adonai,
you who tremble at his word:
“Your brothers, who hate you and reject you
because of my name, have said:
‘Let Adonai be glorified,
so we can see your joy.’
But they will be put to shame.”
6 That uproar in the city,
that sound from the temple,
is the sound of Adonai repaying
his foes what they deserve.
7 Before going into labor, she gave birth;
before her pains came, she delivered a male child.
8 Who ever heard of such a thing?
Who has ever seen such things?
Is a country born in one day?
Is a nation brought forth all at once?
For as soon as Tziyon went into labor,
she brought forth her children.
9 “Would I let the baby break through
and not be born?” asks Adonai.
“Would I, who cause the birth,
shut the womb?” asks your God.
10 Rejoice with Yerushalayim!
Be glad with her, all you who love her!
Rejoice, rejoice with her,
all of you who mourned for her;
11 so that you nurse and are satisfied
by her comforting breast,
drinking deeply and delighting
in the overflow of her glory.
12 For Adonai says, “I will spread shalom
over her like a river,
and the wealth of nations
like a flooding stream;
you will nurse and be carried in her arm
and cuddled in her lap.
13 Like someone comforted by his mother,
I will comfort you;
in Yerushalayim
you will be comforted.”
14 Your heart will rejoice at the sight,
your bodies will flourish like newly sprouted grass.
It will be known that the hand of Adonai
is with his servants; but with his enemies, his fury.
15 For — look! — Adonai will come in fire,
and his chariots will be like the whirlwind,
to render his anger furiously,
his rebuke with blazing fire.
16 For Adonai will judge all humanity
with fire and with the sword,
and those slain by Adonai will be many.
17 “Those who consecrate and purify themselves
in order to enter the gardens,
then follow the one who was already there,
eating pig meat, reptiles and mice,
will all be destroyed together,” says Adonai.
18 “For I [know] their deeds and their thoughts.
“[The time] is coming when I will gather together all nations and languages. They will come and see my glory, 19 and I will give them a sign. I will send some of their survivors to the nations of Tarshish, Pul, Lud (these are archers), Tuval, Greece and more distant coasts, where they have neither heard of my fame nor seen my glory. They will proclaim my glory in these nations; 20 and they will bring all your kinsmen out of all the nations as an offering to Adonai — on horses, in chariots, in wagons, on mules, on camels — to my holy mountain Yerushalayim,” says Adonai, “just as the people of Isra’el themselves bring their offerings in clean vessels to the house of Adonai. 21 I will also take cohanim and L’vi’im from them,” says Adonai.
22 “For just as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making will continue in my presence,” says Adonai, “so will your descendants and your name continue.
23 “Every month on Rosh-Hodesh
and every week on Shabbat,
everyone living will come
to worship in my presence,” says Adonai.
24 “As they leave, they will look on the corpses
of the people who rebelled against me.
For their worm will never die,
and their fire will never be quenched;
but they will be abhorrent
to all humanity.”
[“Every month on Rosh-Hodesh
and every week on Shabbat,
everyone living will come
to worship in my presence,” says Adonai.]
Mark 9:40-50
40 For whoever is not against us is for us. 41 Indeed, whoever gives you even a cup of water to drink because you come in the name of the Messiah — yes! I tell you that he will certainly not lose his reward.
42 “Whoever ensnares one of these little ones who trust me — it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and be thrown in the sea. 43 If your hand makes you sin, cut it off! Better that you should be maimed but obtain eternal life, rather than keep both hands and go to Gei-Hinnom, to unquenchable fire! 44&45 And if your foot makes you sin, cut it off! Better that you should be lame but obtain eternal life, rather than keep both feet and be thrown into Gei-Hinnom! 46&47 And if your eye makes you sin, pluck it out! Better that you should be one-eyed but enter the Kingdom of God, rather than keep both eyes and be thrown into Gei-Hinnom,
48 where their worm does not die,
and the fire is not quenched.
49 Indeed, everyone is going to be salted with fire. 50 Salt is excellent, but if it loses its saltiness, how will you season it? So have salt in yourselves — that is, be at peace with each other.”
Psalm 37:27-29
27 If you turn from evil and do good,
you will live safely forever.
28 For Adonai loves justice
and will not abandon his faithful;
they are preserved forever.
But the descendants of the wicked will be cut off.
29 The righteous will inherit the land
and live in it forever.
Matthew 8:1-4
8 After Yeshua had come down from the hill, large crowds followed him. 2 Then a man afflicted with tzara‘at came, kneeled down in front of him and said, “Sir, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” 3 Yeshua reached out his hand, touched him and said, “I am willing! Be cleansed!” And at once he was cleansed from his tzara‘at. 4 Then Yeshua said to him, “See that you tell no one; but as a testimony to the people, go and let the cohen examine you, and offer the sacrifice that Moshe commanded.”
Mark 1:40-45
40 A man afflicted with tzara‘at came to Yeshua and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” 41 Moved with pity, Yeshua reached out his hand, touched him and said to him, “I am willing! Be cleansed!” 42 Instantly the tzara‘at left him, and he was cleansed. 43 Yeshua sent him away with this stern warning: 44 “See to it that you tell no one; instead, as a testimony to the people, go and let the cohen examine you, and offer for your cleansing what Moshe commanded.” 45 But he went out and began spreading the news, talking freely about it; so that Yeshua could no longer enter a town openly but stayed out in the country, where people continued coming to him from all around.
Luke 5:12-16
12 Once, when Yeshua was in one of the towns, there came a man completely covered with tzara‘at. On seeing Yeshua, he fell on his face and begged him, “Sir, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” 13 Yeshua reached out his hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing! Be cleansed!” Immediately the tzara‘at left him. 14 Then Yeshua warned him not to tell anyone. “Instead, as a testimony to the people, go straight to the cohen and make an offering for your cleansing, as Moshe commanded.” 15 But the news about Yeshua kept spreading all the more, so that huge crowds would gather to listen and be healed of their sicknesses. 16 However, he made a practice of withdrawing to remote places in order to pray.
Malachi 2:10-12
10 Don’t we all have the same father?
Didn’t one God create us all?
Then why do we break faith with each other,
profaning the covenant of our ancestors?
11 Y’hudah has broken faith;
an abomination has been committed
in Isra’el and Yerushalayim.
For Y’hudah has profaned the sanctuary
of Adonai, which he loves,
by marrying the daughter of a foreign god.
12 If a man does this and presents an offering
to Adonai-Tzva’ot, may Adonai cut him off
from the tents of Ya‘akov,
whether initiator or follower.